OPM and Bureaucracy Flashcards
Webers Bureaucracy Model:
o Protection for the citizens against the despotism of the ones in power
o Guarantees the rule of law, equality & transparency -> government predictability
o Machine type of organization
o 3 types of legitimate control:
Traditional (patriarchic) control
Charismatic control
Legal control -> bureaucracy
Characteristics of bureaucratic organizations:
o Fixed jurisdictional areas
o Office operation segregates between private property of the official vs. public money and equipment
o Office holders have to have gone through special training
o Offices are full time and main activities of office holders
Elements of ideal-type bureaucracy (Weber):
o De-personalizing decisions o Internal regulation o Principle of files o Hierarchy o Chain of command o Specialization o Equal treatment of all cases
Categories of types of political administrative systems:
o State Structure: o Form of Government: o Minister mandarin relationship o Administrative culture o Variety of policy advice
Comparison Weber vs. NPM
Relation Politics vs. Administration:
o Weber:
Relation is question of dominion (Herrschaft)
Administration is a staff function of the ruler
Administration carries out what is prescribed
Knowledge = advantage of the administration
o NPM:
Relation is a question of cooperation
Competences are divided between Politics and Administration
Parliament -> responsible for strategic goals
Government -> responsible for implementation
Administration is independent
Administration is active in policy making
Comparison Weber vs. NPM
Justification of the relation:
o Weber:
Only strict legal adherence can limit the power of the ruler
Rational administration guarantees -> predictability; expert knowledge; clear responsibility order
o NPM:
Regulation in every detail is not possible
Intrinsic motivation of the civil servant
NPM seeks to achieve -> dynamic and open administration; holistic knowledge; customer orientation
Comparison Weber vs. NPM
Relation Administration vs. Citizens:
o Weber:
Citizen as an obedient
o NPM:
Citizen as a customer
Administration Dichotomy
The question “to what extent should officials be involved in the political process”
Dichotomy (Weber): Strict separation
This model was dominant until the 1940s
Afterwards -> officials should be given an active role in the political process
Also, different argument from the pluralist perspective: Employees should be seen as further stakeholders
Administration and politics in Switzerland
Heterogenous structure (Bund – Kantone – Gemeinden)
Konkordanzsystem: Parliament more as a supervisory organ; executive and administration act in concert
Kollegialitätsprinzip: The executive decides as a whole
Departamental principle: Each member of the executive is also responsible for a branch of administration
Administration is politically neutral
Direct democracy
Swiss Version of NPM: Outcome orientated public management
Sources of legitimacy
o Utilitarism Logic of results “useful” “Rules” of the market Primacy (Vorrang) of use o Deontology Logic of inputs “democratic” Politically passed laws Primacy of Politics
Principle of bureaucracy
De-personalizing decisions Internal regulation Principle of files Hierarchy Chain of command Specialization Equal case treatment
Goal of bureaucracy
Undermine corruption Clear guidelines Traceable decisions Accountability Knowledge management Reduction of risk & failure Equal rights
Problems of bureaucracy
Inhuman administration Over regulation Rise of paperwork No decisions at the front Slow processes Loss of holistic perspective No ability to respond to needs
3-E Model
political administrative systems State Structure:
Federal – Unitary; Coordinated – Fragmented
political administrative systems Form of Government:
Majoritarian – consensual
political administrative systems Minister mandarin relationship
Separated – integrated; Not politized – Politized
political administrative systems Administrative culture
Rule of Law – Public Interest
political administrative systems Variety of policy advice
Civil servants – Academics – think tanks – consultants