Dysponeic cat Flashcards
What are the first steps to take when admitting a dyspneoic cat?
Brief clinical history trauma/toxins
Hands off!
Minimal stress until stable
What should you observe in a dyspneoic cat?
Respiration effort and rate Any patterns Auscultation of lungs Percussion Cranial rib spring Assessment of oxygenation
What does increased inspiratory effort suggest?
Upper airway obstruction
What does increased expiratory effort suggest?
Lower airway obstruction (asthma)
What does a slow laboured breathing pattern suggest?
Parenchymal disease
What does rapid shallow breathing suggest?
Pleural space or early paranchymal disease
What does paradoxical breathing indicate?
Thoracic wall moves in stomach moves out represents severe respiratory fatigue due to a variety of causes failure likely to be imminent
What should you hear from auscultation of normal lungs?
Symmetrical barley audible slightly louder carnioventrally
What do crackles on auscultation indicate?
Fluid in the airways
Bronchitis pneumonia pulmonary odema
What do respiratory wheezes suggest?
Airway narrowing
Inspiratory- extrathoracic airway disease
Expiratory-intrathoracic airway disease (feline asthma)
What does lack of lung sounds suggest?
Pleural space disease fluid
What does stretor indicate?
Upper airway obstructions
On palpatation what might decreased compressibility suggest?
Cranial mediastinal mass
What can percussion assist in diagnosing?
Tapping the chest wall can lead to diagnosis pleural space disease
What clinical measurements of oxygenation can you use?
MM colour
Blood gas
Pcv (is anaemia present)
What are the common upper airway disorders for cats?
Foreign bodies nasopharyngeal polyps
Laryngeal tumours
What are the common lower respiratory tract diseases in the cat?
Feline asthma
Chronic bronchitis
What are the common parenchymal diseases in the cat?
Pulmonary odema(heart failure)
What are the common pleural space disease in cats?
Pleural effusion
Diaphragmatic rupture
What should be used to stabilise the dysponeic cat?
Oxygenate Minimal stress may need sedation Ultrasound chest (may need fluid drained) Thoracocentesis equipment Availability of drugs
How should a thoracocentesis be preformed on a cat?
Sterile gloves 19g butterfly needle Three way tap Ultrasound Clip 7th and 8th rib if air related clip 1/3 dorsally if fluid clip 2/3 ventrally insert needle at the costochondal junction Prep chlorehex Insert needle over the cranial aspect of the 7th and 8th rib aiming caudally with the bevel facing medially Draw back and re-direct needle Calculate the volume removed
What sedation should be used for a stressed cat?
Buprenorphine 0.01mg/kg
What drugs can be administered in suspected feline asthma and at what dosses?
Terbutaline 0.05mg/kg
Dexamethasone 0.25-0.5mg/kg
What drugs can you administer for heart failure?