Deck-Navigation part 2 Flashcards
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Which lines are in the hangar bays?
Lines 5-8
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Which lines are on the fantail?
Lines 9-12
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How many abandon ship lockers do we have?
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How many rubber duckies are in each locker?
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How many RHIB boats are there?
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What is the port RHIB boat for?
Force protection
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How long are the RHIB boats?
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What does RHIB stand for?
Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat
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Who is on the crew of a RHIB boat?
Coxswain-driver, Boat Engineer-fixes broken engine, Sar Swimmer-rescuers, Boat officer- talks to bridge and carries weapon, Signalman- now a QM
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What is the capacity of the RHIB boat?
Cargo 1900lbs, personnel 15 + crew of 3 in protected water—-9 + a crew of 3 in open water
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What are boat booms for?
To moore our boats well clear of the side
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How many boat booms do we have?
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What is the bitter end of the line?
Te free end
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How do you fake a line?
Lay it out in long flat bights- alongside one another
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hat is coiling a line?
Lay it in circular turns like a cobra
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What is the stern dock for?
Embarking and disembarking harbor pilots, liberty for the crew
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What is a swing circle?
Amount of chain released, distance of hawse pipe plus ship?s length
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What is a drag circle?
Amount of chain released, distance from hawse pipe to pylorus
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What is a bit?
Cylindrical shapes of cast iron or steel, arranged in pairs, fwd and aft of each chock
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What is a chock?
A heavy fitting through which mooring lines are led
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What is a cleat?
A pair of projecting horns used for belaying a line
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What is a bull nose?
Opening at the fwd end of the forecastle where the anchor chain is led through for towing operations
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What is a hawse pipe?
A Pipe leading from the forecastle to the outside hull on the bow
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What is a turnbuckle?
Used on the stopper assembly to secure the anchor.
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What is a gypsy head?
Used to heave around on lines or wire.
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What is an anchor buoy?
A small float attached to the anchor by a line to mark the anchors location if the chain is slipped or parted.
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What is a Hawser?
A heavy line over 5 inches in circumference used for towing and mooring
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What is a spring lay?
A rope in which each strand consists partly of wire and partly of fiber
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What is small stuff?
A general term for any fiber line 1 ? in inches in circumference or less
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What is Flemish?
Line coiled flat and tight.
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What is a heaving line?
A line throw across to a ship or pier when coming alongside to act as a messenger
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What is a monkey?s fist?
The weighted knot or ball at the end of the heaving line
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What is Marline?
Two-strand, left laid tarred hemp small stuff. Mainly used for seizing
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What is a bight?
A loop of rope, line, or chain
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What is the eye?
A splice placed in the bitter end of line, which joins back to itself making a loop
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What is mousing?
Wire wrapped around a hook used to strengthen and prevent the load from slipping off.
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What is a mooring line?
A line used to moore ships to the pier
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What is a breast line?
A line that is nearly straight across from the pier. Used to control the distance of the ship from the pier.
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What is a round turn?
A complete turn around a bit
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What is a figure 8 turn?
A bight of line placed on its in a figure eight to secure the line to the fixture after an adjustment has been made.
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What is a single up?
Putting out first line or bringing in second line
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What is a double up?
When the ship is in position and secure, the mooring lines are doubled up.
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What is heavy strain?
Heavy tension on a line
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What is moderate strain?
A strain on a line that is not critical
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What is light strain?
Light tension on a line
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What does Frap mean?
To wrap the mooring lines snugly with small stuff, holding the mooring line together
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What is a rat guard?
A hinged metal disk that can be secured to the mooring line to prevent rats from coming OB.
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What is chafing gear?
Canvas, line or other material wrapped around the area of line where the rat guards are placed.
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What is a rat-tail stopper?
A braided tapering stopper used on boat falls and mooring lines
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What is SWL?
Safe working load
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Who is the OTC?
Officer in Tactical Command- responsible for electing and promulgating the replenishment course and speed
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What is the speed for replenishment?
12-16 knots
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Which ship is the control ship?
The ship delivering the product
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Who?s is responsible for the ROMEO signals for approach and trf?
The approach ship
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What is the messenger?
The main line used to assist in hauling any basic rig across between ships.
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How are the distance markers arranged on a PDL?
Green- 0, 100, 200, 300 / Red- 20, 120, 220 / Blue- 60, 160, 260 /White- 80, 180, 280
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What are riding lines?
Lines used to hold probe in place
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What are tie-down lines?
Lines used to secure various portions of a rig
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What is an eye splice?
Used to make an eye at the end of the line
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What is a short splice?
Used to join two pieces of line
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What is a long splice?
Used to join two pieces of line without changing its circumference
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What is an inhaul?
A line used to recover any piece of gear such as a paravane or a trolley block
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What is an outhaul?
A line used to haul a piece of gear from a ship
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What is a winch?
Mechanical device used to slack off heave n on saddle whips and span wire
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What is a bolo?
A nylon line with a padded lead weight or monkey fist attached
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What is the line-throwing gun?
MK87 Mod 1 gun for shooting line
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What is the fairlead block?
The block the line passes through to give direction of pull
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What is a snatch block?
Block that opens up on one side to allow bight of line to be passed through
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What are contour lights?
Blue lights places on the outer ship to mark the location night
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What are saddle whips?
Wires used to control the saddle—There are 3 whips located on all stream fuel rigs.
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What controls the whips?
The winches
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What are hose saddles?
Device used to connect hoses and attach to a trolley that keeps the weight of the hose from crimping itself as it hangs
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How many types of hose saddles are there?
2- Type A and Type B. Type A is for a single hose rig and Type B is for a two hose rig.
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What is a Ram tensioner?
A hydraulic device that keeps constant tension on a span wire
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What is a trolley?
Device used to attach the saddle to wire and allows smooth movement
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What is a cargo drop reel (CDR)?
Takes the place of a sliding pad-eye used on ships that don?t have a sliding pad eye
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What is the capacity of the CDR?
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What is a sliding pad eye?
Raises and lowers the attachment point on a cargo receiving station
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What is an end fitting?
A fitting attached to the a tensioned line from the delivery station to the receiving station
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What is a pendant receiving station?
Keeps the highline at a fixed height above the deck
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What is SURF?
Standard Under weigh replenishment fixture- used to fairlead the tensioned outhaul at the receiving station
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What are the day/night station markers?
AKA Chicken Box- metal box with 9 doors with latches. Behind the latches are red lenses and two 25-watt lights. 14 different combinations of lights are used to ID the cargo
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What is a replenishment checklist?
Checklists that are used as a guide to ensure that all requirements are met.
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What are chem lights?
Lights that are used to mark attachment points
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Name the Unrep crew, their responsibilities and their helmet colors:
Safety officer- responsible for safety of station-white helmet green cross / Rig Captain- In charge of rig-yellow helmet / Riggers-connect/disconnect rig, tend the line- blue helmet / Signalman-transmits orders via signal paddles, green helmet / Corpsman- medical watch station- white helmet, Red Cross / Gunner?s mate-Line thrower- red helmet / Winch Operator-Controls the winch-Brown helmet / Phone talker-relays order via sound-powered phone-green helmet
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What is one blast of a whistle mean?
Standby to receive shot line
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What are two blasts from a whistle mean?
Ready to receive shot line
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What does 3 blasts from a whistle mean?
Sending shot line
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What does it mean for the ships when Romeo is at dip?
Control ship- preparing to receive you alongside / Approach ship- Am ready to come alongside
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What does it mean when Romeo is close up (top)?
Control ship- ready to receive you on the side rigged / Approach ship-Commencing approach
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What does it mean when Romeo is hauled down?
Control ship- first line is secured and messenger is at hand / Approach ship- first line is secured
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What does it mean when prep is at dip?
Approach ship- expect to disengage in 15min
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What does it mean when prep is close up?
Approach ship are disengaging
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What does it mean when prep is hauled down?
Approach ship-clear of delivery ship
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What does it mean when Bravo is at dip?
Both ships preparing to trf
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What does it mean when Bravo is close up?
Both ships trf fuels/ammo
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What does it mean when Bravo is hauled down?
Both ship- trf complete
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What is the purpose of special sea and anchor detail?
Establish policies for assigning personnel to stations and duties when the ship is in restricted waters and preparing to get underway or return to port. Also supplements the regular steaming watch
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What is plane guard?
Another ships or helo holding station that allows flight ops to continue in support of mission
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What is low visibility detail?
A detail that is stationed during for or reduced visibility to detect approach ship or ac
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What is restricted maneuvering?
A Vessel that is unable to keep out of the way of another vessel
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Who is the only one that can order abandon ship?
The CO
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What will the CO say over the intercom?
?All hand prepare to abandon ship? and then ?All hands abandon ship??
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What are the actions of the crew during abandon ship?
Report to abandon ship stations in an orderly fashion
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Which personnel will be places in life rafts first?
Injured personnel
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How is a life buoy/ring used in recovery of a man overboard?
Thrown overboard regardless if man is seen or just heard
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How is a smoke float used in a man overboard?
Deployed to assist OOD and Conning Officer in the navigation of the ship
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How is a strobe light used in a man overboard?
Attached to the life ring on all weather decks; automatically activated when waterborne. Marks the life rings location at night
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How is the DRT (dead reckoning tracer) used in a man overboard?
Energized when man Overboard is called away, plots the course of the ship to guide in navigation
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What are the three types of man overboard recovery?
Helo, small boat, and shipboard
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What is the ships helm and what is it comprised of?
Unit that maneuvers the ship- comprised of two gyro repeaters
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What does the lee helm do?
Operates the Engine Order Telegraph
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What does the Engine order telegraph do?
Provides speed input for the ship
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Who order the speed desired?
The Conning Officer
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Who monitors the alarm panel?
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What is autopilot?
Steers the ship automatically on a designated course
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How many steering units does the Abraham Lincoln have?
4, two online and two on standby.
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What is ECDIS?
Electronic Chart Display and Information System
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What is the boat keeper responsible for?
The care of the boat in absence of the crew
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In what order are the lines removed to launch a boat davit?
Davit wire quick release hook, aft steadying line, fwd steadying line, and sea painter
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What is the lifting capacity of a B & A Crane?
50,000 lbs with a critical lift at 42,500lbs
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What is the lifting capacity of the auxiliary hook on the B & A crane?
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What does RAS and FAS stand for?
Replenishment at Sea / Fueling at Sea
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What is an accommodation ladder?
Ladders that can be rigged and lowered over the side. Located aft of the Lincoln room.
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Who navigates a ship during an unrep?
The conning Officer and the OOD controls ship movement and speed, but the CDC and TOP actually navigate and look for other ships.
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What is a gale and how is the warning sign displayed?
A gale is a storm ranging from 34 ? 47 mph and is displayed by 2 red pennants at day and white over red at night
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What is a hurricane/typhoon and how is the warning sign displayed?
64mph or more. Displayed y two red flags with black centers by day and a white light between two red lights at night.
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What is the most commonly used optical equipment?
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What is a stadimeter?
Determines the distance of an object based on known height
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What is a sextant?
A double reflecting instrument for measuring angles
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What is a Chronometer?
Ship?s clock at a nearly constant rate
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What is a Bearing circle?
Metal ring that fits over a compass bowl
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What is a telescopic alidade?
A device used with a gyro repeater to take in bearing
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What is the parallel motion protractor (PMP)?
Two rulers consisting of a protractor
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What are parallel rulers?
Instruments for transferring lines parallel to itself.
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What is a chart?
A map intended primarily for navigational use
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What is a gyrocompass?
An electromechanical compass used to indicate true north—keeping the ship on course
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What is a magnetic compass?
Used as a back-up to the gyro compass but only displays magnetic north
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What is radar?
Radio Detection and Ranging
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What is a radars purpose?
Used to determine the distance to and direction of an object
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What are the primary radars used by the navigation team?
SPS-64 and SPS-67
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What is a Fathometer?
Used to measure the depth of the water under the keel
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What is SATNAV?
Satellite Navigation
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What is a SATNAVs purpose?
Highly accurate passive all weather world wide navigational system
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What is the global Positioning system (GPS)?
System that provides highly accurate location
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What is a LOP?
A line of position
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What is a line of position?
A plotted line in which a vessel is located
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What is an EP?
Estimated position- an estimate of where craft is
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What is fix?
An accurate position that has been established
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What is latitude?
North or south of the equator? 0degrees
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What is longitude?
East or west of the prime meridian
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What is set/drift?
Set- the direction in which the ship is being pushed off course / Drift- Speed or velocity the ship is being pushed off course
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What is GMT?
Greenwich meantime—ZULU time
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How many time zones are there?
24, but 25 designations
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What is variation/deviation?
Variation: the difference between geographic north and magnetic north / Deviation: effect on the compass caused by the magnetic effect of any medal
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What is IALA?
International Association of Lighthouse Authorities Buoyage System- provides rules that apply to all fixed and floating markers
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What region is the US in?
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What is the Cardinal System?
Used with the compass to show mariner where the best navigable water is
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What are the methods for attaining a ship?s position?
Visual and Electronic
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What is the purpose of the range/channel markings?
To assist mariners in keeping their vessels on the centerline of a channel
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What is the OOD responsible for?
The operation of the ship and is under the CO
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What is the conning officer responsible for?
Giving order to lee helm and under the OOD
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What is the BMOW (boatswain?s mate of the watch) responsible for?
The watch section
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What is the helmsman/lee helmsman responsible for?
Helmsman steers ship—keeps ship on course, lee helmsman makes changes as order to the EOT.
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What are lookouts?
Scan the surface for any objects and report to the OOD
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How many lookouts are there?
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What is the QMOW responsible for (Quarter Master of the Watch)?
Plots the course and make changes in weather
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What is the barometer?
Instrument used for measuring atmospheric pressure
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What is the psychrometer?
An instrument used for determining atmospheric humidity consist of a dry-bulb and wet-bulb thermometers
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What are the voice tubes?
Tubes that run from one watch station to the other used for communication
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What are the JX/JL circuits?
JX- used for battle / JL- lookout communications
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What is the bullhorn?
The ship?s 6MC
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What is a telltale panel?
Panel which indicated ship?s running light configuration
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What is a collision?
A risk of colliding
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What is aground?
Resting or lodged on the bottom
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What is an advance?
The amount of distance run on the original course until the ship steadies on the new course
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What is a transfer?
Amount of distance gained towards the new course
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What is a pivot point?
The point on the centerline between the bow and the center of gravity in which the ship turns when the rudder is put over
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What is acceleration/deceleration?
Tables showing distance traveled at various speeds
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What is a turning circle?
A path followed by the ship?s pivot point when making a 360 turn
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What is a DIW (dead in water)?
When a ship is stopped—not moored or anchored
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What is true bearing?
Direction relative to true north instead of magnetic north
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What is magnetic bearing?
Direction relative to the ship?s heading expressed in degrees or point
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What is head-on?
The masts of 2 vessels line up with each other
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What is a crossing situation?
When two vessels are crossing and have risk of collision
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What is an overtaking situation?
When one ship approaches another by any place 2 points abaft either beam
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What is a stand on vessel?
A vessel that has the right away
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What is a give way vessel?
A vessel required changing course or slowing down
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What are underway lights?
Fwd and aft mast light, port stbd side light, stern light
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What is in port moored?
AC warning light 360 red on mast, all around white lights on the flag staff and jack staff
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What is engaged in special operations?
Red over white over red
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What is man overboard?
Pulsating red over red, 360 vertical lights on mast
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What is not under command?
Red over red 360 vertical on the mast
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What is anchored?
2 360 white lights and 1 360 red light
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What are the low-visibility sound signals and what do they indicate?
A vessel moving is one prolonged blast at intervals of no more than 2 minutes / A vessel stopped sounds 2 prolonged blasts at intervals of no more than 2 minutes / A vessel no under command, restricted, etc 1 prolonged blast followed by 2 short blast at intervals no more than 2 minutes
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What is a small craft signal?
One red pennant displayed during day or one red over white at night. Winds 18-33 nmph—dangerous to small craft ops
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What are steering pumps?
Pumps hydraulic fluid into the ram assembly
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What is a trick wheel?
A mechanical emergency input device- Located on top of the steering pumps
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What is a differential control box?
Mechanically device that compares the rudder order to the actual position of the rudder shaft
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What is the ram assembly?
Two pistons that steer the rudder—only pushes