Opioids - Analgesic Drugs Flashcards
Action on :
- CNS : analgesic, sedative / excitatory, emesis, depr of resp, vasomotor and cough centres, stimulant & depr on sp.cord, myosis, euphoria, addiction.
- GI : inhibition of peristaltic mvms (-> constipation)
& incr P on ur.bladder, incr PRL/ADH/GH, incr Histamine release, incr myocardial perfusion
Dose : dogs 0,2 IM, SC
cats 0,1 SC
horse 0,1 - 0,17 IM
Oxycodone, Hydrocodone
Suppressing cough.
Cats = sensitive
Orally. Longer duration of action than Morphine.
~Morophine, but less sedative.
Use : for neuroleptanalgesia in horses & dogs (combination with Acepromazine, Chlorpromazine, Propiopromazine)
Alfentanil, Remifentanil
80 - 100X more potent than morphine, but short action.
Use : by anaesthesiologists for neuroleptanalgesia in lab animals (combination with Fluanisone).
SE : renal toxicity, bradycardia, resp.depr.
Remifentanil, Alfentanil : faster onset, shorter half-life.
Extremely high analgesic activity, v rapid onset & long effect.
In combination for neuroleptanalgesia.
Less emetic, resp.inhibition
Less potent.
Spasmolytic - atropine like action (colic disorders)
Dose : horse 2 (1-5) mg/kg IM, dog & cat 3 mg/kg IM.
~ Morphine, but effective in visceral pain, with less SE.
Alone / combo
Use :
- Horse : relief pain caused by intest torsion, impactiom, intussusceptions
- Dog & cat : analgesic, pre-anesthetic
PO (IV), intensive metabolism
Combo with NSAIDs, anaesthetics
Indications in dogs & cats : from mild post-surgical pain - cancer pain
SE : sedation, vomiting, resp.depr (cats), dysphoria & mydriasis