Optional - Purchase and Sale (L3) Flashcards
Level One
What are the four methods of sale?
Private Treaty - open market, no commitment, parties control process
Informal Tender - closing date inviting best and final offers
Formal Tender - similar to informal but includes legal pack and quick exchange
Auction - no control over purchaser, short marketing, costly and public
Level One
What different objectives might a client have when selling their property?
- Speed of sale
- Highest price possible
- Control over who it goes to
Level One
What is joint agency?
This is where two or more agents enter into an agreement to market the property together with the fee achieved being split between each party
Level One
What is multiple agency?
This is where more than one agent is engaged to market and sell the property, with only the successful agent getting 100% of the fee
Level One
Talk me through a sales instruction from start to finish
- Enquiry
- Inspection
- Appraisal
- Agreement
- Vendor AML
- Gather marketing material
- Launch to market
- Negotiations
- Accept an offer
- Buyer AML
- Introduce legal parties
- Financial and legal due dilligence
- Exchange and completion
Level One
Talk me through the AML process
In accordance with the Money Laundering Regulations (2017), we must understand the risks involved in dealing with different buyers and sellers and mitigate those risks to avoid being complicit in money laundering.
- Regular Due Diligence:
Individuals - photo ID; proof of home address; credit report to confirm no enhanced due diligence is necessary
Companies - as above, but for all beneficial owners; need to understand ownership structure and if private/public
Vendors - as above, but proof they have the right to sell/lease; proof of ownership - Simplified Due Diligence:
Not all checks will need to be complete if we can re-use above due diligence; appropriate for listed companies on LSE or is on our Trusted Major Client List - Enhanced CDD:
If there is a higher perceived risk of money laundering or terrorist financing; owner or family member is a PEP (Politically Exposed Person); not dealing face to face; provides false information
In addition to regular due diligence; additional proof of address; look for red flags; closely examine every aspect of the deal
Level One
What are some of the 12 core principles that UK based chartered real estate agents must follow?
- Honesty
- Competency
- Transparency
- Avoid conflicts
- Do not discriminate
- Client money held securely
- Marketing is honest and truthful
- Hold appropriate PI cover
- Be realistic when using professional judgement
- Ensure face to face dealing are conducted with regard to security and safety
Level One
Tell me more about the Estate Agents Act 1979
Applies to sale and acquisition of land and property. Seven key principles:
1. Clarity on the terms
2. Honest and accurate
3. Agreement and liability for costs
4. Openness about conflicts of interest
5. No discrimination
6. Legal obligation to tell client offers received
7. Keep client’s money separate
Non compliance is a warning or fine. Not a criminal or civil offence.
Level One
Tell me more about the Misrepresentation Act 1967
- Relates to a false statementof fact made during pre-contractual enquiries.
- Can be sued for damages.
- Misrepresentation can be innocent, negligent or fraudulent.
- Civil offence
Level One
Tell me more about CPR 2008
Consumer Protection from unfair trading Regulations, 2008
- Replaced the Property Misdescriptions Act
- Broader and not related directly to Property
- Agents must show duty of care and have an audit trail
- Agents must not exert any pressure
- Agents must declare everything known (good and bad)
- Failure to comply is a criminal offence with compensation of up to £25,000 due
- Policed by Trading Standards
Submission: Level One
What guidance note do the 12 core principles come from?
RICS UK Commercial Estate Agency (2016)
Submission: Level One
What is it called when you introduce solictors at the point of an agreed deal?
Heads of Terms or Memorandum of Sale
Submission: Level One
What is the law regarding signage?
A lot of our sales are confidential so do not require a sign. I am aware that there are certain restrictions on size, you must have landowner’s permission and you must remove 14 days after sale.
If I needed to put one up, I would check the sizes on Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997
Submission: Level One
What does your Company’s disclaimer say with regard to sales particulars?
They are provided as a convenient guide to the Property for prospective purchasers and Christie & Co offers no assurances on the accuracy of the contents.
Is it the responsibility of any purchaser to verify the accuracy of any statements relied upon by completing their own due dilligence and seek independent advice before completing on any transaction.
Submission: Level One
Are you aware of any case law relating to Misrepresentation Act 1967?
Hedley Byrne (1964) serves as a warning to professional services firms that they can have a responsibility to more than just their direct clients.
Set precedence for three tests of negligence:
1. Proximity - is the relationship close?
2. Fairness - is it fair that a duty of care arises?
3. Foreseeability - how reasonably obvious was the potential damage?
Submission: Level Two
Why did you seek approval from the client after producing the sales particulars?
It’s a diligent and professional thing to do. The Client knows their business and Property better than we do, so it makes sense to check the accuracy of the information we are about to publish.
Submission: Level Two
How did you let your Client know the bids?
In writing, so there is an audit trail as to not fall foul of Estate Agency Act 1979
Submission: Level Two
How did you determine the best bid?
All goverend by what is best for the Client. They wanted to leave the business on day one so were prepared to forego a higher offer if their were such tied conditions post sale.
Submission: Level Two
When you appraised the vacant retail unit for a corporate dental group, was this compliant with the Red Book?
No, there are several Red Book exemptions and marketing purposes is one of them. However, our methodology is very similar.
Submission: Level Two
What is a Special Purchaser?
A purchaser for whom the Property has a higher perceived worth than Market Value.
Submission: Level Two
Why did you negotiate a deal at £100k when you appraised the Market Value to be £90k?
The vendor knew that our client was a special purchaser and was holding out for £110k. We used our expertise to negotiate a deal in the best interests of our Client who were prepated to pay more to realise marriage value.
Submission: Level Three
When you negotiated the heritable sale of two dental practices in Edinburgh, why did you advise to separate the goodwill value from the heritable value?
The nature of the trading entity meant that its trading potential was not intrinsically linked to the Property. There is a defined market for leasehold goodwill transactions of dental practices so it makes sense to seperate the two and compare like with like.
Submission: Level Three
When assessing the heritable value of the retail Property using the investment method, what yield did you apply?
Strong medical covenant in today’s market would be 7-8%
Submission: Level Three
Why did you assess the residential Property using the residual method? Talk me through this
HAUV of the Property would be to convert back to residential. However, there would be a cost involved in doing so. Start with comparable evidence and work backwards to deduct planning costs, professional fees, conversion costs per sq ft.
Submission: Level Three
Talk me through the tied conditions that you mention.
A lot of corporate buyers will offer 70% of the sale price upfront with 30% deferred subject to performance related targets in the proceeding years, often with an obligation for the principal dentist to be working for those years.