Ops Specs Flashcards
How often are PICs required to have line checks? How are they assigned?
18 Months, Random no notice
How often are SICs required to have line checks?
With PIC
How often are pilots required to attend CQ Ground?
12 Months
How often are pilots required to have an MV & LOE?
12 Months
If a PIC has not flown over a planned route within the preceding __. These items must be reviewed on Jeppesen 10-7 Page:
1 Year
A. Seasonal Meteorological conditions
B. Communication and Pertinent ATC Procedures
C. Search and Rescue Procedures
D. Navigational Facilities/Procedures
E. Specific terrain/obstruction hazards
F. Pertinent ATC procedures including terminal, arrival, departure, holding, and all types of available approaches
G. Congested areas, obstructions, and physical layout of each airport in the termina area
If a flight is unable to obtain an IFR clearance, it may depart VFR provided:
A. Weather at departure is 1000’/3SM
B. Flight remains in VFR conditions until IFR clearance is received
C. IFR clearance is obtained within 50NM of departure
A flight may cancel IFR provided it can operate VFR within
Class B, C, D airspace OR within 10 miles of destination in class E airspace.
Flight crew may accept a visual approach provided:
A. Within Class B, C, or D airspace or within 35 miles of destination within Class E airspace
B. Maintain VFR cloud clearances
C. Flight crew must establish/maintain visual with airport or preceding traffic
Procedure for go around at towered airport =
The operating control tower will issue an appropriate advisory, clearance, or instruction.
Remain clear of clouds unless subsequent IFR clearance is received.
Procedure for go around at non towered airport =
Remain clear of clouds. Until receipt of controller instructions, climb straight ahead to MSA.
Stable approach criteria below 1000’:
A. Fully configured
B. No more than 1000 FPM descent rate
C. Aligned with runway
D. Landing checklist completed
Stable approach criteria below 500’:
A. On airspeed
B. Engines stabilized to make a normal descent
Stable approach criteria crossing threshold:
Normal touchdown at TDZ can be made
A missed approach must be conducted when:
A. Full deflection
B. Unstable criteria not met
C. Equipment failure changes landing minimums
Define flight time:
When an aircraft moves under its own power for the purpose of flight and ends when the aircraft comes to rest after landing
Class B airspace VFR Minimums
3SM, Clear of Clouds
Class C airspace VFR Minimums
3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class D airspace VFR Minimums
3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class E airspace VFR Minimums Below 10,000’
3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class E airspace VFR Minimums Above 10,000’
5SM, 1000 below, 1000 above, 1SM horizontal
Class G airspace 1200’ or less (Day):
1SM, Clear of Clouds
Class G airspace 1200’ or less (Night):
3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class G airspace 1200’ AGL to 10,000’ MSL (Day):
1SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class G airspace 1200’ AGL to 10,000’ MSL (Night):
3SM, 500 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
Class G airspace over 10,000’ MSL
5SM, 1000 below, 1000 above, 2000 horizontal
If the SIC has fewer than 100 hours in type, PIC must takeoff and land when:
10 Items
A. Designated airport on 10-7 Page
B. Prevailing visibility below 3/4SM
C. RVR at or below 4000 ft
D. Runway contamination
E. Braking action less than good
F. Crosswind over 15 knots
G. Windshear reported
H. Gust factor over 10 knots
I. PIC Determination
What phase of the approach must you be on to continue if weather drops below minimums
past FAF
At MDA or DH, if the approach lighting system is in sight, the aircraft may descend to
100 ft above TDZE