open questions pt 2 Flashcards
Parameters used to diagnose gestational age
Head circumference
Abdominal circumference
Biparietal (head) diameter
Femur length
At least 3 complications of external cephalic version
Foetal death Foetal bone injury Preterm labour umbilical cord prolapse alloimmunity
How do you know a woman is in labour/ positive sign woman is in labour
strong uterine contractions space out regularly
cervical mucus plug
rupture membrane
progression of dilation and effacement of cervix
perquisites for forceps extraction
- head location should be known
- head fully engaged
- full dilation and effacement of cervix
- membrane rupture
Risk factors for eclampsia
previous preeclampsia
- hydatidiform mole
- age less than 20 more than 40
- nulliparity
- multiple gestations
- obesity
- diabetes mellitus or gestational diabetes
- chromosomal abnormalities
Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy
- previous pelvic inflammatory disorder (PID)
- previous ectopic pregnancy
- surgery on fallopian tubes
- sti s
- endometriosis
- IUD /hormone therapy
- smoking
- Advanced maternal age
Risk factors for placenta accrete
advanced maternal age multiparity placenta previa prev c section uterine scarring
Risk factors retained placenta
prev retained placenta placenta accreta placenta previa ivf fibroids (PPPIF)
Methods for active management 3rd stage of labour
-administration of uterotonics
umbilical cord traction
uterine fundus massage
Suppression of lactation is best achieved
A. Vitamin B6
B. Bromocriptine
C. Estrogen - Testosterone
D. Estrogen
What are the indications for cesarean hysterectomy?
A. Placenta previa
B. Severe cervical dysplasia or early cervical cancer
C. An unrepairable uterine scar
D. Laceration of major uterine vessels
Intrapartum CTG finding of late deceleration is :
A. is not something worrisome
B. Compression of the fetal head mediated by the Vagus
C. Is most commonly due to placental insufficiency
D. Caused by umbilical cord
Surgical management of dysfunctional uterine bleeding include everything without ?
A. Hysterectomy
B. Ovariectomy
C. Uterine curettage
D. Endometrial ablation/resection
A 32-year-old woman has severe postpartum hemorrhage that does not respond to medical therapy. The obstetrician states that surgical management is the best therapy. The patient desires future child bearing. Which of the following is most appropriate to achieve the therapeutic goals?
A. Utero-ovarian ligament ligation
B. Supracervical hysterectomy
C. Cervical cerclage
D. Hypogastric artery ligation
A newborn infant obtains maternal antibodies from ?
A. Afterbirth
B. Vernix
C. Colostrum
D. Lanugo