OPDEF & S2022 Ect Flashcards
What does OPDEF stand for ?
Operation defect
What’s the letter categories of an OPDEF ( CAT)
A- major capability inoperative
B- major capability significantly degraded
C- all others OPDEFs
What’s the letter categories of an OPDEF ( CAT)
A- major capability inoperative
B- major capability significantly degraded
C- all others OPDEFs
What’s the number categories of an OPDEF ( CAT)
1- immediate rectification required to meet ships commitments or programme
(Repair is primary aim)
2- rectification required ASAP to meet future commitments or programme
(Repair pursued within existing program)
3-repair during current or next FTSP
4-repair during current or next upkeep period
I.e. drydock
What are the types of OPDEF?
Original (first one)
Sitrep(update on OPDEF)
Rectified (completed)
What’s line 5 on an OPDEF
Line 5 - Effect on ship operational capability
What’s line 1 of an OPDEF
Line 1- Effect category’s and repair priority indicators
What’s line 2 of an OPDEF
Line 2 - reporting guide code
What’s line 3 of an OPDEF
Line 3 - parent equipment location and availability
What’s line 4 of an OPDEF
Line 4 - defective unit
What’s line 6 of an OPDEF
Technical description of defect
What’s line 7 of an OPDEF
Repair proposals
What’s line 8 of an OPDEF
Assistance required
What’s line 9 of an OPDEF
What’s line 10 of an OPDEF
MATDEM reference
What’s a S2022?
Who can raise them ?
Shortfall in material, design or support form
Can be raised by DEPT responsible for the equipment concern
With a S2022 what types of short comings is identified?
a) Design - i.e., shortcoming in designed performance of a system, reliability of a component, designed maintainability, design for operation and safety, or suitability of component material.
b) Quality of Material or Activity - i.e., shortcoming in quality of manufacturer material, quality of maintenance, quality of operation and surveillance, or quality of inspection documents.
c) Administration - i.e. shortcoming in maintenance and operating instructions, trials, tests, test gear, special tools and facilities.
d) Logistics Support - i.e., shortcoming in supply chain, transport, storage, procurement, inspection and quality control, preservation, packaging and identification.
What’s a S2012?
Used to inform shore authorities that an asset has been added or removed from the platform
What’s a S1182?
It is a Alteration and addition proposal
A form used to propose and authorise alterations and additions in ships.
Ship sponsored A+A’s must be supported by Navy Command
What’s S3018?
Training feedback
What’s a S3030?
Shortfall in training
What’s a S2022A?
Used by DE&S to promulgate the replies to S2022 reports to a wider audience can be sent class wide or fleet wide.
Its fast and efficient
Stored in the related ships file.
How is an opdef sent
It is sent by a signal over a secure line on opnet red as opdefs and its associated matdem is classed as secret.
What does ERG code stand for ?
Line 2- engineering reportguide
Who is the main person to look at line 5 ?
Fleet commander
What are types of addresses
Action and information
What’s specific of a MATDEM DTG?
If stores is defective on receive what do you do ?
Raise a S2022