Oral cavity and oropharynx Flashcards
roof of the mouth is formed by the [….]
palatine process of maxilla and horizontal process of palatine bone (hard palate), as well as the soft palate and the uvula. The alveolar arches anteriorly (behind the lip).
the floor of the mouth is formed by […]
the mandible, hyoid bone, myelohyoid, geniohyoid muscles, and digastric muscles.
which muscle in the floor of the mouth acts to elevate the hyoid bone/or depress the mandible (open mouth), and has two belly’s
Digastric muscle
which muscle runs from mandible to hyoid bone and acts to elevate the hyoid and tongue during speaking and swallowing?
mylohyoid muscle.
which muscle runs from the geniod tubercles to the hyoid bone, acting to bring the hyoid bone upwards and forwards, assisting in respiration.
geniohyoid muscle
on the tongues surface, the foramen caecum marks the development of ?
the thyroglosal duct
the landmark dividing the anterior 2/3 of the tongue from the nodular posterior 1/3 of the tongue is ….
This area is lined with […] papillae.
sulcus terminalis
Valate (aka circumvallate).
[….] papillae lining the anterior 2/3 of the tongue give the rough surface appearance and help to grib bolus of food as it goes down the oropharynx?
which papillae are most visible/prominent on the ant 2/3 of the tongue
the extrinsic muscles of the tongue are (4): [….]
together they act to [,,,,,].
They are all innervated by CN […] except for the [….] muscle which is innervated by CN [….].
alter the position of the tongue.
XII (hypoglossal nerve), except for palatoglossus which is innervated by CN X (vagus nerve, pharyngeal branch).
in a damaged state (ex lesion of hypoglossal nucleus), the tongue will deviate to the [….], due to […..]
side of the affected lesion
unopposed action
the intrinsic muscles of the tongue are the (4) : […]
Together they act to [….].
They are all innervated by CN […]
inferior longitudinal, superior longitudinal, and transverse&vertical muscles.
XII (hypoglossal nerve)
motor innervation of the tongue is supplied by [….], except for [….] which is innervated by […].
CN XII (hypoglossal)
palatoglossus, X (pharyngeal branch of vagus)
sensory innervation to the anterior 2/3 of the tongue is supplied by the [….] nerve (general sensory), and the […] nerve (special sensory).
The posterior 1/3 is supplied by the [….] nerve (general and special sensory).
lingual nerve of CN V
chorda tympani of CN VII (Facial nerve).
glossopharyngeal nerve (IX).
Sensory innervation to:
the upper teeth are supplies the […] nerve and the lower teeth are supplied by the [….] nerve.
superior alveolar nerve (maxillary division of trigeminal CN V)
inferior alveolar nerve (mandibular division of trigeminal CN V)
where is the opening of the parotid duct in the oral cavity?
adjacent to the upper second molar.
where is the opening of the submandibular gland in the oral cavity?
duct opens into the sublingual papillae
where is the opening of the sublingual gland in the oral cavity?
duct opens directly into the floor of the mouth (under the tongue).
the [….] arteries and veins network make the floor of the mouth a very vascularized surface, ideal for drug absorption.
the roof of the oropharynx is formed by [….]
the floor of the oropharynx is formed by [….]
the lateral wall of the oropharynx is formed by [….]
soft palate and uvula
posterior 1/3 of tongue and epiglottis
palatopharyngeal arches (mucosa sitting over the palatopharyngeal muscles)
removal of the palatopharyngeal arches and palatine tonsils at an early age is cautioned because […]
they have an important role in priming the immune system
the soft palate functions to seal the nasal cavity during […..], and also to seal the oral cavity during [….]
coughing, swallowing, and suction.
during chewing food to allow unimpeded breathing.
5 supporting the structure and movement of soft palate:
These are all innervated by [….] nerve, except for [….] muscle which is innervated by the [….].
tensor veli pallatini levator veli pallatini musculus uvulae palatoglossus palatopharyngeus
pharyngeal branches of vagus (CN X) except for tensor veli pallatini, innervated by CN V (trigeminal).
What is Waldeyer’s ring?
Structures composing it?
Waldeyer’s ring is a ring (incomplete ring) of lymphoid tissue located in the nasopharynx and oropharynx at the entrance to the aerodigestive tract.
The structures composing this ring are:
- palatine tonsils (also called the faucial tonsils)
- adenoids (nasopharyngeal tonsils)
- the lateral bands on the lateral walls of the oropharynx
- lingual tonsils at the base of the tongue