Operations Flashcards
What does OPSO stand for?
Operations Officer
Who is the OPSO?
CDR Mann
Who is the CDCO?
CDR Valdez
What does CDC stand for?
Combat Direction Center
What is the PRIMARY mission of CDC?
Gather, Process, Display, Evaluate and Disseminate
What is the SECONDARY mission of CDC?
Control & assist A/C, navigation, boat control, man overboard, EMCON
How many modules make up CDC?
Name 4 of the 7 modules in CDC.
- AW
- EW
- D&D
What are the 4 main rates that work in CDC?
- OS
- FC
What are 3 of the 7 main positions manned in CDC?
What does TAO stand for?
Tactical Actions Officer
What does CDCWO stand for?
Combat Direction Center Watch Officer
What does EWS stand for?
Electronic Warfare Supervisor
What does ADWC stand for?
Air Defense Weapons Coordinator
What does ASTAC stand for?
Anti-Sub Tactical Air Controller
What does AIC stand for?
Air Intercept Controller
What does TDC stand for?
Track data Coordinator
What are the 2 data links onboard that a TDC will control?
Link 11 & 16
What is the nickname for Link 11?
What is the nickname for Link 16?
What is the purpose of a data link?
Exchange real time data information between ships, A/C and shore based units
What does CDLMS stand for?
Common Data Link Management System
What is Red Deck?
Indicates that the ship is not ready for FLTOPS
What is Amber Deck?
Clearance to engage/disengage rotors of launch a/c within 2mins
What is Green Deck?
Term used to indicate that the ship is ready in all aspects for FLTOPS
What does CVIC stand for?
Carrier Intelligence Center
What is the primary mission of the SLQ-32?
Anti-ship missile defense
What does EEFI stand for?
Essential Elements of Friendly Information
What does IFF stand for?
Identify Friend or Foe
How many modes of IFF are there?
Name 2 of the 5 locations for the SPA 25G.
- Bridge
What does ES stand for?
Electronic Support
What does SSDS stand for?
Ships Self Defense System
What does EA stand for?
Electronic Attack
What does EP stand for?
Electronic Protection
What does SAR mean?
Search and Rescue
What does TACAN stand for?
Tactical Air Navigation
What does DRT stand for?
Dead Reckoning Tracer
What is the mission of a C-2 Greyhound?
What is the primary mission of a MH60R?
What is the secondary mission of the MH60R?
SSC (surface search coordination) and SAR
Friendly Information has been disclosed
Intruder on the net
What does C4I stand for?
Command, Control, Communications Computer, and Intelligence
What does GCCS-M stand for?
Global Command Control System - Maritime
When is the shipping officer and piloting officer manned?
Used during the navigation and sea details
What is the purpose of the shipping officer?
Advise the Conn & piloting officer of the position, course, speed and CPA (closest point of approach of all surface contacts)
What is the purpose of the piloting officer?
Makes piloting recommendations to the conning officer based on the navigation chart, ships position & polices of the CO
Name 2 of the 5 radars used in CDC.
- SPS-48
- 49
- 67
- 73
- SPQ 9B
What does ROE stand for?
Rules of Engagement
What does OPORDER stand for?
Operational Order
What does OPPLAN stand for?
Operational Plan
What does OPTASK stand for?
Operational Tasking
What are the 3 types of OPREPS-3?
- Pinnacle
- Navy Blue
- Unit Sitrep
What is the purpose of a MOVEREP?
To make the Operation Command aware of our track and location
What is the purpose of a LOGREQ?
To request service when entering port
What does ASTAB stand for?
Automated Status Board
What does WAS stand for?
War at Sea
What does DDG stand for?
Guided Missile Destroyer
What does CG stand for?
What does CSG stand for?
Carrier Strike Group
What does ARG stand for?
Amphibious Ready Group
What does an ARG consist of?
What does EMCON stand for?
Emission Control
Define EMCON.
Selective control of emitted electromagnetic or acoustic energy
Name 6 methods of visual communications.
- Flags/Pennants
- Day Shapes
- Flashing Light
- Flares
- Infrared
- Semaphore
Name the security classification categories and the colors associated with each.
- Confidential - Blue
- Secret - Red
- Top Secret - Pink
What does EKMS stand for?
Electronic Key Management System