Operating models Flashcards
Operations strategy
total pattern of decisions which shape the long-term capabilities of any type of operations and their contributions to the overall strategy
What are operations?
subset of the operating model: processes, locations, suppliers, not just production of physical goods
What are total patterns of decisions?
decisions needed to be internally consistent
What are long term capabilities?
unique collection of resources, assets+skills, embedded in a culture that allows it to win
Contribution to overall strategy
everything off base if it does not achieve competitive advantage
What are operations strategy decisions?
1) Determining what my processes need to be good at
2) Making sure the firm has the right kind of capacity in the right place, doing the right jobs
Operational competitive priorities:
the things processes need to be good at:
- cost
- conformance quality
- high performance design quality
- customization
- volume flexibility
- mix flexibility
- delivery speed
- delivery reliability
- new product development speed
- empathy, tangibles, assurance
sequence of steps and activities that transform inputs into outputs by consuming resources, 2 ways to define
Core Processes
top 4-6 things than an org must do to execute their business model
Primary and Support Processes
1) Value adding processes
2) Processes that increase WTP
3) Processes that come to mind when you ask “what does the company do”
* if primary processes about delivering value to customers, support are about keeping the business running