op eco 2 Flashcards
1.The best Example of capital intensive industry in India is- (A) Textile industry (B) Steel industry (C) Tourism industry (D) Spare goods industry
(B) [S.S.C (10+2) 2011] Exp: Capital intesive industry are those industries which need large amount of investment in capital i.e. large investment in machinery and infrastructure. In the above industries, steel industry is best example of capital intensive industry in India.
2.The Removal of prohibitions and hindrance by government is called- (A) Globalisation (B) Privatisation (C) Liberalisation (D) Bilateral understanding
(C) [S.S.C (FCI) 2012] Exp: Liberalisation in economy means to free economy from control, prohibition or impositionis of duties by the governement.
“3.Arthashastra by ““Kautilya”” is related with- (A) Military Phase (B) Political Reign (C) Social Phase (D) Economic Postulates”
(B) [SSC CGL 2015] Exp: Arthashastra is written by kautilya or Vishnugupta or Chanakya. Arthashastra is compilation of various treaties, strategies and policies basically art of political reign.
4.One of the objectives of Industrial Licensing Policy in India was to ensure- (A) Creation of adequate employment opportunities (B) Free flow of foreign capital in Indian industries (C) Use of modern technology (D) Balanced (industrial) development across regions
(D) [SSC CGL 2004] Exp: Industrial policy is a statement which define the governments role in development (Industrial). It lays down rules and regulations. Major objectives of industrial policy are:- 1. Balanced regional growth 2. Balanced industrial structure 3. Prevention of concentratioin of economic power 4. Rapid industrial development.
5.The Indian economy can be most appropriately described as a- (A) Capitalist economy (B) Socialist economy (C) Traditional economy (D) Mixed economy
(D) (SSC CGL 1999) Exp: Indian Economy can be most appropriately described as mixed Economy. Mixed economy is that type of economy in which some sectors are reserved for government only and other general sectors are open for private organisation. Like Indian Railways and Defence are reserved for government only and other sectors like construction, automobile, consumer goods for private organisation.
6.Which is the first Public Sector Corporation of independent India? (A) Hindustan Steel Corporation, Bhilai (B) State Trading Corporation of India (C) Food Corporation of India (D) Damodar Valley Corporation
(D) (SSC CPO 2004) Exp: Damodar Valley Corporation is the first public sector corporation of independent India. It came into existence on 7 July, 1948 as first multipurpose river valley project as well as first public sector corporation.
7.Which of the follwoing is not the infrastructure Sector? (A) Power generation (B) Construction of roads (C) Food Production (D) Expansion of air ports
(C) (SSC CPO 2006) Exp: Infrastructure is basic core framework either physical or organizational which help in operation of activities. It facilitates economy to function properly. Like roads, water supply, railway, telecommunication, electricity supply etc. Food production does not come under infrastructure rather it is primary activity for economy.
8.The term ‘Mixed Economy’ denotes- (A) Existence of both rural and urban sectors (B) Existence of both private and public sectors (C) Existence of both heavy and small industries (D) Existence of both developed and underdeveloped sectors
(B) (SSC Tax Assistant 2008, DEO 2011, CHSL 2015) Exp: Mixed Economy refers to that system of economy which have presence of government i.e public sector as well as private sector. This economy have public sector to have monopoly on strategic or essential goods that can’t be handled by private sector and have private sector for general goods production and distribution.
9.India is called a mixed economy because of the existence of- (a) Public Sector (b) Private Sector (c) Joint Sector (d) Cooperative Sector (A) a, d (B) a, b (C) c, d (D) b, d
(B) (SSC Tax Assistant 2009) Exp: See explanation of Q. No.8
10.Which of the following sectors contributed more of the savings in India? (A) Public Sector (B) Household Sector (C) Corporate Sector (D) Private Sector
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 1999) Exp: Household sector contribute more to the savings. Since there is no social security system to secure future contingency, people have tendency to save more either in small savings fixed deposits or in money market through investement.
11.The concept of mixed economy means- (A) To have balanced development in the agricultural and industrial sector (B) Simultaneous development of the rural and urban sector (C) To have equal distribution of wealth among the rural and the urban poor (D) Simultaneous existence of the private and public sector
(D) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2001 & 2014) Exp: See explanation of Q. No.8
“12.Over use of resource is called ““Tragedy of Commons””. It was propounded by: (A) Garett Hardin (B) Seligman (C) Adolph Wagner (D) A.P Lernier”
“(A) (SSC CGL 2013) Exp: Garret hardin propounded the term. “” Tragedy of commons”” which means people out of self interest and selfish nature tend to consume shared resources without even caring about their depletion. i.e. behaving contrary to the common good of all resources.”
13.In the national context which of the following indicates Macro Approach? (A) Inflation in India (B) Sales of Bata shoe Company (C) Exports of Mangoes to UK (D) Income from Railways.
(A) (SSC CGL 2015) Exp: Macro economics deals economics at larger level rather it will be right to say that Macro approach work at national level by analysing performance, structure, behaviour and decision making of economy as whole.
14.Indian economy is an example of a mixed economy because- (A) Urban sector coexists with vast rural sector (B) Traditional subsistence economy coexists with modern economy (C) Private sector coexists with public sector enterprises (D) Monopoly elements coexist with competitive elements
(C) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2015) Exp: See explanation of Q. No.8
15.Indian Economy is a/an- (A) Independant Economy (B) Mixed Economy (C) Capitalist Economy (D) Communist Economy
(B) (SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA 2015) Exp: See explanation of Q. No.8
16.If the price of an inferior good falls, its demand- (A) Rises (B) Falls (C) Remians constant (D) Can be any of the above
(A) (SSC CPO SI 2003) Exp: Inferior goods are those goods which have inverse relationship between income and demand of the consumer. As the income of consumer rises demand for inferior goods decreases. Example Bus travel, use of millets in food, use of kerosence etc. If the price of inferior goods fall its demand will rise because of people’s tendency to maximize benefits.
17.All of the goods which are scarce and limited in supply are called- (A) Luxury goods (B) Expensive goods (C) Capital goods (D) Economic goods
(D) (SSC Sec. officer. 2007) Exp: Economics goods are opposite to free goods. Basically goods which are sarce and limted in supply are called as Economic goods. Due to scarcity of these goods, human effort is required to obtain them. Like food, clothing, housing etc.
“18.”“Economics is what it ought to be”” The statement refers to- (A) Normative economics (B) Positive economics (C) Monetary economics (D) Fiscal economics”
(A) (SSC CGL 2010) Exp: Normative economics is economics of ideal operation that should be done. Generally Normative Economics is referred in policy decisions like big tax cut would help public etc. Here economics deals with value judgement and theoritical scenerios.
19.In a Capitalistic Economy, the prices are determined by- (A) Demand and Supply (B) Government and Authorities (C) Buyers in the market (D) Sellers in the market
(A) (SSC FCI Assisant 2012) Exp: Capitalistic economy refers to the economic system where responsibility of production and distribution of goods and services remain with private organisation. In this economy, prices of goods and services are fixed according to demand and supply of product rather than government in socialist economy.
20.Demand for complementary goods is known as- (A) Joint demand (B) Derived demand (C) Direct demand (D) Cross demand
(A) (SSC (10+2) Level DEO & LDC 2012) Exp: Complementary goods are those goods which are consumed with each other like sugar and tea etc. Demand for complementary goods is joint demand i.e. relation in demand of both the product in such a way that if there is increase in demand of one product, demand for its complementary product also arises.
21.Which of the following are consumer semi-durable goods? (A) Cars and television (B) Milk and Milk products (C) Foodgrains and other food products (D) Electrical appliance like fans and electric irons
(C) (SSC (CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Consumer semi-durable goods are those goods which are neither durable nor perishable like clothing, preserved foods etc.
22.Who among the following is not a classical economist? (A) David Ricardo (B) John Richard (C) Thomas Malthus (D) Johan Maynard Keynes
(B) (SSC Sec. Offier 2008) Exp: Classical economics believe that market function with government’s minimal interference. It is also known as liberal economics that was propounded during 18th & 19th century. It was favoured by many economist and these were called as Classical Economist. Some of them are Adam Smith, J.B. Say David recardo, T. Malthus.
“23.The terms ““Micro Economics”” and Macro Economics”” were coined by- (A) Alfred Marshall (B) Ranger Nurkse (C) Ranger Frisch (D) J.M. Keynes”
(C) (SSC CGL 2010, CHSL 2017) Exp: The Term Microeconomics and Macro economics were coined by Ranger Frisch in 1933.
24.According to the classical system, Saving is a function of- (A) Income (B) The interest rate (C) The real wage (D) The price level
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2000) Exp: Saving is the part of income that is put aside not consumed rather saved for contingency. Income is main factor for saving because if income is not there the amount that has to be save will not be available. So saving is function of economics and later this became basis for Keynesian economics.
25.The self-employed in a developing country who are engaged in small scale labour intensive work belong to the- (A) Informal sector (B) Primary sector (C) Secondary sector (D) Tertiary sector
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: This above scenerio can be observed in primary sector of developing country. Since, developing stage work done in primary sector is more labour intensive like agriculture employees, farmer engaging in small scale is labour intensive work.
26.Price mechanism is a feature of- (A) Capitalist economy (B) Barter economy (C) Mixed economy (D) Socialist economy
(A) (SSC Const. (GD) & Rifleman (GD) 2012) Exp: Price mechanism refers to system of fixing price of the products according to their demand and supply. Capitalistic economy is that type of economy in which production and distribution of goods and services is done by private organisations and price of the goods and services are decided by their demand and supply.
27.The main feature of a capitalist economy is- (A) Administered prices (B) Public ownership (C) Economic planning (D) Private ownership
(D) (SSC Const. (GD) & Rifleman (GD) 2012) Exp: Capitalist economy is economic system in which production and distribution of goods and services is done by private organisation. Thus, private ownership is allowed.
28.A camera in the hands of a profesional photographer is a _____ good. (A) Free (B) Intermediary (C) Consumer (D) Capital
(B) (SSC MTS 2013) Exp: Intermediary goods are input goods for further production. These goods are sold in industries for resale or production of other goods.
29.Production of a commodity mostly through the natural process is an activity of- (A) Primary sector (B) Secondary sector (C) Tertiary sector (D) Technology sector
(A) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entery 2013) Exp: Primary sector is that sector of economy which involves production from natural resources like agriculture, mining, fishery etc. Generally it involves production through natural process like mining, mineral extracted are made by natural process.
30.According to Keynes, business cycles are due to variation in the rate of investment caused by fluctuations in the- (A) Marginal efficiency of capital (B) Marginal propensity to save (C) Marginal propensity to consumption (D) Marginal efficiency to investment
“(A) (SSC CGL Tier- 2014) Exp: Marginal efficiency of capital is expected profits from new investemnt. According to Keynes, General theory of employment, interest and money, ““Business cycles are caused by variation in rate of investement which are caused by fluctuations in marginal efficiency of capital.”
”"”31. The main feature of a capitalist economy is on- (A) Expenditure (B) Exchange (C) Foreign trade (D) Taxation”
(A) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Keynesian economics is all about spendings and its effect on economy as output and inflation. It emphasise on government expenditure leading to increase in GDP.
31.The book which is at the centrepiece of the study of Macro-Economics was written by- (A) Prof. Samuelson (B) Prof. J.M. Keynes (C) Prof. Benham (D) Prof. Baumol
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Keynes book ‘‘General theory of Employment, Interest and money’’ lays the centrepiece to the study of macroeconomics. This book particularly propounded the modern economics.
32.The basic problem studied in Macro Economics is- (A) Production of income (B) Usage of income (C) Flow of income (D) Distribution of income
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Macro economics deals with economics at whole level particularly it involves issues like national income, growth, inflation, population and unemployment etc.
33.Capacity utilisation- (A) Is usually near 100 percent (B) Represents the percent of the labour force that is employed (C) Is a measure of the proportional of the existing capital stock used for current production (D) Rises as the economy moves into a recession, since firms must replace unemployed workers with some other resources to maintain production
(C) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Capacity utilization refers to the level to which the capacity is used in terms of generation of goods and services. It is a measurment that state percentage of capacity used in production.
34.Internal economies- (A) Arise when there is expansion (B) Arise in an economy as it makes progess (C) Accure to a firm when it expands its output (D) Arise when there is expansion in internal trade.
(A) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2015) Exp: Internal economies refers to those economies (reduction in cost) which occurs due to firm itself. Internal economies occur when firm expands or enlarge its scale of production.
35.Barter transactions means- (A) Goods are exchanged with goods (B) Coins are exchanged for goods (C) Money acts as a medium (D) Private ownership
(A) (SSC CHSL (10+2) LDC, DEO & PA/SA 2015) Exp: Barter is system of exchange where goods are exchange for other goods in return
36.What are the main components of basic social infrastructure of an economy? (A) Education, Industry and Agriculture (B) Education, Health and Civil amenities (C) Transport, Health and Banks (D) Industry, Trade and Transport
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Social infrastructure refers to facilities that help in social welfare. Like education, health care, research, sports and recreational infrastructure, ports, tourism etc.
37.Basic infrastructure facilities in Economics are know as- (A) Human capital (B) Physical capital (C) Social overheads capital (D) Working capital
(C) (SSC Sec. Officer 2003) Exp: Social overheads capital is type of capital goods that are available to everybody by the value of members of society. These are usually provided by government.
38.The main feature of a capitalist economy is on the basis of raw-materials? (A) Small Scale - Large scale (B) Primary and Secondary (C) Basic and Consumer (D) Agro-based and Mineral based
(D) (SSC Sec. officer 2006) Exp: Classification of Industries on the basis of raw material can be done in Agro-based and Mineral based. Agrobased industries have agricultural produce as raw material. On other hand industries which use minerals as raw material are called as mineral based industries.
39.The existence of a parallel economy or Black Money- (A) Makes the economy more competitive (B) Makes the monetory policies less effective (C) Ensures a better distribution of income and wealth (D) Ensures increasing productive investment
(B) (SSC SAS 2010) Exp: Existence of black money reduces impact of monetary policy decision and also black money distort the allocation of resources and accuracy of economic forecast. Black money also spread social injustice and growth because of unaccounted money.
40.What is dual pricing? (A) Expenditure two product (B) Exchange two product (C) Foreign trade (D) Two prices of a product
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Dual pricing is mechanism of setting prices at two level one is usually minimum selling price and other price is according to demand & supply of the produce i.e. Market price. Example: Price of wheat one is fixed by government i.e. MSP and other is open market price.
41.A black market is a situation where in- (A) Goods are loaded by the producers (B) Goods are sold secretly (C) Goods are sold at prices higher than what is fixed by the government (D) Goods are made avilable only after there is a rise in prices
(D) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2000) Exp :Black market refers to situation where goods available are scarce or not easily available so to make them available someone act as intermediary and sold them at higher prices. Ex: Urea, price of urea is fixed at particular level but when demand is high, urea is sold at high price. This situation is Black market.
42.A closed economy is one which- (A) Does not trade with other countries (B) Does not possess any means of international transport (C) Does not have a coatal line (D) Is not a member of the U.N.O
(A) (SSC CPO SI 2005) Exp: A Closed economy is that economy which do not deal with other countries or in other words economy which do not transact (import and export) with foreign countries.
43.Free Trade refers to- (A) Free movement of goods from one country to another (B) Movement of goods free of cost (C) Unrestricted exchange of goods and service (D) Trade free of duty
(C) (SSC Tax Assistant (Income & Central Excise 2007) Exp: Free trade refers to free movement of goods from one country to another without restriction in from of tarrifs. Free trade principle work on mutual gain theory which state the free trade mutually benefit the countries.
44.With which form of economy is the term ‘Laissez-faire’ associated? (A) Capitalist economy (B) Socialist economy (C) Mixed economy (D) Command economy
(A) (SSC Tax Asst. (Income & Central Excise 2007) Exp: The term ‘Laissez faire’ is a French term that is use to show economy without any government intervention. In these economies, entry and exit is free and also pricing is done according to demand and supply of product. All these above scenerio develop in capitalist economy.
45.Externality theory is the basic theory of the following branch of Economics- (A) Environomics (B) Fiscal Economics (C) unrestricted exchange of goods and service (D) Trade free of duty
(A) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2013) Exp: Externality theory forms the basis for the theory of environmental economics. Externality is realisation of benefit or loss resulting from activity which affects on otherwise involved party. Example- Environmental pollution is good example of externality.
46.Which of the following is part of teritary sector? (A) Power and transportion (B) Animal Husbandry (C) Cotton manufacturing (D) Cultivation of crops
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2000) Exp: Tertiary sector is one of the sectors of economy that mainly deals with service industry. Service is the process of facilitation to the consumer. Examples- Transport, communication, distribution of goods, entertainment etc.
47.Economies of a firm is- (A) An increase in its profits (B) A reduction in its selling expenses (C) Its dominance of the market (D) Saving its production costs
(D) (SSC CAPFs SI CISF ASI & Delhi 2015) Exp: Economies of firm refers to reduction in cost of production due to better combination of use of raw material So the average cost reduces and ultimately reducing cost of production.
48.Short term contractions and expansions in economic activity are called ____. (A) Expansion (B) Recession (C) Deficits (D) Business cycle
(D) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Business cycle is various stages of business on the basis of growth like: Expansion, Maturity, Contraction and finally decline.
49.In terms of economics, if it is possible to make someone better-off without making someone worse-off, then the situation is- (A) Inefficient (B) Efficient (C) Optimal (D) Pareto-superior
(D) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Pareto-superior is the situation in economics in which someone is made better off without making someone else worse off.
50.The goods which people consume more, when their price rises are called___. (A) Essential goods (B) Capital goods (C) Veblen goods (D) Giffen goods
(D) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Giffen goods are those goods whose demand increases with increase in their price.
51._______ is a good whose quantity demanded decreases when consumer income rises. (A) Veblen good (B) Normal good (C) Exclusive good (D) Inferior good
(D) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Inferior goods are those goods whose demand decreases with increase in income of the consumer. Example: Kerosene etc.
52.If goods A and B are substitutes, a decrease in the price of good B will- (A) Decrease demand for good B (B) Decrease demand for both the goods (C) Increase demand for both the goods (D) Decrease demand for goods A
Ams. (A) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Substitute goods are those goods which are usually homogeneous and can be consumed in place of one another. Decrease in price of a good leads to decrease in the demand for another good.
53.Macro economics deals with- (A) The circular flow of income (B) The decision making of a single economic variable like demand (C) Resource allocation at firm level (D) Equilibrium prices and quantities
(A) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Macro-economics is branch of economics that deals with economics as a whole or at the wholesome level. Circular flow of Income is at whole or bigger level. So it is part of macro Economics.
54.Which of the following will cause an increase in the demand for coffee? (A) Price of coffee falling in foreign markets (B) Coffee prices are expected to fall rapidly in domestic markets (C) Average income falls in the country (D) Increase in price of tea
(D) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Substitute goods are those goods which can be consumed at one another place. So, If price of one good increases, it will automatically shift consumer towards another goods.
55.Goods whose demand is proportional to price are called- (A) Inferior goods (B) Veblen goods (C) Normal goods (D) Exclusive goods
(B) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Veblen goods also can be said as positional good, or kind of luxury goods. Their demand increases as the income of consumer increases. One of the feature of Veblen goods is that their demand is created as the more income is earned like luxury care, (jewellery).
56.Which sector has the highest number of people working in India? (A) Manufacturing (B) Agriculture (C) IT (D) Services
(B) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: According to economic survey highest number of people are working in agriculture.
57.Which of the following will cause an increase in demand for a good? (A) An increase in income if the good is an inferior goods (B) A decrease in the price of the goods (C) A decrease in income if the good is a normal goods (D) An increase in the price of its substitute goods
(D) (SSC CHSL 2017) Exp: Substitute goods are those goods which are usually homogeneous and can be consumed in place of one another. An increase in price of a good will cause increase in demand for another good.
1.The relationship between the value of money and the price level is an economy is- (A) Direct (B) Inverse (C) Proportional (D) Stable
(B) [SSC DEO Exam, 2009] Exp: Relationship between value of money (value of money is exchange rate or the power of one unit to buy) and price level (general price level of commodities) in an economy is inverse. In simple words, when value of money decreases people have more money supply. Hence increase in price level and vice versa.
2.The Result of cost push inflation is- (A) Hindrances in economic development increases (B) Adverse effect on Balance on Payment (C) Hindrance in development (D) All of the above
(D) [SSC CPO 2015] Exp: Cost push inflation is inflation i.e. general rise in level of price due to increase in cost (means increase in price of inputs). Cost push inflation leads to decrease in savings. It also impacts import by decreasing it. So all of the above effects are result of cost push inflation.
3.During periods of inflation, tax rates should- (A) Increase (B) Decrease (C) Remain constant (D) Fluctuate
(A) [SSC CGL 2010] Exp: Inflation is a rise in price level of commodities. So, it depicts increase of money supply. To prevent inflation, tax rate should be increased. So that increased tax rate suck extra money available in economy.
4.Which of the following groups suffer the most from inflation? (A) Debtors (B) Creditors (C) Business Class (D) Holders of Real Assets
(B) [SSC CPO Exam 2003,CPO 2013] Exp: The group which suffers the most from inflation is creditors because creditor had lend the money when value of money was high So when they will recieve money back it will be of equal amount but of less value.
5.Inflation can be checked by- (A) Increasing exports (B) Increasing money supply (C) Increasing government expenditure (D) Decreasing money supply
(D) [SSC MTS Exam, 2002] Exp: Rising inflation can be check by decreasing supply of money using monetary tools like SLR, CRR, Bank rate etc.
6.Government securities are considered liquid because they are- (A) Backed by the government treasure (B) Convertible into other types of saving deposits (C) Quickly and easily marketable (D) Stable in value
(C) [SSC MTS 2002] Exp: Government securities are said to be liquid because these securities are easily marketable. Government securities can be sold easily due to assured rate of return as well as backing by government. So these are considered liquid because they are quickly and easily marketable.
7.Inflation is caused by- (A) Increase in supply of goods (B) Increase in cash with the government (C) Decrease in money supply (D) Increase in money supply
(D) [SSC CGL 2004, CPO 2017 & DEO 2013] Exp: Inflation refers to general increase in price level of commodity. In other words, Inflation is situation where due to increase in money supply, price level of commodities also increases.
8.The Central Statistical Organisation (CSO) provides data under a new revised series in which the base year is taken as- (A) 1960-61 (B) 2004-05 (C) 1980-81 (D) 1990-91
(B) [SSC MTS 2013] Exp: National accounts statistics are calculated with the base year 2004-05. That is now changed to 2011-12.
9.Which is NOT a measure undertaken by government to check inflation? (A) Increase in consumption (B) Increase in production (C) Reduction in Deficit financing (D) Taxation measures
(A) [SSC CHSL (10+2)DEO & LDC 2004] Exp: Inflation is general increase in price level of commodity. It can be checked by reducing money supply by the government, by reduction in deficit financing or tax increase, reduction in expenditure. Increase in consumption by no way help in reducing money supply.
10.Which of the following is a consequence of inflationary price rise? (A) Obstacle in development (B) Increase in economic inequalities (C) Adverse effect on the balance of payment (D) All of these
(B) [SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & DP SI 2015] Exp: Inflationary price rise may hamper the growth by devaluating money. Hence less productivity. It also effect equalities, and promote inequalities by keeping poor more poor and unsustainability of consumption. Here all of these happens in inflationary price rise.
11.The supply-side measure to control inflation is- (A) Reducing public expenditure (B) Price control through Public Distribution System (C) Higher taxation to mop up liquidity. (D) Credit control
(B) [SSC (10+2) Steno. Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ 2016)] Exp: Measures to control inflation can be of two types:- Demand-side measure- by reducing demand. Supply-side measure can be PDS i.e. public distribution system that will ensure availibility of essential commodity hence price control. Some other measures like sale of grains by FCI during price rise, it will increase supply of grain in market. Hence reduction in price.
12.’Galloping Inflation’ is also known as- (A) Walking Inflation (B) Running Inflation (C) Hyper Inflation (D) Creeping Inflation
(C) [SSC (10+2) Steno. Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ 2016) Exp: Galloping inflation refers to situation of rise in price level more than two or three digits. This situation is very harmful for economy and very hard to recover from this condition. It collapses whole economy. It is also known as Hyper inflation.
13.The Great Depression occurred during- (A) 1914-18 (B) 1929-34 (C) 1939-45 (D) 1922-26
(B) [SSC MTS 2016)] Exp: Great depression was depression in economic activities spread all around the world. It originated in United States with severe fall in price of stocks (also known as black Tuesday) later it spread all over the world. It occured in 1929.
14.The world wide Great Depression took place in- (A) 1936 (B) 1929 (C) 1928 (D) 1930
(B) [SSC MTS 2013] Exp: Great depression was depression in economic activities all around the word. It originated in united states with severe fall in price of stock (also known as black tuesday) later it spread all over the world. It occured in 1929.
15.State which of the following is correct? The Consumer Price Index reflects- (A) The standard of living (B) The extent of inflation in the prices of consumer goods (C) The increasing per capita income (D) The growth of the economy
(B) [SSC Section Officer 2013 Exp: CPI i.e. Consumer Price Index measures the change in price of consumer goods at retail level. CPI has been adopted as monetary tool objective to see inflation. Consumer price index shows change in price level in comparison to base year. It is published by CSO quarterly.
16.Forced Savings refer to- (A) Reduction of consumption consequent to a rise in prices (B) Taxes on individual income and wealth (C) Compulsory deposits imposed on income tax payers (D) Provident fund contribution of private sector employees
(D) [SSC CGL Tier-I 2013] Exp: Forced saving in economics is situation where consumer is forced to save money due to non-availability of goods that he want or due to greater rise in price of goods.
17.When too much money is chasing to few goods, the situation is- (A) Deflation (B) Inflation (C) Recession (D) Stagflation
(B) (SSC CPO 2007) Exp: Inflation is general rise in price level of commodity. In other words, it means due to increase in money supply, rise in price level. That means too much money chasing few goods.
18.Which of the following groups suffer the most from inflation? (A) Debtors (B) Creditors (C) Business class (D) Holders of real assets
(B) [SSC SS CPO SI 2013) Exp: Inflation devalues currency so it helps borrower to pay less than value of money he has borrowed. Devaluation of money affect creditors badly because the money recevied back will be of less value.
19.Which of the following can be used for checking inflation temporarily? (A) Increase in wages (B) Decrease in money supply (C) Decrease in taxes (D) None of these
(B) [SSC Section Officer 2005) Exp: Inflation means rise in price level of commodity from general level that also means increase in money supply. To check inflation the measures that should be taken can involve decrease in money supply by several measures like one of the measures is open market operations by RBI.
20.Inflation occurs when aggregate supply is (A) More than aggregate demand (B) Less than aggregate demand (C) Equal to aggregate demand (D) None of these
(B)Exp: Inflation: when there is less supply and more demand of product it will lead to increase in the price of the product. So when aggregate supply is less than aggregate demand, there will be rise in price.
21.The process of curing inflation by reducing money supply is called- (A) Cost-push inflation (B) Demand-pull inflation (C) Disinflation (D) Reflection
(C) [SSC Section Officer 2008] Exp: Disinflation is slow increase in rise of price level. Generally disinflation is much needed because it helps competition to grow and make production profitable. When money supply is reduced, it slows down the rate of inflation.
22.The term stagflation refers to a situation where- (A) Growth has no relation with the change in prices (B) Rate of growth and prices both are decreasing (C) Rate of growth in faster than the rate of price increase (D) Rate of growth is slower than the rate of price increase
(D) [SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & Central 2009] Exp: Stagflation is kind of inflation with a combination of no economic growth and higher unemployment. So stagflation will be referring to situation where rate of growth is slower than the rate of price increase.
23.Cheap Money means- (A) Low Rate of Interest (B) Low Level of Savings (C) Low Level Income (D) Excess of Black Money
(A) [SSC CPO Sub-Inspector 2010] Exp: Cheap money means easy availibility of money that means increase in supply of money that can be done through low rate of interest.
24.In a period of inflation and price rise the supply of money remains- (A) The same (B) Increases (C) Decreases (D) Increases or decreases proportionately
(B) Exp: Inflation refers to general increase in price level of commodity. In other words inflation is situation where due to increase in money supply, price level of commodities also increases.
25.Stagflation is a situation of- (A) Stagnation and deflation (B) Stagnation and recession (C) Stagnation and inflation (D) Stagnation and recovery
(C) [SSC Data Entry Operator 2009] Exp: Same as explanation of Q. No. 23.
26.Deflation is a situation in which- (A) The value of money is falling. (B) The price of goods is increasing. (C) The value of money is increasing (D) The price level is stagnant.
(C) [SSC Constable (GD) 2013] Exp: Deflation is opposite to inflation. In inflation due to excess availbility of money, value of money decreases. In case of deflation, there is decrease in price of commodity this is due to reduced supply of money so value of money increases.
27.Stagflation refers to a situation which is characterised by- (A) Stagnant employment and deflation (B) Deflation and rising unemployment (C) Inflation and rising employment. (D) Inflation and rising unemployment.
(D) [SSC CGL Tier-I 2013] Exp: Same as explanation of Q. No. 23.
28.Who benefits the most during the inflationary period? (A) Corporate servants (B) Creditors (C) Entrepreneurs (D) Government servants
(C) [SSC CGL Tier-I Re-2013-14] Exp: Inflation affects the nature of wealth distribution. Entrepreneurs gain more than fixed cost in production during inflation due to increase in price.
29.Pump priming should be resorted to at a time of- (A) Inflation (B) Deflation (C) Stagflation (D) Reflation
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Deflation is decrease in price of goods and services. So to deal with it, injection of money in economy is resorted through several government spending measures or tax reductions. This phenomenon is called as pump priming.
30.Inflation is a situation characterized by- (A) Too much money chasing too few goods (B) Too few money chasing too much goods (C) Too many people chasing too few goods (D) Too many people chasing too little money
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Inflation means general increase in price of goods that automatically means, that there is more money available in relation to few goods.
31.Which of the following brings out the ‘Consumer Price Index Number’ for Industrial workers? (A) RBI (B) The Labour Bureau (C) Commerce Department(D) NITI Ayog
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: CPI: Consumer Price Index: Change in price of goods at retail level. CPI - IW- is prepare by labour bureau CPI - NEW - by Central Statistical Office with base year 2012.
32.The basis of determining dearness allowance to employees in India is- (A) National Income (B) Consumer Price Index (C) Standard of Living (D) Inflation Rate
(D) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Dearness Allowances is certain percentage of salary to mitigate the impact of inflation calculated as a percentage of salary.
33.In 2015 the nominal rate of interest in country was 6%, and the inflation rate then was 1.5%. So real rate of interest in 2015 was- (A) 7.50% (B) 4.50% (C) 4% (D) 0.25%
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Real rate of interst = nominal rate of interestinflation Answer will be 4.50%
34.Stagflation is defined as- (A) Low inflation, low growth, low unemployment (B) High inflation, low growth, high unemployment (C) High inflation, high growth, high unemployment (D) Low inflation, high growth, low unemployment
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Stagflation is the combination of high inflation and rising unemployment due to recession leading to low growth.
35.An increase in the growth rate of the nominal money supply results in- (A) Lower rate of inflation (B) Higher rate of inflation (C) Lower interest rates (D) Currency appreciation
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Increase in money supply leads to more money available for the same goods which were available for the less price. So, increase in growth rate of nominal money supply results in high rate of inflation.
36.In 2015, the real rate of interest in a country was 6% and the inflation rate then was 3%. So the nominal rate of interest in 2015 was- (A) 3% (B) 6% (C) 9% (D) 12%
(C) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Nominal rate of interest = Real interest rate + inflation rate So by following this formula answer will be 9%
37.If Money supply growth is faster than real GDP growth, it results in _____. (A) Inflation (B) Deflation (C) Budget surplus (D) Budget deficit
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Inflation is condition where there is increase in general price level of articles. So, if money supply growth is faster it will create more money chasing too few goods. Ultimately leading inflation.
38.During a recession _____ (A) Producers will be cautiously optimistic. (B) There will be decrease in inventory (C) There will be capacity under utilization. (D) There will be expansion in bank credit
(C) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Recession is a situation in economy where there is decline in growth resulting inactivity so resulting capacity under utilization.
39.In 2015, the nominal rate of interest in a country was 8% and the inflation rate then was 2.5%. So real rate of interest in 2015 was- (A) 3.2 percent (B) 10.5 percent (C) 8 percent (D) 5.5 percent
(D) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Real rate of interest = nominal rate of Interest inflation rate. So answer will be 5.5 percent.
40.Stagflation exists when _____ (A) price indices and output both decrease. (B) price indices increase but output decreases. (C) price indices and output both increase. (D) price indices decrease but output increases.
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Stagflation is situation in a country when there is inflation but not employment. Here production will decrease with the price rise resulting increase in price indices but decrease in output.
41.Stagflation is a period of _______. (A) Persistent high inflation combined with high unemployment (B) Persistent high inflation combined with low unemployment (C) Persistent low inflation combined with high unemployment (D) Persistent low inflation combined with low unemployment
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Stagflation is situation in a country when there is inflation but not employment. Here production will decrease with the price rise.
42.Inflation exists when (A) There is general increase in the prices over time. (B) There are periodic decreases in the price level. (C) There are continous increases in the output level over time. (B) There is rise in the purchasing value of money
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Inflation is situation where there is general increase in price of goods leading to many hands with money chasing few goods.
43.In a period when an economy is facing price rise, and along with that there is slowing down of economy activities, this is case of _________. (A) Deflation (B) Stagflation (C) Recession (D) Depression
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Stagflation is situation in a country when there is inflation but not employment. Here production will decrease with the price rise.
44.An increase of 1% per annum in the rate of growth of the money supply will increase inflation in the long run by _______. (A) Zero percent (B) One percent (C) 0.5 percent (D) More than one percent
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Rate of growth in money supply is directly proportionate to inflation in long run
45.In which situation, wages and prices chase each other at a very quick speed? (A) Disinflation (B) Reflation (C) Stagflation (D) Hyper-inflation
(D) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: Hyper-inflation is that type of inflation in which rate of inflation is more than 3 digits. This phenomenon has been observed in Germany after World War II.
46.What is moderate degree of controlled inflation called as? (A) Reflation (B) Stagflation (C) Hyper-inflation (D) Disinflation
(A) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: Reflation is a government policy to reduce burden of deflation, it includes reducing taxes, increasing money supply, lowering interest rates etc.
1.The Expenditure on advertisement and public relation by an enterprise is a part of its- (A) Consumption of fixed capital (B) Final consumption Expenditure (C) Intermediate Consumption (D) Fined Capital
(C) [S.S.C (CGL) 2013] Exp: The expenditure on advertisement and public relation by an enterprise is a part of its intermediate consumption. Intermediate consumption is the expenditure done on those good and services which are used as inputs for production of final goods and services.
2.If a country produces consumer goods only and nothing else, then- (A) Standard of living will be highest (B) The country have certain amount of good (C) The country will soon become poor if external trade will not happen (D) The country will gradually become rich if external trade will not happen
(C) [S.S.C MTS 2006] Exp: If a country produces only consumer goods and there is no exchange of goods and services with other countries its economy will distort. International trade is done in order to fulfill the requirements of things that are not available in their country and to sell things in foreign markets which are in excess in their country.
3.The Income of Indians working abroad is- (A) Domestic Income of India (B) Income earned from abroad (C) Net domestic product of India (D) Gross domestic product of India.
(B) [S.S.C 10+2 2013] Exp: The income of Indians working abroad is known as income earned from abroad by Indian nationals.
4.When increase in income the increase in ratio between income & expenditure changes- (A) In same ratio (B) Ratio less than 1 (C) Ratio more than one (D) None
(B) [S.S.C CGL 2015] Exp: When income increases, expenditure also increases but not in the proportion of income. So the ratio between income and expenditure changes by less than 1.
5.The Census of Indian agriculture is done by- (A) Production Method (B) Income Method (C) Expenditure Method (D) Consumption Method
(A) [SSC CGL 2006] Exp: The method used in census of Indian agriculture is production method, in which data of lands are collected which is wholly or partially used under agricultural production.
6.The First Income Committee was established in- (A) 1948 (B) 1949 (C) 1950 (D) 1951
(B) [SSC MTS. 2008] Exp: In 1949, First Income Committee was established under the chairmanship of P.C Mahalonobis. D.R. Gadgil and Dr V.K.R.V Rao were its two members. It was constituted to calculate national income on scientific basis.
7.Depreciation is equal to- (A) GNP - NNP (B) NNP - GNP (C) GNP - Personal Income (D) Personal Income - Personal Taxes
(A) [SSC DEO 2009] Exp: A depreciation refers to reduction in a value of fixed asset over a certain period of time. It can be calculated by substracting net income from gross income.
8.Other name of Net National Product at market price- (A) National Income (B) Gross Domestic Production (C) Personal Income (D) Per Capital Income
(A) [SSC 10+2 2012] Exp: Net National Product is defined as value of total goods and services produced by the citizens of a country residing anywhere in the world minus depreciation of capital goods. It can also be named as National Income. GNP - depreciation = NNP
9.A rising per Capita Income will indicate a better welfare if it is accompanied by -(A) Unchanged Income distribution overall. (B) Changed Income distribution in favour of rich. (C) Changed Income distribution in favour of poor. (D) Changed Income distribution in favour of Industrial Labour.
(C) [SSC 10+2 2010] Exp: Per capita income refers to average income per person of any country over a certain period of time. If per capita income of poor increases it will indicate better welfare of a country.
10.Income and consumption are- (A) Inversely Related (B) Directly Related (C) Partially Related (D) Unrelated
(B) [SSC (10+2) 2011] Exp: Income and consumption are directly related so that when income rises, consumption is also increased.
11.Which one of the following is not a method of measurement of National Income? (A) Value Added Method (B) Income Method (C) Investment Method (D) Expenditure Method
(C) [SSC CPO Exam, 2010] Exp: There are 3 methods through which national income can be calculated. These includes value Added Method, Income Method and Expenditure Method. Investment method is not related to calculation of national income.
12.Gross Profit means- (A) Total investment over total savings (B) Changes in methods of production (C) Changes in the form of business organisation (D) Total receipts over total expenditure.
(D) [SSC MTS Exam, 2002] Exp: Gross profit can be calculated by substracing total expenditure from total revenue. Total revenue is referred to as total receipts while total expenditure is cost of production of goods or services.
13.Per Capita Income is equal to- (A) National Income Total Population of the country (B) National Income + Population (C) National Income - Population (D) National Income x Population
(A) [SSC FCI 2012] Exp: Per capita Income is the income per person or in other words it can be represented by average income of the people of a country. So, per capita income will be National income divided by population.
14.Which one of the following is the most appropriate reason for inequalities in income? (A) Racial factors (B) Lack of opportunities (C) Inheritance from family environment (D) Differences in ability
(B) [SSC (10+2) 2012] Exp: Lack of opportunity is the most appropriate reason for inequalities in India. Lack of opportunity means the assets available with people are not used due to non-availibility of chance to performance to various reasons.
15.National Income include- (A) Financial help to earthquake victims (B) Pocket money of a child (C) Winning of a lottery prize (D) Construction of a new house
(D) [SSC (10+2) Exam, 2010] Exp: National Income is defined as value of total goods and services produced by a citizen of any country residing anywhere in world. Construction of a new house will be included in national income because it forms the part of capital formation.
16.Which of the following is not included in the National Income? (A) Imputed rent of owner-occupied houses (B) Government expenditure on making new bridges (C) Winning a lottery (D) Commission paid to an agent for sale of house
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2008] Exp: Winning a lottery is not included in national income because national income includes the total value of final goods and services produced over a certain period of time.
17.What does National Income mean? (A) The total value of all goods and services produced in the country during a period of 1 year (B) The total value of all stocks and shares in the country during a period of 1 year (C) The total value of all capital goods produced in the country during a period of 1 year (D) The total value of all consumer goods produced in the country during a period of 1 year
(A) [SSC SO Exam 2005, SSC CPO Exam 2003] Exp: National income is defined as total value of goods and services produced by citizens of any country residing anywhere in the world over a period of 1 year. It is also referred as total productive income of any country.
18.The difference between the GNP and the NNP is equal to the- (A) Consumer expenditure on durable goods (B) Direct tax revenue (C) Indirect tax revenue (D) Capital depreciation
(D) [SSC Tax Asst. Exam, 2004] Exp: Depreciation refers to reduction in a value of fixed asset over a certain period of time. It can be calculated by subtracting net national product from gross national product.
19.The National Income of a country is- (A) Government annual revenue (B) Total productive income (C) Surplus of the public sector enterprise (D) Export and Import
(B) [SSC SO 2003] Exp: National income is defined as total value of goods and services produced by citizens of any country residing anywhere in the world over a period of 1 year. It is also referred as total productive income of any country.
20.The method of calculating the National Income by the product method is otherwise known as- (A) Income method (B) Value added method (C) Expenditure method(D) Net output method
(B)Exp: National income is defined as total value of goods and services produced by citizens of any country residing anywhere in the world over a period of 1 year. It is also referred as total productive income of any country.
21.While estimating National Income which of the following is not taken into account? (A) Services of a teacher (B) Services of a doctor (C) Services of a housewife (D) Services of a maid servant
(C) [SSC (10+2) Exam, 2002] Exp: Services provided by housewives can be categorised as non-economic services and thus, cannot be accounted in National Income.National Income is the sum of all the final goods and services produced in a country in a particular period of time.
22.Gross National Product is the money measure of- (A) All tangible goods produced in a country (B) Final goods and services produced in the economy (C) Services generated annually in the economy (D) All tangible goods available in the economy
(B) [SSC (10+2) 2002] Exp: Gross national product is defined as total value of goods and services produced by citizens of any country residing in any part of the world over certain period of time.
23.Gross National Product means- (A) Gross value of finished goods (B) Money values of the total national production for any given period (C) Gross value of raw materials (D) Money value of inputs and outputs
(B) [SSC (10+2) 2002] Exp: Gross national product is defined as total value of goods and services produced by citizens of any country residing in any part of the world over certain period of time.
24.Aggregate net value of the output in 1 year is the- (A) National Income at factor cost (B) Gross Domestic Product at market prices (C) Net National Product at market prices (D) Gross National Product at market prices
(C) [SSC (10+2) Exam, 2002] Exp: Net National Product at market prices can be defined as the total market value of final goods and services produced minus depreciation of capital assests over a period of 1 year. It is equal to the aggregate net value of the output in 1 year.
25.National Income accounting is the study of the income and expenditure of the entire- (A) Family (B) State (C) Economy (D) Organisation
(C) [SSC (10+2) Exam, 2001] Exp: National Income accounting system is used to calculate the income and production within an economy over a certain period of time.
26.Fish catch by indian fisher- men in the international waters are part of the GDP of- (A) Sri Lanka (B) India and Sri Lanka (C) India (D) India and Indonesia
(C) [SSC (10+2) 2011] Exp: According to United Nations conventions on the law of sea a country has right to exploit resources and regulate fisheries upto exclusive economic zone extending to 200 km from its shore. So income generated by fishermen will consitute the part of GDP of India.
27.In a highly developed country the relative contribution of agriculture to GDP is- (A) Relative high (B) Relatively low (C) Same as that of other sectors (D) Zero
(B) [SSC MTS. Exam, 2001] Exp: In developed countries, only a small percentage of population is engaged in agriculture. So the contribution of agriculture to GDP is relatively low compared to the developing countries.
28.To achieve high rates of growth of national Government output, the economy has to- (A) Reduce the rate of growth of population (B) Borrow foreign capital (C) Step up the rate of savings (D) Increase the rate of investment and reduce the capital output ratio
(D) (SSC CPO SI 2003) Exp: To achieve high rate in growth of national output, one of the measure can be increase the rate of investment. Increasing investment leads to creation of capital employment, distribution of money etc. Capital output ratio is amount of capital needed to produce one unit of output. There is clear relationship between investment, capital output ratio and economic growth. Economic Growth = Saving% of GDP Capital-output ratio
29.The national income of a country is (A) Government annual revenue (B) Total productive income (C) Surplus of the public sector enterprise (D) Export-(Loan) import
(B) (SSC Sec. Offier 2003) Exp: National income in simple words means calculation of Income of a country. Simpally National income is value of all final goods and services produced within country for a specific time period. Generally National Income includes calculation of GDP, per capita income etc.
30.A firm sells new shares worth Rs. 1000 directly to individuals. This transaction will cause (A) Groos National product to rise by Rs. 100 (B) Gross Domestic product to rise by Rs. 1000 (C) National Income to rise by Rs. 1000 (D) No impact on Gross National product
(D)Exp: Gross National Product is market value of all goods and services produced within country for a specific time. Here selling of share Rs.10000 is just transfer of money here no production is happing. Hence, No impact on gross national product.
31.What is the main function of Central Statistical Organsiation (CSO)? (A) Determination of Money supply (B) Collection of estimates of national income (C) Collection of detail data regarding empolyment (D) Price Determination
(B) (SSC Sec. 2005) Exp: Central Stastical organisation:- It is a governement agency and works under ministry of statistics and programme implementation. CSO was setup with objective of providing technical leadership in building up the statistical system in country, in 1951. Functions of CSO:- 1. Advisory to statistical agencies 2. Preparing and publishing national accounts statistics 3. Conducting economic census
32.India’s biggest nationalised enterprise today (A) The Indian Railways (B) The Indian Commercial Banking System (C) The Indian Power Sector (D) The Indian Telecommu-nication System
(A) (SSC Sec. Officer 2007) Exp: Indian Railways is a governement organisation which works under Ministry of railways it was setup during Britisher’s under private entity. Later on during independence it was changed to nationalised enterprise Works of Indian Railways 1. A medium of mass transport and communication 2. A medium of mass transportation of goods and services 3. Connecting last mile pepole in the country. One of the mostsuccessful public enterprise of Govt. India
33.Per capita income is obtained by dividing National Income by (A) Total population of the country (B) Totol working population (C) Area of the country (D) Volume of capital used
(A) (SSC Sec. Officer 2008) Exp: Per capita income measure average income earned per person in given area. It is measured by dividing the country’s total income by its population
34.GDP at factor Cost is- (A) GDP minus indirect taxes plus subsidies (B) GDP minus depreciation allowances (C) NNP plus depreciation allowances (D) GDP minus subsidies plus indirect taxes
(A) (SSC Tax Asst. (Income Tax & Central Ex. 2008) Exp: GDP at factor cost is GDP minus indirect tax plus Subsidies. Gross Domestic Product at Factor cost Net = Gross - Depreciation National = Domestic + factor income from abroad Factor cost = Market price + subsidies - taxes.
35.Gross Domestic Product is defined as the value of all- (A) Goods produced in an economy in a year (B) Goods and services produced in an economy in a year (C) Final goods produced in an economy in a year (D) Final goods and services produced in a economy in a year
(D) (SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & Central Excise 2009) Exp: Gross domestic product is defined as the value of all final goods and services produced in an economy in year.
36.The largest share of India’s national income originates in the- (A) Primary sector (B) Secondary sector (C) Tertiary sector (D) Any of the above
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2000) Exp: Generally developing nations have primary sector as largest share in national Income. But India is and exception, In India largest share in national income is from tertiary sector which we can call service sector. Service sector includes transport, IT etc.
37.The preparation of National Income Estimates is the responsibility of the (A) Planning Commission (B) National Development Council (C) National Sample Survey Organsiation (D) Central Statistical Organsiation
(D) (SSC CML 2001, CGL 2007, SSC Steno, 2010) Exp: Centra l Stast ica l organisat ion :- It is a governement agency and works under ministry of statistics and programme implementation. CSO was setup with objective of providing technical leadership in building up the statistical system in country, in 1951. Functions of CSO 1. Advisory to statistical agencies 2. Preparing and publishing national accounts statistics 3. Conducting economic census
38.Which of the following is not a part of national income? (A) Wages and Salaries (B) Profits (C) Rent (D) Interest on national debt
(D) (SSC Combined Matirc Level 2000) Exp: National income refers to value of all final goods produced within the country for a specific time period. Calculation of GDP by Income method includes factor cost i.e. wages and salaries, profit. It does not involves interest on national debt.
39.National Income at factor cost is equal to- (A) Net National Product - Indirect taxes + Subsidies (B) Net National Product - Direct taxes + Subsidies (C) Gross National Product - Depreciation charges (D) Net National Product + Net Income from abroad
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Net National at Factor cost Net = Gross - depreciation National = domestic + factor income from abroad Factor cost = Market price + subsidies - Taxes.
40.Who among the following Indian Economists has done pioneering work on National Income? (A) Jagdish Bhagwati (B) M.L. Seth (C) Amartya Sen (D) V.K.R.V. Rao
(D) (SSC Combined Matri Level 2006) Exp: V.K.R.V. Rao was an Indian economist who pioneered in National Income by his famous works — ‘Changes in India’s National Income, a static economy in progress (1954) and the National income of British India (1941)
41.Who had estimated National Income in India first? (A) V.K.R.V. Rao (B) Dadabhai Naoroji (C) R.C. Dutt (D) D.R. Gadgil
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2008, SSC CGL 2008, SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Dadabhai Naoroji estimated National Income in India for the first time in 1876. Mainly calculation was done by estimating the value of agricultrural and nonagricultural production.
42.While computing national income estimates, which of the following is required to be observed? (A) The value of exports to be added and the value of imports to be substracted (B) The value of exports to be subtracted and the value of imports to be added (C) The value of the both exports and imports to be added (D) The value of both exports and imports to be subtracted
(A) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC 2011) Exp: While computing national income estimates value of export will be added because by export their is earning of some value and value of import will be deducted because import leads to deduction of income (because of payment). Export and Import are part of national income when we calculate National income by expenditure method.
43.Which of the following is deducted fron NNP to arrive at NI? (A) Indirect Tax (B) Capital consumption allowance (C) Subsidy (D) Interest
(A) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry 2011) Exp: National Income in economics term can be defined as Net National Product + subsidy - indirect taxes.
44.Which one of the following is not included while estimating national income through income method? (A) Rent (B) Mixed incomes (C) Pension (D) Undistributed profits
(D) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry 2011) Exp: Estimation of National income through income method is done by calculating income to individual. Income is considered to occur by factor of production in form of factor cost like wages, salaries, rent, interest on capital, profit etc. Undistributed profit is income but when it will be distributed only then it will be realised. So no inclusion in national income.
45.The largest component of National income in india is (A) Service Sector (B) Agriculture (C) Industrial Sector (D) Trade Sector
(A) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2009 & 2012) Exp: Generally developing nations have primary sector as largest share in national Income. But, India is exception, In India largest share in national income is from tertiary sector or we can call service sector. Service sector includes transport, IT etc.
46.The main difference between Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Gross National Product (GNP) is- (A) Transfer payments (B) Net foreign income from abroad (C) Capital consumption allowance (D) Capital gains
(B) (SSC FCI Assistant Grade-II 2012) Exp: Domestic production is value of goods produced within physical boundaries of country whereas national production is value of goods produced within nation i.e. it includes Domestic production and Net Foreign Income from abroad.
47.Gross domestic product is a measure of- (A) A country international economic activities (B) A country’s domestic economic activities (C) A country’s financial position (D)A country’s industrial output
(B) (SSC MTS 2014) Exp: Gross domestic product is value of final goods produced within the domestic boundaries including depreciation. So GDP is a country’s domestic economic activities.
48.Which of the following method is not used in determining National income of a country? (A) Income Method (B) Product Method (C) Expenditure Method (D) Investment Method
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014, SSC CPO 2009) Exp: Methods of calculating National income:- 1. Income Method - by calculating income of country in form of Rent, Wages, Profit and Interest. 2. Expenditure Method- by calculating expenditure done in form of Government expenditure, Investment and Foreign expenditure and consumption private. 3. Product Method or Gross Value Addition method - also can be said as output Method. It is calculated by calculating value addition at each stage of production.
49.The profits of Indian banks operating in foreign countries are a part of- (A) Income from entrepreneurship earned from abroad (B) Domestic factor income of india (C) Profits of the enterprises working in domestic territory of India (D) Operating surplus of the banks located in india
(A)Exp: The profit of Indian banks operationg in foreign countries are part of income from entrepreneurship earned from abroad.
50.National Income can be calculated in all except one of the following ways- (A) Sum of all expenditures (B) Sum of all outputs (C) Sum of all savings (D) Sum of all incomes
(C) (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi Police 2015) Exp: Methods of calculating National income: 1. Income Method - by calculating income of country in form of Rent, Wages, Profit and Interest. 2. Expenditure Method- by calculating expenditure done in form of Government expenditure, Investment and Foreign expenditure and private consumption. 3. Product Method or Gross Value Addition method - also can be said as output Method. It is calculated by calculating value addition at each stage of production. So sum of all savings cannot be included in calculating of national income.
51.The method of calculating the national income by the product method is otherwise known as: (A) Income method (B) Value added method (C) Expenditure method (D) Net output method
(D) (SSC Section officer 2003) Exp: The method of calculating national income by product method is also known as Value Added Method. In product method calculation of National Income is done by adding total value added at each stage of production. So it is also known by Value Added method.
52.The best measure to assess a country economic growth is- (A) Per capita income at constant prices (B) Per capita income at current prices (C) Gross domestic product at current prices (D)Gross national product at current prices
(A) (SSC Section officer 2003) Exp: GDP is value of final goods produced within domestic boundries of nation. It do not show income distribution. Per capita income is best measure to show income distribution. Also per capita income shows the average income earned by individual and it is internationally accepted measure. Per capita income at constant price is best measure because it help to make comparisons and lead us to the gaps or factors that helps country to grow.
53.Which of the following is not required while computing Gross National Product (GNP)? (A) Net foreign investment (B) Private investment (C) Per capita income of citizens (D) Purchase of goods by government
(C) (SSC Section officer 2003) Exp: Calculation of National Income by Expenditure Method is done by adding private consumption, Government expenditure, Investment and Net Foreign Investment. So Per Capita Income of citizens is not required while computing Gross National Product.
54.The sum total of incomes recieved for the services of labour, land or capital in a country is called- (A) Gross domestic product (B) National income (C) Gross domestic income (D) Gross national income
(C) (SSC Statistical Investigators 2005) Exp: The sum total of income recieved for services of Labour, Land or Capital in country is called as Gross Domestic Income. It is considered equal to GDP.
55.In calculating National income which of the following is included? (A) Services of housewives (B) Pensions (C) Income of smugglers (D) Income of watchmen
(D) (SSC Tax Assistant 2005) Exp: National Income is total value of final goods and services produced in country within specific time. Services of houswives, pensions and income of smugglers is not considered to be production in an economy.
56.The term ‘Green GNP’ emphasises- (A) Rapid growth of GNP (B) Increase in per capita income (C) Economic development (D) Sustainable development
(D) (SSC Tax Assistant 2005) Exp:Sustainable development is very wide concept which refers to development without having negative impact on nature. Green GNP originated due to criticism of GDP that is it do not include environmental degradation and resource depletion. Gree GNP inculde value of environmental degradation and resource depletion
“57. The national income consists of a collection of goods and services reduced of common basis by being measured in term of money””. Who says this? (A) Samuelson (B) Kunznets (C) Hicks (D) Pigou”
“(C) (SSC CGL 2007) Exp: John Hicks, British economist says the National Income consists of a collection of goods and services reduced to a common basis by being measured in terms of money. John Hicks’ book ““Value and capital”” explained general equilibrium and value theory.”
57.Which of the following is a better measurement of economic Development? (A) GNP (B) Disposable income (C) NNP (D) Per capita income
(D) (SSC Sec officer 2007) Exp: GDP is value of final goods produced within domestic boundries of nation. It do not show income distribution. Per Capita Income is best measure to show income distribution. Also Per Capita Income shows average income individual is earning and it internationally accepted measure too. Per Capita Income at constant price is best measure because it helps to make comparisons and lead us to the gaps or factors that helps country to grow.
58.Which of the statements is correct about India’s national income? (A) Percentage share of agriculture is higher than services (B) Percentage share of agriculture is higher than agriculture (C) Percentage share of services is higher than industry (D) Percentage share of services is higher than agriculture and industry put together
(C) (SSC CPO SI 2006) Exp: Generally developing nations have primary sector as largest share in National Income. But, India is exception, In India largest share in National Income is from tertiary sector which we can call service sector. Service sector includes transport, IT etc.
59.Which of the following is not included in the National Income? (A) Imputed rent of owner-oc-cupied houses (B) Government expenditure on making new bridges (C) Winning a lottery (D) Commission paid to an agent for sale of house
(C) (SSC CGL 2008) Exp: Generally National Income is calculated by three methods which include income, expenditure and value addition. Winning a lottery do not involve any production rather it is non-productive activity. So, winning a lottery will not be included in National Income.
60.Personal disposable income is (A) Always equal to personal income (B) Always more than personal income (C) Equal to personal income minus indirect taxes (D)Equal to personal income minus direct taxes
(D) (SSC CGL 2008) Exp: Personal disposable income is amount that is available for spending and saving. Personal disposable income is calculated after deducting direct tax because tax leads to amount foregone i.e. non-availibility for spending or saving. So, personal disposable income equals to personal income minus direct taxes.
61.Net National Product of a country is- (A) GDP minus depreciation (B) GDP plus net income from abroad (C) GNP minus net income from abroad (D) GNP minus depreciation alowances
(D) (SSC CPO SI 2009) Exp: Net National Product Net = Gross - depreciation National = domestic + factor income from abroad Factor cost = Market price + subsidies - Taxes.
62.Which of the following is not a method of estimating National Income? (A) Expenditure method (B) Product method (C) Matrix method (D)Income method
(C) (SSC CGL 2007 & 2010) Exp: Methods of calculating National income:- 1. Income Method - by calculating income of country in form of Rent, Wages, Profit and Interest. 2. Expenditure Method- by calculating expenditure done in form of Government expenditure, Investment and Foreign expenditure and private consumption. 3. Product Method or gross value addition Method - also can be said as output Method. It is calculated by calculating value addition at each stage of production.
63.National Income is the- (A) Net National Product at market price (B) Net National Product at factor cost (C) Net domestic Product at factor cost (D) Net domestic Product at factor cost
(B) (SSC CGL 2010 & 2012) Exp: National income is Net National Product at factor cost.
64.An individual’s actual standard of living can be assessed by- (A) Gross National Income (B) Net National Income (C) Per Capital Income (D) Disposable Personal Income
(C) (SSC CGL 2011) Exp: Per Capita Income is also called as average income earned per person in country. It is calculated by dividing total income by total population. Higher Per Capita Income represents higher income earned per person. So higher standard of living.
65.The total value of goods and services produced in a country during a given period is- (A) Disposable income (B) National income (C) Per capital income (D) Net national income
(B) (SSC CPO (SI.ASI & Intelligence officer) (2011) Exp: National Income in simple words means calculation of Income of a country. Simply National Income is value of all final goods and services produced within country for a specific time period. Generally National Income includes calculation of GDP, Per Capita Income etc.
66.’Personal Income’ equals- (A) The household sector’s income (B) Private income minus savings of the corporate tax (C) Personal disposable income plus miscellaneous receipts of the Government (D) All of the above
(B) (SSC CGL 1999) Exp: Personal Income in economics is income disposable plus direct taxes and miscellaneous receipts. Formula for calculating Income is Less - income from property less - saving of non-departmental enterprise Add - Net factor Income from abroad Add - National debt interest Add - Current transfers from govt. Add - Net current transfers = Private Income Private Income - saving of private sector- corporation tax = Personal Income Personal Income - Direct taxes - Miscellenous reciepts of govt. = Personal disposable income
67.An increase in national income because of an increase in price is called- (A) An increase in National Income in real terms (B) An increase in national Income at constant prices (C) An increase in money National Income (D) An increase in National Income in base year prices
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2000) Exp: Increase in National income because of increase in price is called as National Income at current prices. National income at current prices is increase in National Income (increase in base year income).
68.Net National Product in National income Accounting refers to- (A) Gross Domestic Product - depreciation (B) Goss Domestic Product - Depreciation (C) Gross National Product - Depreciation (D) Gross Nationa Product + Subsidies
(C) (SSC CGL PRe 2002) Exp: Net = Gross - Depreciation, National = Domestic + Net Factor Income from abroad So the answer will be Gross National Product - Depreciation
69.A very high rise in National Income at current market prices and a low rise at constant prices reveals- (A) The high rate of growth in the economy at the current period (B) The increased production in the current period (C) The improper growth of the economy (D) The high rate of inflation prevailing in the economy
(D) (SSC CGL 2005) Exp: A very high rise in National Income at current market prices and low rise at constant prices reveals the high rate of inflation in current time.
70.An increase in per capital income is not an indication of an increase in the economic welfare of the people- (A) When such increase is the result of an increased production of comforts (B) When such increase is the result of an increase in agricultural production (C) When it is the result of an increase in the production of industrial goods (D) When such increase is the result of intoxicants
(D) (SSC CGL PRE 2002) Exp: Economic welfare in economics is all about increase in standard of living and level of prosperity to individual or group. When National Income is concerned economic welfare of whole country is asked. So going by the economic welfare, increase due to intoxicants will not be considered indication of increase in National Income.
71.Transfer payments include: (A) Gifts received from a friend (B) Rent free accommodation by the employer (C) Net factor income from abroad (D) Employee’s contribution to social security
(A) (SSC DEO & LDC 2010) Exp: Transfer Payments in economics means a payment made in which no goods and services are exchanged. Here gifts recieved from a friend will be included in transfer payment because in return to the gift, no goods and services have to be exchanged.
72.National Income is generated from: (A) Any money-making activity (B) Any laborious activity (C) Any profit-making activity (D) Any productive activity
(D) (SSC MTS 2011) Exp: National Income is total value of final output. It includes only productive activity not all money making or profit making activity.
73.Per capital income= (A) Net National Product Total Population (B) Total Population Net National Product (C) Gross National Product Total Population (D) National Income Total Population
(D) (SSC DEO & LCD 2011) Exp: Per Capita Income measure average income earned by per person in a given area. It is measured by dividing the total income by its population
74.Which of the following is deducted from GNP to arrive at NNP? (A) Depreciation (B) Interest (C) Tax (D) Subsidy
(A) (SSC DEO & LCD 2011) Exp: Net = Gross - Depreciation, National = Domestic + Net Factor Income from abroad So, the answer will be enter Gross National product - Depreciation
75.Transfer payments mean- (A) Old age pensions (B) Unemployment compensations (C) Social security payments (D) All the above
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2012) Exp: Transfer Payment means any payment or money recieved that is neither a payment for any goods or services exchanged nor investment for future.
76.Economic progress of a country is determined by- (A) Increase in Per Capita Income of people of country (B) Increase in the price of produced capital goods during the year (C) Increased numbers of Trade Unions (D) Fall in the general price level of a country
(A) (SSC Steno 2010, SSC MTS 2013, SSC CHSL 2016, SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Economic progress of a country is determined by Increase in Per Capita Income of people of the country because Per Capita Income show the average income of the population so increase in average income automatically reveals economic progress.
77.The difference between GNP and NNP equals (A) Corporate profits (B) Personal taxes (C) Transfer payments (D) depreciation
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2013) Exp: Net = Gross - Depreciation, National = Domestic + Net Factor Income from abroad So, the answer will be Gross National product - Depreciation
78.Which of the following is not an investment expenditure in goods and services? (A) Expansion of the main plant of a company (B) Purchase of a house (C) Purchase of machinery (D) An increase in business inventories
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2013) Exp: Investment Expenditure refers to expenditure made for the creation of new capital assets like machinery building etc. which will help in further production. Purchase of house is not a expenditure to create assets which will help directly to the production.
79.Which one of the following represents the Savings of the Private Corporate Sector? (A) Dividends paid to shareholders (B) Total Profits of a company (C) Undistributed profits (D) Excess of income over expenditure
(C) (SSC CGL Pre 2013) Exp: Undistributed profit is calculated by adding savings of the Private Corporate Sector (A) Dividends paid to shareholders (B) Total Profits of a company (D) Excess of income over expenditure These do not include saving of private corparate sector so answer will be undistributed profits
80.Which one of the following is not a method for computing GNP? (A) Income Approach (B) Expenditure Approach (C) Savings Approach (D) Value Added Approach
(C) (SSC (10+2) DEO & LDC 2013) Exp: National Income is calculated by following three methods (A) Income method (B) Expenditure method (C) Value added method or sales method
81.Average propensity to consume is defined as- (A) Aggregate consumption total population (B) Aggregate income Aggregate consumption (C) Change in consumption Change in income (D) Aggregate consumption Aggeregate income
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2013) Exp: Average propensity to consume is percentage of income or part of income spent on goods and services. It can be calculated by Aggregate Consumption Aggregate Income.
82.Which of the following relations always holds true? (A) Income = Consumption + Investment (B) Income = Consumption + saving (C) Saving = Investment (D) Income = Consumption + Saving + Investment
(B) (SSC CGl Pre 2014) Exp: Income is considered to be equal to sum of Consumption and Savings. So Invetment is function of saving so Income = Consumption + Saving holds true
83.Over short period, when income rises, average propensity to consume usually- (A) Rises (B) Falls (C) Remains constant (D) Fluctuates
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2014) Exp: Average propensity to consume = Aggregateconsumption AggregateIncome So, If Income increase Average propensity to consume will fall.
84.The value of investment multiplier relates to- (A) Change in income due to change in autonomous investment. (B) Change in autonomous investment due to change in income. (C) Change in income due to change in consumption. (D) Change in the income due to change in induced investment.
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Investment multiplier concept refers to the effect of increased investment on income and economy. The value of investment multiplier relates to change in income due to change in induced investment.
85.Savings rate is relatively low in developed economics because of- (A) Low Per Capita Income (B) Welfare programmes (C) Liquidity/Borrowing constraint (D) High interest rate
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Saving rate is relatively low in developed economies because of high interest rate.
86.The relationship between the rate of interest and level of consumption was first visualized by- (A) Amartya K.Sen (B) Milton Friedman (C) Irving Fisher (D) James Duesenberry
(C) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO7LDC 2014) Exp: Irving Fisher an economist was first to visualize the relationship between the rate of interest and level of consumption.
87.The hypothesis that rapid growth of per capita income will be associated with a reduction in poverty is called- (A) Trickle down Hypothesis (B) Trickle up hypothesis (C) U shaped hypothesis (D) Poverty estimation hypothesis
(A) (SSC CGL Pre 2013) Exp: Trickle down Hypothesis is that rapid growth of Per Capita Income will be associated with a reduction in poverty.
88.Gross National product - Depreciation Allowance=? (A) Per Capital Income (B) Gross Domestic Product (C) Personal Income (D) Net National Product
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2015) Exp: Net National Product = Gross National Product - depreciation
89.Which of the following best indicates economic growth of a Nation? (A) Agriculture income (B) Per capita income (C) Gross industrial production (D) Inflation
(B) (SSC CPO 2016) Exp: Economic progress of a country is determined by Increase in per capital income of people of the country because per capita income show the average income of the population so increase in average income automatically reveals economics progress.
90.Sectoral distribution of GDP index measures____ (A) Agricultural development of a country (B) Economic development of a country (C) Social development of a country (D) Socio-economic development of a country
(A) (SSC CGL Pre (CBE) 2016) Exp: Sector distribution of GDP index measures agricultural development of a country.
91.If People’s income of a country is denoted in a curved line space that it has increased, then what does it denote? (A) The income is increasing (B) The income is decreasing (C) Dissimilarity is decreasing in income distribution (D) Dissimilarity in income distribution is increasing
(C) (SSC (AUDIT) 1997) Exp: If countries income is denoted in a curved line, it will denote dissimilarity decreasing in income distribution. This inequality is derived from Lorenz curve. Perfect equality line Area of inequality Cumulative percent of income Cumulative% of population 100% 100% This inequality is shown by ginni coefficient, which ranges from o (Perfect equality) to 1 (Perfect inequality) it is ratio of area enclosed by lorenz curve and the perfect equality line to total area below that line.
92.Capital formation in an economy depends on- (A) Total Income (B) total demand (C) Total savings (D) Total production
(C) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2006) Exp: Savings constitutes a bigger role in capital formation because savings convert into investment and then into capital formation. So capital formation in an economy depends on total savings
93.The data collection for national income estimation is conduced in India by_ (A) The Finance Ministry of the Government of India (B) The RBI (C) The NSSO (National Sample Survey Organi-sation) (D) None of these
(C)Exp: The data collection for national income estimation is conducted in India by NSSO (National sample survey Organisation) Functions of NSSO as per central statistical office:- (A) To conduct large sample surveys on subjects like household, consumer expenditue, employment, health etc. (B) NSSO has the overall responsibility of assisting the states (C) Conducts annual survey of industries
94.Sectoral distribution of GDP index measures______ (A) Agriculture development of a country (B) Economic development of a country (C) Social development of a country (D) Socio-Economic development of a country
(B) [SSC CGL 2008] Exp: Classification of economy is done into three sector Agriculture, Industry and service. The sector distribution of GDP index measure the indication which are use to evaluate or health of country’s economy.
95.Saving is that portion of money income that is __________. (A) Spent for development of Industries (B) Not spent on consumption (C) Spent on health and education (D) Spent for consumer durables
(B) [SSC CGL 2008] Exp: Saving is that part of income reserved for any particular reason for other than consumption.
96.An indifference curve measures the same level of _________ (A) Output from two factors (B) Satisfaction from two commodities (C) Satisfaction from Income and Capital (D) Satisfaction from expenditure and savings
(B) [SSC CGL 2008] Exp: Indifference curve shows and measures the same level of satisfaction derived from different commodities.
97.An indifference curve measures level of satisfaction derived from different combinations of commodity X and Y. (A) Same (B) Higher (C) Lower (D) Minimum
(A) [SSC CGL 2009] Exp: Indifference curve shows the same level of satisfaction derived from different two commodities resulting no effect on satisfaction.
98.Value of Total Goods and Services produced in a country is its _____________ . (A) Gross Domestic Product (B) Gross Revenue Income (C) Total Goods Revenue (D) Total Income
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total value of goods and services produced within country for a given time period.
99.If hiring an extra worker increases a factory’s output from 1000 to 1200 units per day but the factory has to reduce the price of its product from Rs. 25 to Rs. 24 per unit to sell the additional output, the marginal revenue product of the last worker is (A) Rs. 3800 (B) Rs. 200 (C) Rs. 100 (D) Rs. 4000
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Marginal revenue of product is output added by employing one more employer in terms of revenue. It can be calculated by Marginal revenue of product = Marinal product of labour × price of article by using values to formula answer will be 3800
100.Calculate a country’s GDP if for the year consumer spending is $400 mi ll ion, government spending is $150 investment by businesses is $80 million, exports are $35 million and imports are $40 million. (A) $625 million (B) $465 million (C) $475 million (D) $635 million
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: GDP calculation by expenditure method = consumption private + Investment + Government Expenses + foreign expenditure (Import-Export) So, Answer will be $625 million.
101.If for the year a country’s GDP was $990 million, consumer spending was $630 million, investment by businesses was $110 million, exports were $55 million and imports were $45 million, calculate government spending? (A) $260 million (B) $240 million (C) $480 million (D) $460 million
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Gross domestic product (GDP) by expenditure method is = consumption private + Investment + Government expenditure + Foreign expenditure (ImportExport) Following this answer will be $240 million.
102.If for the year a country’s GDP was $1315 million, consumer spending was $900 million, investment by businesses was $180 million, exports were $85 million and imports were $100 million, calculate government spending? (A) $220 million (B) $250 million (C) $580 million (D) $610 million
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: GDP calculation by expenditure method = consumption private + Investment + Government Expenses + foreign expenditure (Import - export) Will be $250 million.
103.Calculate a country’s GDP if for the year, consumer spending is $900 million, government spending is $250 million, investment by businesses is $180 million, exports are $85 million and imports are $100 million. (A) $1345 million (B) $1315 million (C) $955 million (D) $815 million
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: GDP by expenditure method = Consumption private + Investment + government Expenses + foreign expenditure (export - imports) by putting values to formula will result to $1315 million.
104.Which of the following measures will not increase a nation’s wealth? (A) Investing in new companies (B) Increasing efficiency of factories (C) Converting grasslands into orchards (D) By redistributing taxes as subsidies
(D) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Redistribution of taxes as subsidies will not create any capital. Hence, not productive resulting no contribution in Nation’s wealth.
105.In 2015, the nominal rate of interest in a country was 5.5% and the inflation rate then was 2.5%. So real rate of interest in 2015 was _________. (A) 8 percent (B) 2.2 percent (C) 3 percent (D) 13.75 percent
(C) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Real rate of interest = nominal rate of interest - rate of inflation by putting value we will receive 3% as answer.
106.Which of the following equation is/are INCORRECT? I. NI = NDP + Net Foreign Income II. GNP = GDP + Net Foreign Income III.NDP = GNP - Depreciation (A) Only (I) and (II) (B) Only (III) (C) Only (II) and (III) (D) Only (II)
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Gross = Net + depreciation Domestic = National - Net income from abroad National Income = NNP
107.Which of the following is called GDP Deflator? (A) Ratio of nominal to real GDP (B) Ratio of nominal to real GNP (C) Ratio of nominal to real CPI (D) Ratio of real to nominal GNP
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: GDP deflator is ratio of nominal GDP to real GDP.
108.Which organisation monitors the banks in actually maintaining cash balance? (A) State Bank of India (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) Grameen Bank of India (D) None of these
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Reserve Bank of India:- It monitors the banks in actually maintaining cash balance by various tools available at his disposal like cash reserve ratios, statutory liquidity ratio.
109.From which of the following, is the GDP of a country not derived from? (A) Agricultural sector (B) Industrial sector (C) International sector (D) Service sector
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: GDP - Gross Domestic product is total final value of goods and services produced in a country at a given time. International sector is not included in GDP whereas the products from agricultural, industrial and service sector are computed in calculation of GDP.
110.GDP - indirect taxes + subsidies = ______ (A) NNP at factor cost (B) GDP at factor cost (C) GNP (D) Personal Income
(B) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: Market price - Indirect taxes + subsidies = Factor cost. By following above formula we will receive GDP at factor cost.
111.GNP - depreciation allowances = ______ (A) National Income (B) NDP (C) NNP (D) GNP
(C) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: GNP - depreciation = NNP Net = Gross- depreciation National = domestic + net factor income from abroad Factor cost = Market price + Subsidies - Taxes
112.What is the full form of GNI? (A) Gross National Interest (B) Gross National Income (C) Gross Net Interest (D) Gross Net Income
(B) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: Gross National Income (GNI) is total domestic and foreign output produced by the residents of country.
113.Which organisation measures Gross Domestic Product in India? (A) Reserve Bank of India (B) NITI Aayog (C) State Bank of India (D)Central Statistics Office
(D) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: GDP- Gross Domestic Product is the value of all final goods produced in an economy in a financial year’s Central statistics office measures gross domestic product in India.
114.If exports equal imports then, which of the following relations will be true? (A) GDP = GNP (B) GDP > GNP (C) GDP < GNP (D) None of these
(A) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: The difference between domestic product and national product is net factor income from abroad and i.e. export-import so when exports equals imports then GDP will equal GNP.
115.What is the full form of NNP? (A) Normal Net Production (B) Net National Product (C) Normal National Produce (D) Net Normal Produce
(B) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: Net National Product (NNP) + subsidy indirect taxes = National Income. 117. What is Disposable Personal Income? (A) Personal Income + Subsidies (B) Personal Income - Subsidies (C) Personal Income - Direct Taxes (D) Personal Income - Indirect Taxes (C) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp: Disposable Personal Income is the income available with the user that he or she may dispose whenever he/ she want. So direct taxes will be subtracted from personal income.
1.Which among of the following is open Bank for small industries? (A) IDBI (B) SIDBI (C) IFCI (D) NABARD
(B) [SSC MTS. Exam, 2006] Exp: SIDBI Small Industries Development Bank of India is a financial institution with an objective of growth & development of Micro, Small and medium-scale enterprises. It was established in 1990.
2.IDBI was established on- (A) July, 1964 (B) July, 1966 (C) July, 1962 (D) July, 1968
(A) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2015] Exp: IDBI: Industrial Development Bank of India is a universal bank. It was established on 1 July, 1964. It provide credit and other facilities for the development of industry.
3.Which among of the following bank was earlier known as ‘Imperial Bank of India’? (A) RBI (B) SBI (C) UBI (D) PNB
(B) [SSC CGL 2006] Exp: Imperial Bank of India was commercial bank that came into existence on January 1921 by J.M. Keynes. It was oldest and largest bank of colonial India. It was nationalised and transformed in 1955 into State Bank of India.
4.SBI was earlier known as - (A) Cooperative Bank of India (B) Imperial Bank of India (C) Syndicate Bank (D) Canara Bank
(B) [SSC CGL 2015] Exp: Same as above question
5.The Interest on saving deposits in all nationalized banks of India is determined by- (A) Finance Minister (B) Finance Commission (C) Indian Cooperative Bank (D) Reserve Bank of India
(D) [SSC CGL Exam 2014] Exp: Interest on saving deposits in all nationalized bank of India is determined on the basis of MCLR i.e. marginal cost of funds based lending rates decided according to marketing trends in open economy. Open economy is regulated by RBI. So interest on saving deposits in all nationalized bank of India is determined by RBI.
6.Which among the following is public sector undertaking? (A) HSBC Bank (B) Syndicate Bank (C) South Indian Bank (D) Bank of Punjab
(B) [SSC MTS Exam, 2006] Exp: Public sector undertaking are those enterprises which are owned by state (government). In the above banks Syndicate Bank is public sector undertaking nationalised in July 1969.
7.When were Fourteen Indian Banks nationalized in? (A) 1967 (B) 1968 (C) 1969 (D) 1971
(C) [SSC 10+2 Exam 2014, SSC CGL 2001 & 2009] Exp: Nationalisation of banks was done in 2 phases. Phase-I was on 19 July 1969 in which 14 large commercial banks with the reserve of more than Rs. 50 crore were nationalized. Phase-II was on April 15, 1980 in which 6 private sector banks with the reserve of more than Rs. 200 crore were nationalized.
8.’NABARD’ Stands for- (A) National Bank for Agricultural Refinance & Development (B) National Board of Agricultural Research & Development (C) National Academy of Banking and Agricultural Research and Development (D) Nation Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
(D) [SSC CGL Exam, 2006] Exp: NABARD stands for National bank for Agriculture and Rural Developoment. It was established on 12th July, 1982 by transferring the agricultural credit functions of RBI and refinance functions of the Agriculture and development Corporation.
9.’NABARD’ is related to development of - (A) Agriculture and Rural Areas (B) Heavy Industries (C) Banking Sector (D) None of the above
(A) [SSC CGL Exam, 2014] Exp: Same as above.
10.Which of the following is not a industrial finance institution? (A) UTI (B) ICICI (C) NABARD (D) SFC
(C)Exp: All the agency listed above are industrial finance institution except NABARD. UTI - Unit Trust of India established in December 1963, act as vehicle for investments in capital market through mutual funds ICICI - Industrial credit and investment corporation of India established in 1994. SFC - a financial institution, with a objective to provide medium - and long term debt financing to small and medium enterprises.
11.Whose signature is done on one rupee note? (A) Finance Secretary (B) Governor of RBI (C) Finance Minister (D) None of these
(A) [SSC CGL Exam, 2015] Exp: Under RBI Act, RBI has sole right to issue currency notes except one reupee note and currency coins. Ministry of Finance have the sole right to issue one rupee currency note and coins which will bear signature of Finance Secretary.
12.Decimal Money System was started in? (A) 1955 (B) 1956 (C) 1957 (D) 1958
(C) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2014] Exp: Decimalisation or decimal money system was started in 1 Arpil, 1957 in which one rupee was divided into 100 paisa.
13.Bank rate is the rate of interest- (A) At which public borrow money from commercial Banks (B) At which public borrows money from RBI (C) At which commercial Banks borrow money from RBI (D) At which commercial Banks borrows money from the public
(C) [SSC CPO Exam, 2005] Exp: Bank rate is the rate charged by RBI to lend money to other commercial banks. It is interest rate of RBI for giving loan or credit to all the banks.
14.Remedy Finance is done by- (A) National Development Council (B) NABARD (C) SBI (D) RBI
(D) [SSC 10+2 2015] Exp: Remedy finance is done by RBI because RBI is bankers bank.
“15.Which among the following is Known as ““Hot Money””? (A) FII (B) FDI (C) ADR (D) GDR”
(A) [SSC CGL 2012] Exp: FII - Foreign Institutional Investment is known as Hot money. Hot money because FII has tendency to shift very swiftly when it see or felt like more earning at other place (in this case another country).
16.Cash Reserve Ratio and open Market Operation are the tools of- (A) Monetary Policy (B) Budget Policy (C) Trade Policy (D) Fiscal policy
(A) [SSC 10+2 Exam 2013, SSC Const. Exam 2015] Exp: Monetary policy is by RBI to influence movement of money supply and interest rates. Tools of monetary policy. Quantitative Qualitative Reserve ratio - Cash Reserve Ratio Margin/loan to value Statutory liquidity ratio Rationing Open market operations Moral suasion Repo rate, Reserve repo Bank rate Consumer credit control Marginal standing facility Direct action
17.Which among of the following are related to banking reform? (A) L.C. Gupta Committee (B) Narasimhan Committee (C) Chakravarti Committee (D) Kelkar Committee
(B) [SSC CGL Exam, 2012] Exp: Narsimhan committee - In 1991 first Narsimhan committee was made to revamp banking sector of India and to overcome huge problem of creation of NPAs and financial inclusion. In 1998, 2nd Narsimhan Committee was formed.
18.In E-banking, ‘E’ Stands for- (A) Economics Banking (B) Environment Banking (C) Electronic Banking (D) Expand Banking
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2014] Exp: E in E-banking stands for electronic because it is an electronic payment system through which transactions can be done through bank’s website.
19.Which of the following is not a measure to check money supply in market? (A) Free Market Policy (B) CRR (C) Bank Rate (D) Change in marginal necessities
(A) [SSC CGL Exam, 2014] Exp: CRR, Bank rate and change in marginal necessities are measures to check money supply in market. Free market policy is not a measure to control money supply.
20.RBI does not transact the business of which state government? (A) Nagaland (B) Jammu and Kashmir (C) Punjab (D) Assam
(B) [SSC T.A. Exam, 2007] Exp: As the agreement is not signed between RBI and Jammu & Kashmir so RBI do not transact the business.
21.Which among the following is correct about money supply in India? (A) Money Possessed by public is not exchangeable (B) Amount of money deposit in banks is greater than public holds(C) Amount of money possessed by public is more than bank deposits (D) Amount of money possessed by public is equal to bank deposits
(B) [SSC CPO Exam, 2015] Exp: Indian money supply’s one of the characteristics is money possessed by public is less than bank deposits in form of current account, saving account, fixed deposits and securing deposits.
22.’Hard Currency’ is- (A) A currency which is paid for loan (B) A currency which is paid for gold (C) A currency which is easy to access (D) A currency not easy to access
(D) [SSC MTS. Exam, 2011] Exp: Hard currency sometimes also called as Safe heaven currency. Hard currency is that currency which do not easily flactuates or devaluates. It is one of the highly trusted currency too. So not easy to access.
23.The Financial Year of RBI is from - (A) April to March (B) July to June (C) January to December (D) August to July
(B) [SSC MTS. Exam, 2011, SSC CGL Exam 2007] Exp: RBI follows financial year of July to June it was changed from January to December in 11 March, 1940.
24.A Schedule Bank is one which is included in the - (A) II Schedule of Banking Regulation Act. (B) II Schedule of Constitution (C) II Schedule of RBI act (D) None of the above
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2014] Exp: RBI have a list of banks. The banks which are listed in IInd schedule of RBI act 1934 are called as schedule banks other remaining banks are non-schedule bank.
25.Which among of the following is not a government organization? (A) National Residence Bank (B) SIDBI (C) ICICI (D) NABARD
(C) [SSC Steno. Exam, 2014] Exp: In all of the above bank ICICI is not government organisation.
26.The Largest Commercial Bank of India is - (A) Central Bank of India (B) SBI (C) Indian Overseas Bank (D) Bank of India
(B) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2011] Exp: State Bank of India a government owned corporation after merger of five associates and Bhartiya Mahila Bank has become largest commercial bank. After merger completion it will be among 50 largest bank in the world in terms of balance sheet.
27.The Maximum branches of Indian Bank is in- (A) Bangladesh (B) Sri Lanka (C) UK (D) USA
(C) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2003] Exp: The maximum branches of Indian Bank is in UK with 30 branches than in Sri Lanka, USA and Bangladesh respectively.
28.Which among the following is true? (A) Money is a good servant (B) Money is a good servant but bad master (C) Money is a good master but bad servant (D) Money is a good master and servant too
(B) [SSC FCI Exam, 2012] Exp: Money is good servant but bad master. Good servant because through money one can fulfill his needs and wants. But money is bad master because money is instrument for satisfaction it will not help in development.
29.Which among of the following is a Example of optional money? (A) Currency Notes (B) Coins (C) Cheques (D) Bonds
(C) [SSC 10+2 Exam 2010, SSC Steno Exam 2011] Exp: Optional money: means choice of accepting money. Like cheque where it is generally accepted but legally receiver is not bound to accept it.
30.Which among of the following statement is correct? (A) Good money drives bad money out of circulation. (B) Bad money drives out good money from circulation (C) Good and bad money Cannot circulate together. (D) Can’t say
(B) [SSC CPO Exam, 2008] Exp: One of the bad effect of black money. Garsham law bad money drives out good money from circulation. Different types of money with same face value but different intrinsic values, the money with lower intrinsic value will be more in circulation because money with higher intrinsic value has been hoarded.
31.Green Banking means- (A) Development of forestry by banks. (B) Financing of environment friendly projects by banks (C) Financing of irrigation projects by banks (D) None of the above
(D) [SSC CPO Exam, 2008] Exp: Green banking is banking with some innovative techniques to reduce environmental burden like paperless banking or discouraging use of paper in banking.
32.A currency having a falling exchange rate due to continuing balance of payments deficit is called a- (A) Soft Currency (B) Hard Currency (C) Scarce Currency (D) Surplus Currency
(A)Exp: Soft currency also sometimes called as weak currency. Soft currency is currency with flactuation in its value due to political instability in economy.
33.The demand for money, according to Keynes is for- (A) Speculative Motive (B) Transaction Motive (C) Precautionary Motive (D) All of the above
(D) [SSC MTS Exam, 2001] Exp: According to keynes money is demanded for three objectives namely Transaction, Precautionary and speculative. Transaction: there is demand for money to have a value to transact and fullfil needs. Precautionary: people demand money to handle contingencies in future. Speculative: People demand money by speculating interest rates. When interest rate decreases people demand more money to hold untill the interest rate increases.
34.The rate of interest is determined by- (A) The rate of return on the capital invested (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) Liquidity Preference (D) Commercial Banks
(B) [SSC CGL Exam, 2011] Exp: Interest on saving deposits in all nationalized bank of Bank of India is determined on the basis of MCLR i.e. Marginal cost of funds based lending rates decided according to trends in open economy. Open economy that is regulated by RBI. So interest on saving deposits in all nationalized bank of India is determined by RBI.
35.Cheap money means- (A) Low rates of interest (B) Low level of saving (C) Low level of income (D) Low level of standard of living
(A) [SSC CPO Exam, 2007] Exp: Cheap money means easy availibility of money. Easy availibility of money will be felt when rate of interest are lower. In simple word money with low rate of interest is cheap money.
36.’Gold Bullion Standard’ refers to- (A) Gold coin as an unlimited legal tender (B) Gold as the measure of value (C) Free coinage of gold (D) No restriction on import and export of gold
(B) [SSC CGL Aug. 2014] Exp: Gold Bullion Standard is modified system of gold standard where coins use not circulated but standard currency unit is expressed in term of quantity of gold. In gold bullion standard gold do not act as medium of exchange but act as measure of value.
37.Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in- (A) 1948 (B) 1947 (C) 1949 (D) 1950
(C) [SSC FCI Exam 2012, SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Reserve Bank of India was nationalised in 1949
38.The reserve held by commercial banks over and above the statutory minimum, with the RBI are called- (A) Cash Reserves (B) Deposit Reserves (C) Excess Reserves (D) Momentary Reserves
(C) [SSC CGL Exam 2011] Exp: The reserves held by commercial banks over and above the statutory minimum, with the RBI are called Excess Reserves. These are also sometimes called as over reserves.
39.Who is authorised to issue coins in India? (A) Reserve Bank of India (B) Ministry of Finance (C) State Bank of India (D) Indian Overseas Bank
(B) [SSC CGL 2011, SSC CPO 2005 & 2007] Exp: Under RBI Act, RBI has sole right to issue currency notes except one reupee note and currency coins. Ministry of Finance have the sole right to issue one rupee currency note and coins which bears the signature of finance secretary.
40.Which one of the following is not a function of the Central Bank in an economy? (A) Dealing with foreign exchange (B) Controlling Monetary Policy (C) Controlling government spending (D) Acting as a banker’s bank
(C) [SSC CPO Exam, 2011] Exp: Central bank in an economy, In India it is Reserve Bank of India. Main functions: • Objective of maintaining price stability that is guided by monetary policy. • Regulator and supervisor of finance system • Managing Foreign exchange • Currency issuer • Banker to Government • Banker to Banks
41.The existence of a parallel economy or black money- (A) Makes the economy more competitive (B) Makes the monetary policies less effective (C) Ensures a better distribution of income and wealth (D) Ensures increasing productive investment
(B) [SSC SAS Exam, 2010] Exp: Black money is money earned through illegal activities or money that is not accounted by Government of India. Like tax evasion etc. Black money hurt formal economy not as less tax revenue but also as it hampers the process of resource allocation and distorts the accuracy of economic forecasts. Black money have quality of encouraging injustice behaviour, the rich get richer and poor get poorer. So the existence of black money undermine the very objective of monetary policy.
42.Consequent upon the recommendations of the working group on rural banks, 5 Rural Regional Banks were initially set-up in the year- (A) 1973 (B) 1974 (C) 1975 (D) 1976
(C)Exp: The government of India set up Regional Rural Banks on 2nd October, 1975. Five RRBs were setup upon the recommendations of the working group on rural banks.
43.The bank cheques are processed by using of- (A) OCR (B) MICR (C) OMR (D) PMR
(B) [SSC SAS Exam, 2011] Exp: MICR a acronym for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. It is a character recognition technology that allows computer to read information (such as accounting numbers) from document. MICR characters are special type faces characters with a magnetic ink.
44.The RBI issues currency notes under the- (A) Fixed Fiduciary System (B) Maximum Fiduciary System (C) Fixed Minimum Reserve System (D) Proportional Reserve System
(C) [SSC DEO & T.A. Exam 2009, SSC CGL Exam 2004] Exp: Minimum reserve system is system of issuing currency. Under this system RBI has to keep a minimum reserve of 200 crore in form of gold or gold bullion and foreign currency. RBI can issue unlimited amount of currency under this but with a limitation of some rules for issuing new currencies based on economic growth.
45.The Narasimham Committee (1991) on financial reforms proposed for establishment of a- (A) Four Tier hierarchy of the banking structure (B) Three Tier hierarchy of the banking structure (C) Two Tier hierarchy of the banking structure (D) Unified control by the apex institutions
(A) [SSC SO Exam, 2008] Exp: Government of India constitute a nine member committee under chairmanship of retired RBI Governor Mr. M. Narasimhan to suggest financial system reforms and improve strutcture of financial system. Major recommendations - No bar to new banks in private sector - Introduction of four tier hierarchy of banking system in the country - Abolish dual control of RBI and finance ministry on Banks Assets reconstruction to take over bad debt from banks.
46.Which of the following Indian banks became the first to touch a market capitalisation of ‘100000 crore’ in India? (A) ICICI (B) HDFC (C) SBI (D) PNB
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2008] Exp: The State Bank of India, in September 2007, became the first public sector bank to touch a market capitalisation of ‘100000 crore’ following a surge of over 3% in its share price.
47.The permission given to a bank customer to draw cheques in excess of his current account balance is called- (A) A personal loan (B) An ordinary loan (C) Discounting a bill of exchange (D) An overdraft
(D) [SSC T.A. 2007] Exp: An overdraft is a facility available to consumer to draw cheques in excess of his bank account balance. This facility is available in current account.
48.Foreign currency which has a tendency of quick migration is called- (A) Scarce Currency (B) Soft Currency (C) Gold Currency (D) Hot Currency
(D) [SSC SO Exam, 2007] Exp: Hot currency refers to quick migration of fund in order to earn short term interest or profits
49.What does ECS in banking transactions stand for? (A) Excess Credit Supervisor (B) Extra Cash Status (C) Exchange Clearing Standard (D) Electronic Clearing Service
(D) [SSC CGL Exam, 2007] Exp: Electronic Clearing Services is an electroric mode of transations or transfers that are reaccuring and periodic in nature. ECS is used by institution for bulk payment like dividend distribution, salary, utility bills, installment payament
50.The ‘Interest Rate Policy’ is a component of- (A) Fiscal Policy (B) Monetary Policy (C) Trade Policy (D) Direct control
(B) [SSC SO Exam, 2006] Exp: Interest rate policy is instrument under monetary policy. Under this RBI changes money supply by increasing or decreasing interest rate.
51.Bank deposits that can be withdrawn without notice are called- (A) Account Payee Deposits (B) Fixed Deposits (C) Variable Deposits (D) Demand Deposits
(D) [SSC SO Exam, 2006] Exp: Demand deposits are funds or money deposited by account holder and the money deposited can be withdrawn without prior notice.
52.Regional Rural Banks are sponsored by- (A) Nationalised Commercial Bank (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) State Bank of India (D) Government of India
(A)Exp: Regional Rural Banks are banks operating at local level in states. RRB are formed with a view to serve the rural areas to provide basic financial services. Regional rural banks are owned by central government, state government and sponsor bank (Five national commercial banks sponsors regional rural banks).
53.The Imper ia l Bank of India, after its nationalisation came to be known as- (A) Reserve Bank of India (B) State Bank of India (C) United Bank of India (D) Indian Overseas Bank
(B) [SSC MTS Exam, 2006] Exp: Imperial Bank of India was commercial bank that came into existence an January 1921 started by J.M. Keynes. It was oldest and largest bank of colonial India. It was nationalised and transformed in 1955 into State Bank of India.
54.Interest paid by the government on the loans raised is called- (A) Debt Servicing (B) Deficit Financing (C) Discounted Budgeting (D) Bridge Loan
(A) [SSC MTS 2006] Exp: Debt servicing is amount of Interest paid by the government on loans raised.
55.If the Central Bank wants to encourage an increase in the supply of money and decrease in the cost of borrowing money, it should- (A) Lower Cash Reserve Ratio (B) Raise Discount Rates (C) Sell Government Securities (D) All of the above
(A) [SSC CPO Exam, 2006] Exp: Cash reserve ratio is the amount that has to kept aside in form of cash by banks with the RBI. Increasing or decreasing CRR will affect money supply with the RBI.
56.What is the name of the e lectron ic communication network of the Reserve Bank of India? (A) BOLT (B) RBISAT (C) RBINET (D) RBIDOT
(C) [SSC Investi. Exam, 2006] Exp: RBINET is software or electronic communication network of Reserve Bank of India.
57.Which of the following is Apex bank for industrial loans? (A) RBI (B) NABARD (C) ICICI (D) IDBI
(D) [SSC SO Exam, 2005] Exp: IDBI: Industrial Development Bank of India is government owned universal bank. It was established in 1 July, 1964. It provide credit and other facilities for the development of industry.
- ‘Dear Money’ means- (A) Low rate of interest (B) High rate of interest (C) Depression (D) Inflation
(B) [SSC Investi. Exam, 2005] Exp: Dear money is opposite to cheap money. Dear money is the money which is not available easily or in simple words money available at higher rates. So dear money means hight rate of interest.
58.’Legal Tender Money’ refers to- (A) Cheques (B) Drafts (C) Bill of Exchange (D) Currency Notes
(D) [SSC Investi. Exam 2005, SSC MTS 2007] Exp: Legal tender money is medium or instrument of payment allowed by law. Paper currency and coins are most common form of legal tender money.
59.Under the minimum Reserve System, the Reserve Bank of India as the sole authority of note issue is required to maintain assets worth not less than- (A) ‘115 crores (B) ‘85 crores (C) ‘200 crores (D) ‘210 crores
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2004] Exp: Under this system 115 crore should be in gold and 85 crore in form of government securities.
60.The ratio of a bank’s cash holdings to its total deposit liabilities is called the-(A) Variable Reserve Ratio (B) Cash Reserve Ratio (C) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (D) Minimum Reserve Ratio
(B) [SSC T.A. Exam, 2004] Exp: Cash reserve ratio is the amount that has to kept aside in form of cash by banks with the RBI. Increasing or decreasing CRR will affect money supply with the RBI. CRR is calculated on Net Demand and Time Libilities of bank.
61.The best way, a bank can avoid loss is to- (A) Lend only to individuals known to the bank (B) Accept sound collateral (C) Give only short-term loans (D) Lend only to bank’s old customers
(B) [SSC CPO Exam, 2003] Exp: Collateral is pledge taken by borrower in form of property to creditor for securing repayment of borrowed money. In case of default in payment, collateral can be used to recieve credit amount. So best way to avoid loss by bank is to accept sound collateral.
62.Which of the following Mahatma Gandhi series of currency notes Issued by the RBI has a drawing of the ‘Parliament House’ depicted on it- (A) ‘500 (B) ‘100 (C) ‘50 (D) ‘0
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2003] Exp: Mahatma Gandhi series notes issued by RBI which has drawing of parliament house is depicted on ` 50 denomination.
63.Which of the following Mahatma Gandhi series of currency notes issued by the RBI has ‘Ecology’ depicted on it? (A) ‘500 (B) ‘100 (C) ‘50 (D) ‘5
(B) [SSC CGL Exam, 2003] Exp: Mahatma Gandhi series note is issued by RBI which has Ecology of Himalayan mountain range on ` 100 denominations.
64.The Government of India made it obligatory on the part of all commercial banks that they should give some cash amount while purchasing government bonds. What would you call this? (A) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (B) Cash Reserve Ratio (C) Minimum Reserve Ratio (D) Floating Reserve Ratio
(A) [SSC SO Exam, 2003] Exp: Statutory Liquidity ratio is amount of liquid assets in form of Cash Gold, Government securities and other approved securities that must be maintained as reserve.
65.The main source of long-term credit for a business unit is- (A) Sale of stocks and bonds to the public (B) Borrowing from banks (C) Loans from the government (D) Deposits from the public and financial institutions
(A) [SSC SO Exam, 2003] Exp: Companies resort to issue securities to secure credit or loan from investors. Securities can be in the form of shares and bonds. Shares represents parts of ownership in company whereas bond represent lo A company decides to sell share and bonds when it want access to long term capital.
66.A Scheduled Bank is one which is included in the- (A) II Schedule of Banking Regulation Act (B) II Schedule of Constitution (C) II Schedule of Reserve Bank of India Act (D) None of the above
(C) [SSC CPO Exam, 2003] Exp: RBI have a list of banks. The banks which are listed in IInd schedule of RBI act 1934 are called as schedule banks other remaining banks are non-schedule bank.
67.Merchant Banking is an Institution which provides finances- (A) Domestic whole sale trade (B) International trade among countries (C) Domestic retail trade among (D) International aid agencies
(B) [SSC SO Exam, 2003] Exp: Merchant banking is an institution that deals mostly in international finance. Merchant banks provide long term loans and consultation service to multinational corporations. It does not provide regular banking serveces to common public.
68.What is ‘Narrow Money’? (A) The sum of currency in circulation and the demand deposits in banks (B) The sum of Ml money and the time deposits (C) The sum of currency in circulation with the public and the cash reserves held by banks (D) The market value of the stocks held by all the holders excluding the promoters
(A) [SSC SO Exam, 2003] Exp: Narrow money includes currency in circulation, demand diposits and other liquid assests held by central bank. It is denoted by M1 (i) M1 (Narrow money) = Currency with the public + Demand deposits of the public (ii) M2 = M1 + Post office Savings deposits (iii) M3 (Broad money = M1 + Time deposits of the public with banks (iv) M4 = M3 + Total post office deposits. So, ‘Narrow Money’ is simply a category of money supply that includes all physical money like coins and currency along with demand deposits and other liquid assets held by the Central Bank.
69.Ways and means advances refers to- (A) Industries getting temporary loans from commercial banks (B) Farmers getting loans from NABARD (C) Government getting temporary loans from RBI (D) Government getting loans from international financial institutions
(C) [SSC MTS Exam, 2002] Exp: Ways and Means advances is a temporary loan facility under which reserve bank of India provides loan to central and state governments to deal with temporary mismatches in the receipts and payments of the government
70.Which amidst the following banks was recently converted to a ‘Universal Bank’? (A) Corporation Bank (B) Bank of Baroda (C) IDBI Bank (D) Canara Bank
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2002] Exp: IDBI bank has been converted to universal bank.
71.The symbol of Reserve Bank of India is- (A) Capital of Asokan Pillar (B) Kuber with a purse of money (C) Tiger before a palm tree (D) A dog sitting in a defensive state
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2002] Exp: The emblem of reserve bank of India consists of a Tiger standing in front of a palm tree. These depictions are surrounded by Reserve Bank of India in Hindi and English at the top and bottom respectively.
72.Funds which flow into a country to take advantage of favourable rates of interest in that country is called- (A) Cold Money (B) Black Money (C) Hot Money (D) White Money
(C) [SSC MTS Exam, 2002] Exp: Hot money is the type of foreign investment which is invested to earn short term interests and gains. Foreign Institutional Investment is also called as hot money.
73.Legal tender money is- (A) Accepted only by govern- ment (B) Accepted by people and government as per the law (C) Not accepted for business purposes by law (D) Not accepted by govern- ment
(B) [SSC MTS Exam, 2002] Exp: Legal tender money is a medium of payment recognised by legal system which must be accepted by citizens and goverment both.
74.The Reserve Bank of India- (A) Provides direct finance to agriculture (B) Provides finance to primary cooperative societies (C) Provides finance to state cooperative banks (D) Does not provide finance to agriculture
(D) [SSC MTS Exam, 2001] Exp: Reserve bank of India acts as central bank of our country and deals with monetary policy. It does not provide finance to agriculture.
- Commercial Banking System in India is- (A) Mixed Banking (B) Unit Banking (C) Branch Banking (D) None of the above
(C) [SSC MTS Exam, 2001] Exp: Structure of commercial banking in India is branch banking. Branch banking is a system in which banking organisation works at more than one place
77.What is NABARD’s Primary role? (A) To provide term loans to state co-operative banks (B) To assist state governments for share capital contribution (C) To act as re-finance institution (D) All of the above
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: NABARD stands for National bank for Agriculture and Rural development. It is an apex institution for development of agriculture, cottage industries village industries etc. Its primary role is to provide credit flow for the promotion of agriculture, to provide term loans to state co-operative banks, to asist state goverments for sharing capital contribution and to act as re-finance institution etc.
78.Under which Act/Policy was the BIFR established? (A) Industrial Policy of 1980 (B) Companies ACT (C) Sick Industiral Companies ACT (D) MRTP Act
(C) (SSC Section officer (Audit) 2001) Exp: The Board for Industrial & Financial Reconstruction was established under sick Industrial companies Act, in 1985.The main objective of BIFR was to give same breathing space to sick companies.
79.What is the animal on the insignia of the RBI? (A) Lion (B) Tiger (C) Panther (D) Elephant
(B) (SSC CPO S.I 2003) Exp: The emblem of reserve bank of India consists of a Tiger standing in front of a palm tree. These depictions are surrounded by Reserve Bank of India in Hindi and English at the top and bottom respectively.
80.Which amidst the following rural banks has been named after a river? (A) Prathama Bank (B) Varada Grameen Bank (C) Thar Anchalik Grameen Bank (D) Aravali Kshetriya Gramen Bank
(B) (SSC CPO S.I 2003) Exp: Varada Grameen bank is named after wardha river. It is one of the biggest rivers of vidarbh region in Maharashtra
81.Which of the following is an open market operation of the RBI? (A) Buying and selling of shares (B) Trading in securities (C) Transactions in gold (D) Lending to commercial banks
(B) (SSC section officer (Commercial Audit) 2003) Exp: Open market operation refers to sale and purchase of goverment securities by Reserve Bank of India in open market.
82.The system of issuing and monitoring of money in the market is known as- (A) Proportional reserve ratio (B) Fixed reserve ratio (C) Minimum reserve ratio (D) Floating reserve ratio
(C) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2003, SSC CGL 2004) Exp: Minimum reserve ratio is amount of that has to be kept in reserve for the backing of currency issued. Under the minimum reserve system, the RBI has to keep reserve of 200 crore which will include gold and foreign currencies. RBI can issue unlimited amount or currency by keeping minimum reserve.
83.Currency notes of Rs. 2 denomination and above are liabilities of: (A) Government of India (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) State Bank of India (D) All of the above
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2004) Exp: Reserve bank of India has sole right to issue various currency notes except 1 rupee notes. One rupee note is issued by ministry of finance
.84. Open market operation refers to- (A) Borrowing by commercial banks from the R.B.I. (B) Leading by scheduled banks (C) purchase and sale of Government securities by the RBI (D) Purchase and sale of bonds and securities by the Central Govt.
(C) (SSC CPO S.I 2014) Exp: Open market operation refers to sale and purchase of Goverment securities by Reserve Bank of India or Goverment.
84.Which one of the following curencies has the highest value in terms of rupee? (A) Pound (B) Dollar (C) Euro (D) Saudi Rial
(A) (SSC Tax Assistance (Income Tax & Central Excise) 2014) Exp: Pound is high value currency in above mentioned currencies.
85.Which of the following functions as controller of credit in India? (A) The Central Government (B) The Reserve Bank of India (C) The State Bank of India (D) The planning Commission
(B) (SSC Tax Assistant (Imcome Tax 2004) Exp: Reserve bank of India functions as controller of credit in India. RBI perform this function mainly through the monetary policies qualitative and quantitative tools.
86.In India, One-rupee coins and notes and subsidiary coins are issued by- (A) The Reserve Bank of India (B) The central Government (C) The State Bank of India (D) The Unit Trust Of India
(B) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2006, SSC CHSL 2014) Exp: One -rupee coins, notes and other coins in India are issued by Ministry of Finance under central goverment. All other notes except one rupee are issued by Reserve Bank of India.
87.The gilt-edged market in the capital market of India refers to- (A) Long-term private securities (B) Market dealing in existing securities (C) Market for corporate securities (D) Market for Government securities
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2014) Exp: The gilt-edged market deals with purchase and sale of government securities and semi- government securities.
88.The credit control operation in India is performed by- (A) Rural banks (B) Commercial Banks (C) Reserve Bank of India (D) State Bank of India
(C) (SSC CGL Pre 2014) Exp: Reserve bank of India facilitates the credit control operation in India. It controls the money supply in economy and inflation by taking various measures like controlling interest rates, Cash reserve ratio etc.
89.NABARD is the name of a- (A) Commercial Bank (B) Financial Insitution (C) Specialised bank to help agriculture (D) Non-Banking Financial Institution
(C) (SSC CGL Pre 2014) Exp: NABARD stands for National bank for agriculture and rural development. It is an apex institution for development of agriculture, cottage industries village industries etc.
90.Which one of the following is not a quantitative credit control measure of a Central Bank? (A) Bank Rate Policy (B) Open Market Operations (C) Cash Reserve ratio (D) Moral Suasion
(D) (SSC (10+2) DEO & LDC 2011) Exp: Reserve bank of India takes quantitative measures and qualitative measures for credit control. Quantitative measures includes Cash reserves ratio, Bank rate, Open market operations, Statutory Liquidity ratio while qualitative measures includes Moral suasion, Rationing of credit, regulation of Consumer credit, Margin requiremants etc.
91.In How many denominations is Indian paper currrency printed at present? (A) 9 (B) 8 (C) 7 (D) 6
(C) (SSC Constabel (GD) 2012) Exp: Indian paper currency is printed in 7 denominations at present. These are notes of Rs5, Rs10, Rs20, Rs50, Rs100, Rs500, Rs2000. The printing of Rs 1 and Rs 2 note has been discontinued but they are still in circulation.
92.Monetary policy in India is formulated by: (A) Finance Ministry (B) RBI (C) SEBI (D) CLB
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2014, SSC CGL 2010) Exp: Monetary Policy in India is formulated by Reserve Bank of India. It deals with controlling money supply, and inflation. It gives impetus to economic development, price sability etc.
93.Imperial Bank was constituted in the year- (A) 1930 (B) 1935 (C) 1955 (D) 1921
(D) (SSC MTS 2014) Exp: Imperial bank of India was established on January 27, 1921. In 1955 it was renamed as State Bank of India.
94.Which one of the following is not a qualitative control of credit by the Central Bank Of a country? (A) Cash Reserve Ratio (B) Regulation of consumer credit (C) Variation of margin requierments. (D) Regulation of margin requirements.
(A)Exp: Reserve Bank of India takes quantitative measures and qualitative measures for credit control. Quantitative measures includes cash reserves ratio, Bank rate, Open market operations, Statutory Liquidity ratio while qualitative measures includes Moral suasion, Rationing of credit, regulation of consumer credit, margin requirements etc.
95.The market in which loans of money can be obtained is called- (A) Reserve market (B) Institutional Market (C) Money market (D) Exchange Market
(C) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Money market is the market in which the trading of short term instruments is done. The term for instrument (securities) is from 1 day to 365 days.
96.Which of the following is the Regulator of the credit rating agencies in India? (A) RBI (B) SEBI (C) HCL (D) Infosys
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2014) Exp: Credit rating agencies in India are regulated by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Crisil, ICRA are some credit rating agencies of India.
- RRBs are owned by- (A) Central Government(B) State Government (C) Sponsor Bank (D) Jointly by all of the above
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2014) Exp: Regional rural banks are jointly owned by central government, state government and the sponsor bank with respective shares of 50% state government and 35% sponsor bank.
99.SIDBI stands for: (A) Small Industrial Designed Bank of India (B) Small Industries Development Bank of India (C) Small Innovations Development Banker’s Institute (D) Small Industries Development Banker Institute
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2015) Exp: SIDBI stands for Small Industries Development Bank of India. It was established on April 2, 1990 with an aim for growth and development of Micro, Small and Medium scale industries.
100.Lender of the Last Resort is: (A) SBI (B) IDBI (C) NABARD (D) RBI
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2015) Exp: Central bank of any country acts as lender of last resort which provides loans to banks and other institutions facing shortfall of cash.
101.A low interest policy is also known as: (A) Cheap money policy (B) Income generating (C) Dear money policy (D) Investment policy
(A) (SSC CAPF SI,AISF ASI 2015) Exp: When central bank of any country lowers the interest rate as a measure of monetary policy it is known as low interest rate policy. It is also known as cheap money policy. Low interest rates make loans cheaper.
102.Regarding money supply situation in India it can be said that the: (A) Currency with the public is inconvertible only. (B) Currency with the public is less than the deposits with the bank (C) Currency with the public in more than the deposits with the banks. (D) Currency with the public is almost equal to the deposits with banks.
(B) (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI Delhi Police 2015) Exp: Curreny with the public is less than the deposit with the bank because there is huge amount reserved in time deposit or demand deposits against amount in hand.
103.Which among the following is not the outcome of decrease in prime lending rate? (A) To raise the bank loan (B) Decline in saving rate (C) Decline in productivity (D) Increased demand of consumer products
(C) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 1997) Exp: Decline in productivity is not the outcome of decrease in prime lending rate. Prime lending rate is rate at which banks lend to their favourite customers usually decrease in prime lending rate will result raise in bank loan, decline in saving rate and increase in demand of consumer products.
104.Gresham’s law is related to- (A) Consumption and demand (B) Supply and demand (C) Circulation of money (D) Deficit financing
(C) (SSC Tax Assistant 2005) Exp: Gresham’s law states that bad money out drives good money from circulation. It is related to the circulation of currency or money.
105.How will a reduction in ‘Bank Rate’ affect the availability of credit? (A) Credit will increase (B) Credit will not increase (C) Credit will decrease (D) None of these
(A) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2006) Exp: Bank rate is rate at which RBI lends money to commercial banks. When bank rate is reduced it will increase available credit pool to commercial banks hence credit will increase.
106.Bank Rate refers to the interest rate at which- (A) Commercial banks receive deposits from the public (B) Central bank given loans to Commercial banks (C) Government loans are floated (D) Commercial banks grant loans to their customers
(B)Exp: Bank rate refers to an interest rate at which central bank of any country lends money to commercial banks. In case of India. RBI provides loans to commercial banks.
107.The smaller the Cash Reserve Ratio, the scope for lending by banks is: (A) Greater (B) Smaller (C) Weaker (D) lesser
(A) (SSC CGL Pre 2002) Exp: Cash reserve ratio is amount of cash that has to kept with RBI. Smaller cash reserve ratio means more credit available to lend with banks. So, scope for lending by bank is greater.
108.Commercial banks create credit (A) On the basis of their securities (B) On the basis of their assets (C) On the basis of their stocks (D) On the basis of their deposits
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2002) Exp: Commercial banks create credit on the basis of their deposits.
- Bank money refers to (A) Currency notes (B) Coins (C) Gold bullions (D) Cheques
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2002) Exp: Bank money refers to cheques drafts and bank credits that are equivalent ot money.
109.If the Central Bank wants to encourage an increase in the supply of money and decrease in the cost of borrowing money, it should (A) Lower cash reserve ratio (B) Raise discount rates (C) Sell government securities (D) All of the above
(A) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2003) Exp: Cash reserve ratio is amount that has to be kept with RBI So if central bank wants to increase in supply of money and decrease in cost of borrowing money RBI will reduce cash reserve ratio.
110.’Money’ is an example of- (A) Sunk capital (B) Floating capital (C) Concrete capital (D) Social capital
(B) (SSC MTS 2013) Exp: Money is an example of floating capital. Floating capital means capital that is movable and storable.
111.Which one is not a function of money? (A) Transfer of value (B) Store of value (C) Price stabillisation (D) Value measurement
(C) (SSC CAPFs, S.I ASI 2013) Exp: Functions of money (A) medium of exchange (B) measure of value (C) Standard of payment (D) Store of value
112.Which term is not related to banking? (A) C.R.R. (B) N.E.E.R (C) S.L.R (D) Fixed Deposits
(B) (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI 7 Delhi 2014) Exp: NEER stands for Nominal Effective Exchange Rate and it is not related to banking.
113.Scheduled Banks have to be registered with- (A) SEBI (B) RBI (C) Finance Ministry (D) SBI
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2006) Exp: Schedule bank are those bank which are listed in list of RBI Act 1934.
114.Which natioalised bank of India has a shining star as its emblem? (A) Syndicate Bank (B) Indian Bank (C) Bank of India (D) Bank of Baroda
(C) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2003) Exp: Bank of India is nationalised bank of India, and it has a shining star as its emblem.
115.A high Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) (A) Restricts lending (B) Increases supply of cash (C) Provides funds to the state (D) Increases the strength of the banks
(A) (SSC CGL Pre 2002) Exp: SLR- Statutory Lending Ratio is the amount that has to kept in reserve in form of gold, cash and securities. A high SLR means less availibility of credit pool with banks to lend.
116.The major objective of monetary policy is to- (A) Increase government’s tax revenue (B) Revamp the Public Distribution System (C) Promote economic growth with price stability (D) Weed out corruption in the economy
(C) (SSC CGL 2006) Exp: Monetary policy with the objective of price stability. It is carried out generally by central banks and in India it is done by RBI.
117.Commercial banks lend to which of the following Priority sectors? (A) Heavy Industries (B) Agriculture, Small scale industries (C) Foreign Companies (D) State government in emergency situation
(B) (SSC CGL 2007) Exp: Priority sector lending: under PSL Bank have to lend 40% of their total credit pool to certain specifics sectors. Following are sectors covered under PSL: Agriculture, Micro and small Enterprises, Education, Housing BPL, Medium Enterprises, social infrastructure, Renewable Energy.
“118.”“Smart Money”” term is used for- (A) Credit card (B) Internet Banking (C) E-Banking (D) Cash with public”
(A) (SSC CGL 2007) Exp: Smart money: is certain value linked from bank account that can be used as money eg:- credit card debit card or plastic money etc.
119.Open Market Operations refer to- (A) Borrowings by Scheduled banks from RBI (B) Lending by Commercial banks to industry (C) Purchase and sale of Government securities by RBI (D) Deposit mobilization
(C) (SSC CGL 2003 & 2008) Exp: OMO (open market operation) refers to buying and selling of government securities in open market by RBI to inject or suck money out of banking system.
120.The rate at which RBI gives short term loan to commercial banks is called- (A) Repo rate (B) Reverse Repo rate (C) Bank rate (D) Cash Reserve rate
(A) (SSC CGL 2009) Exp: Repo rate (repurchase obligation rate) is tool of RBI to lend money for short term base to banks or financial institutions.
121.Money transfer through mobile is called __________. (A) IFSC (B) ATM (C) IMPS (D) IFS
(C) (SSC CGL 2009) Exp: Immediate payment service is a electronic fund transfer system offered by bank through mobile phone.
“122.What is the role of ““Ombudsman”” in a bank? (A) To provide quality and speedy redressal of grievances of customers. (B) To provide suggestions for innovative schemes in the banks. (C) To inspect the internal working of the branches. (D) To monitor the poverty alleviation programmes under taken by or implemented by the bank.”
(A) (SSC CGL 2009) Exp: Ombudsman- RBI appointed officers to adress the grievances of customer known as banking ombuds men.
123.The headquarters of RBI is in- (A) Delhi (B) Kanpur (C) Mumbai (D) Nasik
(C) (SSC CGL 2009) Exp: RBI was institutionalized by RBI under act of 1934 and later on it was nationalized in 1 January 1949. Its headquarter is situated at Mumbai.
124.Which one is not included in Non Banking Financial Institutions (NBFIs)? (A) EXIM (B) SIDBI (C) NABARD (D) BOI
(D) (SSC CGL 2010) Exp: NBFI: Non-Banking Financial Institutions are those financial intermediaries which are not registered under schedule 2 of RBI Act 1934. Ex: of NBFI are: All India finance institution like EXIM, NABARD, SIDBI and Primary deals and Non-banking Financial companies.
125.If cash reserve ratio decreases, credit creation will___. (A) Increase (B) Decrease (C) Does not change (D) First decreases than increases
(A) [SSC CSHL 2017] Exp: Cash Reserve ratio: the amount of money that has to be kept aside in cash form within banks only. If cash Resrve ratio increase or decrease the credit pool decrease and increase respectively.
126.The SLR is determined by the RBI. SLR stands for- (A) States Leverage Return (B) Savings Lease Rate (C) Statutory Liquidity Ratio (D) Safe Legal Range
(C) [SSC CSHL 2017] Exp: SLR: Statutory Liquidity ratio is amount that has to be kept with RBI in form of cash, Gold, Government securities and RBI approved securities.
127.Which institution in India acts as ‘lender of the last resort’? (A) Finance Ministry (B) Reserve Bank of India (C) Treasury (D) Currency Printing Presses
(B) [SSC CSHL 2017] Exp: Under Functions of RBI • It Acts as lender of last resort. • Controller of credit • Banker to government • Custodian of foreign reserve.
128.Which of these is not an Indian Bank? (A) Axis Bank (B) HDFC Bank (C) ICICI Bank (D) HSBC Bank
(D) [SSC CSHL 2017] Exp: HSBC Bank is private bank with headquarter at London in United kingdom.
129.At which rate, Reserve Bank of India borrows money from commercial banks? (A) Bank Rate (B) Repo Rate (C) Reverse Repo Rate (D) Statutory Liquidity Rate
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Reverse repo rate is the rate at which RBI borrows money from commercial bank in exchange of government securities with an obligation to repurchase.
130.Which of the following is not true about a Demand Draft? (A) It is a negotiable instrument. (B) It is a banker’s cheque. (C) It may be dishonoured for lack of funds. (D) It is issued by a bank.
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Demand Draft:- it is prepaid negotiable instrument where bank undertakes responsiblity to make full payment. So once demand draft is made, there is no chance that it gets dishonoured for the lack of funds.
131.Which amongst the following is not a component of monetary policy in India? (A) Repo rate (B) Moral suasion (C) Credit Rationing (D) Public Debt
(D) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Monetary policy is the economic policy which is concerned with increase and decrease in money supply. It is usually under Central Bank of the country. Monetary policy includes tools like quantititive tools and qualitative tools. Quantitative tools includes Bank rate, Reserve Ratios, MSF, Repo rate, open market operations Qualitative tools includes moral suasion, credit rationing, direct action etc.
132.Wh ich one o f the fo l lowing is not an instrument of credit control in India? (A) Rationing of credit (B) Direct Action (C) Open Market operations (D) Variable cost reserve ratios
(D) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Monetary policy is the economic policy which is concerned with increase and decrease in money supply. It is usually under Central Bank of the country. Monetary policy includes tools like quantititive tools and qualitative tools. Quantitative tools includes Bank rate, Reserve Ratios, MSF, Repo Rate, open market operations Qualitative tools includes moral suasion, credit rationing, direct action etc.
133.Which of the following rate is charged by banks to their most credit worthy customers? (A) Prime Lending Rate (B) Statutory Liquidity Rate (C) Bank Rate (D) Repo Rate
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Prime Lending Rate is minimum rate charged by banks to their most credit worthy customers.
134.Medium term loans are provided for a period of _____. (A) 1 year to 2 years (B) 15 months to 3 years (C) 15 months to 4 years (D) 1 year to 3 years
(D) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Loans Term Short term loans 1 day to 364 days Medium term loans 1 year to 3 years Long term loans More than 3 years
135.Wh ich among the fo l lowing is not an instrument of fiscal policy? (A) Taxation (B) Public expenditure (C) Public debt (D) Credit Rationing
(D) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Economic policies are classified into two parts. Fiscal policy and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is government policy to regulate income and expenditure done by the government. Monetary policy is the RBI’s policy to increase or decrease money supply in the Market. Credit Rationing is one of the tools under monetary policy.
136.___________ is an a lternative way of representing the production function. (A) The Short Run (B) The Long Run (C) Isoquant (D) Average product
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Isoquant represents possible combinations of two inputs that yield the same level of output.
137.What is the minimum base rate fixed by RBI? (A) 8.30% (B) 8.25% (C) 9.30% (D) 10.00%
(C) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Minimum base rate is the rate below which banks are not allowed to lend their customers. The minimum base rate fixed by RBI is 9.30%.
138.What is the full form of CRR? (A) Cash Return Ratio (B) Cash Reserve Ratio (C) Cash Revenue Ratio (D) Cash Return Reserve
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: CRR- Cash Reserve Ratio is specified fraction of total deposits that bank has to keep with RBI in form of cash.
139.Who decides Bank Rate in India? (A) Finance Minister of India (B) President of India (C) Reserve Bank of India (D) State Bank of India
(C) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Reserve Bank of India under it’s monetary policy decides the Bank rate, cash reserve ratio, statutory liquidity ratio.
1.Expenditure, taxation and loan taking policies of government are called as- (A) Fiscal Policy (B) Monetary Policy (C) Bank Policy (D) Tax Policy
(A) [S.S.C (10+2) Exam, 2012] Exp: For the fulfillment of Social goods, Merit goods and services which can’t be reached to market or in relation to them market will fail, these goods are made available by state. So through budget, state is responsible for fiscal policy. Tools of fiscal policy - Taxation - Expenditure - Borrowing
2.Fiscal policy is related to - (A) Monetary Policy (B) Banking System (C) Economic Progress Planning (D) Receiving and Expenditure of Govt.
(D) [S.S.C (CGL) Exam, 2006] Exp: Fiscal policy is government policy in regard to recievings i.e. revenue through taxation and expenditure i.e. spending through programs etc.
3.Subsidy by government of India is given to- (A) Consumer Unit (B) Productive Unit (C) Banking Unit (D) Government Employee
(A) [SSC 10+2 Exam, 2014] Exp: Subsidies are provided by government to individuals or group of people in the form of cash to reduce the prices of consuming units like LPG cylinder, fertilizers, food grains etc.
4.For wh ich fund can the unantic ipated expenditure be met without the prior approval of the parliament? (A) Consolidated Fund of India (B) Contingency Fund of India (C) Vote on Account (D) From the Treasury
(B) [SSC 10+2 Exam, 2010] Exp: There are three type of funds with Goverment of India. 1. Consolidated fund of India 2. Public account fund 3. Contingency fund of India. Contigency fund is fund for emergencies or crisis situation. To withdraw money from contingency fund no parliament approval is needed. It is vested to President.
5.The Economic Survey of India is published by- (A) Statistical Department(B) CSO (C) Ministry of Finance (D) Department of Economic Affairs
(C) [SSC CPO Exam, 2012] Exp: Ministry of Finance publishes economic survey. Economic survey is a document which shows achivements and growth in year gone by and according to these reports future plans or strategies are made out.
6.The Maximum Part of revenue of Indian railway comes from. (A) Coaches (B) Transport of goods (C) Tickets (D) Other sources
(B) [SSC Steno Exam, 2014] Exp: The maximum revenue of Indian railways usually come from transportation of goods.
7.Disinvestment in Public Sector is called- (A) Liberalization (B) Globalization (C) Industrialization (D) Privatization
(D) [SSC CGL Exam, 2011] Exp: Disinvestment is also a process of transfering ownership. So Disinvestment in public sector is called as privatization. Privatization is process of selling ownership by government to private business or enterprises.
8.Which one of the following is a development expenditure? (A) Irrigation Expenditure (B) Civil Administration (C) Debt Services (D) Grant-in-Aid
(A) [SSC CPO Exam, 2008] Exp: Development expenditure refers to the expenditure which leads to social and economic development of country. Irrigation expenditure is an example of development expenditure.
9.Disinvestements is- (A) Offloading of shares of privates companies to government (B) Offloading of government shares to private companies (C) Increase in investment (D) Closing down of business concerns
(B) [SSC CPO Exam, 2008] Exp: Disinvestment implies selling of shares of public sector enterprises by government. The main aim of disinvestment is to reduce financial burden on government enterprises.
10.Which one of the following is not an objective of Fiscal Policy in India? (A) Full Employment (B) Price Stability (C) Equitable distribution of wealth and incomes (D) Regulation of international trade
(D)Exp: The objectives of fiscal policy are full employment, price stabilization, economic growth, equitable distribution of income. It is not related to international trade.
11.In the budget figures of the Government of India, interest payments, subsidies, pensions, social services and the like are parts of the- (A) Plan Expenditure (B) State Government Expend- iture (C) Public debt in the form of capital expenditure (D) Non-plan Expenditure
(D) [SSC T.A. Exam, 2007] Exp: Non plan expenditure in budget includes interest payments on loans taken by government of India, grants to states, subsidies, pensions, social services etc. But planned and Non-planned expenditure have been scrapped in budget and replaced by capital and revenue spendings.
12.In the budget figures of the Government of India the difference between total expenditure and total receipts is called- (A) Fiscal Deficit (B) Budget Deficit (C) Revenue Deficit (D) Current Deficit
(B) [SSC SO Exam, 2007] Exp: The difference between total receipts and total expenditure is called as budgetary deficit while fiscal deficit is referred as difference between total receipts (except government borrowings) and total expenditure.
13.In the budget figures of the Government of India, fiscal deficit is- (A) Total Expenditure - Total Receipts (B) Revenue Expenditure - Revenue Receipts (C) Capital Expenditure - Capital Receipts + Market Borrowings (D) Sum of budget deficit and government’s market borrowings and liabilities
(D) [SSC SO Exam, 2006] Exp: The difference between total receipts and total expenditure is called as budgetary deficit while fiscal deficit is referred as difference between total receipts (except government borrowings) and total expenditure.
14.The single largest item of expenditure of the Central Government in India in recent years is- (A) Defence (B) Subsidies (C) Interest Payment (D) General services
(C) [SSC MTS. Exam, 2002] Exp: The largest item of expenditure in Budget of India is interest payment.
15.In estimating the budgetary deficit, the official approach in India is to exclude- (A) Long term borrowing from the market (B) Borrowings from the reserve Bank of India (C) Drawing down of the cash balance (D) Borrowing from reserve Bank in the form of ways and means advance
(C) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2003) Exp: In estimating the budgetary deficit, the official approach in India is to exclude drawing down of cash balance.
16.Fiscal policy is concerned with- (A) Public revenue (B) Public expenditure and debt (C) Bank rate policy (D) Both (1) and (2)
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2001) Exp: Fiscal policy is by which government adjusts its income and expenditure. So fiscal policy is concerned with public revenue and public expenditure and debt both.
17.Social accounting system in India is classified into- (A) Income, product and expenditure (B) Enterprise households and government (C) Assets, liabilities and debt position (D) Public sector, Private sector and Joint sector
(A) (SSC CGL PRe 2013) Exp: Social accounting is method of accounting which calculates the effort on environment and society of organisation operation. Professor Hicks suggested social accounting word. It is classified into Income, Product and expenditure methodologies.
18.Which of the following is not viewed as national debt? (A) Life Insurance Policies (B) Long-term Government Bonds (C) National Savings Certificates (D) Provident Fund
(C) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2003) Exp: National Saving Certificates are not viewed as national debt. National saving certificate (NSC) are small savings investment scheme launched by government of India.
19.Beyond a certain point deficit financing will certainly lead to- (A) Inflation (B) Deflation (C) Recession (D) Economic stagnation
(A) (SSC CGl Pre 2001) Exp: Deficit financing is injection of money to compensate deficit so beyond a certain point deficit financing will certainly leads to inflation.
20.In public budgets zero base budgeting was first introduced in- (A) USA (B) Uk (C) France (D) Sweden
(A) (SSC CGL Pre 2003) Exp: Zero based budgeting concept was introduced by Peter Phyr during Jimmy certer’s Georgia Governorship in USA. Zero based budgeting is a technique to reduce and justify on going schemes or work.
21.The sale proceeds of Government Bonds come under the budget head of- (A) Revenue Receipts (B) Current Expenditure (C) Capital Outlay (D) Capital Receipts
(D)Exp: Capital receipts are those reciepts which results into reduction of government assets or increase in some liability. It includes market loans, small savings, Goverment provident funds etc.
22.Which one of the following is not included in current revenue of the Union Government? (A) Tax revenue (B) Non-tax revenue (C) Loans (D) Interest payments
(C) (SSC (10+2) DEO & LDC 2012) Exp: Loan is not included in current revenue of the union government. Revenue is amount that government actually recieves during the year and it include Tax revence, Non-tax revenue.
23.Which one is not the main objective of fiscal policy in India? (A) To increase liquidity in the economy (B) To promote price stability (C) To minimize the inequalities of income & wealth (D) To promote employment opportunity
(A) (SSC CGL Pre 2004 & 2006) Exp: Fiscal policy is in relation with government spending and income adjustment with moto of stabilizing economy, economic growth, and employment generation.
24.The industry having the largest investment in Indian Economy is? (A) Tea (B) Cement (C) Steel (D) Jute
(C) (SSC CGL Pre 2004) Exp: The steel industry is the industry having largest investment in Indian economy than cement, then jute and tea respectively.
25.What situation would result if Government expenditure exceeds the Government revenue on Current Account? (A) Deficit budgeting (B) Zero-based budgeting (C) Performance based budgeting (D) Surplus budgeting
(A) (SSC CGL Pre 2005) Exp: When government expenditure exceeds the government revenue in current account it is called as current account deficit and to handle this deficit budgeting i.e. monetization of deficit is used.
26.’Capital gains’ refers to goods which- (A) Serve as a source of raising further capital (B) Help in the further production of goods (C) Directly go into the satisfaction of human wants (D) Find multiple uses
(B) (SSC CGL Pre 2006) Exp: Capital gains is gain or profit accrued on capital. Capital helps in production of goods and services.
27.As per the 2016-17 Budget, the largest source of money to the Government of India is- (A) Income Tax (B) Corporation Tax (C) Non-tax revenues (D) Borrowings and other liabilities
(D) (SSC CGL Pre 2005) Exp: Borrowings and other liabilities are largest source of money to the Government of India as per the 2016-17 Budget.
28.The system of Budget was introduced in India during the Viceroyalty of - (A) Canning (B) Dalhousie (C) Ripon (D) Elgin
(A) (SSC CGL Pre 2006) Exp: For the first time budget was presented during Indian Viceroy Canning and presented by Jame wilson.
29.Who generally presents the Finance Budget in Indian Parliament? (A) RBI Governor (B) Budget Minister (C) Finance Minister (D) Finance Secretary
(C) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Finance budget is government plan of revenue and expenditure for a year and it is generally presented by finance minister of the country.
30.Which among the following does not count in the development expenditure of government? (A) Expenditure on economic service (B) Expenditure on social services (C) Grant to states (D) Defence expenditure
(D) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Defence expenditure comes under revenue expenditure because this expenditure is for the smoother operation of the aremed forces.
31.Calculate the economic profit for a firm if it’s total revenues are Rs. 35 crores, explicit costs are Rs. 7 crores, and implicit costs are Rs. 10 crores. (A) Rs. 32 crores (B) Rs. 52 crores (C) Rs. 18 crores (D) Rs. 38 crores
(C) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Profit = Total Revenue-Cost (i.e. implicit cost + explicit We will be getting answer Rs. 18 crore.
32.Which of following is true if the Government monetized part of its deficit? (A) Money supply in the economy will increase. (B) Interest rate will increase. (C) Government revenue will decrease. (D) Government expenditure will increase.
(A) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: Deficit monetization is financing the deficit created in budget and it increase money supply in economy.
33.Which sector has the highest number working in India? (A) Manufacturing (B) Agriculture (C) IT (D) Services
(B) [SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: According to economic survey highest number of people working are agriculture.
34.What is difference of Revenue expenditure and Revenue receipts called as? (A) Revenue (B) Total expenditure (C) Revenue Deficit (D) Total revenue
(C) [SSC CPO 2017] Exp. When expenditure is more than receipts, it is called as deficit. So when revenue expenditure is more than revenue receipts, it is called as revenue deficit.
1.Which among of the following is direct tax? (A) Sales Tax (B) Excise Tax (C) Wealth Tax (D) Entertainment Tax
(C) [S.S.C MTS. Exam, 2013] Exp: Wealth tax is a type of direct tax, which was started from 1 April, 1957 but it is no longer in force with effect from year 2016-2017.
2.Which among of the following is largest source of income for central govt.? (A) Direct Taxes (B) Custom Duty (C) Excise Duty (D) Entertainment Tax
(A) [S.S.C MTS. Exam, 2008] Exp: The largest source of income for central goverment is direct taxes. Direct taxes include income tax, corporation tax, property tax etc.
3.Which among of the following is not direct tax? (A) Income Tax (B) Property Tax (C) Gift Tax (D) Sales Tax
(D) [S.S.C Steno. Exam, 2005] Exp: Sales tax is an indirect tax because the burden of tax can be shifted to the consumer.
4.The Example of Sales tax is- (A) Coorporate Tax (B) Direct Tax (C) Indirect Tax (D) Welfare Tax
(C) [S.S.C (FCI) Exam, 2012] Exp: Same as above.
- Which of the following tax is imposed by state govt.? (A) Entertainment Tax (B) Property Tax (C) Income Tax (D) Corporate Tax
(A) [S.S.C MTS. Exam, 2006] Exp: Entertainment tax is imposed by the state government. Other state government imposed tax includes stamp duty, toll tax, property tax etc.
5.Taxes are called as Regressive when- (A) More burden on poor as compared to rich (B) It causes same burden on rich and poor (C) Less burden on poor as compared to rich (D) None of these
(A) [S.S.C (CPO) 2015] Exp: In regressive tax the rate of tax decreases with increases in income of tax payers. It causes more burden on poor as compared to rich
6.In case of direct tax, impact of tax & incidence of tax is- (A) On two different person (B) On same person (C) Any other person (D) On that department which called tax.
(B) [S.S.C (CGL) Exam, 2014] Exp: Direct tax is a tax where the impact of tax and incidence of tax falls on the same person and the tax burden cannot be shifted.
7.Who was the Chairman of Tenth Finance Commission? (A) Manmohan Singh (B) Vasant Sathe (C) Shiv Shankar (D) K.C. Pant
(D) [SSC CGL Exam, 2013] Exp: Krishna Chandra pant was the Chairman of tenth finance commission. It was is established in 1992.
8.Who was the Chairman of 13th Finance Commission? (A) Dr. Vijay L Kelkar (B) Dr. C Rangrajan (C) Dr. A.M. Khusro (D) Dr. C. Subbarao
(A) [SSC Steno Exam, 2011, 14] Exp: Dr. Vijay Kelkar was the Chairman of 13th Finance commission. It was established in 2010.
9.Which among of the following is not a ‘canon of taxation’ according to Adam Smith? (A) Canon of certainty (B) Canon of simplicity (C) Canon of convenience (D) Canon of economy ineffi- ciency
(B) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2010] Exp: Canon of taxations are mentioned by Adam smith in his book the wealth of Nati They are four in numbers and as follows:- (A) Canon of equity 2. Canon of certainity 3. Canon of convenience and 4. Canon of economic efficiency. It does not include canon of simplicity
10.VAT was firstly implemented in- (A) Germany (B) Spain (C) France (D) Russia
(C) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2012] Exp: VAT was first introduced in France on 10 April, 1954. VAT is an indirect tax which was introduced in India, on 1 April 2005.
11.’Value-added’ is equal to- (A) Output Minus the Inputs (B) Reconstruction profit (C) Gross profit (D) Investment profit
(A) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2013] Exp: Value added is equal to the difference between output minus inputs. It simply means increase in the value of an article at every stage of production
12.In Centre-State financial relation in India, Gadgil formula is used in- (A) Division of tax revenue (B) Formulation of the policy for fresh borrowings (C) Writing off state’s indebtedness to the centre (D) Allocating Central Plan assistance between States
(A) [SSC 10+2 Exam,2011] Exp: The Gadgil formula is used in division of tax revenue. The Gadgil formula is named after Dhananjay Ramchandra Gadgil, a social scientist and the first critic of Indian planning. It was evolved in 1969 for determining the allocation of central assistance for state plans in India.
13.Which authority decides about the states’ share in central taxes? (A) Finance Commission(B) Planning Commission (C) Election Commission (D) Finance Ministry
(A) [SSC SO Exam, 2006] Exp: Finance Commission is a constitutional body established under Article 280 of Indian constitution. It determines the divison of net proceeds of taxes between States and Union.
- Indirect taxes by nature are- (A) Degressive (B) Regressive (C) Progressive (D) Proportional
(B) [SSC Steno. Exam, 2011] Exp: In Indirect taxes the burden of tax can be shifted to consumers. The tax bearer is not the tax payer. Poor and rich are equally affected by indirect taxes. Hence indirect taxes are generally considered as regressive tax.
- Taxation is a tool of- (A) Monetary Policy (B) Fiscal Policy (C) Price Policy (D) Wage Policy
(B) [SSC (10+2) Exam, 2011] Exp: Fiscal policy is a government policy which deals with manners in which goverment adjusts income or expenditure. The tools of fiscal policy includes taxation, expenditure and borrowings
17.The Fringe Benefit Tax was introduced in the budget of- (A) 2003-04 (B) 2004-05 (C) 2005-06 (D) 2006-07
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2011] Exp: Fringe benefit tax was introduced in the budget of 2005-06. It was imposed on benefits paid to an employee.
18.Which of the following is not the source of the revenue of Central Government? (A) Income Tax (B) Corporate Tax (C) Agricultural Income Tax (D) Excise Duty
(C) [SSC DEO 2008, SSC CHSL 2017] Exp: The major sources of the revenue of central government includes income tax, corporation tax, wealth tax, custom duty, excise duty etc. It does not include agricaltural income tax. It is assigned to state government.
19.The Report of Vijay Kelkar Committee relates to- (A) Trade reforms (B) Centre-state financial relations (C) Disinvestment in public sector enterprises (D) Tax reforms
(D) [SSC CPO Exam, 2008] Exp: In 2002, Vijay Kelkar committee presented the report on tax reforms. Some other committees which were constituted on tax reforms includes Hellish committe in 1991, Shome panel in 2012.
20.Which of the following taxes is not collected by the Central Government? (A) Income Tax (B) Customs Duty (C) Professional Tax (D) Excise Duty
(C) [SSC Tax Asst. Exam, 2007] Exp: Professional tax is a tax levied by state government on various professions like doctors, lawyers etc
21.Excise duty on a commodity is payable with reference to its- (A) Production (B) Production and Sale (C) Production and Transportation (D) Production, Transportation and Sale
(A) [SSC SO 2007] Exp: Excise duty is levied on production of goods within the country. It is an indirect tax.
22.If the tax rate increases with the higher level of income, it shall be called- (A) Proportional Tax (B) Progressive Tax (C) Lump sum Tax (D) Regressive Tax
(B) [SSC SO Exam, 2006] Exp: In progressive tax rate method tax increses with increases in income of tax payers. It reduces the burden on poor as their income is low campare to rich.