Operations part 2 Flashcards
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What is the secondary mission of CIC/CDC?
Control and/or assist in specific operations as delegated by proper authority
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Referring to CIC/CDC what are the following:
Gathering: Collection of information from various sources / Processing: filtering information / Display: Displaying the processed information / Evaluation: Come to an operational decision by evaluating the information / Dissemination: Distributing the information o various control stations / Control and Assist: Can call upon CIC for various operations
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What are the responsibilities of the EWS?
Electronic Warfare Supervisor?responsible for all EW information
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What are the responsibilities of the AWC?
Air warfare Coordinator?responsible for air contact picture around ship
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What are the responsibilities of the SUWC?
Surface Warfare Coordinator?responsible for the management of surface contacts
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What are the responsibilities of the UWC (Undersea surface coordinator)?
Manages subsurface contacts
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What is the responsibility of the CICWS (CIC watch supervisor)?
Supervisor of enlisted personnel in CIC
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What is the responsibility of the radar operator?
Operates surface and air search radar equipment
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What is the responsibility of the shipping officer?
Supervisors the surface picture during radar navigation
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What are the responsibilities of the piloting officer?
Man the 1JS circuit. Makes piloting recommendation to the conning officer during radar navigation
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What is OPORDER?
Operational Order
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What is an operation order?
Order issued by a cdr to execute an operation in the immediate future
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What is an OPLAN?
Operational plan
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What is an operation plan?
Complete formatted plan prepared well in advance for conducting military operations
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What?s optask?
An operational tasking
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What is task force?
Component of a fleet, as many as 10
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What is a task group?
Component of a force, can be so man as 10
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What is a task unit?
Component of a task group, can be so many as 10
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What is task element?
Component of a task nit, can b as many as 10
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What is battle force?
Naval task group designed to destroy hostile subs, surface, and air forces
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What is an amphib ready group?
Naval task group designated to conduct amphib operations
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What is a strategic plot?
Large area true plot showing position, movement and strength of own an enemy forces within a prescribed area
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What are Geographic plot?
Maintained on the DRT/ACDS, true display of all tracks within the immediate area
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What s a surface summary plot?
Short-range surface plot used to manage surface contacts
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What is an air summary plot?
Medium to long range plot (200nm) used to display air contacts
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What is CPA?
Closest point of approach
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What s a surface status board?
Displays summary of surface data such as course, speed, CPA, and amplifying information of own ship?s tracks
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What is an equipment status board?
Displays status of all CIC associated equipment-radars
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What is a communications status board?
Displays status of all communications circuits and equipment
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What is an EW information board?
Displays own ship?s emcon status and status of all active threat emitters
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Why is there a navigational plot in CIC?
Because CIC is responsible for the safe navigation of the ship
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What is the function of a TDS (tactical data system)?
Enables the battle force to combat the threat
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What is the purpose of data links?
Used to rapidly trf information from the TDS
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What is a radar repeater?
Used to detect and track surface and air contacts
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What are radiotelephones?
Used for voice tactical and admin external communications by ships and ac
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How does the height of the antenna effect detection?
Taller the antenna the more range of detection
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What is the operational relationship of the following to CIC/CDC?
Pilot house- Provide navigation and contact information / Signal bridge- Records and correlates all information received externally / Radio central- Construct and maintains communication plan / Weapons station- Provides accurate information of ship?s weapons system / Look outs- help determine surface and air contacts to determine target?s course, speed and CPA
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What is air warfare?
Action required to destroy or reduces an enemy?s air or missile threat
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What is Surface warfare?
Action required denying the enemy use of its surface vessels
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What is undersea warfare?
To deny an enemy?s effective use f it?s sub force
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What is command and control warfare (C2W)?
The integrated use of operations security (OPSEC), military deception (MILDEC), psychology operations (PSYOP), electronic warfare, and physical destruction
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What is amphiv warfare?
Successful completion of amphib assault utilizing ship-to-shore movement of a landing force and its equipment
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What is mine warfare (MIW)?
Included designing, producing, and laying mines
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What is MIO?
Maritime Interdiction Operations
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What is MIO?
Operations designated to impose restrictive maritime sanctions on designated countries
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What is non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO)?
Safe removable of US forces, from designated area of responsibility
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What is SAR (search and rescue)?
Use of available resources to assist persons and property in potential actual distress
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What is aircraft carrier used for?
Launch and recovery of aircrafts
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What is CG Cruiser?
Protects task force from surface attacks
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What is DD Destroyer?
Moves platforms for armament and sub detection equip
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What is a DDG Guided Missile Destroyer?
Screens fleet striking forces to escort amphb forces, and support
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What is a T-AO Oilier?
Operates with Underway replenishment groups to deliver fuel to ships at ea
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What is a T-AE Ammunition Ship?
Operates with URG to deliver missiles and ammunition to the fleet
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What are flags/pennants used for?
Short-range communication for tactical and administrative signals
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What are day shapes?
Used to indicate special evolutions or conditions onboard to other ships in the vicinity
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How are flashing lights used in communication?
Morse code in 12-inch mercury-Xenon searchlight. Max signaling speed is 15 words per min
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What is the Semaphore?
A rapid and secure means of transmitting visual messages, better for long messages
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What are flares and Pyrotechnic light used for?
Signals in emergencies
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What is infrared signaling?
Light that cannot be seen b the naked eye. A special receiver is used to view the light being transmitted
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What day shapes/light are used for the following?
Vessel at anchorage- standard in port lights at night, one ball shape flown from a yardarm during day / Vessel not under command- standard lights at night plus two red vertical lights displayed on the mast near the mast head light—day time- two ball shapes flown from yardarm / Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver: Standard lights at night plus red over white over red vertical lights A ball shape over a diamond shape over a ball shape / Vessel Aground: standard lights at night plus two vertical red lights. Daytime: 3 balls flown from the yardarm
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What is standard steaming light?
White fwd and aft masthead lights, arranged one over the other to form an angle from a distance, red port running light, green starboard, and white stem
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What are standard lights in port?
Red aircraft warning lights on top of the mast, white bow and stern lights on the flag and jack staff, and white deck lights.
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What flags and pennants are used for the following:
Refueling/Ammo: Bravo-red =Senior Officer Present Afloat (SOPA): Standard Pennant- green/white/pink = Breakdown: 5- yellow with blue X = Personnel Recall: Papa- blue with white squares = Boat recall: Quebec- yellow = Divers: Alpha-white blue = Personnel working afloat or over the side: Kilo- Yellow and Blue = HERO- Lima- yellow and black squares = Ready to receive a ship along side: Romeo-red and yellow = Man Overboard: Oscar- red and yellow = Anchoring: Uniform-white with red squares = Absentee pennants: first sub+flag officer, second sub+chief of staff, third sub=+CO
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What are the 3 parts of a message?
Heading, text, and ending
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What are the 4 types of msgs?
Flash, Immediate, Priority, Routine
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What does minimize mean?
A program to reduce the amount of radio traffic sent on circuits
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What does EEFI stand for?
Essential Elements of friendly Information
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A 7-code number corresponding to communications security violations
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What does GINGERBREAD mean?
There is an intruder on the line (circuit)
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What are the following frequencies and ranges:
HF- high frequency- 3,000 to 30,000 / VHF- very high frequency- 30,000-300,000 / UHF- Ultra high frequency- 300,000-3,000,000 / SHF- Super high frequency- 3mhz ? 30mhz / EHF- Extremely high frequency- frequencies above 30mgz
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What is SHF used for?
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What are the two types of communication of COMSEC?
Clear and encrypted
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Who is the CMS custodian?
The crypto authority aboard
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What is the CMS custodian responsible to the CO for?
Issuance and destruction of all crypto material
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What is access?
The ability to obtain knowledge of classified material
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What is classification?
The determination that official info requires
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What is clearance?
An eligibility level of access to classified information
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What is a compromise?
A Security violation
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What is ?need to know? in correlation with classified information?
The necessity for access to, knowledge of, or possession of classified information
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What is a restricted area?
Area that contains classified information
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What is NWPL?
Naval Warfare Publication Library
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How does the following correlate with the NWPL:
Handling, accountability, and storage: assigned to accountability / Changes and Corrections: usually done in black pen red IS NOT permitted / Reference value: an open resource of all ships operations on different levels
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What do you do if you discover a compromise?
Report to the nearest authority
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What is emergency destruction?
The total destruction of classified materials and equipment beyond recognition in case of an emergency, ex abandon ship
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What is a CASREP?
Causality Report
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What is the purpose of the following contained in a CASREP?
Initial: reporting the ship?s status in a diminished combat readiness posture- 48hrs / Update: reports changes to and or additional information regarding a previously submitted CASREP / Correction: CASCOR?s are submitted upon correction of the casualty / Cancellation: Canceling a previous submission
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Explain the following information required n a casrep:
Initiating department: information about the department who initiated the casrep / Operation: How department/ships? operations are affected by the CASREP / Supply: lack of supply onboard, in regards to the casrep, or how the part (installed) will be (or need to be) supplied
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What is a MOVEREP?
Movement report- primary source of location data
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What is CSTT?
Combat Systems training Team- drills and trains repair light (combat systems) and combat systems personnel
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What is SERT?
Ship?s electronic Team
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What is the ETT?
Engineering training team- drills and trains engineering department watch standers
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What is DCTT?
Damage Control Training Team- drills and trains repair locker
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What is STT?
Seamanship Training Team- drills and trains bridge watches and lookouts
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What is ATT?
Aviation Training Team- drills and trains flight deck personnel
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What is ITT?
Integrated Training Team. Made of key personnel from each ship training team. They come together to combine drills into larger more arrive drills, coordinating interactions between drill sets.
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What is the SPS-73?
Short-range navigation and surface search radar. Range min. 40 yards to 48 NM
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What is the SPS-67?
Primary surface search radar. Range min. 75 yards to 100 NM. Primary surface radar. 2-D.
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What is the MK-23 TAS?
2-D fire control. Min. range 2000 yard to 25 NM. Detects and tracks high-speed targets.
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hat does TAS stand for?
Target Acquisition System
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What is the SPA-25?
Radar repeater used to detect track and display local tracks.
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What is the ACDS?
Advanced Combat Direction System Console.
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What type of ACDS do we have?
AN/SYQ-20, ACDS Block 1
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What does the ACDS do?
Allows command and control of battle group tactical operations through censor?s weapons and intelligence sources.
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What is the GCCS-M?
Global Command Control System Maritime.
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What is the purpose of the GCCS-M?
To formulate tactical decisions—long range near real time tactical display
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What is the ASTAB?
Automated Status Board.
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What is the purpose of the ASTAB?
To display real time/ non-real time digital information.
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What is data link 4A?
AKA Dolly —UHF communication link providing computer control communication between aircraft.
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What is data link 11?
AKA Gator—-High speed digital data link between TDS units . Used to exchange tracking information and weapons control orders.
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What is data link 14?
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What is data link 16?
High-speed digital UHF satellite communication link has anti-jam capabilities.
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What is the length of the flight deck?
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What is the overall length of the ship?
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What is the navigational draft?
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What is the Water Line?
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What is the Bean?
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How many displacement tons is the ship?
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What is the speed of the ship in Knots?
30 knots.
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What are the ships of the Lincoln battle group?
USS Shiloh CG-67, USS Mobile Bay CG-53, USS Paul Hamilton DDG-60, USS Fletcher DD-92, USS Ruben James FFG-57, USS Cheyenne SSN-73, USS Honolulu SSN-718, USS Camden A0E-2.
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What is a T-AE?
Ammunition ship. Deliver ammo and missiles at ships at sea.
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What is an AD?
Destroyer Tender.
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What is a P-AFS?
Combat store ship. Conducts unreps.
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What is an AS?
Submarine tender.
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What is an AO?
Oilers. Carry fuel, jet fuel and other petroleum products.
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What is an AOE?
Oilers, ammo and stores.
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What is a CG?
Guided missile cruiser.
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What is a CVN?
Nuclear power carrier
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What is a DD/DDG?
Destroyer / guided missile destroyer. Fast ships
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What is FFG?
Guided missile frigate. For escort and patrol.
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What is a LLC/ AGF?
Amphibious command ship.
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What is an LHA?
Amphibious assault ship.
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What is a LHD?
Amphibious warfare ship.
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What is a LPD?
Amphibious transport dock.
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What is a LPH?
Amphibious assault ship.
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What is LSD?
Dock landing ship.
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What is a MCS?
Mine counter measure support ship.
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What is an ATF?
Ocean going fleet tugs.
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What is an ARS?
Repair and salvage ship.
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What is ECM?
Electronic Countermeasure
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What are two types of ECM?
Passive- receive only, Active- using electronic jamming—actions the enemy can detect
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What are 4 types of missiles (AIM)?
Sparrow III Guided Missile / Sidewinder Guided Missile / Advanced medium range air-to-air missile / Phoenix Missile
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What are 4 types of destructive devices (AGM)?
Maverick Missile / HARM Missile / Joint stand off weapon / Harpoon
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What are 3 types of bombs?
Laser Guided Bombs / Joint Direct Attack Munitions Guided bomb- GPS / Cluster Bomb units
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What is the MSAS?
Multi-sensor analysis system-converts analog real-time or pre-recorded data
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What is the dipping Sonar?
Sonar that obtains range, bearing, Doppler info and listens and collects information by target echoes.
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What are sonobouys?
Sonar?s that are dropped in the water and float on the surface to send and receive transmision
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What are the 4 types of Sonar buoys?
BT- Bathythermograph / DIFAR- Directions frequency analyzer and recording / Directional command active sono-buoy system-DICASS / VLAD- vertical line array DIFAR
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What is the CDC?
Combat direction center- responsible for the coordination of all matter pertaining to combat operations
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Which two modules of the CDC deal with anti-sub warfare?
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What is the purpose of torpedoes?
T search, detect, attack and destroy submarines
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What is the purpose of mines?
To defend and control straights, port approaches, convoy anchorage, and seaward costal barriers
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What are torpedo countermeasures?
Used to provide deceptive countermeasure against acoustic and wake homing torpedoes
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What I the CIWS?
Close in weapon system—anti-ship missile defense—4 mounts—can operate from panel or remotely
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What is NSSNS?
Nato Sea Sparrow Missile System
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What is the SLQ-32(V)4?
Used for anti-ship missile defense by electronic jamming or to passively receive signals for id purposes—has 2 modes—ES and EA
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What is the SLQ-25/25A?
NIXIE- torpedo countermeasures?located on the fantail
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How many modes does the NIXIE have?
2- acoustic and magnetic
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How many 50 caliber mounts are there OB?
10 numbered 50-59
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What is the range of the 50cal?
Max 7400yds min 2000yds
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What is the hot gun for a 50cal?
200 rounds in 2 minutes or less
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What is the rate of the CIWS?
3000 rounds per minutes
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What is the hot gun for a CWIS?
300 rounds in 5 minutes or less
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What is the CIC/CDC Surface Summary Plot?
Short range surface plot used to manage surface contacts
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What is the global command control system maritime?
Long range near real time tactical display used by commanders to formulate tactical decisions
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What is Link 16?
A high speed digital, UHF satellite communications link, which employs frequency agility and has ante jam capabilities
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Where is the additional remote for AN/SLQ 25 A?
ASW Module
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Who is responsible for the coordination of all matters pertaining to combat operations?
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Which Submarine detection system is primarily for CV inner zone defense(015nm)?
SH60F Ocean Hawk
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Which Submarine detection system is primarily for outer carrier-battle group antisubmarine zones?(100+nm)?
P-3 Orion