Ophthalmology Flashcards
What is the correct confirmation for the eye?
No sclera visible
No protrusion of globe
Correctly positioned on the head
What equipment will you need to preform and eye exam?
Optalmoscope Tonometer Schirmer tear test Pen torch 20D condensing lens Consumables-flurescein, tropicamide(dilated pupils)
What is a direct optalmoscope for and what light settings can you apply?
Look at ocular structures in detail
Have multiple filters and light settings for observing different structures
White light retro illumination
Red light differentiates blood vessels and pigments
Blue colbalt filter for flurescein staining
What specific opthalmologists equipment can you use?
Slit lamp biomicroscope
Advanced tonometers
Lens gonioscopy
What should you ask for in the history of an opthomology patient?
How long has it been going on Has it gotten worse Is is worse st night or in Bright light Any concurrent diesease Any trauma is it in both eyes Breed, species Coat colour Vaccination status Any other animals in the house
What order should you carry out an opthalmological examinations?
History Distance exam Tear test conjunctival culture Acne a and anterior segment Intraoccular pressure measurements and pupil dilation Posterior segment exam Any additional techniques reauired
What is involved when completing a distance exam for opthomology?
Face from above and direct any protrusion, squinting, symmetry ocular discharge
Eyelids-palpebral fissure, size colour swelling
Eyeballs- position, size, direction movements
Observation pupil static and dynamic
Use of direct optalmoscope retro illumination
List the clinical signs that will present within an opthomology case
Discharge-euphiod muccoid mucopurulent haemorrhagic
Eyelids- palpebral fissure, colour swelling hair? Position of the eyelid margin
Gobble- abnormal position of visual axis (strabismus) abnormL position within the orbit Abnormal size
Retro illumination- abnormal reflection opacities
What is involved when completing a neuro-opthalmicexamination?
Menace response (blink response) Tracking response Visual placing Look for strabismus Anisocoria Nystagmus Eyelid ptosis(drooping)
How do you complete a schirmer eye test?
Place paper in the lower fornixeyelid ensuring it is inside the lid allow to stay there for one minute normal tear production is 15-25 MM
How do you take a corneoconjunctival culture?
Cytobrush sterile cotton bud before diagnostic drops culture and sensitivity
How do you test the tear quality?
Tear break up time use of flurorescein maintain lids open for and measure time takes for dark spots to appear after last blink normal duration is 20 seconds
How do you preform and Adenexa and anterior segment exam?
Use direct opthalmoscope
Close examination examines conjunctiva cornea and anterior segment
Retro illumination shows opacities
What is the jones test in ophthalmology?
Demonstrates the permeability of the mask-lacrimal duct system
Flurorescein applied in both eyes green then present at the nostrils 1 -5 minutes later
What equipment can be used to test intraocculare pressure?
Tonometer schiotz tonometer
Apply general anaesthetic
Or an measurement 10-20 mmHg