Navigation Flashcards
What is the Officer of the Decks (OOD) job?
In charge of the bridge and all watchstanders
What is the Conning Officer’s job?
Gives orders to the helmsman and lee helmsman
What is the Boatswain Mate of the Watch’s (BMOW) job?
Does all the 1MC announcements, bells, piping
What is the Helmsman’s job?
Drives the ship - ‘steering wheel’
What is the Lee Helmsman’s job?
Controls the speed of the ship - ‘gas pedal’
What is the Quartermaster of the Watch’s (QMOW) job?
In charge of safe navigation of the ship
What is a stadimeter used for?
Measures distance to an object when the height of the object is known
What is a sextant used for?
Used for celestial navigation
What does GPS stand for?
Global Positioning System
What does the fathometer do?
Measures the depth of water beneath the keel
What is the day shape used for not under command?
2 black balls
What lights are used for anchored?
Jack staff and flag staff lights, 75 lights, water security lights, aircraft warning light
What lights are used for restricted in ability to maneuver?
Red-white-red lights
What is the visual signal for man overboard?
Red over red flashing lights
What flag is used for personnel recall?
Flag Papa
What flag is used for small boat recall?
Flag Quebec
What flag is used for personnel working aloft?
Flag Kilo
What flag is used for man overboard?
Flag Oscar
What flag is used for moving fuel or ordinance?
Flag Bravo
What flag is used for personnel working over the side?
Flag Kilo + Flag One
What flag is used for personnel working aloft and over the side?
Flag Kilo + Flag Three
What flag is used for divers in the water?
Flag Code + Flag Alpha
What does VMS stand for?
Voyage Management System
What is the sound signal for leaving dock or pier?
One prolonged blast
What is the sound signal for restricted in ability to maneuver?
One prolonged blast followed by 2 short blasts
What does SOPA stand for?
Senior Officer Present Afloat
What flag do we use while making preps to go alongside an UNREP ship?
Flag Romeo
How many mooring lines do we have?
12 mooring lines plus 2 storm lines
How many time zones make up the Earth?
24 time zones
What time zones does Norfolk Virginia use?
Quebec and Romeo
What is the day shape used for anchored?
1 black ball
What is the day shape used for restricted in ability to maneuver?
What is the 1st substitute flag used for?
CSG-8 Admiral is ashore
What is the 2nd substitute flag used for?
Chief of Staff is ashore
What is the 3rd substitute flag used for?
Our CO is ashore
How many bells does the CO receive for honors when he departs/arrives?
4 bells
What is sounded in addition to the bells when he steps on or off the brow?
A stinger (single tone)
How many bells does CSG-8 Admiral receive for honors when he departs/arrives?
6 bells
What is the day shape for a vessel constrained by draft?
A black cylinder
Where is the ship’s bell located at?
Starboard side, in catwalk near Belknap pole
Where is the ship’s gong located at?
What is the ideal distance for HST to be at when conducting a RAS with another ship?
160-180 feet
What flag do we use for fixed wing flight operations?
Flag Foxtrot
What flag do we use for helicopter operations?
Flag Hotel
What is our international call sign?
Who are the 3 people that receive stingers when they arrive/depart the ship?
CSG-8 Admiral, Chief of Staff, Commanding Officer
What is the Junior Officer of the Watch’s (JOOW) job?
Contact management with radar and voice communications with other ships
What is the day shape for a vessel aground?
Black ball-ball-ball
What flag will an UNREP ship fly to let us know that they are the guide ship?
Flag Golf
When do we set the low visibility detail?
When visibility decreases to less than 3NM
How many yards are in a nautical mile?
2,000 yards
What is the grid system called that is used to plot locations on the Earth?
Latitude and longitude
What is an alidade used for?
To give bearings to an object
What are the 2 ways to report a bearing to an object?
True and relative
What are the ship’s sound signals for man overboard?
6 short blasts
How long do we have to retrieve the man in the water?
12 minutes
What is the ship’s safety depth?
50 feet