Operations part 2 Flashcards
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What is the secondary mission of CIC/CDC?
Control and/or assist in specific operations as delegated by proper authority
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Referring to CIC/CDC what are the following:
Gathering: Collection of information from various sources / Processing: filtering information / Display: Displaying the processed information / Evaluation: Come to an operational decision by evaluating the information / Dissemination: Distributing the information o various control stations / Control and Assist: Can call upon CIC for various operations
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What are the responsibilities of the EWS?
Electronic Warfare Supervisor?responsible for all EW information
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What are the responsibilities of the AWC?
Air warfare Coordinator?responsible for air contact picture around ship
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What are the responsibilities of the SUWC?
Surface Warfare Coordinator?responsible for the management of surface contacts
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What are the responsibilities of the UWC (Undersea surface coordinator)?
Manages subsurface contacts
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What is the responsibility of the CICWS (CIC watch supervisor)?
Supervisor of enlisted personnel in CIC
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What is the responsibility of the radar operator?
Operates surface and air search radar equipment
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What is the responsibility of the shipping officer?
Supervisors the surface picture during radar navigation
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What are the responsibilities of the piloting officer?
Man the 1JS circuit. Makes piloting recommendation to the conning officer during radar navigation
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What is OPORDER?
Operational Order
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What is an operation order?
Order issued by a cdr to execute an operation in the immediate future
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What is an OPLAN?
Operational plan
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What is an operation plan?
Complete formatted plan prepared well in advance for conducting military operations
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What?s optask?
An operational tasking
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What is task force?
Component of a fleet, as many as 10
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What is a task group?
Component of a force, can be so man as 10
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What is a task unit?
Component of a task group, can be so many as 10
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What is task element?
Component of a task nit, can b as many as 10
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What is battle force?
Naval task group designed to destroy hostile subs, surface, and air forces
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What is an amphib ready group?
Naval task group designated to conduct amphib operations
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What is a strategic plot?
Large area true plot showing position, movement and strength of own an enemy forces within a prescribed area
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What are Geographic plot?
Maintained on the DRT/ACDS, true display of all tracks within the immediate area
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What s a surface summary plot?
Short-range surface plot used to manage surface contacts
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What is an air summary plot?
Medium to long range plot (200nm) used to display air contacts
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What is CPA?
Closest point of approach
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What s a surface status board?
Displays summary of surface data such as course, speed, CPA, and amplifying information of own ship?s tracks
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What is an equipment status board?
Displays status of all CIC associated equipment-radars
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What is a communications status board?
Displays status of all communications circuits and equipment
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What is an EW information board?
Displays own ship?s emcon status and status of all active threat emitters
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Why is there a navigational plot in CIC?
Because CIC is responsible for the safe navigation of the ship
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What is the function of a TDS (tactical data system)?
Enables the battle force to combat the threat
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What is the purpose of data links?
Used to rapidly trf information from the TDS
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What is a radar repeater?
Used to detect and track surface and air contacts
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What are radiotelephones?
Used for voice tactical and admin external communications by ships and ac
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How does the height of the antenna effect detection?
Taller the antenna the more range of detection
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What is the operational relationship of the following to CIC/CDC?
Pilot house- Provide navigation and contact information / Signal bridge- Records and correlates all information received externally / Radio central- Construct and maintains communication plan / Weapons station- Provides accurate information of ship?s weapons system / Look outs- help determine surface and air contacts to determine target?s course, speed and CPA
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What is air warfare?
Action required to destroy or reduces an enemy?s air or missile threat
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What is Surface warfare?
Action required denying the enemy use of its surface vessels
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What is undersea warfare?
To deny an enemy?s effective use f it?s sub force
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What is command and control warfare (C2W)?
The integrated use of operations security (OPSEC), military deception (MILDEC), psychology operations (PSYOP), electronic warfare, and physical destruction
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What is amphiv warfare?
Successful completion of amphib assault utilizing ship-to-shore movement of a landing force and its equipment
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What is mine warfare (MIW)?
Included designing, producing, and laying mines
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What is MIO?
Maritime Interdiction Operations
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What is MIO?
Operations designated to impose restrictive maritime sanctions on designated countries
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What is non-combatant evacuation operation (NEO)?
Safe removable of US forces, from designated area of responsibility
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What is SAR (search and rescue)?
Use of available resources to assist persons and property in potential actual distress
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What is aircraft carrier used for?
Launch and recovery of aircrafts
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What is CG Cruiser?
Protects task force from surface attacks
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What is DD Destroyer?
Moves platforms for armament and sub detection equip
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What is a DDG Guided Missile Destroyer?
Screens fleet striking forces to escort amphb forces, and support
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What is a T-AO Oilier?
Operates with Underway replenishment groups to deliver fuel to ships at ea
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What is a T-AE Ammunition Ship?
Operates with URG to deliver missiles and ammunition to the fleet
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What are flags/pennants used for?
Short-range communication for tactical and administrative signals
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What are day shapes?
Used to indicate special evolutions or conditions onboard to other ships in the vicinity
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How are flashing lights used in communication?
Morse code in 12-inch mercury-Xenon searchlight. Max signaling speed is 15 words per min
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What is the Semaphore?
A rapid and secure means of transmitting visual messages, better for long messages
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What are flares and Pyrotechnic light used for?
Signals in emergencies
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What is infrared signaling?
Light that cannot be seen b the naked eye. A special receiver is used to view the light being transmitted
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What day shapes/light are used for the following?
Vessel at anchorage- standard in port lights at night, one ball shape flown from a yardarm during day / Vessel not under command- standard lights at night plus two red vertical lights displayed on the mast near the mast head light—day time- two ball shapes flown from yardarm / Vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver: Standard lights at night plus red over white over red vertical lights A ball shape over a diamond shape over a ball shape / Vessel Aground: standard lights at night plus two vertical red lights. Daytime: 3 balls flown from the yardarm
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What is standard steaming light?
White fwd and aft masthead lights, arranged one over the other to form an angle from a distance, red port running light, green starboard, and white stem
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What are standard lights in port?
Red aircraft warning lights on top of the mast, white bow and stern lights on the flag and jack staff, and white deck lights.
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What flags and pennants are used for the following:
Refueling/Ammo: Bravo-red =Senior Officer Present Afloat (SOPA): Standard Pennant- green/white/pink = Breakdown: 5- yellow with blue X = Personnel Recall: Papa- blue with white squares = Boat recall: Quebec- yellow = Divers: Alpha-white blue = Personnel working afloat or over the side: Kilo- Yellow and Blue = HERO- Lima- yellow and black squares = Ready to receive a ship along side: Romeo-red and yellow = Man Overboard: Oscar- red and yellow = Anchoring: Uniform-white with red squares = Absentee pennants: first sub+flag officer, second sub+chief of staff, third sub=+CO
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What are the 3 parts of a message?
Heading, text, and ending
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What are the 4 types of msgs?
Flash, Immediate, Priority, Routine
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What does minimize mean?
A program to reduce the amount of radio traffic sent on circuits
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What does EEFI stand for?
Essential Elements of friendly Information