Operational Innovation Management Flashcards
Tasks and Stages of Operational Innovation management
- Planning and realisation of R&D projects;
- Planning and realisation of production;
- Planning and realisation of marketing;
Stages of Conducting Research and Development
- Applied research (Conceptual formulation; Conception, Draft, Elaboration, Realization, Trial and approval) - gives Technology;
- Pre-development - gives prototype;
- Development - gives Invention;
Requirement specifications
Target specification for R&D project from company perspective, regardless of concrete technical implementation
Technical specification
Target specification from technological perspective of the involved parties (R&D or suppliers), i.e. description of implementation of implementation of required specifications for every single component.
Structure of R&D Projects
- Object - oriented structure:
Project Development of Automobile -> Sub-project Development of powertrain ->Subproject Development of engine -> Sub-project Development of engine case - Phase oriented structure -
- Activity oriented structure
Sequential development
Product development ->process development = Development time
Simultaneous engineering
Product development -> process development ( starts while product development is not done) = development time
Instruments of Operational Innovation Management
- Products/ Process characteristics (Quality function deployment, Idea generation, Failure Mode and Effects Analysis).
- R&D development stages (Conceptual formulation, Conception, Draft, Elaboration)
- Products/ Processcost influencing instruments (target-costing, value analysis)
Quality Function Deployment
- Products Planning (Functional characteristics, customer requirements)
- Parts Planning (Functional characteristics - Products and parts characteristics)
- Process planning ( Decisive sequence of operations)
- Production planning - decisive sequence of operations(Production requirements)
Idead Generation
Creativity methods to coming up with ideas - Brainstorming, Brainwriting, Morphology)
Methods to collect ideas - market research, competitors’ analysis, patent research, literature research, Expert - workshop, Ideas competition
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA)
- used in phases on Conception and draft;
- guarantees that major failures can be avoided regarding product and process planning;
- 2 stages that build on one another
- Analysis of potential failures - how product and process elements could fail to an extent that disables functionality;
- Analysis of consequences of failures: What are the consequences from functional disability? which measures can prevent it?
Value Analysis
DIN 69910, parallels with target costing
• Helps the evaluation of alternative solutions during stages of
conception and draft
• The expected customer benefit is contrasted with the expected costs of
realizing an alternative solution
• Value analysis should result in products and processes with ideal costbenefit-relationships
Innovation Culture
Innovation culture describes all values, norms, and attitudes within a
company, that influence the thinking, the decisions, and the behavior of
executives and employees with regards to dealing with innovation.
Indicators for positive innovation culture
- Innovation first
- Allowing employees to make mistakes
- Creative space for own thinking and actions
- Innovationchampions
- Sharing and providing information to everybody
- Cooperative leadership and teamwork
- Comprehensive education and training
Controlling Innovations
- Time deviation
- Cost deviation
- Performance deviation (employees)
Intup Key Figures
Input - related figures:
R&D Intensity = R&D expenses/Revenues
R&D HR - Intensity = Employees with R&D - duties/Total number of employees
Throughput-related figures
Adherence to delivery dates = On time finalised sub-projects/Total number of finalized sub-projects
Patent productivity = Number submitted|registered patents/R&D expenses
Output-related figures
Construction rate = Number of design/Time period
Patent rate = Number submitted| registered patents/Time period
Productioniinovation rate = revenues with new products/total revenues