mcq part 2 Flashcards
Lacerations after labor which involve the perineal fascia and muscles, both external and internal anal sphincters and the anal epithelium are……degree of perineal rupture:
An 18-year-old adolescent female undergoes laparoscopy for an acute abdomen.
Erythematous fallopian tubes are noted and a diagnosis of PD is made. Cultures of the pure drainage would most likely reveal which of the following?
D.A. Multiple organisms
D.B. Chlamydia trachomatis
D.C. Peptostreptococcus species
D.D. Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Variable decelerations during labor are caused by:
A. Placental abruption
B. Placental insufficiency
C. Cord compression
D. Head compression
The first stage of labor is said to be completed
A. When the membranes rupture
B. When active phase of labor begins
C. When the cervix fully dilates (10 cm)
D. With the appearance of bearing down efforts
Which of the following statements best describes the role of FSH in menstruation?
A. FSH induces theca cell aromatase
B. FSH induces granulosa cell LH receptors within the dominant follicle
C. FSH increases its own receptor numbers on theca cells.
D. FSH stimulates follicular growth only in the early preantral stage.
A 28-year-old G1PO presents in active labor at term. Her history is remarkable only for a LEEP 4.
years prior for HGSIL. The labor was Complicated by complete effacement of the cervix and descent of the vertex at +1 station. However, the cervix did not dilate. A dimple may be noted at the external os.
What is this condition called?
Conglutinate cervix
Progress in labor is determined by which of the following:
A. Dilation and descent
B. Dilation and intensity of contractions
C. Frequency of contractions
D. Dilation and effacement
A 29-year-old G1P0 at 11 weeks gestation is being seen for her first prenatal visit Which of the following statements is most accurate regarding tests for isoimmunization?
A. If the patient is Rh positive an antibody screen does not need to be performed
B. in a patient with a positive antibody screen for Rh antibodies RHOGAM is not needed
C. Antibody screen on paternal blood is important in Rh negative women to determine likelihood of the fetus being affected
D. the antibody screen is positive there is strong likelihood of isoimmunization
A 24-year-old woman underwent a normal vaginal delivery of a term infant female After the delivery, the placenta does not deliver even after 30 minutes Which of the following would be the mod step for this patient?
A. Hysterectomy
B. İnitiate oxytocin
C. Attempt a manual extraction of the placenta
D. Wait for an additional 30 minutes
A patient at 17 weeks gestation is diagnosed as having an intrauterine fetal demise. She returns to your office 5 weeks later and her vital signs are: blood pressure 11072 mm Hg, pulse 93 beats per minute, temperature 36.38°C, respiratory rate 16 breaths per minute. She has not had a miscarriage, although she has had some occasional spotting Her cervix is closed on examination. This patient is at increased risk for which of the following?
A. Septic abortion B. Recurrent abortion C. Consumptive coagulopathy with hypofibrinogenemia D. Future infertility E. Ectopic pregnancies
You’re assessing a patient’s chart and find that the patient is 36 weeks pregnant. Where should you find the fundus of the uterus during your assessment of fundal height?
A. 4 cm below the xiphoid process
B. At the umbilicus
C. Xiphoid process
D. Pubic symphysis
Complications of multiple pregnancy - which of the following is true?
A. Twin pregnancies are at an increased risk of pre-eclampsia.
B. First trimester miscarriage is more common in multiple pregnancy, but late miscarriage
C. Preterm labour is not the main cause of perinatal mortality.
D. In the majority of pregnancies, the presenting twin is breech.
Human placenta is derived from?
A. Allantois and Amnion
B. Chorion
C. Amnion
D. Allantois
Engaging diameter in fully flexed vertex presentation is:
ngaging diameter in fully flexed vertex presentation is: A. Suboccipitobregmatic B. Occipitofrontal C. Mento Vertical D. Sub Occipitofrontal
Maternal indication for induction of labor
A. Post-term pregnancy
B. Pre-term pregnancy
C. Major degree placenta praevia
D. Major degree of cephalopelvic disproportion
In dysaesthetic vulvodynia
A. The pain experienced by the patient is typically neuropathic
B. The standard dosage of amitriptyline is 10 mg/day C. Irritant contact dermatitis of the vulva cannot occur
D. Patients are usually 20–30 years of age.
Most ectopic pregnancies occur where?
A. Abdominal cavity
B. Ovary
C. Fallopian tube
D. Cervix
A 19 year-old woman and her boyfriend wish to use condoms as a barrier contraceptive method. This couple should be advised that the most common reason for failure (pregnancy or STD transmission) is which of the following?
A. A Leakage caused by spermicidal creams
B. Breakage
C. İnconsistent use
D. Use without concomitant use of a spermicide
A 34-year-old male undergoes vasectomy. Which of the following is the most frequent immediate complication of this procedure?
A. Hematoma
B. İmpotence
C. spontaneous reanastomosis
D. Infection
A 20-year-old woman (gravida 1) has just delivered. After expression of the placenta, a red, raw surface is seen at the vaginal introitus. Simultaneously, the nurse states that the patient is pale and her BP is 70/40
mm Hg. External bleeding has been of normal amount. Which of the following would be the most likely diagnosis?
A. A Second twin
B. Vaginal rupture
C. Uterine inversion
D. Ruptured uterus
Delivery is not possible per vaginam in
A. Persistent mentoposterior position
B. Mentoanterior position
C. Occipitoposterior position
D. Breech with extended legs
In a cephalic presentation, the position is determined by the relationship of what fetal part to the mother’s pelvis?
A. Mentum B. Sacrum C. Acromion D. Occiput E. Sinciput
False contractions are characterized by all except:
A. Occur at irregular intervals
B. Cervix dilates
C. Intensity doesn’t change
D. Pain is primarily in the lower abdom
What is the most common type of postoperative infection following an emergency caesarean section?
A. Wound infection
B. Urinary tract infection
C. Lower respiratory tract infection
D. Endometritis