ophtho Flashcards
i arm stands for?
red reflex
inspection consists of what?
symmetry, tilt, redness and squinting
part of the exam that consists of pupillary responses and use of eye charts?
this is bruckner test
red reflex
this is hirchberg test
motility assesment
when does visual acuity improve the most?
during the first 3-4 months of life
when the corneal light reflex is uncentered it is generally?
when there is a dull reflex it is generally?
when its a yellow or white reflex it is?
normal visual development is a dependent on what 2 things?
- proper eye alignment
2. equal visual stimulation
the most common cause of decreased vision during childhood
what are pathologic conditions that cause a blurred visual image resulting in amblyopia
opacification, uncorrected refractive error, significant differences between the eyes (anisometropia),
what is the best management for amblyopia?
early detection and early intervention
3 neonatal conjuntivitis pathogens
Neisseria gonorrhoea
chlamydia trachomatis
chemical conjunctivitis is caused most by?
1% silver nitrate caused by prophylaxis to n. gonorrhoea
is neonatal chemical conjuncivitis a dangerous emergency?
no, it is self limited and lasts for less than 24 hours
N. gonorrhea
- onset
- cellularity
- tx
- 2-4 days old
-gram neg diplococci - IV cefoxatime and topical
+tx parents
c. trachomatis
- onset
- cellularity
- tx
- 4-10 days old
- cytoplasmic inclusion bodies (+ dirt fluorescent antibody
- oral erythyromycin + tx. parents
- onset
- cellularity
- tx
- 6 days -2 weeks
- multinucleated giant cells
- IV acyclovir and topical triflourothymidine
how can corneal abrasion be diagnosed?
flourescein staining
what are causes of corneal abrasion
bacterial corneal ulcer (gono)
HSV keratitis
conjunctivitis w/ lymphadenopathy
viral conjunctivitis
conjunctivitis w/ positive culture of staph aureus
conjunctivitis w/ eosinophils on conjunctival scrapings?
treatment for bacterial conjunctivitis?
topical polymyxin B, tmp smx, gentamicin, tobramycin, erythromycin