Oral Exam: Airworthiness/Pilot Qualifications Flashcards
I will pass the check ride!!!
What are the Eligibility requirements for a private pilot certificate?
- Be at least 17yrs old
- able to read, write, speak, and understand english
- have at least 3rd Class Med Certificate
- have all required ground and flight training endorsements
- passed the required knowledge and practical exams
Can a Private Pilot be paid to fly passengers or property?
No, a private pilot may not act as PIC and be compensated for flying.
- If reimbursed, the pilot must pay an equal pro rata share of the operating expenses involving only fuel, oil, or airport & rental fees
- may also be reimbursed for search and location activity if the operation is sanctioned and official
Explain the statement “may not pay less than pro-rata share of the operating expenses of a flight.”
Pro-rata = proportional. A pilot must pay no less than the equal/fair/proportional share of the operating expenses of a flight. limited to fuel, oil, rental & airport fees.
What are some privileges of a private pilot?
A private pilot may….
- Act as PIC of a charitable, non-profit flight if the proper regulations are complied with.
- May demonstrate an aircraft in flight to a buyer if an aircraft salesman with at least 200hrs logged flight time
- Act as PIC of an aircraft towing a glider or unpowered ultralight vehicle if they meet the requirements of 14CFR61.69
- Act as PIC while conducting a production flight test in a light-sport aircraft intended for certification if proper requirements are met.
Your annual inspection is due, can you ask several friends that fly with you to contribute money for it? Do the regulations allow for these contributions?
No! A private pilot must not pay less than the pro-rata share of the operating expenses of a flight with passengers involving only fuel, oil, rental & airport fees.
-Fixed or long term operating costs are not to be shared.
To act as a required pilot flight crew member of a civil aircraft, what must a pilot have in his/her physical possession or readily accessible in the aircraft?
- A pilot certificate (or special purpose pilot authorization)
- Photo identification (ex. ID or Passport)
- Valid Medical certificate
If approached by an FAA inspector requesting a RAMP INSPECTION, what are you required to produce?
Each person who holds an airman certificate, medical certificate, authorization, or license required by 14 CFR 61 must present it and their photo identification for inspection upon a request from the administrator, and NTSB representative, any federal/state/local law enforcement officer, or representative of the TSA.
What is the definition of a high-performance aircraft? What must you do to act as PIC of such an aircraft?
A high performance airplane has an engine of more than 200 horsepower. (201hp or more)
- Received and logged ground and flight training from an authorized instructor in such a plane or a simulator and been deemed proficient in the operation and systems of that plane.
- received and logged a one-time endorsement in your logbook from an authorized instructor (not required if logged PIC time in such a plane prior to 8/4/1997)
Other than high-performance and complex aircraft, what other types of planes(ASEL) require specific training and logbook endorsements from an appropriately rated flight instructor?
High-Altitude Airplane - may not act as PIC of a pressurized plane that has a service ceiling or maximum operating altitude (whichever is lower), above 25,000 ft MSL unless specific ground and flight training is completed and received a logbook endorsement from authorized instructor.
Tailwheel Airplane - may not act as PIC of a tailwheel unless received and logged flight training from authorized instructor in a tailwheel plane and received a logbook endorsement from an authorized instructor who found them proficient in the operation of a tailwheel airplane. (not required if PIC of tailwheel logged before 4/15/1991)
What is the definition of a COMPLEX AIRPLANE? What must be done to act as PIC of one?
A complex airplane is defined as a plane with retractable landing gear, flaps, and a controllable pitch propeller. -includes planes with full-authority digital engine control {FADEC}
- must have received and logged ground and flight training from authorized instructor in complex plane or approved simulator and been found proficient in the operation and systems of the plane.
- received a one-time endorsement in your logbook from authorized instructor. (not required if logged PIC time before 8/4/1997)
Regarding certification, privileges, and limitations of airmen… define the terms CATEGORY / CLASS / TYPE
Category - a broad classification of aircraft (airplane, rotorcraft, glider, etc.)
Class - a classification of aircraft within a category having similar operating characteristics (single engine land, multi engine land, etc.)
Type - a specific make and basic model of aircraft including modifications that do not change its handling or flight characteristics.
What are the private pilot currency requirements?
-Accomplished a flight review (within the preceding 24 months) in an aircraft for which the pilot is rated, given by an authorized instructor and received a logbook endorsement certifying satisfactory completion of the review.
-To carry passengers, a pilot must have made within the preceding 90 days…
_3 takeoffs and landings as the sole manipulator of flight controls of plane of same category and class and rating
_if tailwheel plane, landings must be to a complete stop in a tailwheel plane.
_if operations to be conducted 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise with passengers, 3 take offs and landings to a full stop must be completed during this time in an aircraft of the same category, class, and type.
You have not kept up with logging each of your recent flights… Are you in violation of any regulation?
No! You are only required to document and record the training and aeronautical experience used to meet the requirements for a certificate, rating, or flight review, and the aeronautical experience required for meeting the recent flight experience requirements pertaining to that flight (currency)
You’re flying in a single-engine, high-performance, complex airplane. You hold a private pilot certificate with an ASEL rating, but no high performance or complex endorsement. Your friend, who has those endorsements, is acting as PIC for the flight. Can you log PIC time for the time you act as sole manipulator of the controls??
Yes! 14 CFR 61.51 governs the logging of PIC time and states that a pilot may log PIC time for the time during which that pilot is the “sole manipulator of the controls of an aircraft for which the pilot is rated or has privileges.”
-This means you can log PIC time, but you cannot act as PIC. In order to act as PIC, the pilot must be properly rated in the aircraft and authorized to conduct the flight which would include having the required endorsements for complex and high performance airplanes.
What is the difference between being current and being proficient?
- Being current means a pilot has accomplished the minimum FAA regulatory requirements within a specific time period so he or she can exercise the privileges of their certificate. It means you are legal to make a flight but does not meant that you are proficient or competent to make a flight.
- Being proficient means that a pilot is capable of conducting a flight safely with a high degree of competence; it requires that the pilot must have a wide range of knowledge and skills. Not just being legal to fly, the pilot has the experience to fly smart and safely.
How will establishing a personal minimums checklist reduce risk?
Professional pilots live by numbers, and so should you. Pre-established numbers can make it a lot easier to come to a smart go/no-go or diversion decision opposed to the vague sense that you can probably deal with the conditions faced at any given time. a written set of personal minimums also make it easier to explain tough cancellation/diversion decisions to passengers who are putting their lives in your hands….
The airplane you normally rent has bee grounds due to an intermittent electrical problem… you ask to be scheduled in another plane… During preflight of the new plane, you disco er that it has avionics you are unfamiliar with. Should you go ahead and depart on your VFR flight?????
Pilot familiarity with all the equipment is critical in optimizing both safety and efficiency. If a pilot is unfamiliar with any aircraft system, this will add to the workload and can contribute to a loss of situational awareness. This level of proficiency is critical and should be looked upon as requirement, not unlike carrying an adequate supply of fuel. As a result, pilots should not look upon unfamiliarity with the aircraft and its systems as a risk control measure, but instead as a hazard with high risk potential. Discipline is the key to success
If a pilot changes his permanent mailing address and fails to notify the FAA airmen certification branch of the new address, how long may the pilot continue to exercise the privileges of his pilot certificate???
Up to 30 days after the date of the move….
What flight time can a pilot log as second-in-command (SIC) time?
A pilot may log second-in-command (SIC) time only for that flight time during which that person….
- Is qualified in accordance with the SIC requirements of 14 CFR 61.55, and occupies a crew member station in an aircraft that requires more than one pilot by the aircraft’s type certificate or
- Holds the appropriate category, class, and instrument rating (if IFR flight) for the aircraft being flown, and more than one pilot is required under the type certification of the aircraft or the regulations under which the flight is being conducted.
To exercise the privileges of a private pilot certificate, what medical certificate is required, and how long is it valid?
You must hold at least a third-class medical certificate. The medical certificate expires at the end of the last day of:
- The 60the month after the month of the date of examination shown on the certificate, if on the date of your most recent examination you were under the age of 40.
- The 24th month after the month of the date of examination shown on the certificate, if on the date of your most recent medical examination you were over the age of 40.
Your allergies are acting up and you have just taken your medication. Can you still fly???
The safest rule is not to fly while taking any medication, unless approved to do so by the FAA. Some of the most common over the counter meds can cause adverse side-effects, including drowsiness and cognitive deficiencies. 14 CFR prohibits pilots from performing crew member duties while using any medication that affects the body in any way contrary to safety. If there is any doubt regarding any medicine, consult your AME before flying!
Where can you find a list of the medical conditions that may disqualify you from obtaining a medical certificate?
-Name a few…
The standards for medical certification are contained in 14 CFR 67 and the requirements for obtaining medical certificates can be found in 14 CFR 61.
- Epilepsy, equilibrium and inner ear issues.
- Heart disease, cardiac valve or total heart replacement, having a permanent pacemaker.
- Mental disorders like psychosis, bipolar, schizophrenia.
What documents are required on board an aircraft prior to, and during a flight?
Airworthiness Certificate
Registration Certificate
Radio Station License (if operation not in US)
Operating Limitations (AFM/POH & supplements, placards, markings)
Weight and balance data (current!)
-Also…. Compass Deviation Card & External data plate with serial number!
What is an Airworthiness Certificate?
Issued by the FAA to an aircraft that has been proven to meet the minimum design/manufacturing requirements and is condition for safe operation.
- The aircraft must meet the requirements of the original type certificate or it is no longer airworthy.
- Special & Standard classifications…..
What is the difference between standard and special airworthiness certificates?
- Standard = (White Paper) issued for normal, utility, acrobatic, commuter, or transport category aircraft.
- Special = (Pink Paper) issued for primary, restricted, or limited category aircraft and light sport aircraft.
What is an experimental airworthiness certificate??
Issued to operate aircraft in the experimental category that do not have a type certificate or conform to its type certificate yet it is in a condition for safe operation.
-Also issued to operate a primary category kit-built aircraft that was assembled without the supervision and quality control of the production certificate holder.
Does an airworthiness certificate have an expiration date?
No! It remains valid for as long as the aircraft meets its approved type design, is in a condition for safe operations, and the maintenance, preventative maintenance, and alterations are performed in accordance to FARs.
Where must the airworthiness certificate be located?
Must be displayed in the cockpit entrance or cabin so that it is legible to passengers or crew members.
In order to be considered airworthy, what two conditions must the aircraft meet?
- The aircraft must conform to its type design(type certificate). This means the required/proper components are installed consistent with the drawings, specifications and other data depicted in the type certificate.
- The aircraft must be in a condition for safe operations, referring to the condition of the aircraft in relation to wear and tear.
How does a pilot determine if an aircraft conforms to its approved type design and is in a condition for safe operation?
- For type design, the pilot ensures that all required inspections, maintenance, preventative maintenance, repairs and alterations have been appropriately documented in the aircraft’s maintenance records. Must also ensure aircraft is registered in the U.S.
- For safe operation, the pilot conducts a thorough pre-flight inspection of the aircraft for wear, deterioration, inoperative equipment, damage, fluid leaks, tire wear, etc.
What records/documents should be checked to determine that the owner/operator of an aircraft has complied with all the required inspections and airworthiness directives?
The aircraft’s maintenance records (aircraft & engine logbooks). The owner/operator must ensure that the maintenance personnel make all the appropriate entries in the maintenance records indicating the aircraft has been approved for return to service.
who is responsible for ensuring that an aircraft is maintained in an airworthy condition?
The owner/operator of an aircraft is primarily responsible for maintaining an aircraft in an airworthy condition.
What are some responsibilities an aircraft owner has pertaining to aircraft documents, maintenance, and inspections of their aircraft?
Aircraft owners must….
- have a current airworthiness certificate and registration in the aircraft!
- Maintain the aircraft in an airworthy condition and comply with all applicable Airworthiness Directives (ADs)
- Ensure maintenance is properly recorded
- Always aware of current regulations regarding the operation of their particular aircraft.
- Notify the FAA civil Aviation Registry immediately of any change in permanent address or the sale/export of the aircraft, or the loss of citizenship.
- Have a current FCC radio station license if operating outside the USA. (if equipped with radios or ELT)
What are ADs (Airworthiness Directives)
An AD is the medium by which the FAA notifies aircraft owners and other interested parties of unsafe conditions that may exist because of design defects, maintenance, or other causes, and specifies the conditions under which the product may continue to be operated.
- ADs are regulatory in nature and compliance is mandatory.
- It is the aircraft owner’s or operator’s responsibility to ensure compliance with all pertinent ADs.
What are the two types of ADs?
-Know all ADs for my aircraft!!!!
- (NPRM) Notice of Proposed Rule Making followed by the Final Rule = Public input is welcomed before the final rule is issued. Once issued, must be complied with by a certain date.
- Emergency AD = Issued when unsafe condition exists and requires immediate action by owners/operators.
When is an Emergency AD issued?
Issued when an unsafe condition exists that requires immediate action. Intended to correct an urgent safety of flight situation. All known operators/owners of affected aircraft will be notified.
What is a recurring AD?
It requires a check or service to be performed on an ongoing basis or at specific intervals.
What is a type certificate data sheet?
Type Certificate Data Sheet lists the specifications, conditions, and limitations under which airworthiness requirements were met for the specified product (aircraft, engine, propeller, etc.)
-Issued when a new product is found to meet safety standards set forth by the FAA like… fuel type, engine limits, airspeed limits, max weight, minimum crew, etc.
What is a supplemental type certificate?
The FAA’s approval of a major change in the type design of a previously approved type certificated product.
- Authorizes an alteration to an airframe, engine, or component that has already been granted an approved type certificate.
- Also issued when alterations are made that were not specified in the original Type Certificate Data Sheet.
What is an aircraft registration certificate?
Issued to the owner of an aircraft as evidence of registration. An aircraft must be registered with the FAA Aircraft Registry before it can be legally flown.
- Must be in the aircraft at all times
- Expires 3 years after the last day of the month in which it was issued.
Does an aircraft’s registration certificate expire?
Yes! It expires 3 years after the last day of the month in which it was issued.
-A temporary certificate is valid for no more than 90 days after the date the applicant signs the application.
Where can you find information on the placards and marking information required to be in the airplane?
This is found on the FAA Type Certificate Data Sheet or in the limitations section of the (AFM) airplane flight manual or POH. May also be specified by an AD.
What are several examples of placards and markings required in the airplane?
- Placards = Day/Night - VFR/IFR, Flight maneuvers permitted, caution control lock remove before starting, maneuvering speed, compass calibration card, etc.
- Markings = Airspeed indicator markings, cockpit control markings, fuel/oil/coolant filler openings.
What are the required tests and inspections to be performed on an aircraft, including IFR inspections?
+A - Annual inspection within preceding 12 calendar months
+A - Airworthiness directives and life-limited parts complied with
+V - VOR check every 30 days (IFR)
+1 - 100hr inspection if used for hire or flight instruction.
+A - Altimeter/altitude reporting equipment and static pressure systems tested and inspected every 24 calendar months (IFR)
+T - Transponder tests and inspections every 24 calendar months
+E - (ELT) Emergency locator transmitter, operation and battery condition inspected every 12 calendar months
What is an annual inspection? What aircraft are required to have one?
A complete inspection of an aircraft and engine by a certified A&P with an Inspection Authorization (IA). It is required for all certificated aircraft!
What aircraft are required to have 100hr inspections?
All aircraft under 12,500 pounds (except turbojet/turboprop multi-engine airplanes and turbine powered rotorcraft) used to carry passengers for hire.
-aircraft used for flight instruction for hire.
If an aircraft is operated for hire, must it have both annual and 100hr inspections?
YES! If operated for hire, it must have both inspections. If not operated for hire, only annual is required.
What is the difference between an annual inspection and a 100hr inspection?
Main difference is who is allowed to perform the inspections.
- Only an A&P with an inspection authorization (IA) can perform annual inspections.
- 100hr inspections can be performed by any certified A&P
Under what condition may a plane continue to operate beyond the required 100hr inspection without obtaining a new inspection?
The 100hr limitation may be exceeded by no more than 10 hours while en route to a place where the inspection can be completed.
-The excess time used to reach the new inspection must be deducted from the next 100hrs of time in service.
If an annual inspection is overdue, can an aircraft be operated to a location where the inspection can be performed?
Yes, it may be operated under a Special Flight Permit issued by the FAA for the purpose of flying the aircraft to a location where the annual inspection can be completed.
-All ADs must be complied with before flight.
What are Special Flight Permits and when are they necessary?
Special Flight Permits are for an aircraft that may not currently meet applicable airworthiness requirements but is capable of safe flight.
They are issued for…..
-Flying an aircraft to a base where repairs, maintenance, alterations can be performed or for storage.
-Delivering or exporting an aircraft.
-Production flight testing new-production aircraft.
-Evacuating aircraft from areas of impending danger.
-Conduction customer demonstration flights in new-production aircraft.
How are Special Flight Permits obtained?
If necessary, the proper forms and assistance can be found at the local FSDO or Designated Airworthiness Representative.
Who is responsible for determining that the aircraft is in an airworthy condition after inspections and repairs have been made?
The PIC of a civil aircraft is responsible for determining whether that aircraft is in a condition for safe flight.
What regulations apply concerning the operation of an aircraft that has had alterations or repairs which may have substantially affected its operation in flight?
No person may operate or carry passengers in any aircraft that has undergone maintenance, preventative maintenance, rebuilding, or alteration that may have appreciably changed its flight characteristics or substantially affected its operation in flight until an appropriately rated pilot with at least a private pilot certificate….
- Flies the aircraft,
- Makes an operational check of the maintenance performed or alteration made,
- Logs the flight in the aircraft records.
Can a pilot legally conduct flight operations with known inoperative equipment onboard.
Yes, under specific conditions found in 14 CFR 91.213….
- Some aircraft have a Minimum Equipment List(MEL) outlining what must function in order to legally fly.
- Some aircraft do not have an MEL so the pilot must determine what must function in order to legally fly. This depends on the type of flight and other specifics.
What limitations apply to aircraft operations conducted using the deferral provision of 14 CFR 91.213(d)?
When inoperative equipment is found during preflight or prior to departure, the decision should be to cancel the flight, obtain maintenance prior to the flight, or to defer the item or equipment.
-Maintenance deferrals are not used for inflight discrepancies. The manufacturer’s AFM/POH procedures are to be used in those situations.
During preflight of an aircraft with no MEL, you notice an inoperative instrument or equipment… How will you determine if the aircraft is still airworthy for flight.
I will ask myself the following questions to determine if i can legally the airplane with the inoperative equipment….
- Are the inoperative interments/equipment part of the VFR / Day type certification?
- Are the inoperative instruments listed as required on the aircraft’s equipment list or Kinds of Operations Equipment List (KOEL) for the type of flight operations being conducted?
- Are the inoperative instruments required by 14 CFR 91 regulation for the specific kind of flight operation being conducted? (VFR/IFR/DAY/NIGHT)
- Are the inoperative instruments required by an AD?
….If the answer is yes, the aircraft is not airworthy and maintenance is required before flying.
….If the answer is no, the interments or equipment must be removed by an A&P or deactivated and placarded “INOPERATIVE”
What is a Minimum Equipment List(MEL)?
A precise list of instruments, equipment, and procedures that allow an aircraft to be operated under specific conditions with inoperative equipment.
- The MEL is the specific inoperative equipment document for a particular make and model of aircraft by serial and registration numbers.
- The FAA approved MEL includes only those items of equipment that the FAA deems may be inoperative and sill maintain an acceptable level of safety with appropriate conditions and limitations.
For an aircraft with an approved MEL, explain the decision sequence a pilot would use after discovering the position lights are inoperative.
With an approved MEL, if the position lights were deemed inoperative prior to a daytime flight…. the pilot would make an entry in the maintenance record or discrepancy record provided for that purpose.
-The item is then either repaired or deferred in accordance with the MEL. Upon confirming with the MEL that daytime flight with inoperative position lights is acceptable, the pilot would leave the position lights switch OFF and open the circuit breaker(or whatever action is called for in the procedures document.) Then placard the position light switch as INOPERATIVE.
Explain the limitations that apply to aircraft operations being conducted using an MEL
An MEL allows for the deferral of inoperative instruments and equipment.
- The FAA considers an MEL to be a supplemental type certificate issued to a specific aircraft (by serial number and registration number)
- If issued, an MEL is mandatory for the specified aircraft.
- All maintenance deferrals must be done in accordance with the terms and conditions of the MEL and procedures document.
What instruments and equipment are required for VFR day flight?
- A - Anticollision light system
- T - Tachometer (each engine)
- O - Oil pressure gauge (each engine)
- M - Manifold pressure gauge (each engine)
- A - Altimeter
- T - Temperature gauge (each engine)
- O - Oil temperature gauge (each engine)
- F - Fuel gauge (each tank)
- F - Flotation gear (4 hire, flying over water)
- L - landing gear position indicator
- A - Airspeed Indicator
- M - Magnetic direction indicator
- E - Emergency locator transmitter (ELT)
- S - Safety belts (Shoulder harnesses if manufactured after 1978)
What instruments/equipment are required for VFR night flight?
All instruments/equipment required for VFR day flight plus the following….
*F - Fuses (spare set or 3 of each kind)
*L - Landing lights if for hire
*A - Anticollision light system
*P - Position lights (navigation lights)
*S - Source of electrical energy (adequate for all installed electrical and radio equipment)
Who can perform maintenance on an aircraft?
FAA certified A&P mechanics, A&P’s with Inspector Authorizations(IA), the aircraft manufacturer, and FAA certified repair stations.
Define preventative maintenance…
Preventative maintenance is simple or minor preservation operations and the replacement of small standard parts not involving complex assembly operations.
- Certified pilots with at least Private Pilot Certificate can perform preventative maintenance on any aircraft owned or operated by them if not used in air carrier service.
- oil changes, hydraulic fluid changes, wheel bearing lubrication, etc.
what logbook entry information is required of the person performing preventative maintenance?
All pilots who perform maintenance must make an entry in the maintenance record of the aircraft.
-Include description of the work, date of completion, the pilots name, signature, certificate number, and the type of certificate held….
Your position lights are found to be inoperative during preflight, can you still conduct a daytime flight?
Position lights are only necessary for VFR night operations. So if there is no MEL, AD, or Kinds of Operations List(KOL) in the AFM or POH requiring them, the VFR day time flight may be conducted.
-The pilot must deactivate the lights by pulling out the fuse(or other required procedures) and placarding it “INOPERATIVE”
How can a pilot determine if all applicable airworthiness directives (ADs) have been complied with for the airplane?
The pilot can refer to the airplane’s maintenance logs where it is required to record compliance with all applicable ADs.
How can you deactivate an item or system that is deemed inoperative in your airplane?
-Can any system be deactivated?
In order to deactivate an inoperative item or system in your plane, the pilot must determine if deactivation will adversely affect the operation of any other system.
- If it will not affect the operation of any other system, the pilot may turn a system off or deactivate an item only if it falls under the list of preventative maintenance items listed in 14CFR 43.
- If not listed under preventative maintenance, a certified maintenance technician must deactivate or repair the system and record it in the maintenance logs.
If the AFM for an aircraft you are about to fly is missing, what substitution may be made, if any?
The plane cannot be legally flown, it must be onboard. Contact manufacturer for a new one.
- It has to match the serial number of the plane.
- A computerized AFM is acceptable if applied for and approved by the FAA.
Are the AFM Supplements required to be onboard the airplane?
Yes, the AFM Supplements must be onboard the aircraft.
When flying rental aircraft, how can procedures regarding discrepancy records (Squawk Sheets) affect the total risk of a flight.
Squawk sheets/discrepancy records are important to check and make sure nothing significant is wrong with the aircraft.
- If something is wrong, make sure the aircraft is still airworthy and that the issue has been taken care of properly. (deactivated, placarded, or fixed)
- Some FBOs have a policy of never dispatching an aircraft with open squawks….
What are Special Airworthiness Safety Bulletins(SAIB)? Are they regulatory?
SAIBs are an information tool that alerts, educates, and makes recommendations to the aviation community.
-They contain non-regulatory information and guidance that do not meet the criteria for an Airworthiness Directive…