Decision Making Flashcards
% of aviation accidents related to human factors?
What is ADM?
Aeronautical Decision Making is the systematic approach to the
mental process used by pilots to consistently determine the best
course of action for a given set of circumstances
What are the ADM Best Practices?
Learn how to recognize and cope with stress (this is actually a stressful occupation
if you are doing everything by the book)
If possible, use visual observers
Complete a thorough preflight inspection of all your equipment
Plan for weather
Gain familiarity of the airspace you’re working in
Ensure proper aircraft loading
Make sure you’ve properly planned your mission to match the performance of your
What is CRM?
Crew resource management
Crew resource management or cockpit resource management (CRM)
is a set of training procedures for use in environments where human
error can have devastating effects. Used primarily for improving air
safety, CRM focuses on interpersonal communication, leadership, and
decision making in the cockpit of an airliner.
What is the first thing you should do as part of your communication strategy?
Begin with letting people know that you are working and not a hobbyiest. They should stay away from your operations.
What is task management?
Task management is the process of handling the many simultaneous
duties involved in safely piloting a UAS
What is situational awareness (SA)?
Situational awareness or situation awareness (SA) is the perception of
environmental elements and events with respect to time or space, the
comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after
some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a
predetermined event
PAVE stands for?
Personal minimums
External Pressures
What does P in Pave mean?
Personal minimums can change over time an can be assessed using the IMSAFE checklist (remember Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Emotion)
What does A in PAVE mean?
Aircraft; is the aircraft airworthy, have I conducted a preflight inspection of
the core components of my UAS, if a payload is present, is it securely
What does V in PAVE mean?
EnVironment; what is the weather like, am I comfortable with the conditions
if they’ve changed from the predicted
What does E in PAVE mean?
External pressures; am I being honest with myself and others about my
personal operational abilities and limitations or am I working too hard and
too quickly to meet unrealistic, unsafe goals
What does 1 st D in DECIDE mean?
Detect that a change has occurred
What does E in DECIDE mean?
Estimate the significance of the response necessary to counter the change
What does C in DECIDE mean?
Choose the desirable outcome
What does I in DECIDE mean?
Identify the actions needed to control the change with success
What does 2nd D in DECIDE mean?
Do; act/take the action to achieve change
What does E in DECIDE mean?
Evaluate the effects of the action
What is Anti-authority
Don’t tell me what to do/No one can tell me what to do
Some people are resentful of rules, regulations and procedures and attempt to
bend the rules
What is impulsivity
Some people do not stop to think about what they are about to do and
do the first thing that comes to mind
You should think first and then act
You have time to evaluate and choose an action
What is invulnerability?
It won’t happen to me
many people feel like accidents happen to other people and it makes them more likely to take chances and increase risk
What is machismo
The drive to demonstrate that you’re top dog can have an adverse effect on safety
Can generate tendencies that lead to dangerous practices and may lead to a
What is resignation?
What’s the use?
Some people don’t see themselves as being able to make a difference
in what happens to them, these are the people who attribute things
happening to them to the “luck of the draw”
When it comes to flying, there’s no such thing as luck, there’s only planning and
executing safe decisions