Nasal Cavity Nasopharynx Flashcards
The lateral nasal wall is made up of which 8 bones?
maxilla inferiorly, palatine bone posteriorly, inferior-middle-superior concha medially, sphenoidal bone superio-posteriorly, ethmoidal bone superiorly, and frontal bone anteriorly.
medial nasal wall is made up of which
septal cartilage, cribiform plate of ethmoid bone, and vomer bone
[…] is the space between the medial and lateral walls of the nose
posterior nares.
damage to the ethmoid bone as a result of nasal fracture is dangerous because…
intimately associated with meninges, could lead to infection, hemorrhage, and CSF leak (rhinorrhea)
area of the nose you can stick your finger into is called the ?
mucosa of the medial nasal wall is highly vascularized. It’s mucosa is also divided in terms of specialization. explain.
superior 1/3 is olfactory mucosa.
Posterior 2/3 is ciliated respiratory mucosa and continous with lower airways.
the inferior concha/turbinate is its own bone, whereas the middle and superior concha/turbinate are projections of the […..]. Together the concha function to….
lateral plate of the ethmoid bone
warm/humidify air up before it’s passsage to the lower airways.
[….] are the spaces between each concha/turbinate. They contain drainage openings/ostia for the paranasal sinuses.
meati (meatus’s)
which sinus is most prone to infection and most problematic for dentists? Why?
maxillary sinus. close proximity to roots of upper teeth. maxillary sinus ostia is at the level of the nasal cavity (as opposed to other sinus ostia located superiorly), thus must rely on ciliary movement to get mucous/bacteria exclusively out, rather than aid of gravity.
the middle ethmoidal cells open out of the [….] in the middle meatus
bulla ethmoidalis
sphenoid sinus opens out through the [….] recess.
opening of frontal sinus and anterior ethmoidal air cells is through [….]
frontal nasal duct at superior portion of hiatus semilunaris, located in the middle meatal space
opening of the maxillary sinus is at the [….]
base of the hiatus semilunaris in the middle meatal space.
the lacrimal gland communicates with the inferior meatal space via the [….]. When the lacrimal duct is overwhelmed tears will redirect down into the inferior meatus.
nasolacrimal duct.
the anterior and posterior ethmoid arteries supply the [….] quadrant of the nasal cavity bilateraly. They are a branch off the […] artery.
the posterior quadrant of the medial wall and lateral wall both get their blood supply from the same […..] artery, a branch of the [……]
external carotid.
the lateral nasal wall is supplies by lateral branches of the […] artery.
facial artery
arterial anastamoses occur primarly in the [……] of the medial nasal wall, making this area particularly vulnerable to damage & epistaxis.
anterior quadrant
the [….] artery supplies the posterior quadrant of both the medial and lateral nasal wall.
greater palatine
the […] artery supplies both the anterior and posterior quadrant of the medial nasal wall.
superior labial
the superior border of the pharynx is at the level of the […], and the inferior border is at [….].
The pharynx components are:
skull base
C6/lower border of cricoid cartilage
the three constrictor muscles involved in swallowing are: [….] and they project posteriorly to the [….]
superior, middle, and inferior constrictor muscles. They contract sequentially to move the food bolus posteriorly.
median raphe.
the opening of the auditory tube in the nasopharynx is important for […..]. The cartilagenous portion of the auditory tube is attached to the [….] muscle, which contracts to pull on the auditory tube, allowing it to equalize.
maintaining equal pressure between environment (through nasal cavity) and the middle ear.
salpingopharyngeus muscle. (salpinx is latin for tube)
the phayngeal tonsils (adenoids) located at the posterior of the nasopharynx can become inflamed causing….
obstruction of nasopharynx, problems with sleep, and nasal sounding voice since nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses are important for sound resonation.