Operating Instructions Flashcards
List the eight exceptions that allow for vehicles to be propelled on the Main line? (8)
- Shunting within station limits
- A train is stalled and has to setback
- The line is blocked and trains are being worked to the points of obstruction on both sides
- Work trains working between a siding and a point of loading or discharge
- Specifically authorized by officer controlling train running
- Under special instructions when assisting up gradients
- A locomotive is disabled and a following locomotive is propelling it to the next station, siding, crossover road
- Required to assist in starting a train from a station
At an interlocked station, who has authority to authorize the passing of fixed signals at stop? (1)
Any signal, except a Departure or intermediate signal, may be passed at “stop” on instruction from the signaler who directly controls that signal (Verbal authority).
What checks and safeguards must occur before giving authority to pass a signal at stop? (6)
- Ensure all points are correctly set and secure for the intended movement
- Ensure that the route is clear up to the next fixed signal in advance.
- Ensure another train has not encroached onto the section of track
- Ensure that a conflicting movement has not been signaled or authorized.
- If an obstruction exists check it is safe for the proposed movement and the LE is briefed
- Operate the lever or computer command to “clear” the signal.
What does the rule specify about replacing signals to “Stop” before being acted upon? (3)
When a signal has been placed at “proceed” for a train or shunt it must not be replaced to “Stop” before being acted upon except to prevent danger or when otherwise absolutely necessary. When a signal is replaced to “stop” in such circumstances the signaler must not change the route nor give a signal for a conflicting movement until they have satisfied themselves that the signal originally given will not be acted upon. i.e By making contact with the driver and obtaining permission to take bck the light.
Who must Train Control contact immediately if it is suspected that a wagon containing hazardous goods is damaged, defective or derailed? (1)
Fire department, and if known advise them of the dangerous goods on board.
What authority is required before a train is permitted to change direction within station limits? (1)
Signaler or the train controller in charge of the station.
What must occur when an employee is notified if the failure of Warning Devices at a Level Crossing? (4)2
Rail personnel who become aware of the failure of warning devices must at once advise train control who must in turn immediately advise signal personnel (155)
Immediate arrangements must be made for the protection of the crossing, 10km/h speed restriction on all movements over the crossing concerned.
All trains must be advised before approaching the crossing.
Once on the level crossing the rail movement may resume normal line speed.
What trains can be dispatched from stations without the authority of Train Control? (1)
Passenger trains may be dispatched on schedule time (under lights) unless train control directs otherwise.
How are rusty rail conditions authorized and where are the particulars recorded? (1)
Be advised by information bulletin and endorsed on the train control diagram.
In a section where rusty rail conditions apply, what safe guards are required to protect trains in the section?
Train control must prevent a following train from entering the affected block section until advice has been received that the train running a head has called clear and complete of the block section.
Who authorizes the termination of rusty rail conditions and where are the particulars recorded? (2)
Signals personnel will authorize the termination of rusty rails and train control will endorse this clearance on the train control diagram.