Oral Communication Flashcards
- Written Communication
- Oral Communication
- Prepare a list of questions to ask the person you are contacting prior to making the phone call.
- Always clearly identify yourself and your affiliation.
- State your purpose for calling.
Telephone Conversation
A Successful Interviewer is:
o Knowledgeable:
o Structuring:
o Clear:
o Gentle:
o Sensitive:
o Open:
o Steering:
o Critical:
o Balanced:
o Ethically sensitive:
is thoroughly familiar with the focus of the interview; pilot interviews of the kind used in survey interviewing can be useful here.
gives purpose for interview; rounds it off; asks whether interviewee has questions.
asks simple, easy, short questions; no jargon.
lets people finish; gives them time to think; tolerates pauses.
listens attentively to what is said and how it is said; is empathetic in dealing with the interviewee.
responds to what is important to interviewee and is flexible.
knows what he/she wants to find out.
is prepared to challenge what is said, for example, dealing with inconsistencies in interviewees’ replies.
does not talk too much, which may make the interviewee passive, and does not talk too little, which may result in the interviewee feeling he or she is not talking along the right lines.
- ________________ can either be informal (for example, a class presentation or a short presentation at a meeting) or more formal, such as a presentation at a workshop or conference, and speeches. Similar guidelines apply to both types of _______________.
is sensitive to the ethical dimension of interviewing, ensuring the interviewee appreciates what the research is about, its purposes, and that his or her answers will be treated confidentially.
Ethically sensitive:
Similar guidelines apply to both types of presentations:
o Dress appropriately
o Carefully structure your presentation
o Practice your presentation
oKnow your presentation’s time limit
o Stimulate the interest of the audience
o Use visual media when appropriate
o Always speak enthusiastically
o Call for questions after your presentation