Operant Conditioning Flashcards
Operant conditioning
chosen behaviors become associated with consequences which punish or reinforce behavior
Positive Reinforcement
adding something desirable to make behavior more likely
Negative Reinforcement
ending something unpleasant to make behavior more likely
Positive Punishment
add something unpleasant/aversive to make behavior less likely
Negative Punishment
take away something pleasant/desired to make behavior less likely
Law of Effect
good consequences to behavior become more likely, and bad consequences to behavior become less likely
Primary Reinforcer
stimulus that meets basic needs
Secondary Reinforcer
stimulus that become associated with primary reinforcer
Reinforcement Discrimination
learns to only respond to specific stimulus associated with reinforcement and not to similar stimuli
Reinforcement Generalization
behavior learned in response to specific stimulus is preformed in response to similar stimuli
process of gradually shaping behavior into the desired target behavior
Instinctive Drift
animal’s learned behavior gradually goes back to it’s regular behavior
Superstitious Behavior
behaviors get randomly/accidentally reinforced, lead people to believe there’s a relationship between variables
Learned Helplessness
person/animal learns to believe behaviors have no impact on outcome of situation, resulting in giving up
Continuous Reinforcement
give a reward every time target behavior is hit