Operating Rules Flashcards
What are vehicles that don’t require registration?
Miniature sUAVS
Some racing sUAVS
under 1/2 pound
Flown indoors
How much is UAS registration
How long is UAS registration good for
3 years
What is the remote PIC
The Remote PIC is directly responsible and is the final authority on the
operation of sUAS including but not limited to:
Assessing the operational environment
Briefing crew members
Ensuring all control equipment is linked and working
Monitoring battery power
Monitoring payloads (if present)
Ensuring all documents are readily available
Does the person manipulating the controls need to have the Part 107 certification?
They must be directly supervised by a remote PIC who has met testing and training requirements
What is the role of the Visual Observer?
The job of the VO is to alert the rest of the crew to potential hazards
during flight
The VO does not have to be standing next to the Remote PIC
The VO needs to be positioned where they can see the sUAS continuously and
maintain VLOS
What are the three R’s of Leadership?
What is VLOS (what stands for)?
Visual Line of Sight
What is the definition of VLOS?
defined as keeping the unmanned
aircraft in visual-line-of-sight at all times
This means not flying an unmanned aircraft into clouds or fog, not behind trees,
buildings or other [even partial] obstructions
VLOS also means un-aided vision except for prescription glasses or sunglasses,
and not having to use binoculars, telescopes or zoom lenses to see the
unmanned aircraft
What should you do if you loose VLOS?
Try to regain VLOS
If you can regain VLOS, then initiage pre-determined procedures for loss of VLOS
(Hover mode or automatic return to home)
What is BLOS (What stands for)?
Beyond Line of Sight
Define BLOS
BLOS: flying a UA without the Remote PIC having VLOS at all times and
instead using instruments on the aircraft to maintain control and situational
awareness (very much a military thing)
What does FPV stand for?
First Person View
Define FPV
using virtual hardware to operate a vehicle by reference to an onboard
You may use FPV hardware, but a VO must be present to maintain VLOS
What should you do if another aircraft comes near?
The Remote PIC must also yield right-of-way to all other aircraft
Pause flight/hover mode
Rapid descent out of flight path or rapid ascent if necessary
What is a temporary flight restrictions (TFR)
Restriction on an area of airspace due
to the movement of government VIPs, special events, natural disasters, or
other unusual events.
What is a NOTAM? When is it issued?
Notice to Airmen (NOTAM): Issued when there’s aeronautical information
that could affect a pilot’s decision to make a flight. It includes such
information as airport or aerodrome primary runway closures, taxiways,
ramps, obstructions, communications, airspace, and changes in the status
of navigational aids, to name a few
What is the speed restriction for sUAS?
100 Miles per hour (ground speed).
If there is a 1000 foot tower how high can a UAS be flown?
1,400 feet.
A sUAS may not be flown higher that 400 AGL
However, it the vehicle is flown within a 400 foot radius of a structure, it can go to
a maximum limit of 400 Feet above that structure
How many minutes before sunrise can you fly?
30 minutes before sunrise (morning civil twilight)
How many minutes after official sunset can you fly?
30 minutes after official sunset (evening civil twilight) .
If flying at night what is the distance of anti collision lights on your UAV?
3 miles in all directions.
If you want to fly at night what must you obtain?
CoW. Certificate of Waiver.
Allows a Small Unmanned Aircraft System
(sUAS) operation to deviate from certain provisions of Part 107 as long as
the FAA finds that the proposed operation can be safely conducted under
the terms of that Certificate of Waiver.