Reactor Flashcards
Who is the father of Naval Nuclear Power?
Hyman G. Rickover
What is one benefit of nuclear propulsion?
Unlimited range
Not limited by fuel reserves; Unlimited high-speed propulsion; No need for fuel oil, more storage space for combat consumables.
What was the 1st nuclear Powered Carrier?
USS Enterprise (CVN 65)
What was the 1st Nuclear Powered surface ship?
USS Long Beach (CGN 9)
What was the 1st nuclear powered vessel?
USS Nautilus (SSN 571)
Name one rate in Reactor Department.
- EMN (Electrician’s Mate Nuclear)
- MMN (Machinist Mate Nuclear)
- EN (Engineman)
- MM (Machinist Mate)
- ETN (Electronics Technician Nuclear)
- YN (Yeoman)
Name one division in Reactor Department.
- Reactor Auxiliaries (RA)
- Reactor Controls (RC)
- Reactor Electrical (RE)
- Reactor Laboratories (RL)
- Reactor Mechanical (RM)
- Machinery (Reactor Propulsion) (RP)
- Reactor Training (RT)
What is RA Division responsible for?
Emergency Diesel Generators
What is RC Division responsible for?
Reactor control and instrumentation equipment
What is RE Division responsible for?
All electrical equipment within reactor department (e.g. motors, circuit breakers, generators, etc.)
What is RL Division responsible for?
Chemistry and radiological controls
What is RM Division responsible for?
Machinery in the Reactor Room (e.g. CTG, MFP, SSAC)
What is RP Division responsible for?
Machinery in the MMR (e.g. M/E, DU, SSTG, HPAC)
What is RT Division responsible for?
Propulsion plant drills, training, and qualifications
Who is the Reactor Officer (RO)?
CAPT. Sareini (Suh-Ree-Knee)
Who is the RDMC?
MMNCM(SW) Peterson
Name one Principal Assistant in Reactor Department.
What does CRA stand for?
Chemistry and Radiological Assistant
What division is the CRA responsible for?
Who is the CRA?
LCDR Usher
What does MPA stand for?
Main Propulsion Assistant
What division is the MPA responsible for?
Who is the MPA?
LCDR MacNaughton
What does REA stand for?
Reactor Electrical Assistant
What divisions is the REA responsible for?
- RC
- RE
Who is the REA?
LCDR Fredrickson
What does RMA stand for?
Reactor Mechanical Assistant
What divisions is the RMA responsible for?
- RM
- RA
Who is the RMA?
LCDR Wakeman
What does RTA stand for?
Reactor Training Assistant
Who is the RTA?
LCDR Stultz
What does RMO stand for?
Reactor Maintenance Officer
Who is the RMO?
What does EOS stand for?
Enclosed Operating Station
What does RAR stand for?
Reactor Auxiliaries Room
What does MMR stand for?
Main Machinery Room
What is the RDOM?
Reactor Department Organization Manual
What is the EDM?
Engineering Department Manual
How many reactors do we have?
2 (1 per plant)
What is the purpose of the reactor?
Heat source for steam plant
What type of reactor do we have?
Pressurized Water Reactor (A4W/A1G)
What type of nuclear fuel do we have?
Highly Enriched Uranium 235 (U-235)
How does Uranium 235 produce energy?
What is the power rating of the reactor?
550MW per reactor
How many RCPs are there?
8 (4 per plant)
What is the purpose of the RCPs?
Circulate coolant (water) through the reactor to remove heat to the steam generators
How many steam generators do we have?
8 (4 per plant)
What is the purpose of the steam generators?
Convert heat from the reactor to steam for propulsion, electrical power, and catapulting
What does SSTG stand for?
Ships Service Turbine Generator
How many SSTGs do we have?
4 (2 per plant)
What is the purpose of the SSTGs?
Provide electrical power to the ship
Where are the SSTGs located?
MMR (2 per MMR)
What is the operating voltage of a SSTG?
What is the operating frequency of the SSTG?
How many load centers are there?
How many load centers are owned by the reactor department?
8 (4 per plant)
What is the EPCP?
Electric Plant Control Panel
Who operates the EPCP?
Load Dispatcher (LD)
Where is the EPCP located?
Central Control (CCS)
How many EDGs do we have?
What is the purpose of the EDGs?
Emergency source of electrical power
What type of fuel does the EDG use?
How many reboilers do we have?
What is the purpose of the reboilers?
Provide steam for non-reactor loads (e.g. laundry steam, water heaters)
Where are the reboilers located?
1 and 4 Shaft Alleys
How many DUs do we have?
4 (2 per plant)
What is the purpose of the DU?
Provide desalinated water for the propulsion plants and potable water for the ship
What is the capacity of the DUs?
400000 Gallons Per Day (100000 gpd per DU)
How many potable water pumps do we have?
Where are the potable water pumps located?
Main Machinery Room (MMR)
How many potable water tanks are there?
What is the capacity of the potable water tanks?
485000 gallons
How many main engines do we have?
4 (2 per plant)
What is the purpose of the Main Engines?
What powers the Main Engines?
What is the purpose of the ahead turbine?
Forward propulsion
What is the purpose of the astern turbine?
Reversing steam to slow the ship. Backing bells.
What is the purpose of the main reduction gears?
Transfers power from the main engines to the propeller shafts
How many thrust bearings are there?
What does the thrust bearing do?
Transfers thrust provided from the propellers to the hull to propel the ship through the water
What is the purpose of the main air ejectors?
Remove air from (draw vacuum on) the main condensers
What is the purpose of the main condenser?
Condense steam exhaust from the main engines
What cools the main condensers?
Seawater (Main Circulating Water)
What is the purpose of the main engine lube oil system?
Provide cooling for the main engines and reduction gears
How many shafts are there?
How many shaft alleys are there?
What is the purpose of the shaft seals?
Prevent seawater from entering around shaft penetrations through hull
How many SSACs do we have?
What is the purpose of the SSACs?
Provide low pressure air to ship’s loads
How many HPACs do we have?
4 (2 per plant)
What is the purpose of the HPACs?
Provide high pressure air to ship’s loads
Where are the HPACs located?
How many TDFPs do we have?
4 (1 per MMR, 1 per Reactor Room)
Which fire pumps are turbine driven?
- 7
- 9
- 11
- 13
How many catapults are there?
Which catapults are normally supplied from number one propulsion plant?
Catapults number 1 and 2
Which catapults are normally supplied from number two propulsion plant?
Catapults number 3 and 4
What is the purpose of the catapult steam accumulators?
Provide steam pressure to launch catapults
What is CSC?
Catapult Supervisory Control
What is Catapult Supervisory Control?
Controls rate of catapult accumulator pressurization to limit effects to the reactor plant
What does TLD stand for?
Thermoluminescent Dosimeter
What does a TLD do?
Monitors radiation exposure
When is a TLD required?
- To enter the propulsion plant during operation
- To enter any radiation area boundary
- When standing watch in propulsion plant spaces
- When handling radioactive material
Name one watchstander in the Reactor Room.
- Chief Reactor Watch (CRW)
- Reactor Auxiliaries Watch (RAW)
- Coolant Generator Watch (CGW)
- Feed Control Watch (FCW)
- Feed Pumps Watch (FPW)
- Charging Station Watch (CSW)
- Engineering Laboratory Technician (ELT)
- Instrument Watch (IW)
- Propulsion Electrician (PE)
- Shutdown Roving Watch (SRW)
- Propulsion Plant Watch Supervisor (PPWS)
- Reactor Mechanical Operator (RMO)
Name one watchstander in EOS.
- Propulsion Plant Watch Officer (PPWO)
- Reactor Operator (RO)
- Shutdown Reactor Operator (SRO)
- Throttleman (THW)
- Log Recorder Phone Talker (LRPT)
Name one watchstander in the Main Machinery Room.
- Chief Machinery Operator (CMO)
- Auxiliary Operator (AO)
- Upper Level Port/Stbd (ULP / ULS)
- Lower Level Port/Stbd (LLP / LLS)
- Ships Generator Watch (SGW)
- Switchgear Operator (SO)
Name one reactor watchstander in Central Control.
- Engineering Officer of the Watch (EOOW)
- Load Dispatcher (LD)
- Water Control Watch (WCW)
What does EOOW stand for?
Engineering Officer of the Watch
Where does the EOOW stand watch?
Central Control (CCS)
What does the EOOW do?
Officer in charge of overall operation of both propulsion plants
What does RDO stand for?
Reactor Duty Officer
What does PPWO stand for?
Propulsion Plant Watch Officer
Where does the PPWO stand watch?
Enclosed Operating Station (EOS)
What does the PPWO do?
Officer in charge of operation of one of the propulsion plants (one per plant)
What does PPWS stand for?
Propulsion Plant Watch Supervisor
What does the PPWS do?
Senior enlisted watchstander in the propulsion plant. Supervises operations within the propulsion plant.
What does the Reactor Operator do?
Monitors reactor plant parameters at the RPCC. Responsible for safe reactor operation.
Where does the RO stand watch?
Enclosed Operating Station (EOS)
What does SRO stand for?
Shutdown Reactor Operator
What does the SRO do?
Monitors reactor parameters when the reactor is shutdown.
When is the SRO stationed?
In port, when the reactor is shutdown
Where does the Load Dispatcher (LD) stand watch?
Central Control (CCS)
What does the Load Dispatcher do?
Responsible for overall operation of the electric plant.
What does CMO stand for?
Chief Machinery Operator
Where does the CMO stand watch?
Main Machinery Room (MMR)
What does the CMO do?
Senior mechanic in the MMR. Responsible for overall operation of all mechanical equipment in the MMR.
What does CRW stand for?
Chief Reactor Watch
Where does the CRW stand watch?
Reactor Room
What does the CRW do?
Senior mechanic in the reactor room. Responsible for overall operation of all mechanical equipment in the reactor room.
What does ELT stand for?
Engineering Laboratory Technician
What does the ELT do?
Responsible for chemistry and radiological controls in the propulsion plant.
What does it mean when steam plants are split?
Both reactors are online providing steam.
What does it mean when steam plants are cross-connected?
A single reactor is supplying steam to both propulsion plants.
What is a normal four ship’s generator lineup (N4SGLU)?
All four SSTGs are operating and providing power to the ship’s electrical power distribution system.
What is a normal shore power lineup?
Shore power is supplying all of the ship’s electrical power.
What is a reactor SCRAM?
Emergency shutdown of the reactor.
What does it mean when the reactor is critical?
Stable, Self-sustaining nuclear reaction.