OP bot 1 Flashcards
1.The book ‘Genera Plantarum’ was written by (A) Linnaeus (B) Bentham and Hooker (C) Engler and Prantle (D) Hutchinson
(A) (SSC CGL 2014) Exp: ‘Genera Plantarum’ is a collection of brief description of the 935 plant genera, this book was written by Swedish Naturalist Carl Linnaeus (1707-1778).
2.Where is the Botanical Survey of India Headquartered? (A) Lucknow (B) Darjeeling (C) Kolkata (D) Oottaccamund
(C) (SSC CGL 2002) Exp: Botanical survey of India is the apex research organisation under Ministry of Environment & Forests, Govt of India for carrying out taxonomic and floristic studies of wild plant resourced of country. Its headquarter situated in Kolkata.
3.Plants differ from animals in having-(A) Locomotion (B) Metabolism (C) Localised growth (D) Catabolism
(C) (SSC Matric Level Exam 2008) Exp: Plants and Animals are Eukaryotic Cells both are living organisms. They are differ to each other on the basis chloroplast, cell wall, localised growth. Localised growth depend on change in pH of the particular area.
4.The age of trees is determined by its: (A) Birth (B) Height (C) Growth rings (D) General appearance
(C) (SSC CGL 1999) Exp: Trees are living organisms they grow on the basis of nutrient and environment conditions. Age of trees is determined by growth rings. The study of plant age by growth ring called as Dendrochronology.
5.The presence of what distinguishes a plant cell from an animal cells?(A) Chloroplasts (B) Cell wall (C) Cell membrance (D) Nucleus
(A) (SSC CGL 2003) Exp: Plant cell distinguished from Animal cell on the basis of chloroplast. Animal do not have chlroplasts but plants have. Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cell and that conduct photosynthesis and other chemical reactions. Chloroplast capture the sun’s light energy and store it in the energy storage molecules. as ATP and NADPH used in process of photosynthesis.
6.What is a sponge?(A) A fossil (B) A plant (C) An animal (D) A fungus
(C) (SSC (10+2) Data Entry Operator & LDC 2012) Exp: A sponge is an aquatic animal of the phylum porifera with porous bag like body structure and a rigid or elastic internal skeleton. Sponges do not have nervous, digestive or circulatory system.
7.Flowerless plants are termed as:(A) Phanerogams (B) Bryophytes (C) Thallophytes (D) Cryptogams
(D) (SSC (10+2) Level Date Entry Operator 2012) Exp: Flowerless plant are called as Cryptogams. They reproduce by spores without flowers or non-seed bearing plant. eg Fern, Moss, Brown algae, Fungus etc.
8.Bryophytes are often called as amphibian plant because they-
(A) Appear like frog (B) Are found both in water and on land (C) Do not have habitat preference (D) Can eat insects (B) (SSC MTS 2013) Exp: Bryophytes are a group of small, simple, green land dwelling plants in which few are aquatic comprising of Hornworts and some are terrestrial.
9.Taxonomy is a science that deals with (A)Morphology (B)Anatomy (C) Classification (D) Economic uses
(C) (SSC Sec. Officer 2001) Exp: Taxonomy is the branch of science which deals with the description, identification and classification of organisms.
10.Stamens are fused with each other by their anthers and also with petals in: (A) Leguminosae (B) Liliaceae (C) Compositae (D) Euphorbiaceae
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Stamens are the male sex organ of plants. When anthers are fused with each other, this condition is described as Syngenesious this type of character occur in family Euphorbiaceae and this fusion is called as Cohesion. When there is fusion of stamens with petals, they are called as epipetalous e.g. Gamopetale.
11.Pulses are obtained from the family.(A) Liiacese (B) Leguminosae (C) Cycadaceae (D) Fungi
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2015) Exp: Pulses are more protenious crop in the agriculture. These are the members of family Fabaceae (Leguminaceae). They have high protein contents. They also have key role in Nitrogen fixation.
12.Which word is common in the botanical names of trees like Ashoka,Tamarind or coral?.(A) Terminalia (B) Salix (C) Indica (D) Acacia
(C) (SSC CPO 2016) Exp: Terminalia tree (Terminalia Indica), Ashoka tree (Saraca indica), Indian coral tree (Erythrina indica) have Indica is common in their botanical name in taxonomy.
13.What do you call the study of fungi? (A) Mycology (B) Parasitology (C) Bacteriology (D) Ecology
(A) (SSC CPO SI, ASI 2016) Exp: Fungus are a cryptogamous plant, they are saprophytes. Study of fungus is called as Mycology.
14.’Agronomy’ is the practice of raising___________.(A) Plants and Animals (B) Crop plants (C) Agriculture (D) Fruit plants only
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp: Agronomy is a latin word which mean ‘agros’. - agriculture and ‘nomos’ means rule here we study all agriculture practices in agronomy.
15.What is a Pepper plant?(A) Bush (B) Shrub (C) Vine (D) Tree
(C) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Pepper plants are perennial woody vine plants. They are long duration crops plant, eg Black pepper.
16.Ferns belong to which division of plants? (A) Gymnosperms (B) Angiosperms (C) Thallophyta (D) Pteridophyta
(D) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Ferns are small Pteridophytic plant. They are seedless, non flowering vascular plants.
17.Which of the following is not true about Pteridophyta? (A) Dominant phase is saprophytes (B) Main plant body is diploid (C) Seeds are present (D) Flowers are absent
(C) Exp: Pteridophyta have seedlees plants. They form spore for germination in sporangia. eq Fern, Azolla.
18.Which of the following is not true about Bryophyta? (A) Dominant phase is gametophytes (B) Main plant body is haploid (C) Spores are homospores (D) Flowers are present
(D) Exp: Bryophyta is a cryptogamous plants, they are also known as non-flowering plants.
19.For the aquatic organisms, the source of food is (A) Phytoplankton (B) Sea Weed (C) Aqua plankton (D) Zooplankton
(A) Exp: Aquatic organisms are those organism which lives in aqueous environment as pond, river and lakes. They are also called as phytoplankton.
20.Who among the following is known as ‘Father of Biology’? (A) Darwin (B) Aristotle (C) Heckle (D) Edward Jenner
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Aristotle is known as ‘Father of Biology’.
21.Bamboo is a type of _____.(A) Herb (B) Tree (C) Shrub (D) Grass
(D) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Bamboo is a type of grass and belongs to family poaceae. Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plant and flowers only once in 12 years.
22.Who proposed five kingdom classification? (A) Ernst Mayr (B) R. H. Whittaker (C) M. W. Beijerinck (D) D. I. Ivanovsky
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: R.H. Whittaker in 1969, gave the five kingdom classification. Whittaker classified the organisms on the basis of their cell structure, division of labour and mode of nutrition. Whittaker classified the organism into Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.
23.Potato, tomato and brinjal are three different species but all belong to which genus? (A) Solanum (B) Panthera (C) Felis (D) Tigris
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Patoato, tomato and brinjal are three different species belong to genus Solanum family- Solanaceae. These species are annual, prenneials, subshrubs, shrubs and trees.
24.In the names Mangifera indica (mango), Solanum tuberosum (potato) and Panthera leo (lion), what does the three names, indica, tuberosum and leo, represent?(A) Binomial Nomenclature(B) Taxonomic Hierarchy (C) Identification (D) Specific Epithet
(A)Exp: Binomial nomenclature is the system of classification given by Carolus Linnaeus. In Binomial nomenclature the naming is done on the basis of the genus and species. The first name is genus and the other is species epithet.
25._______ are chlorophyll-bearing, simple, thalloid, autotrophic and largely acquatic (both fresh water and marine) organisms.(A) Pteridophytes (B) Bryophytes (C) Algae (D) Gymnosperms
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Algae are the chlorophyll-bearing thalloid autotrophic and mostly aquatic organism.
26.In the names Mangifera indica (mango), Solanum tuberosum (potato) and Panthera leo (lion), the terms Mangifera, So lanum and Panthera represent the higher level of?.(A) Taxon (B) Taxonomic Hierarchy (C) Specific Epithet (D) Binomial Nomenclature
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Taxon is taxonomic group of any rank, such as a species, family or class. The first epithet in scientific name represents the genus. Taxon represent a rank in biological classification.
27.Which of the following is not among the 3 main classes of Algae? (A) Chloro phyceae (B) Rhodop hyceae (C) Phaeo phyceae (D) Gymno sperms
(D) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Chlorophycea (green algae), Rhodophyceac (red algae) and pheophyceae (brown algae) are the three main classes of Algae. Gymnosperm is a divison of spermatophyta in plant kingdom.
28.The members of rhodophyceae are commonly called _________ algae (A) Green (B) Brown (C) Red (D) Yellow
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: The member of rhodophyceae algae are commonly called as red algae. Rhodophyceae has the phycoerythrin, phycocyanin and chlorophyll pigment, which impart red colour to the algae.
29.The members of phaeophyceae are commonly called _________ algae.(A) Green (B) Brown (C) Red (D) Yellow
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Brown algae are called as phaeophyceae. mostly marine multicelluar algae, including many seaweeds. They play very important role in marine environment, both for food and habitats.
30.Among plants, three different genera Solanum, Petunia and Datura are placed in which family? (A) Cancidae (B) Solanaceae (C) Felis (D) Felidae
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: The solanaceae or nightshades are an economically important family of flowering plants. The family ranges from annual and perennial herbs, vines, epiphytes, Shrubs and trees. Numbers of important agricultural plants, medicinal plants, spices, weeds and ornamental. Some member of family contain potent alkaloids and some are highly toxic.
31.The members of chlorophyceae are commonly called _________ algae..(A) Green (B) Brown (C) Red (D) Yellow
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: The chlorophycae is one of the class of green algae. Plant body is unicellular, colonial, filamentous or multicellular. They are usually green due to presence of chlorophyll. Cell wall of algae is made up of cellulose. Have the ability for starch deposition.
32.Which of the following is not correct? (A) Membe rs of Chlorophyceae are commonly called green algae (B) Members of Phaeophyceae are commo nly called red algae (C) Members of Rhodophyceae are commo nly called red algae (D) Members of Phaeophyceae are commo nly called brown algae.
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Algae are classified into various types on the basis of their pigments 1. Chrysophyta - Golden brown algae and diatones. 2. Chlorophyta - Green algae 3. Rhodophyta - Red algae 4. Phaeophyta - Brown algae
33.The predominant stage of the life cycle of a moss is the gametophyte which consists of two stages. The second stage is the ___________ stage..(A) Agar (B)Leafy (C) Chlorella (D)protonema
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Bryophytes are non-flowe ring, non-vascular land plants known as embryophytes. The predominant stage of life cycle is gametophyte where the first stage is haploid phase and second is leafy stage.
34.Bryophytes are also called ____________ of the plant kingdom..(A) Mammals (B) Amphibians (C) Reptiles (D) Insecta
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Bryophytes are also called as amphibians of the plant kingdom. Amphibian word means to posses two lives i.e. both terestrial and aquatic.
1.The branch of biology dealing with the study of cells is known as-.(A) Cytology (B) Histology (C) Psychology (D) Physiology
(A) (SSC CGL Exam, 2007) Exp: Cell is the fundamental unit of life. The branch of biology which deals with the study of cell called as Cytology. Robert Hook is known as father of Cytology.
2.The basic structural and functional unit of living organisms is-.(A) Cell (B) Tissue (C) Organ (D) Systems
(A) (SSC CGL 2012) Exp: Cell is the basic structural, fundamental, and functional unit of living organisms of life.
3.Plasma membrane in Eukaryotic cells is made up of-.(A) Phospholipid (B) Lipoprotein (C) Phospholipo-protein (D) Phospho-protein
(A) (SSC CGL 2010) Exp: Plasma membrane is a semi permeable membrane in Eukaryotic cell which is made up of phospholipids. Phospholipid form a bilayer around cell. Most of the phospholipid contain a diglyceride, a phosphate group and a simple organic molecule such as Choline. First time it is identified in biological system of egg yolk.
4.Which of the following cytoplasmic organelles are treated as Prokaryotic cells within the Eukaryotic cells? (A) Mitochondria (B) Golgi bodies (C) Lysosomes (D) Glyoxysomes.
(A) (SSC (10+2), OEO & LDC 2010) Exp: Mitochondria is a cytoplasmic organelles which is regarded as prokaryotic cells within the Eukaryotic cells. According to Investigation Theory proposed by Lynn Margnlis both mitochondria and chloroplast have form in Eukaryotic cell during evolutionary process by endosymbiosis of Prokaryotic cell.
5.Cell or Tissue death within a living body is called as-.(A) Neutrophils (B) Nephrosis (C) Necrosis (D) Neoplasia
(C) (SSC Tax Asst. 2009) Exp: Tissue is the collection of cells which forms an organ, Death of tissue within a living body called as Necrosis. It is a unprogrammed death of living tissue. After necrosis, the cell or tissues may release harmful chemicals that damage other cells and cause inflammation to neighbouring tissues.
6.The structure in cells which contains light absorbing pigment is-.(A) Endoplasmic Reticulum (B) Nucleus (C) Chloroplast (D) Chromoplast
“(C) (SSC Matric Level 2002) Exp: Chloroplasts are the cell organells that contains light absorbing pigment as chlorophyll. They are present in green algae and higher plants. They are also called as ““Kitchen of the cell”” because they involved in photosynthesis.”
7.Which one of the following is also called the ‘Power Plants’ of the cell? (A) Golgi body (B) Mitochondria (C) Ribosome (D) Lysosome.
(B) (SSC CGL Exam, 2010) Exp: Mitochondria is a cell organelles which is called as the ‘Power House of Cell’. Mitochondria produce energy in the forms of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) through Aerobic respiration in Eukaryotic cell. It also has its own DNA found in Eukaryotic cells.
8.Which of the following is true? (A) DNA is the genetic material in most of the organism (B) RNA is the genetic material in most viruses and bacteria (C) DNA is the genetic material in all the viruses (D) RNA is the gentic material in all the viruses.
(A) (SSC Sec. offiicer 2001) Exp: DNA (De-oxyribose Nuclic Acid) is a genetic material in most of the organisms. It contains genetic information in the form of nucleotides (A,T,G,C) sequences. DNA have double helical strands structure. DNA is one of the three major macromolecules that are essential for all known form of life.
9.Who among the following analysed DNA for the first time? (A) Arthur Kornberg (B) Hargobind khurana (C) M. W. Nirenberg (D) Waton and Crick.
“(A) (SSC Officer 2008) Exp: Arthur Kornberg was a biochemist who won the noble prize in physiology or medicine in 1959. He discovered ““the mechanism in the biological synthesis of DNA. He was first to analysed DNA.”
10.Which among the following bears smallest living cell? (A) Bacterium (B) Mycoplasma(C) Virus (D) Yeast.
(A) (SSC Officer 2003) Exp: The world smallest cells are mycoplasma is also called as PPLO (Pleura pneumonic like-organism) cell. Mycoplasma is a genus of bacteria that lack cell wall around their cell membrane.
11.Which of the following is a correct description of ‘tissue culture’? (A) Conservation of forests and plantation (B) Growth and propagation of horticultural crops (C) Science of cultivating animal tissue in artificial medium (D) Protection of wild animls.
(C) (SSC CGL 2005) Exp: Tissue culture is a techniques in which we grow the cell in artificial medium. These cells are separate from the organism commonly used in animal tissues. German botanist Haberlandt known as ‘Father of Tissue Culture’.
12.Bark of this tree is used as a condiment-.(A) Cinnamon (B) Clove (C) Neem (D) Palm
(A) (SSC CGL 2011) Exp: Bark is the outermost layer of the stems and roots of woody plants. It refer all tissue outside the vascular cambiams. Cinnamon is spice obtain from inner bark used in both sweet and savoury foods.
13.Name the tiny pores present on the surface of leaves in plants..(A) Pits (B) Stomata (C) Trichomes (D) Hydathodes
(B) (SSC (10+2) Data Entry Operator% LDC 2007) Exp: Stomata are small opening or pore present in the epidermis of leaves and other organs of the plant that help in gas exchange.
14.The plant that behaves as a root parasite is.(A) Ficus (B) Santalum (C) Cuscuta (D) Euphorbia
(C) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entery 2013) Exp: Cuscuta is also called as dodder. They are yellow, orange or red prasitic plants. They absorb water and minerals from other plants to prepare own organic food.
15.In which of the following multiple epidermis is found? (A) Boerhavia (B) Amaranthus (C) Helianthus (D) Nerium.
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Many layers of epidermis usually called multiple epidermis. Epidermis is the single outer layer of leaves, flower, roots and stems of plants. Multiple epidermis found in some organs like leaves of Nerium, ficess etc.
16.The concept of tissue culture was introduced by.(A) Halfmeister (B) Hanstein (C) Haberlandt (D) Hanning
(C) (SSC CAPF’s SI, CISf ASI & Delhi Police 2014) Exp: Concept of Tissue Culture was first introduced in plant by German Botanist Habertandt in 1902.
17.The cuticle is absent in.(A) Leaf (B) Stem (C) Root (D) Fruit
(C) (SSC CGL Re-Exam 2013) Exp: Cuticle is a protecting layer on the epidermis of stem, leaves, young shoots of plants. It consists of lipid and hydrocarbon polymers with wax. So, they prevent the excessive evaporation of water. It is absent in roots epidermis.
18.The special modif ied epidermal cells surrounding stomatal pore are called.(A) Epithelial cells (B) Guard cells (C) Subsidiary cells (D) Accessory cells
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Stomatal pore are present on the epidermis layer of leaves, stem of the plant. These pores are bound by a pair of parenchymatous cell known as Guard cells, which are responsible for opening the stomata.
19.Intercalary meristems are found in.(A) Node (B) Lateral bud (C) Terminal bud (D) Inter node
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2013) Exp: Meristesm is the region of undifferentiated cells, occur in the plant growth zone. There are three types - Apical Meristem, Intercalary Meristem and Lateral Meristem. Intercalary Meristem present in Internode or stem regions.
20.Leaves of many grasses are capable of folding and unfolding because.(A) Their mesophyll is not diffentiated into palisade and spongy parenchyma (B) They have stomata on both sides of the leaf (C) They have high levels of silica (D) They have specialised bulli form cells
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: In monocot leaves of grass plant, bulliform cells are present on the upper epidermis. They help in the rolling or folding and unfolding of leaves. They also help in the process of transpiration.
21.From which part of opium plant we get morphine?.(A) Leaves (B) Stem (C) Bark (D) Fruit coat
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Morphine is an alkaloids found in different variety of poppy plant. It is extracted from poppy capsule or fruit coat.
22.Outside the nucleus DNA is found in-.(A) Golgi bodies (B) Mitochondria (C) Ribosome (D) Endoplasmic reticulum
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2015) Exp: DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) is a genetic material mostly found in nucleus, exception to this being the small amount of DNA found in organelles outside the nucleus e.g. Mitochondria, Chloroplasts but 99% Genomic DNA present in Nucleus.
23.Morphology of Chromosomes can be best studied at.(A) Interphase (B) Prophase (C) Metaphase (D) Zygotene
(C) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: During the cell division different stages occur, Metaphase is one of them in which best studies of chromosome can be done because at this stage chromosomes are highly condensed and become thick and well arrange on plate.
24.Stem cells which are capable of developing into other types of cells come from the.(A) Roots (B) Stem (C) Embryo (D) Flower
(C) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Stem cells are undifferentiated cell of a multicellular organism which have capability to give rise to indefinitely more cells of the same type, commonly stem cells come from two main source Embryo stem cells form Blastocyst and Adult tissue (bone marrow).
25.Plant cell wall is made up of.(A) Cellulose (B) Glucose (C) Fructose (D) Sucrose
(A) Exp: Plant cell wall is the outermost layer of cell. It is made by polysaccharide of glucose called as cellulose.
26.Which of the following organisms does not fit into the Cell Theory? (A) Bacteria (B) Virus (C) Fungi (D) Plants.
(B) Exp: Cell theory is a fundamental theory in biology that makes generalisation about cells, living organism are made up of cells. Cells are basic unit of structure in all organism and also the basic unit of reproduction. It was given by Schleiden and Schwann. Here virus organism does not follow this theory. Virus is the connecting link between Living things and Non-living things.
27._____ are a group of chemicals that influence cell division and shoot formation.. (A) Cytokinins (B) Gibberellins (C) Domins (D) Auxins
(A) Exp: Cytokinins are plant growth hormones or phytohormones that initiated the cell division in plant roots and shoots.
28.In eukaryotic cells sythesis of RNA takes place in the____..(A) Mithochondria (B) Centrioles (C) Ribosomes (D) Nucleus
(D) Exp: In eukaryotic cell, synthesis of RNA from transcription process completes in Nucleus.
29.Which of the following is the Controlling Center of the Cell? (A) Nucleus (B) Plasma (C) Lysosome (D) Chromosome.
(A) Exp: Cell is the fundamental unit of life. It is controlled by Nucleus. Nucleus control all metabolic reactions of the cells.
30.The suicidal bags of the cell are-.(A) Lysosomes (B) Ribosomes (C) Dictyosomes (D) Phagosomes
(A) Exp: Lysosome is a cell organelles which is also called as ‘Suicidal Bags’ because it ruptured and release some enzyme eg. Hydrolase, that hydrolyze the cellular waste material. It is discovered by the scientist De-Duve.
31.What is the transplantation of graft between genetically identical individuals?.(A) Autograft (B) Isograft (C) Allograft (D) Xenograft
(B) Exp: Isograft is process in which grafting occur between two individuals who are genetically identical eg. Monozygotic twins.
32.The xylem in plants are responsible for:.(A) Transport of water (B) Transport of food (C) Transport of amino acids (D) Transport of oxygen
(A) Exp: Xylem is a transport tissue that transport water to different part of the plant. It is present in vascular plants.
33.Which liquid is contained inside the nucleus of a cell?.(A) Cytoplasm (B) Protoplasm (C) Nucleoplasm (D) Nucleosome
(C) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Nucleoplasm is the liquid present inside the nucleus of cell. Nucleoplasm contains the chromosomes and nucleus with various molecules of proteins and dissolved ions.
34.Which of the following cell organelle is present only in plant cell? (A) Mitochondria (B) Cell wall (C) Cell membrane (D) Vacuole.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Cell wall is an important characteristic feature of plant cell which separate it from animal cell. Cell wall is made up of calcium pectate. It provides the support and rigidity to the cell.
35.Endoplasmic Reticulum are rough because of _____ present on their surface..(A) Golgi bodies (B) Plastids (C) Lysosomes (D) Ribosomes
(D)Exp: Endoplasmic reticulum is an important cell organelle which helps in synthesis of protein, storage of lipids, proteins etc. some part of endoplasmic recticulum is rough due to the presence of ribosomes.
36.Which of the following cell organelle is present in both plant and animal cell? (A) Cell wall (B) Lysosomes (C) Chloroplasts (D) Mitochondria.
(D) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Mitochondria is the cell organelle present in both plant and animal. Mitochondria generates the ATP from the glucose present in cytoplasm of cell. Mitochondria are known as ‘Power House of the cell.’
37.What is the nature of cell membrane?.(A) Permeable (B) Semi-permeable (C)Non-permeable (D) Freely permeable
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Cell membrane is the outermost covering of cell, which separates the exoplasm from cytoplasm. Cell membrane is semi-permeable i.e., it allow the entry of only those molecule which are required to maintain the concentration.
38.Which of the following cell organelle is responsible for cellular respiration? (A) Golgi bodies (B) Mitochondria (C) Nucleus (D) Lysosomes.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Cellular respiration is the part of respiratory system, where mitochondria in aerobic conditions convert the glucose into ATP by the process known as Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle.
39.Which of the following cell organelle is also called as ‘Suicidal Bag of Cell’? (A) Mitochondria (B) Nucleus (C) Nucleolus (D) Lysosomes.
(D) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Lysosomes are packed vesicles present in the cell. Lysosomes contains the waste material produced by functioning of cell, thus are acidic in nature. Lysosomes are also called as ‘Suicidal Bag of Cell’ due to their acidic nature.
40.Which of the following cell organells are present only in plant cell? (A) Cell membrane (B) Cell wall (C) Mitochondria (D) Lysosomes.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Cell wall is the cell organelle which is present only in plant cell.
41.Cellulose is an example of which kind of nutrient? (A) Fat (B) Carbohydrate (C) Protein (D) Vitamin.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Cellulose is a type of polysaccharide carbohydrate. It consist of linear chain of D-glucose. Cellulose is an important structural component of cell wall.
42.Which of the following cell organells are present only in plant cell? (A) Lysosomes (B) Plastids (C) Cell membrane (D) Mitochondria.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Plastids are the pigments present in plant only. These plastids provides the different colours to the plant. There are three types of plastids; chromoplast, chloroplast and leucoplastids.
43.What is the name of a group of similar cells performing a specific function?.(A) Tissue (B) Organ (C) Organ system (D) Cellular organization
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Tissue is a cellular organizational level between cells and org A tissue is an assemble of cell which are of same shape and perform similar functions. The study of tissue is known as ‘Histology’. All organs are made of layers of cells.
44.Plant tissues are of how many types?.(A) 3 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 6
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Plant tissues can be divided into three types (i) Meristematic tissues - They give rise to new cells in root and shoot area. (ii) Permanant tissues - Gives rise to xylem and phloem and make vascular bundles. (iii) Ground tissues
45.What is plant cell wall mainly composed of?.(A) Lipids (B) Vitamin (C) Cellulose (D) Protein
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Plant cell wall is composed of cellulose It is a tough organic polysaccharide compound. Cellulose cell wall helps to provide structural and mechanical support.
46.The meristem which occurs between mature tissues is known as _________meristem..(A) Intercalary (B) Primary (C) Lateral (D) Apical
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Meristem are the primary tissues containing undifferentiated cells. Meristem cells give rise to various organs of the plants. There are three types (i) Meristematic tissues - Apical, Intercalary and lateral. Intercalary tissues occurs between mature tissues and helps in increasing the girth of stem. (ii) Permanant tissues - Gives rise to xylem and phloem and make vascular bundles. (iii) Ground tissues
1.Of all microorganisms, the most adaptable and versatile are-.
(A) Viruses (B) Bacteria (C) Algae (D) Fungi (A) (SSC SO Exam 2007) Exp: Viruses are micro-organisms they can live in both living and living system because of its cellular structure. So, they are most adaptable and versatile in nature.
2.Virus contains-.(A) Protein and Lipid (B) Nucleic Acid and Protein (C) Lipid and Carbohydrate (D) Carbohydrate and Nucleic Acid
(B) (SSC CGL 2002) Exp: The word virus means poisnous fluid. Viruses are nucleoprotins containing a nucleic acid (RNA/DNA) surrounded by a protin coat called capsid. DNA/RNA may be single stranded or double stranded. Ivanowsky (1892) discovered Tobaco mosaic virus. Viruses which causes disease in tobacco plant.
3.The chemical used for destroying fungi in water tanks is-.(A) Copper sulphate (B) Magnesium sulphate (C) Zinc sulphate (D) Nitric acid
(A) (SSC SO 2003) Exp: Copper Sulphate is an organic compound that kill bacteria, fungus, It is also used in Leather industry and Electroplating processes.
4.Which among the following is used in the treatment of tuberculosis? (A) Penicillin (B) Aspirin (C) Paracetamol (D) Dettol.
(A) (SSC Tax Asst. 2006) Exp: Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is treated by the antibiotics such as Penicillin. Penicillin is a collection of antibiotics that kills the bacteria. This is synthesized by fungus Penicillium notatum.
5.What is true about viruses without exception?.
(A) They contain a core of RNA (B) They can infect bacteria (C) They cannot produce antibodies (D) They can multiply only in host cells (D) (SSC MTS 2000) Exp: Virus do not have reproduction mechanism or multiplication process So they, have need a host for multiplication. During this process virus used the machinery of host eg. metabolic enzyme, RNA synthesis mechanism etc.
6.Which of the following group of organisms reproduce faster? (A) Algae (B) Fungi (C) Bacteria (D) Protozoa.
(C) (SSC MTS 2000) Exp: Bacteria reproduce fast by asexual reproduction (binary fission) within 15-20 minutes of time. They reproduce in binary nature.
7.AIDS virus has-.(A) Single-stranded RNA (B) Double-stranded RNA (C) Single-stranded DNA (D) Double-stranded DNA
(A) (SSC CGL 2000) Exp: AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) virus has two copies of single stranded RNA which is enclosed in capsid protein.
8.Some viruses have RNA, but no DNA. This would indicate that-.(A) These viruses can not replicate (B) These viruses have no heritable information (C) RNA transmits the hereditary information in these viruses (D) Their nucleic acids can be crystallised
(C) (SSC MTS 1999) Exp: On the basis of genetic material there are two category of viruses - (A) Adenoviruses DNA containing (B) Retroviruses RNA containing In RNA viruses genetic information contain in RNA which is hereditary in nature.
9.The causal organism of polio is-.(A) Worm (B) Bacteria (C) Fungi (D) Virus
(D) (SSC CISF, ASI 2013) Exp: Polio is a viral disease, it spread from water, faecal oral route. It is caused by enterovirus knows as Polio Viruses. Infected person got paralysed mostly effects children.
10.Tuberculosis is transmitted through-.(A) Droplet Transmission(B) Blood Transfusion (C) Contaminated Water (D) Sexual Contact
(A)Exp: Tuberculosis disease that is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It spread from person to person through tiny droplets primarily it affects the lungs.
11.Rabies is a-.(A) Helminthic Disease (B) Viral Disease (C) Bacterial Disease (D) Protozoan Disease
(B) (SSC CISF, ASI 2013) Exp: Rabies is a viral disease caused by Lyssa viruses. It is spread when a infected animal bites another animal or human mostly by dogs. It is present in saliva
12.Dengue is spread by-.(A) Housefly (B) Fruitfly (C) Mosquito (D) Butterfly
(C) (SSC CISF, ASI 2013) Exp: Dengue (break bone fever) refers to a tropical disease caused by four different types of viruses (RNA containing arbovirus of flavi group). It is usually transmitted by mosquitoes and the common symptoms includes. fever, headache, muscle and joint pain and skin rash. There is no vaccine for dengue and only way to reduce infection is to improve hygiene.
13.Viruses are-.(A) Cellular (B) Acellular (C) Unicellular (D) Multicellular
(B) (SSC MTS 2013) Exp: Viruses are Acellular micro organisms. They are very tiny, much smaller than bacteria. They causes familiar infectious disease such as the common cold, flu, warts and fever. A protein coat or capsid sometime enclosed within a membrane, i.e., envelope called as capsid.
14.All are protozoan diseases except-.(A) Elephantiasis (B) Oriental sores (C) Sleeping sickness (D) kala-azar
(A) (SSC CGL 2012) Exp: Elephantiasis is gross enlargement of a limb or any organ of the body.There is an abnormal accumulation of watery fluid in affected part, in the tissues causing severe swelling (oedema). It may affect male or female genital org It is caused by Nematode Wuchereria bancrofti.
15.The disease that is caused by virus is.- (A) Typhoid (B) Cholera (C) Common cold (D) Malaria
(C) (SSC (10+2) 2010) Exp: Common cold is a mild viral infection of the nose, throat and sinuses. It can cause a blocked nose followed by a running nose. The cold will usually last for about a week till the body fights from the infection. The disease can be spread through direct and indirect contact with line droplets during coughing and sneezing etc.
16.Typhoid is caused by-.(A) Pseudomonas (B) Staphylococcus (C) Bacillus (D) Salmonella Typhi
(D) (SSC CPO 2009) Exp: Typhoid is a common, worldwide bacterial disease transmitted by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with the faeces of an infected person. It is caused by Salmonella typhi. Headache cough and bleeding nose (epitaxis) are the main symptoms of disease.
17.Which one of the following is a viral disease in man? (A) Mumps (B) Plague (C) Cholera (D) Syphilis.
(A) (SSC SO 2008) Exp: Mumps is a viral disease of humans, caused by the mumps virus. Painful swelling of the salivary glands (parotid) is the most typical presentation. Painful testicular swellings (orchitis) and rash may also occur.
18.Chicken pox is caused by-.(A) Protozoa (B) Bacteria (C) Virus (D) Fungus
(C) (SSC Matric Level 2002) Exp: Chicken pox is a highly contagious disease caused by primary infection with Vericella Zoster Virus (VZV). It usually starts with vascular skin rash mainly on the body and head rather than the periphery that later become itchy. It is an air borne disease.
19.Pathogenic bacteria secrete-.(A) Antigens (B) Antibodies (C) Hormones (D) Interferons
(A) (SSC SO 2001) Exp: Antigens are foreign substance, which when introduced into the body of host, are capable of stimulating an immune response, specifically activating lymphocytes, which are body’s infection fighting white blood cells.
20.Blue-green algae are included in the group of-.(A) Eubacteria (B) Cyanobacteria (C) Protozoa (D) Fungi
(B) (SSC Constable (GD) 2012) Exp: Cyanobacteria are aquatic and photosynthetic organisms. Cyanobacteria live in terrestrial, fresh, brackish or marine water. They are usually too small to be seen and also known as Blue Green Algae (BGA). They form the oldest record of fossils on Earth. BGAs also work as nitrogen fixers in the soil.
21.Which is the effect of antigen in an ill person?.(A) It increases the production of W.B.C (B) It increases the production of antibiotics (C) It increases the production of anti-serum against bacteria (D) It prevents the growth of bacteria
(B) (SSC Sec. officer 1997) Exp: Antigens are foreign substances which induces the immune response in the body and increase the production of antibodies.
22.Rod shaped bacteria is called.(A) Bacillus (B) Spirillum (C) Coccus (D) Coma
(A) (SSC Sec. offier 2001) Exp: Bacillus is a genus of gram-positive rod shaped bacteria. Bacillus species can be obligate aerobes or facultative anaerobes.
23.Who discovered Cholera germs?.(A) Robert koch (B) Rene Laennec (C) Dreser (D) Hansen
(A) (SSC CGL 2002) Exp: Cholera disease caused by Vibrio Cholera. It was first identified by Robert koch.
24.Edward Jenner is associated with.(A) Cholera (B) Typhoid (C) Small Pox (D) Paralysis
(C) (SSC CPO SI 2003) Exp: Edward Jenner was an English physician and scientist who is the pioneer of small pox vaccine. It was the world’s first vaccine.
25.BCG vaccination is to be given to a new-born child.(A) Immediately after birth (B) Within 48 hours (C) Within seven days (D) Within sex months
(B) (SSC Sec. officer 2003) Exp: BCG Vaccine (Bacillus Calmette - Guerin) used against tuberculosis. BCG vaccine is a live bacterial vaccine. New borns childs are vaccinated within 48 hours of birth.
26.Bacterial diseases are found in.(A) Plants (B) Animals (C) Humans (D) All of these above
(D) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2001) Exp: Bacteria cause diseases in all living organism eg. plant, animals and hum Plant bacteria are saprophytic and cause plant disease. Human and animal pathogenic bacteria cause many disease such as typhoid, diptheria, syphilis etc.
27.Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus? (A) Influenza (B) Pneumonia (C) Cholera (D) Whooping cought.
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Levle 2002) Exp: Influenza is viral disease of birds and mammals caused by RNA viruses. The most common symptoms are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, headache, cold etc. Influenza is transmitted through the air by coughs or sneezs, cresting aerosols containing the virus.
28.Which virus from the following combinations is contagious for human beings?.(A) H5N1 (B) H1N5 (C) H2N3 (D) H4N2
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2006) Exp: H5N1 is a subtype of the influenza. A virus which can cause illness in human beings.
29.Which of the following is known as ‘grave yard’ RBCs? (A) Liver (B) Bone marrow (C) Spleen (D) Appendix.
(C) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2001) Exp: Spleen, an abdominal organ involved in production and removal of blood cells (WBC) and forming part of the immune system.
30.Mycobacterium leprae is.(A) Bacillus (B) Coccus (C) Spiral (D) Spore
(A) (SSC Level Data Entry 2012) Exp: Mycobacterium leprae is a bacteria that cause Leprosy disease. Mycobacterium is a bacillus shaped gram (+) bacteria.
31.The smallest size of a cell that can be seen with naked eye is:.(A) 1 micron (B) 10 micron (C) 100 micron (D) 1000 micron
(C) (SSC MTS 2013) Exp: The smallest object are those object they can be seen with unaided eye are about 0.1 mm long. Micron( μ )is an alternative name of micrometer.
32.Which of the following micro-organisms is used in milk curdiling? (A) Acetobacter (B) Leuconostoc (C) Bacillus (D) Lactobacillus.
(D) (SSC MTS 2013) Exp: Milk curdling is a process by which a Liquid is transformed to a soft semisolid. Lactobacillus is a acidic bacteria that is used in milk curdling.
33.’Plague’ is caused by ____________..(A) Bacteria (B) Protozoa (C) Virus (D) All of the above
(A) (SSC MTS 2013) Exp: Plague is a bacterial disease caused by the enterobacteria Yersinia pestis. It is usually found in small mammals and their fleas.
34.An Antigen is.(A) The result of Antibody (B) The opposite of Antibody (C) The stimulus of Antibody (D) The residue of an Antibody
(C) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-1 2013) Exp: Antigens are foreign substance which stimulate the production process of antibody. Antibodies are proteins produced by Lymphocytes as a result of stimulation by an antigen.
35.AIDS virus destroys.(A) Lymphocytes (B) Monocytes (C) Neutrophils (D) Basophils
(A) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-1 2013) Exp: AIDS virus destroys the T. Lymphocytes belong to a group of white blood cells known as Lymphocytes that play a central role in cell-mediated immunity.
36.Which bacterial strain developed from natural isolates by genetic manipulations can be used for treating oil spills?.(A) Pseudomonas (B) Agrobacterium (C) Clostridium (D) Nitrosomonas
(A)Exp: Oil-eating bacteria, Pseudomonas putida is an aerobic bacteria. The generic name Pseudomonas created for organism like oil-eating bacteria was defined as a group of Gram Negative, rod shaped and polar-flagella bacteria.
37.Rinderpest disease of Cattle is caused by.
(A) Insects (B) Bacteria (C) Virus (D) Protozoa (C) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-1 2013) Exp: Rinderpest virus member of genus Morbillivirus is closely related to the measles and canine distemper virus, which cause disease in cattles.
38.Bacteriophage was discovered by-.(A) Felix d’ Herelle and Frederick Twort (B) Kluyver and Niel (C) Paul Ehrlich (D) Burrill and Smith
(A) (SSC CAPFs SI, CISF ASI & Delhi 2014) Exp: Bacteriophage refers a virus that infect bacteria. Bacteriophages are composed of proteins that encapsulate a DNA or RNA genome. It was first discovered by Frederick W. Twort and Felix d’ Herelle in 1917.
39.Bacterial cells do not have.- (A) Cell wall (B) Plasma membrane (C) Ribosome (D) Mitochondria
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Bacteria being a prokaryotic cell does not have nucleous and other cell organelles. So bacterial cell do not have mitochondria, thus bacteria gain energy from food such as glucose and other carbohydrate.
40.Rhizobium is a kind of.(A) Photosynthetic bacteria(B) Symbiotic bacteria (C) Parasitic bacteria (D) Saprophytic bacteria
(B) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Rhizobium is a symbiotic gram (-) nitrogen fixation bacteria. They mostly occur in leguminous plants. Crops such as legumes peas, beans, clover and soy etc.
41.Number of mitochondria in bacterial cell is.
(A) One (B) two (C) many (D) zero (D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Bacterial cells are prokaryotic cell, don’t have membrane bound organells but mitochondria are membrane bound organelles.So prokaryotic cell do not have any mitochondria.
42.The harmuful substances Produced by the microbes are known as.(A) Antibiotics (B) Pollutants (C) Hormones (D) Toxins
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Harmful microbes secrete toxins which effect the human immune systems and cause many diseases.
43.Interferons are synthesized response in.(A) Bacteria (B) Fungi (C) Mycoplasma (D) Virus
(D) (SSC CAPFs SI, ASI & Delhi Polic SI 2015) Exp: Interferons are signaling proteins that are produced by the body’s cell as defensive response to viruses. Interferon can also combat bacterial and parasitic infections, inhibit cell division and promote or impede the differentiation of cells.
44.Pneumonia is a bacterial disease caused by the type of bacteria called ______ ..(A) Bacilli (B) Cocci (C) Sprilli (D) Vibrio
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp: Pneumonia disease caused by bacteria Streptococcus pneumonia, it is a gram (+) bacteria. It lives in nose and throats of healthy people. They occur in form of coccus.
45.The chemical component that is invariably found in all viruses is:.(A) Proteins (B) Lipids (C) DNA (D) RNA
(A) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp: All Viruses contain the following two components Nucleic acid genome and a protein capsid that covers the genome this is called as Nucleocapsid.
46.Bacterial decomposition of biological material under anaerobic condition is.(A) Fermentation (B) Fertilization (C) Contamination (D) Composting
(A) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp :Bacteria decompose all biological material (Carbohydrate) under anaerobic condition this process is called as Fermentation. In fermentation organic compound such as glucose broken by enzymes into simple compound in the absence of oxygen eg. Yeast can convert sugars to alcohol and carbon dioxide by fermentation.
47.Bacteria was discovered by.(A) Antonie von Leeuwenhoek (B) Belarus (C) Hugo de Vries (D) Robert Brown
(A) Exp: Bacteria are very small, single cell prokaryotic microorganisms. It is discovered by Scientist Antonie von Leeuwenhoek who is also known as ‘Father of Microbiology’.
48.Which of the following induces nitrogen fixation in soil? (A) Protozoa (B) Bacteria (C) Fungi (D) Algae.
(B) Exp: Nitrogen fixation is a process in which atmosphere nitrogen is convert into Ammonia (NH3). This process is completed by the nitrogen fixing bacteria such as Azobacter, Rhizobium etc.
49.Which of the following organisms are considered to be both Living and Non-living? (A) Bacteria (B) Fungi (C) Algae (D) Virus.
(D) Exp: Viruses are the micro-organisms which are considered as both Living and Non-living. So, we called virus as a connective link between living and non-living organisms.
50.Which type of pathogen causes the waterborne disease Salmonellosis?.(A) Algal (B) Parasitic (C) Bacterial (D) Viral
(C) Exp: Salmonellosis is a water born disease which caused by gram (-) bacteria Salmonella typhi.
51.DPT vaccine is categorized as which of the following?.
(A) Anti viral vaccine (B) Anti protozoan vaccine (C) Anti rickettsial vaccine (D) A combined vaccine (D) Exp: DPT vaccine is used against diseases Diphtheria, Pertussis (Whooping cough) and Tetanus. They are refer to a class of combination vaccine.
52.Early blight is a common disease seen in which of the following? (A) Potato (B) Ginger (C) Cabbage (D) Cauliflower.
(A) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Early blight of potato is a disease caused by fungus Alternaria solani. It results in the reduction of tuber yield.
53.Red rot is a disease caused by which of the following plant?.(A)Paddy (B) Sugarcane (C)Mustard (D) Wheat
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp:Red rot disease is found in sugarcane plant The symptoms of this disease are drooping, with withering and finally yellowing of the upper leaves and wilting of the entire crown & finally dies. Infection in the stem is internal, the presence of the disease is not visible externally.
54.Which of the following is/are plant disease: I. Citrus canker II. Hepatitis B III. Cholera (A) Only I (B) Only II (C) Only I and III (D) Both I and II.
(A) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Citrus Canker is a plant disease. Bacterium Xanthomonas axonopodis affects the citrus plants. Hepatitis B and Cholera are the human disease.
55.Which of the following is/are plant disease: I. Citrus Canker II. Rust of Wheat III. Yellow vein Mosaic of bhindi (A) Only I (B) Only II (C) Only I and III (D) All are correct..
(D) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Citrus canker is a bacterial disease. Rust of wheat is a fungal disease. Yellow vein mosaic of bhindi is a viral diseas.
56.Which of the following is one of the commercial products obtained from Gelidium and Gracilaria and are used to grow microbes and in preparations of icecreams and jellies? (A) Agar (B) Chlorella (C) Spirullina (D) Gymnosperms.
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Agar is gelatin like product obtained from certain seaweeds named as geliduim and gracilaria. Agar is used as a nutrient medium for the growth of microorganisms like bacteria and fungi.
1.Fungi that grow on bark are said to be-
.(A) Xylophilous (B) Saxicolous (C) Coprophilous (D) Corticolous (D) (SSC (10+2) Nov. 2014) Exp: Fungus is a eukaryotic micro-organism, non-phototrophic with rigid cell wall includes mushrooms, molds and yeast. They are saprophytic organism grow on dead or decomposting materials. Corticolous fungi grow on the bark of the trees
2.Pink mould is the common name for-
.(A) Aspergillus (B) Rhizopus (C) Neurospora (D) Mucor (B) (SSC (10+2) Nov. 2014) Exp: Rhizopus a saprophytic fungi on plants and some specialized parasites on animals. They form a thin pink mycelial growth. So, it’s common name is pink mould.
3.Which among the following is a large spectrum Antibiotic? (A) Paracetamol (B) Pencillin (C) Ampicillin (D) Chlormphenicol.
(B) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 1997) Exp: Penicillin is an anti-biotic or a lactam antibiotics used in the treatment of bacterial infections. Penicillin is extracted from fungus Penicillium notatum.
4.Bakeries use yeast in breadmaking because it.(A) Makes the bread hard (B) Makes the bread soft and spongy (C) Enhances the food values (D) Keeps the bread fresh
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2001) Exp: Bread is usually made from wheat flour dough that is cultured with yeast. Yeast is used for ferementation which makes the bread soft and spongy.
5.A disease caused by fungus is.(A) Round worm (B) Ringworm (C) Tapeworm (D) Filaria
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Ringworm is a fungal disease or infection of the skin in human it is also called as Dermatophytosis. The fungi that cause parasitic infection feed on Keratin that found in the outer layer of skin, hair and nails.
6.An organsim which can monitor air pollution is.
(A) Bacteria (B) Lichen (C) Algae (D) Fungi (B) (SSC (10+2) Level Date Entry Operator & LDC 2012) Exp: Lichen is a composite organism that arise from algae and fungi in a symbiotic relationship. It is used as air pollution indicators especially for concentration of sulphur dioxide in atmosphere. So,we called it as a natural indicator of air pollution.
7.Which of the following is an example of parasitic alga? (A) Ulothrix (B) Cephaleuros (C) Oedogonium (D) Sargassum.
(B) (SSC GL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Parasitic algae are disease most commonly seen in warm humid climates or in green houses. Commonly Chepheuros is a genus of parasitic thalloid green algae, common name is red rust. The algeae is parasite on tea, coffee, mango and guava.
8.Yeast is a _______..(A) Bacteria (B) Fungi (C) Algae (D) Bryophyte
(B) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp: Yeasts are eukaryotic, single cell micro-organisms classified as member of fungus kingdom. Yeast such as Candida, lbicans are pathogens and can cause infection in hum
9.Which organism is responsible for alcohol fermentation?.(A) Chlorella (B) Yeast (C) Agaricus (D) Puccinia
(B) Exp: Alcohol fermentation is a biological process by which. Sugar eg. Glucose is converted into Ethanol. Alcohol fermentation process complete in the presence of Yeast.
10.The sexual reproductive organs of aspergillus are:.(A) Spermatium and Oogonium (B) Antheridium and Oogonium (C) Spermatium and Ascogonium (D) Antheridium and Ascogonium
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp: Aspergillums is a fungi also called as Black Mold are Saprophytic and grow on decomposing organic substances such as fruits, jam, word, feathers etc.Sexual reproduction present in heterothallamus with female and male sex organ Ascogonium and Antheridium respectively.
11.The antibiotic pencillin is obtained from which of the following?.(A) Synthetic process (B) A bacterium (C) Fungus (D) Virus infected cells
(C) (SSC CGL 2016) Exp: Penicillin is a antibiotic obtained from fungus Penicillium notatum discoved by Alexander Fleming.
12.Which of the following is a fungal disease? (A) Dermatitis (B) Cholera (C) Jaundice (D) Indigofera.
(A) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp: Dermatitis is a fungal disease which is caused by Dermatitis herpetiformis.
13.Sexual reproduction in Algae that takes place through fusion of two dissimilar size gametes is called?.(A) Zoospores (B) Anisogamous (C) Isogamous (D) Oogamous
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Sexual reproduction of algae takes place through fusion of spores. The morphologically and structurally similar spores are known as isogamous and different or dissimilar size gametes are known as anisogamous.
14.Sexual reproduction in Algae that takes place through fusion of two similar size gametes is called?.(A) Zoospores (B) Anisogamous (C) Isogamous (D) Oogamous
“(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Isogamous is a from of sexual reproduction that involves gametes of similar morphology (similar in shape and size). Both gametes look alike, they cannot be classified as ““male”” or ““female””.”
15.What is study of fungus known as?.(A) Physiology (B) Phrenology (C)Mycology (D) Biology
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Mycology is the study of fungus including their genetic and biochemical proprties. Pier Antonio micheli is known as father of modren mycology.
1.The rootless plant is -.(A) Lemna (B) Banana (C) Ginger (D) Lemon
(C) (SSC Steno. Sep. 2014) Exp: Rootless plant are those plant which don’t have root system. They develop rhizomes refer to rootless plant. eg. Ginger, Bermuda grass, Bamboo etc. Underground stem work as root.
2.Sporangia bearing leaf of a fern is called as-.
(A) Ramentum (B) Indusium (C) Sorus (D) Sporophyll (D) (SSC Steno. Sep. 2014) Exp: Sporangia is a structure in certain plants and other organism that is charged with making and storing spores. eg - Megasporangia and Microsporangia. Fern do not have flowers. They reproduce through spores. which are produced in sporangia, these sporangia are present on the leaf of fern called as Sporophyll as cone like structure.
3.’Coralloid Root’ of Cycas helps in-
.(A) Absorption of water (B) Absorption of water and fixation of nitrogen (C) Anchorage (D) Transport of food (B) (SSC (10+2) Nov. 2014) Exp: Coralloid root is the cynobacterial zone, which is the region inhabited by cyanobacteria. This has unique characteristics which facilitate a close relationship between cycads and cyanobacteria. The absorption of water and fixation of nitrogen occur in these root.
4.Flowerless plants are termed as-.(A) Phanerogams (B) Bryophytes (C) Thallophytes (D) Cryptogams
(D) (SSC (10+2) 2012) Exp: Flowers are frame work of most plants, used for sexrelated duplication, generating seeds that ensure successive generations but some plants are flowerless they are called Cryptagoms, they reproduces by spores.
5.The smallest flowering plant is-.(A) Wolffia (B) Lemma (C) Azolla (D) Ficus
(A) (SSC CPO 2011) Exp: Wolffia is an aquatic flowering plant also known as Watermeal of the family Araceae. It generally floats on the surface of the water.
6.The tallest plant in the world is-
.(A) Eucalyptus (B) Pierocarpus (C) Polyalthia (D) Tectona (A) (SSC Steno. 2011) Exp: Eucalyptus is the tallest flowering plant in among these. But the recent researchers confirm its status as environment hazardous
7.An Example of false fruit is-.(A) Apple (B) Guava (C) Mango (D) Tomato
(A) (SSC CGL 2011) Exp: False fruit are those fruit which are not developed from ovary. Here apple is developed by thalamus.So it is Considered as false fruit.
8.Animals living in the tree trunks are known as-.
(A) Arboreal (B) Volant (C) Amphibious (D) Aquatics (A) (SSC CGL 2010) Exp: Arboreal come from Latin word, which means ‘pertaining to trees’ means Living in trees. Arboreal animals spend most of time on trees. They eat, sleep, and play in tree of canopy. Sometimes they have long tail to grip the branches.
9.Ginger is a stem and not a root because-.(A) It stores food material (B) It grows horizontally in the soil (C) It has nodes and internodes (D) It lacks chlorophyll
(C) (SSC SO 2005) Exp: Ginger is a rhizome like structure, they have node and internode which is the character of stem. Ginger is root less plant mostly used as medicinal plant.
10.A plant with compound leaves is-.
(A) Papaya (B) Coconut (C) Peepal (D) Hibiscus (B) (SSC CPO 2003) Exp: A leaf composed of a number of leaflets on a common stalk, arranged either palmetely, these type of leaf called as Compound Leaf. Coconut leaves are closer to shoots than simple leaves same as compound leaf.
11.The tallest and thickest type of grass is-
.(A) Alfalfa (B) Fodder (C) Bamboo (D) Lichens (C) (SSC FCI 2012) Exp: Grass is belongs from Graminae family same as Bamboo is also from Graminae family, it is a perennial plant of grass family with height of up to 100 feet. Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in world.
12.Which of the following is a Parthenocarpic fruit? (A) Banana (B) Apple (C) Mulberry (D) Strawberry.
(A) (SSC CGL 2013) Exp: Parthenocarpic is a process in which fruit developed without fertilization. These fruits resembles a normally produce fruit but is seedless. Varieties of the pineapple and banana naturally occuring partherocarpic
13.Cuscuta is a-
.(A) Partial stem parasite (B) Complete stem parasite (C) Partial root parasite (D) Complete root parasite (C) (SSC Matric Level 2008) Exp: Cuscuta (dodder or Amarbail) is a genus which have about 100-170 species. It is a parasitic plant of yellow, orange or red colour.Reduced in form of thin spirally thread, dodders have shown the best adaptation capability. If present its sucker up to the conducting tissue (xylem and phloem) of the host and get nourishment.
14.The floral part that produces pollen grains is-
.(A) Sepal (B) Petal (C) Anther (D) Ovary (C) (SSC Matric Level 2006) Exp: Pollen grain is a microscopic body that contains the male reproductive cell of the plant. Stamens are structure that produce pollen in terminal sac like structure called Anthers in which pollen grain exist.
15.In cauliflower plant, the useful part is-..(A) Underground stem (B) Root (C) Young Inflorescence (D) Leaves
(C) (SSC (10+2), LDC 2011) Exp: Cauliflower is the plant of Brassicacea family. Cauliflower head is composed of a white inflorescence meristem. It occurs in various colours eg. Purple cauliflower contain anthocyinin.
16.The dried flower buds are used as a spice in-.
(A) Cardamom (B) Cinnamon (C) Cloves (D) Saffron (C) (SSC CGL 2011) Exp: Cloves are the aromatic flower bud of Myrtaceac family. It is used as spices in Asian countries. The tree is of the height around 12-15 m.
17.From which one of the following is quinine extracted? (A) Sarpagandha (B) Opium (C) Cinchona (D) Datura.
(C) (SSC Steno 2011) Exp: Quinone is a drug which is used to treat malaria disease which caused by Plasmodium falcifarum. Quinine is extracted by Cinchona plant bark.
18.The bark of this plant is used as a condiment-.
(A) Cinnamon (B) Clove (C) Neem (D) Palm (A) (SSC CGL 2011) Exp: Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several trees from the genus Cinnamomum that is used in both sweet and savoury foods. It is used in spices, chocolates and other confectionaries. Sometimes it is used in liqueurs.
19.In coriander, the useful parts are-.(A) Roots and Leaves (B) Leaves and Flowers (C) Leaves and Dried fruits (D) Flowers and Dried fruits
(C) (SSC CGL 2011) Exp: Coriandar or Dhania is a annual herbs of the family Umbellifery. These leaves are variable in shape, broadly lobed and at the base of the plant. The flowers are in small umbels. Leaves and dried fruits are useful part of the coriander.
20.Clove, the commonly used spice is obtained from the-.(A) Root (B) Stem (C) Flower Bud (D) Fruit
(C) (SSC CPO, SI 2005,2003, CGL 2000) Exp: Cloves are the dried flower bud of a plant, Syzygium aromaticum of family-Myrtaceae. The tree is of the height around 12-15 m. Cloves are native to the Maluku Island, Indonesia and used as a spice
21.Hashish is obtained from a plant. From which part of the plant is it obtained?.(A) Leaves (B) Stem (C) Exudate from leaves and female inflorescences (D) Exudate from stem and male inflorescences
(C) (SSC CGL 2003) Exp: Hashish is a sticky, thick, dark coloured resin which is made from the flower of the female cannabis plant. The cannabis plant’s leaves and flowers contain chemicals, know has cannabinoids.
22.From which part of a plant is turmeric obtained.? (A) Root (B) Stem (C) Fruit (D) Flower
(B) (SSC Matric Level 2002) Exp: Turmeric is a rhizomatous or underground stem of a ginger family. It comes under family zingiberacea. It is commonly used as a colouring and flavoring agent in India, Pakistan etc.
23.Ginger is a modified with-.(A) Roof (B) Leaf (C) Tendril (D) Stem
(D) (SSC Matric Level 2002) Exp: Ginger is a plant with a specialised stem is called a Rhizome, which is a horizontal underground stem that often emerges root and shoots from its nodes. These roots can develop into stem tubers for storage and root tubers for asexual reproductions.
24.’Comose’ seeds are seeds with-.(A) Long hairs (B) Wings (C) Bristles (D) Hooks
(A) (SSC Const. (GD) 2012) Exp: Comose seeds having a tuft or tuft of hair, mostly in the plant which are haemophilic in nature. eg- in cotton seed Hillia (Rubiacea family).
25.A plant which reproduces by means of spores-.(A) Mustard (B) Coriander (C) Ferns (D) Petunia
(C) (SSC MTS 2002) Exp: Ferns are cryptogamous plant which are nonflowering, vascular plant. They reproduced by spore. They belong to lower vascular plants as the bryophyte and pteridophyta.
26.Which of the fruit develops from an inflorescence?.(A) Apple (B) Guava (C) Pineapple (D) Grape
(C) (SSC Matric Level 2001) Exp: A pineapple is a angiospermic monocot plant. Its edible part or fruit developed from an Inflorescence. Its fruit called as berries.
27.A plant with fibrous root system is-
.(A) Wheat (B) Pea (C) Mustard (D) Bean (A) (SSC Matric Level 2001) Exp: Root system is the important part of the plant that absorb the mineral from soil. Fibrous roots are hair like, they are mostly present in monocot plants. Wheat is a suitable example in all of above, it comes under Graminae family or Grass family.
28.The age of trees is determined by its-
.(A) birth (B) Height (C) Growth Rings (D) General Appearance (C) (SSC CGL 1999) Exp: Trees are angiospenmic plants which grow in both length and width. They are perennial plant. Age of tree is determined by its Growth ring or Annual Rings, counting of these rings called as dendrochronology. One lines usually marks the passage of one years in the life of trees.
29.Study of field crops is called.(A) Pomology (B) Agronomy (C) Olericulture (D) Floriculture
(B) (SSC Tax Assit. (Income Tax & Central Excise) 2005) Exp: Agronomy is a branch of agricultural science that deals with the study of crops and the soils in which they grow.
30.Carrot is orange in colour because.(A) It grows in the soil (B) It is not exposed to sunlight (C) It contains carotene (D) The entire plant is orange in colour
(C) (SSC Tax Assit. (Income Tax & Central Excise) 2005) Exp: Carrot is orange in colour because it contains pigment carotene which is partially metabolised into vitamin-A in human. Carotene is an orange photosynthetic pigment important for photosynthesis. They are also responsible for the colours of many other fruits and vegetables. For examples sweet potatoes and oranges.
31.The floral part that receives pollen-grains during pollination is.(A) ovaiy (B) style (C) stigma (D) ovules
(C) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Stigma is a sticky tip of a flower pistil or carpel, on which pollen is deposited at the beginning of pollination.
32.An edible underground stem is
.(A) Ginger (B) Sweet-potato (C) Sugarcane (D) Radish (A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Underground stems are modified plant structure of stem tissues. Some structure are called as rhizome, tubes, bulbes etc eg. onion, potato, ginger, yam
33.Plants which flower only once in their life time are known as.(A) polycarpic (B) monocarpic (C) monogamous (D) monogeneric
(B) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC 2011) Exp: Plants having flowers once in their lifetime are called monocarpic plants. These plants die after flowering.
34.In dicots the pollen-grains possess-.(A) Two germ pores (B) Three germ pores (C) Four germ pores (D) One germ pore
(B) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2013) Exp: Pollen grains of monocots have one opening while pollen grains of dicots have three opening. Pollen grains can be monocolpate (having one germ pore called germinal furrow eq. Monocots), bicolpate (2 germ pore) and tricolpate (3 germ pores e.q dicots)
35.The plant from which cocoa and chocolate are obtained is a-.(A) Herb (B) Shrub (C) Small tree (D) Very big tree
(C) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2014) Exp: Chocolate and cocoa obtained from small tree of cocoa trees such as Theoroma cocoa. These trees found in tropical forests.
36.Resin is a product of.(A) Grapes (B) Coniferous trees (C) Rubber are (D) Banyan tree
(B) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Any natural organic compound consisting of a non crystalline or viscous liquid substance called as Resin. They are formed in plant secretions and are soluble in various organic liquids but not in water. Most natural resins are excreted from trees (coniferous trees) especially pines and firs.
37.Water of coconut is.(A) Liquid nucellus (B) Liquid mesocarp (C) Liquid endocarp (D) Degenerated liquid endosperm
(C) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Coconut water is the liquid clear matter inside the young green coconuts. It is also called as liquid endosperm. It contains sugars, Vitamins, minerals, proteins free amino acids and growth promoting factors.
38.Bulbils takes part in-
.(A) Sexual reproduction (B) Vegetative reproduction (C) Food storage (D) Respiration (B) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Bulbils are small outgrowth of cells on the leaf axis or on flower stalks of the plants. It is a reproductive organ that take part in vegetative reproduction.
39.Stem is usually-.
(A) Positively Phototropic (B) Negavtively Phototropic (C) Negativiely geotropic (D) Positively acrotropic (A) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Stem is the upper part of the plant they are positively phototrophic while most roots are negatively phototrophic.
40.Root hairs arise from.(A) Cortex (B) Pericycle (C) Epidermis (D) Endoldermis
(C) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Roots are the underground part of the plant, they are developed from epidermal cells known as trichoblasts behinds the tips of young roots.
41.The gametophyte is called prothallus in.
(A) Pteriodophyta (B) Bryophyta (C) Spermatophyta (D) Thallophyta Ans (A) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Prothallus is usually a gametophyte stage in the life cycle of Pteridophyte (Ferns). Prothallus develope from the germinating spore, they are short lived and heartshaped structure.
42.The best example of Polyembryony is-.(A) Cocoa (B) Capsicum (C) Citrus (D) Cycas
(C) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Polyembryony is the stage in which more than one embryo inside each ovule or a single fertilized egg. This process is mostly occur in citrus fruits as Lemon, Orange etc.
43.The oilseed of which plant is not edible-.
(A) Sunflower (B) Cotton seed (C) Sesamum (D) Groundnut (B) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Cotton seed is a non edible oilseed because it contain toxic compound Gossypol found in cotton plant. Gossypol mostly affects the heart.
44.Which fruit has its seed outside?.
(A) Strawberry (B) Banana (C) Groundnut (D) Cashew nut (A) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: The strawberry, however has its dry, yellow ‘seed’ on the outside (each of which is actually considered as separate fruit). The ‘seed’ seen on the outside of a strawberry are actually the plant’s ovaries are called ‘achenes’.
45.Cactus is referred to as
.(A) Hydrophyte (B) Mesophyte (C) Xerophyte (D) Epiphyte (C) (SSC CGL Tier -I 2014) Exp: Cactus is a xerophytes plant, surviving in hot and dry environments, they need little water.
46.How many neck canal cells are found in the archegonium of a fern?.(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
(A) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Archegonium is the female reproductive organ in fern and mosses. The upper part of the archegonium called as neck, consist of four rows of cell. The upper most of the neck cells are the neck canal cells. It has one neck canal cell with two nuclei.
47.Which angiosperm is vessel less?.(A) Hydrilla (B) Trochodendron (C) Maize (D) Wheat
(B) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Trochodendron is a flowering plant which have secondary xylem without vessel elements which are quite rare in angiosperm.
48.Water conduction take place in mosses through.(A) Xylem and Phloem (B) Xylem (C) Collenchyma (D) Parenchyma
(D) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Mosses are non-vascular plant. So, xylem cells are absent. They use parenchymatous cells as conducting tissue for water
49.Sporangia bearing leaf of a fern is called.
(A) Ramentum (B) Indusium (C) Sorus (D) Sporophyll (C) (SSC CHSL (10+2) DEO & LDC 2014) Exp: Sporangia are reproductive structure of fern and fern allies. They are in capsule form that produce dust like spores that are the seeds by which fern are propagated. Several sporangia grouped together are called sorus.
50.The sexual reproductive organs of aspergillus are-.(A) Spermatium and Oogonium (B) Antheridium and Oogonium (C) Spermatium and Ascogonium (D) Antheridium and Ascogonium
(D) (SSC CGL Tier-I 2016) Exp: Aspergillus is a fungus which have rare sexual reproduction occurs because mostly they are homothallic. They have male sex organ known as Anthredium and female sex organ is called Ascogonium.
51.The pollination of maize takes place by-
.(A) Self- pollination (B) Pollination by insects (C) Pollination by air (D) Pollination by rain (C) (SSC Sec. Officer 1997) Exp: Pollination is a process in which the pollen grains transfer to the male anther of a flower to female stigma. In maize, pollination take place by air, wind pollination is called as Anemophily.
52.Companion cells are unique to.(A) Bryophytes (B) Pteridophytes (C) Angiosperms (D) Gymnosperms
(C) (SSC CGL 2016) Exp: Companion cells are parenchyma cell present in phloem of flowering Angiospermic plant and function as seive-tube element.
- Potato is a?.(A) Root (B) Stem (C) Bud (D) Fruit
(B) (SSC CGL 2016) Exp: Plants are divided in three parts (A) Root (B) Stem (C) Leaf. Potato is a tuber for stem because it has node and inter-node which are present in stem.
53.Mangroves are plants that have-.(A) Modified Roots (B) Modified Stems (C) Respiratory Roots (D) Respiratory Stems
(C) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Mangroves are trees or shrubs that grows in salt water so they are also called as Halophytes plants. They also have respiratory roots called as Pneumatophores.
54.Which of the following plants have root nodules? (A) Leguminous plants (B) Parasitic plants (C) Epiphytic plants (D) Aquatic plants.
(A) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Root nodules are the out growth of the cells in roots due to the presence of Nitrogen fixation bacteria. Bacteria live with symbiotic relationship known as rhizobia. They occur in Leguminous plant.
55.The auxiliary buds ______________..(A) Grow endogenously from the pericycle (B) Arise endogenously from the main growing point (C) Is an embryonic shoot located in the axil of a leaf (D) Arise exogenously from the epidermis
(C) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Auxiliary bud that grow at the axis of a leaf and is capable of developing into a branch shoot or flower cluster. They are also called as embryonic shoot.
56.Organisms that use light to prepare food are known as _____..(A) Autotrophs (B) Heterotrophs (C) Omnivores (D) Decomposers
(A) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Autotrophs are organism that are capable of synthesizing its own food from inorganic substances using light energy. Green plants and algae are the best example of Autotrophs.
57.Which of the following bears flowers? (A) Bryophyta (B) Pteridophyta (C) Gymnosperms (D) Angiosperms.
(D) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Angiosperms are flower bearing plants. They develop their ovules within an enclosed ovary so they are called as true plants.
58.Parallel venation is found in _______ ..(A) Plants which are monocots (B) Plants which have a dicot stem (C) Plants with leaves similar to Tulsi (D) Plants with tap roots
(A) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Venation is the arrangement pattern of the veins of the leaf. In parallel venation, veins are arrange parallel to each other from base to tip. Parallel venation is a characteristic feature of monocotyledons or monocot plants.
59.Which of the following is not true about Gymnosperms? (A) Dominant phase is saprophytes (B) Vascular bundles are absent (C) Spores are heterospores (D)Flowers are absent.
(B) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Gymnosperms are vascular plants but they do not have outer covering or shell around their seed. They do not produce flowers, fruits.
60.Which of the following is not true about Angiosperms? (A) Dominant phase is gametophytes (B) Vascular bundles are present (C) Spores are heterospores (D)Seeds are covered.
(A) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: Angiosperms are flowering plant so they do not form gamete or spore, gametophytes mostly present in algae and cryptogamous plants.
61.____________ is a leaf where the leaflets are arranged along the middle vein..
(A) Pinnately compound leaf (B) Palmately compound leaf (C) Compound leaf (D)Simple leaf (C) (SSC CHSL 2016) Exp: In infinitely compound leaves, a row of leaflets form on either side of an extensions of the petiole called the rachis.
62.Which among the following type of trees are also called as sun loving trees? (A) Xerophytes (B) Heliophytes (C) Saprophytes (D) Halophytes.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Heliophytes are the types of trees which are adopted to the solar radiation. These plants are also called as ‘sun loving trees’
.64. The chicory powder which is mixed with coffee powder is obtained from which of the following part of plant?.(A) Stem (B) Fruit (C) Flower (D) Root
(D) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Chicory powder is obtained from root of plant Cichorium intybus. It is mixed with coffee powder. It helps to cure gastro-enteritis.
65.Onion is an example of bulb, which is a modified ______..(A) Stem (B) Root (C) Leaf (D) Flower
(A) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Onion is a modification of stem. Onion belongs to genus allium.
66.Potato is an example of ______..(A) Tuber (B) Bulb (C) Corms (D) Rhizome
(A) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Potato is an example of tuber. Potato is the modification of stem, which helps in storage of food.
67.Which of the following is the highest source of protein? (A) Sun flower (B) Soyabean (C) Grams (D) Wheat.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Soyabean is the highest source of protein. It contain 26 gm of protein per 100 gms. Soyabean also contain phytic acid, dietary minerals and vitamin B.
68.Turmeric is a modified _____..(A) Stem (B) Root (C) Leaves (D) Fruit
(A) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Turmeric is modified stem. The stem is distinguished by the presence of nodes and internodes, scale leaves at the nodes, axillary buds. The underground stems are of four types namely rhizome, tuber, bulb and corn.
69.Arrangement of leaves in a plant is called as ______..(A) Phyllotaxy (B) Phototaxy (C) Phytotaxy (D) Lianataxy
(A) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Arrangement of leaves in a plants is called as phyllotaxy. The basic three types of leaf arrangement are opposite, parallel and whorled. The leaves arises from nodal region of stems.
70.Which among the following is an example of dicot seed? (A) Rice (B) Wheat (C) Pulses (D) Maize.
(C) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Angiosperms on the basis of their seeds are classified in two categories dicotyledons and monocotyledons. Dicotyledons are those seeds whose endosperm is divided into two cotyledons. Pulse, gram are the example of dicot seeds.
71.Wheat is a ______.. (A) Creeper (B) Herb (C) Shrub (D) Tree
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Wheat is monocotyledon herb plant. Wheat belongs to grass famaily- poaceae. Wheat is a staple food and is grown on more land area than any other food crop. Botanical name of wheat is Tritium aestivum.
1.Which among the following elements increases the absorption of water and calcium in plants? (A) Manganese (B) Boron (C) Copper (D) Molybdenum
. (B) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 1997) Exp: Plant nutrients are the elements that regulate the plant metabolic activity. They are of two types Micronutrients and Macron utrients. Boron is a micronutrient that increase the absorption of water and calcium in plants.
2.Which wood will become useless soon after exposing in the open air?
.(A) Softwood (B) Fibrous wood (C) Wet wood (D) Hard wood Ans (C) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 1997) Exp: Wood is a porous, hard fibrous material that form by the stem and branches of a tree or shrub. Wet wood is useless soon after exposing in the open air because it absorb water and start to decaying.
3.Onion is a modified form of.
(A) Leaf (B) Stem (C) Root (D) None of these (B) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 1997) Exp: An onion has a modified form of stem called as bulb, stem is enclosed by a covering of leaves which is underground. Nutrients for the plant are stored in the bulb.
4.Fruits of this plant are found underground:
”.(A) Potato (B) Carrot (C) Groundnut (D) Onion (C) (SSC CGL1999) Exp: Groundnut is a species in the legume ““bean”” family Fabaceae. Its fruit grow underground as nuts or legumes.”
5.All the progeny obtained from a single plant by vegetative propagation are called-
.(A) Clones (B) Pure line (C) Inbreed line (D) Pedigree line Ans (A) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 09.09.2001) Exp: A clone is a identical copy of parents. Clone develop as a progeny from a single plant by vegetative propogation.
6.Water in plants is transported by- (A) Cambium (B) Phloem (C) Epidermis (D) Xylem
(D) (SSC CPO SI 2003) Exp: Water in plants is transported by xylem. Xylem is a parenchymatous tube which is present in plant vascular system.
7.Rod shaped bacteria is called-.(A) Bacillus (B) Spirillum (C) Coccus (D) Coma
(A) (SSC CPO SI 2003) Exp: Bacteria occur in different sizes in the environment as Rod shaped, coccus, coma, spirillum shaped etc. Bacillus is a genus of gram (+) rod shaped bacteria.
8.Which of the following is not required for seed germination? (A) Water (B) Air (C) Sunlight (D) Suitable temperature.
(C) (SSC CGL 2003) Exp: Seed do not need sunlight for germination. However, the warmth from sunlight can create a soil environment more conductive for germination. But sunlight is more important for carbohydrate making process called Photosynthesis.
9.Which of the following foodcrops has the maximum content of proteins?.(A) Cassava (B) Soyabean (C) Wheat (D) Maize
(B) (SSC Section Officer (Commercial Audit) 2003) Exp: Soyabean is a good source of protein. Soyabean produce significantly more protein per acre. The bean contain significant amounts of phytic acid, alpha-linolenic acid and isoflavones.
10.The source of oxygen generated during photosynthesis is:.(A) Water (B) Carbon dioxide (C) Chlorophyll (D) Mesophyll cells
(A) (SSC CGL 2004) Exp: Oxygen liberate after the splitting of water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. In the photosynthesis this liberate oxygen in atmosphere.
- Carbohydrate is stored in the body as.(A) Glucose (B) Starch (C) Glycogen (D) Sucrose
(C) (SSC Tax Asst. (Income Tax & Central Excise) 2004) Exp: Glycogen is a multibranched polysaccharide that serves as a form of energy storage in animals and fungi. In humans, glycogen is made and stored primarily in the cells of the liver and the muscles.
11.Which components of light are absorbed by chlorophyll?.(A) Violet and red (B) Indigo and orange (C) Blue and red (D) Violet and yellow
(C) (SSC Section Officer 2005) Exp: Chlorophyll is a green pigment which is helpful for photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight. Chlorophyll absorbs light in red (long wavelength) and the blue (short wavelength) regions of the visible light spectrum.
12.During photosynthesis green plants absorb.(A) Nitrogen (B) Carbon dioxide (C) Carbon monoxide (D) Oxygen
(B) (SSC Section Officer 2005) Exp: Photosynthesis is the process of converting light energy to chemical energy and storing it in the bonds of sugar or Carbohydrate and liberate oxygen in atmosphere. During photosynthesis green plant absorb Carbon dioxide. 6CO +6H O 2 2 Sunlight Chlorophyll C H O +6O 6 12 6 2 (glucose) (oxygen)
13.Quarantine regulation is concerned with.- (A) Growing of better varieties of plant (B) Prevention of entry of diseased organism (C) Spraying of insecticide over diseased plants (D) Identification of diseased organism
(B) (SSC Tax Assistant (Income Tax & Central) 2006) Exp: Quarantine regulation has been made by Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers welfare, that prevent the entry of diseased organism in the farming.
14.Ripe grapes contain.(A) Fructose (B) Sucrose (C) Galactose (D) Glucose
(A) (SSC Section Officer (Audit) 2006) Exp: Fructose is a simple sugar found in all ripe fruits. Ripe grapes also contain fructose sugar.
15.The enzyme in whose presence glucose and fructose are converted into alcohol is.
(A) Diastase (B) Maltase (C) Invertase (D) Zymase (D) (SSC CGL 2007) Exp: Zymase enzyme converts glucose and fructose into alcohol by Fermentation process.
16.The element which is rich in most leafy vegetables is.(A) Phosphorous (B) Zinc (C) Iron (D) Calcium
(C) (SSC Combined Matric Level 1999) Exp: Green Leafy vegetables are good source of many vitamins (Such as Vit-A, C and K and Folate) and minerals (such as iron and calcium). They are also good source of fibres.
17.Plants get water through the roots because of—.(A) Elasticity (B) Capillarity (C) Viscosity (D) Photosynthesis
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2001) Exp: Plants absorbs water from their root hairs. They transport the water through xylem cells to other part of the plants. They absorb water against the gravity called as capillary action.
18.A plant with fibrous root system is:.(A) Wheat (B) Pea (C) Mustard (D) Bean
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Plant is divided in three part as Root, Stem and Leaf. Root is the important part of the plant that absorb the nutrient and water from soil. Fibrous root system mostly occurs in monocots or Gramineae family plant. Eg Wheat, Grass etc.
19.The part of the flower that can carry out photosynthesis is.(A) Androecium (B) Gynoecium (C) Calyx (D) Corolla
(C) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Flower has divided in following four part: Calyx, Corolla Ardroecium, Gynoecium. Calyx is the outer whole part of the plant they are mostly in green color. So they take part in photosynthesis.
20.Pulses are a good source of.(A) Carbohydrates (B) Vitamins (C) Proteins (D) Fats
(C) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Pulses are a good source of proteins.They are often relatively poor in the essential amino acid named as Methionine.
21.The form of carbohydrate which is synthesised in plants is.(A) Starch (B) Glucose (C) Fructose (D) Cellulose
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Carbohydrates are synthesized in plants by photosynthesis. Glucose as the main part of carbohydrate in plant because glucose is synthesized in photosynthesis.
22.The reagent used to test the presence of starch in leaves is.(A) Fehling’s solution (B) Iodine solution (C) Million’s reagent (D) Benedict’s solution
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Iodine test used to identify the presence of starch. Iodine solution dissolved in a aqueous solution of starch producing a purple black color
.24. The gas released during photosynthesis:.(A) Carbon dioxide (B) Oxygen (C) Carbon monoxide (D) Sulphur dioxide
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Oxygen gas released during photosynthesis which generate after photolysis of water.
25.Carrot is a rich source of vitamin.(A) A (B) C (C) D (D) E
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Carrot is an extremely rich source of vitamin A. It contain carotene which is present in the form of pro-vitamin A, which has been derived from carrot. Carotene is converted in to Vitamin A by the liver and stored in our body.
26.Plants release energy during.(A) Photosynthesis (B) Respiration (C) Transpiration (D) Germination
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: Plants release energy during photo-respiration, they trap the energy from sunlight. During the photo respiration energy release in the form of ATP.
27.Which of these is a micronutrient for plants? (A) Carbon (B) Oxygen (C) Nitrogen (D) Boron.
(D) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2002) Exp: There are 7 essential plants nutrient elements as micronutrients - Boron (B), Zinc (Zn), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mo), Chlorine (Cl). Primary function of Boron is related to cell formation and pollen germination.
28.Root nodules are commonly found in-.(A) Parasitic plants (B) Epiphytic plants (C) Leguminous plants (D) Aquatic plants
(C) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2006) Exp: Root nodules are the out growth of the cells in roots due to Leguminous bacteria. They found mostly in leguminous plant for Nitrogen fixation as symbiotic relationship eg Pea, Bean, Gram etc.
29.Which of the following metals is present in chlorophyll? (A) Beryllium (B) Magnesium (C) Calcium (D) Barium.
(B) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2006) Exp: Chlorophyll is a green pigment which in chloroplast. Magnesium is the central metal ion of the chlorophyll (C55H72O5N4Mg) which is essential for photosynthesis
30.Cuscuta is a.(A) Partial stem parasite (B) Complete stem parasite (C) Partial root parasite (D) Complete root parasite
(A) (SSC Combined Matric Level 2006) Exp: Cuscuta is a partial stem parasite. It is a parasitic plant of yellow, orange or red colour and reduced in form of thin spirally thread like Structure. These are also called as dodder plant.
31.A potato tuber has been cut into two halves. A few drops of iodine solution are placed on the cut surface of one of the halves. What colour change will be noticed?.(A) From brown to blue-black (B) From brown to orange-red (C) From blue to pink (D) From pink to blue-green
(A) (SSC DEO 2008) Exp: Potato have high concentration of starch as Carbohydrate. Starch is a polymer of glucose joined by glycoside bond and branched chain of amylase Starch, due to presence of amylase react with iodine (I) and give blue color in solution.
32.Dormancy period of animals during winter season is called-.(A) Aestivation (B) Hibernation (C) Regeneration (D) Mutation
(B) (SSC MTS Staff 2011) Exp: Hibernation is a state of inactivity and metabolic depressing in some organisms to survive cold, dark winters without storage of food.Instead they turn down their metabolic activity and save energy.
33.Yellow spots on citrus leaves is due to the deficiency of-.(A) Zinc (B) Magnesium (C) Boron (D) Iron
(B) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LCD 2011) Exp: Yellow spot on citrus leaves is due to deficiency of Magnesium. Magnesium is a macro plant nutrient which is necessary for plant growth.
34.A seed can germinate in the absence of.(A) Adequate light (B) Supply of oxygen (C) Suitable moisture (D) Suitable temperature
(A) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC 2012) Exp: For germination,seed do not require any type of light. They require only oxygen, moisture, temperature for suitable germination.
35.Excess amount of absorbed water by plants is liberated out by.(A) Evaporation (B) Osmosis (C) Diffusion (D) Transpiration
(D) (SSC (10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC 2012) Exp: Water absorbed by plants from moist soil and liberated in atmosphere by transpiration through pores (stomata) in the surface of plant’s leaves.
36.The red, orange and yellow colours of leaf is due to-.(A) Aldehydes (B) Tannis (C) Lignins (D) Carotenoid
(D) (SSC MTS Staff 2013) Exp: Carotenoids are plant pigments responsible for bright red, yellow and orange colour in many fruits and vegetables leaf.
37.Which of the following is not an insectivorous plant? (A) Nepenthes (B) Utricularia (C) Droseara (D) Cuscutta.
(D) (SSC MTS Staff 2013) Exp: Insectivorous plants are those plants who captures and digests insects either passively or by the movement of certain org There are some insectivorous plant Aldrovanda, Archaeamphora, Brocchinia, Byblis, Catopsis, Dional Utricularia. Drosera, Nepenthes etc. Cuscuta is a stem parasite plant.
38.Which of the following is an insectivorus plant? (A) Balanophora (B) Rafflesia (C) Orobanche (D) Drosera.
(D) (SSC MTS Staff 2013) Exp: Explain as above question. 39. Seed dormancy is regulate by (A) Abscisic acid (B) Gibberellic acid (C) Indole acetic acid (D) Ethylene (A) (SSC MTS Staff 2013) Exp: Seed dormancy is defined as a state in which seeds are prevented from germination. Seed dormancy influenced by abscisic acid (ABA). But Gibberellins, Ethylene and Cytokinin break the seed dormancy.
39.In plant-water relationship, symbol ‘y’ w is used to represent.(A) Osmotic pressure (B) Water potenial (C) Solute potential (D) Osmosis
(B) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2013) Exp: Water potential quantifies the tendency of water to move from one area to another due to osmosis gravity, mechanical pressure or matrix effects such as surface tension. Water potential typically expressed by greek letter psi (ψ).
40.Membrane lipids of chill sentitive plants contain.(A) Low proportion of saturated fatty acids (B) Low proportion of unsaturated fatty acids (C) Equal proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids (D) High proportion of unsaturated fatty acids.
(B) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2013) Exp: Chill sensitive plant contain low proportion of unsaturated fatty acid. They protect plant from low temperature.
41.The curcumin is isolated from.(A) Garlic (B) Turmeric (C) Sunflower (D) Rose flower
(B) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2013) Exp: Curcumin which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties is the most active constituent of turmeric.
42.Which of the following plant pigments absorbs in red and far-red region of light? (A) Carotenoid (B) Chlorophyll (C) Phytochrome (D) Cryptochrome.
(C) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2013) Exp: Phytochrome molecule is the photoreceptor for red light responses. They are protenious molecules. It detect mainly red and far-red region of the visible spectrum and regulate germination of seeds.
43.The process through which excess of light energy is dissipated in photosynthesis is known as-.(A) Quenching (B) Scavenging (C) Photolysis (D) Photophosphorylation
(A) (SSC Graduate Level Tier-I 2013) Exp: Quenching is a process in which absorbed light energy is dissipated as heat and does not take part in photochemistry. The phenomenon is involved in photosynthesing.
44.Wilting of plants occurs due to excessive.(A) Respiration (B) Guttation (C) Absorption (D) Transpiration
(D) (SSC CAPF’s SI & CISF ASI 2013) Exp: Wilting is the loss of rigidity of non-wood parts of plant. The rate of loss of water from the plant is greater then the absorption of water in the plant this process is called as Transpiration.
45.Which of the following three R’s are regarded as environment friendly? (A) Reduce, Rebuild, Restrict (B) Random, Reduce, Recall (C) Read, Register, Recall (D) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.
(D) (SSC 10+2) Level Data Entry Operator & LDC 2013) Exp: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are three R’s regarded as enviormental friendly.
1.Formic acid is produced by-.(
A) White ants (B) Cockroaches (C) Red ants (D) Mosquitoes (C) [SSC CGL, April 2014] Exp: Formic acid is produce by red ants. Formic acid is found in the sprayed venom of ants. Formic acid is used as a preservative and antibacterial agents.
2.Which is the largest living bird on Earth?.(A) Emu (B) Ostrich (C) Albatross (D) Siberian crane
(B) [SSC CGL Exam, 2011] Exp: Ostrich is the world’s largest living bird. They live in African savannah and take most water from the plants they eat. They can run with speed upto 70 km/h. Ostrich produce world’s largest egg which measures upto 70 cm in diameter.
3.Which of the following is the smallest bird? (A) Pigeon (B) Parrot (C) Humming bird (D) House sparrow.
(C) [SSC CGL Exam, 2011] Exp: Humming bird is the smallest bird, measuring 7.5 - 13cm in length. The beating of wings is at the high frequency which is audible to humans, this is why they are known as Humming bird. The average speed of bird is 15m/s.
4.Which amongst the following is the largest mammal? (A) Elephant (B) Whale (C) Dinosaur (D) Rhinoceros.
(B) [SSC CGL Exam, 2011] Exp: Blue whale is the largest animal ever to live on Earth. This giant can grow more than 100 ft. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. The fat extracted from a whale’s blubber has great economic importance. Whales are hunted mainly for their oil. Huge dimensions of the diet composed of animals called krill.
5.The animal which can tolerate more summer heat is-.(A) Buffalo (B) Cow (C) Goat (D) Donkey
(C) [SSC CPO Exam, 2010] Exp: Both sheep and goats tend to be less susceptible to heat stress than swine or cattles. Goats with loose skin and loop ears may be more heat tolerant than other sheep. Angora goats access ability to tolerant more heat stress
- Which one of the following is the tallest bird? (A) Peacock (B) Penguin (C) Ostrich (D) Emu.
(C) [SSC Tax Asst. 2007] Exp: Ostrich is the tallest flightless bird found in plain of Africa and Arabia. This is the largest living bird, an adult male may be 2.75 m (about 9 feet) and weights more that 150 kilograms.
6.Match the following lists. List I List II (Discoverer) (Discovery) A. Jenner 1. Blood grouping B. Watson 2. Penicillin C. Landsteiner 3. Vaccination D. Flemming 4. Double helix Codes A B C D (A) 3 1 2 4 (B) 3 4 2 1 (C) 3 4 1 2 (D) 3 2 4 1.
(C) [SSC SO 2008] Exp: Watson in 1953 discovered the double helical structure of DNA. Karl Landsteiner identified the ABO blood group.
7.The poison of honeybee is-
.(A) Acidic (B) Alkaline (C) Saltish (D) Protein (A) [SSC CPO 2011] Exp: The sprayed venom or poision of honey bee is acidic. It is an apitoxin venom, bitter, colourless liquid which causes inflammation and acts as anticoagulant.
8.A potato tuber has been cut into two halves. A few drops of iodine solution are placed on the cut surface of one of the halves. What colour change will be noticed?.(A) From brown to blue-black (B) From brown to orange-red (C) From blue to pink (D) From pink to blue-green
(A) [SSC (10+2) DEO & LDC 2008] Exp: Any form of Carbohydrate turns blue black when exposed with Iodine Solution. Because the starch is made up of long chain of glucose. Linear chain form amylose while, the branched chain produce Amylopectin, the constituents of cells wall in plants.
9.Who amongst the following was awarded Nobel Prize for path breaking contributions to develop treatment against Parkinson’s disease?.
(A) Arvid Carlsson (B) Walter Kohn(C) Robert B Laughlin (D) Ferid Murad (A) [SSC CGL 2002] Exp: Arvid Carlsson is a Swedish scientist who is best known for his work with the neurotransmitter dopamine and its effect in Parkinson’s diseases. For his work on dopomine, he was awarded with Nobel Prize in 2000 along with Eric Kandel and Paul Greengard.
10.Which drug is used as an Anti-Inflammatory?.(A) Metformin (B) Diazepam (C) Latanoprost (D) Prednisone
(D) Exp: Prednisone is a drug used as an Anti-inflammatory. Inflammation is the response triggered by damage of living tissues.
11.Which drug is used as an Antidepressant?.(A) oxybutynin (B) Tramadol (C) Sumatriptan (D) Bupropion
(D) Exp: Bupropion is a drug used on antidepressant. Antidepressants are drugs used for treatment of depressive disorders. These are psychiatric medication given to patients.
12.Which drug is used to cure Glaucoma?.(A) Fexofenadine (B) Ketoconazole (C) Latanoprost (D) Ibuprofen
(C) Exp: Latanoprost is a drug used to cure Glaucoma. Glaucoma is an eye disorder which affects the optic nerve and vision loss.
13.Which drug is used for Pain Relief?.(A) Risedronate (B) Tramadol (C) Folic Acid (D) Bupropion
(B) Exp: Tramadol drug is used to treat moderate to severe pain. It is sold under the other names such as Ultram, Zytram
- Which drug is used as an AntiDiabetic drug.? (A) Metformin (B) Zolpidem (C) Promethazine (D) Hydralazine
(A) Exp: Metfermin is an antidiabetic drug used in combination with insulin and helps to treat people with type 2 diabetes.
16.Which drug is used to cure Osteoporosis?.(A) Risedronate (B) Tramadol (C) Promethazine (D) Levothyroxine
(A) Exp: Risedronate drug is used to are osteoporosis. Osteoporesis is a bone disease where the density of bone becomes very low.
17.Kidney stones are composed of ______..(A) Calcium Oxalate (B) Sodium Chloride (C) Magnesium Nitrate (D) Calcium Bicarbonate
(A) Exp: Kidney stones are small masses of salts and minerals that form calcium oxalate inside the kidney and may travel down the urinary tract. Nephrolithiasis is a medical term for kidney stones. Symptoms of kidney stone include flank pain and blood in urine (hematuria).
18………….. is a strong drug that doctors give to people to make them calm or help them sleep.. (A) Barbiturate (B) Antidepressant (C) Antihistamine (D) Beta-Blocker
(A) Exp: Barbiturate is a strong drug known as sedative - hypnotics. If affects the central nervous system and utilized for surgery and sedation which makes them calm and helps to sleep.
19.Which drug is used as a Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug?.(A) Risedronate (B) Diazepam (C) Folic Acid (D) Ibuprofen
(D) Exp: Ibuprofen is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is used to treat pain, fever or inflammation.
20.The artificial heart was invented by ………….(A) Muhammad Yunus(B) Linus Yale, Jr. (C) Gazi Yasargil (D) Paul Winchell
(D) Exp: Artificial heart was invented by Paul winchell. The first artificial heart was made by Vladimir Demikhov in 1937. The first artificial heart to be successfully implanted in a human was Jorvik-7 in 1982 by a team of W.J. Kolff and R. Jarvik.
21.Which drug is used as an Anti-Biotic?.(A) Metformin (B) Ranitidine (C) Azithromycin (D) Ibusprofen
(C) Exp: Azithromycin is an antibiotic drug used to treat bacterial infections including pneumonia, diarrhoea, typhoid
22.Which drug is used to cure Allergies?.(A) Fexofenadine (B) Ketoconazole (C) Azithromycin (D) Buproplon
(A) Exp: Fexofenadine is a drug used to cure Allergies. Histamine released in blood cause allergies such as sneezing, congestion, asthma low respiratory rate. Fexofenadine is a anti-histamine drug.
23.Analgesics ________..(A) relieve acidity (B) relieve pain (C) relieve itching (D) relieve bloating
(B) Exp: Analgesic or painkiller is a drug used to relieve pain. It affect the peripheral and central nervous system.
24.Which of the following is not considered as a part of the Abiotic Environment? (A) Plants (B) Air (C) Water (D) Soil.
(A) Exp: Abiotic are non-living component of environment including water, air and soil.
25.Which drug is used as an Anti-Anxiety drug?.(A) Warfarin (B) Diazepam (C) Latanoprost (D) Hydralazine
(B) Exp: Diazepam is a drug used an anti-anxiety drug. Diazepam is a benzodiazepine, it affects chemicals in the brain. It is used to treat anxiety disorders, alcohol withdrawl symptoms or muscle spasms.
26.Camel is a desert animal, that can live without water for many days, because.(A) It does not need water (B) Water is formed in the body due to oxidation of fat (C) It has the water sac in the walls of the lumen of stomach (D) All of the above
(D) (SSC Tax Assistant 2005) Exp: Vitamin B12 or Cyanocobalamin has the cobalt metal, exist in the trivalent state. It is used to treat pernicious anemia. Deficiency of Vitamin B12 leads to disease thyrotoxicosis, hemorrhage and other kidney disease.
27.According to WHO, the bird flu virus cannot be transmitted through food cooked beyond.(A) 60 degrees celsius (B)70 degrees celsius (C) 90 degrees celsius (D) 100 degrees celsius
(B) (SSC CGL 2008) Exp: Food cooked beyond temperature 70ºc will kill all the virus present in it H5N1 is a highly pathogenic avian influenza (bird flu) which causes infection in hum
28.The normal RBC count in adult male is.(A) 5.5 million (B) 5.0 million (C) 4.5 million (D) 4.0 million
(B) (SSC CGL 2008) Exp: The normal RBC count in adult male in 5.0 million. Human beings have closed vascular system in which blood flow in blood vessels named as arteries and veins.
29.The average heart beat rate per minute in a normal person is.(A) 82 (B) 92 (C) 72 (D) 98
(C) (SSC CPO 2009) Exp: The average heart beat rate per minute in a normal person is 72. In 60 sec 72 cardic cycle runs. Heart rate represent the contraction and relaxation of heart per minute.
- What is the chemical name of vinegar?.(A) Citric acid (B) Acetic acid (C) Pyruvic acid (D) Malic acid
(B) (SSC CGL 2010) Exp: Acetic acid (CH3CO2H) is the chemical name of vinegar. It is produced through fermentation of ethanol by with the help of bacteria.
30.In a food chain, the solar energy utilized by plants is only.(A) 10 percent (B) 1 percent (C) 0.1 percent (D) 0.01 percent
(B) (SSC CGL 2011) Exp: In a food chain. Sun is the ultimate source of energy. Plants obtain only 1% energy from the sum, and rest 99% energy enters in the environment.
31.The poison of honey bee is:.(A) Acidic (B) Alkaline (C) Saltish (D) Protein
(A) (SSC 2009)
- The oil which causes dropsy is.(A) Groundnut oil (B) Cocount oil (C) Sunflower oil (D) Argemone oil
(D) (SSC CGL 2002) Exp: Argemone oil is obtained from Argemone Mexicana seeds. It is adultered with mustard oil, and such oils are hazardous for health and produces a conditions named as epidemic dropsy.
1.Heavy alcohol consuming people generally die of.(A) Blood cancer (B) Cirrhosis (C) Liver or stomach cancer (D) Weakening of heart muscles leading to cardiac arrest
(B) (SSC CM L- 2009) Exp: Heavy alcohol consumption is one of the reason for scarring and inflammation of liver tissues, this damage of liver is known as cirrhosis.
2.The maximum biological damage is produced by
.(A) X- rays (B) gamma - rays (C) beta - rays (D) alpha - rays (B) (SSC Multi-Tasking Staff 2013) Exp: Gamma rays are the high frequency electromagnetic radiation. They release very high energy and high ionisation energy and thus are biologically hazardous.
3.Protein part of enzyme is know as.(A) Isoenzyme (B) Holoenzyme (C) Apoenzyme (D) All the above
(C) (SSC MTS- 2013) Exp: Apoenzyme is the protein part of any holoenzyme, which works as catalyst in any reaction. Apoenzyme with its cofactor (non-protein molecule) carries out chemical reactions.
4.Linseed is obtained from.(A) Castor (B) Flax (C) Groundnut (D) Sesame
(B) (SSC CGL 2015) Exp: Linseeds are obtained from Flax plant. Linseeds are the most important source of omega 3 fatty acid.
5.Christmas factor is involved in:.(A) Blood Coagulation (B) Excretion (C) Digestion (D) Respiration
(A) (SSC CHSL 2015) Exp: Christmas factor or Factor IX is an important blood clotting factor. The recessive form of this gene results in the disease haemophilia.
6.The blotting technique used to identify the isolated protein is.(A) Northern blotting (B) Western blotting (C) Southern blotting (D) Cloning
(B) (SSC CGL 2016) Exp: Western blotting or protein electrophoresis technique is use to isolate protein and used in molecular biology. The technique western blot was developed by W. Neal Burnette.
7.Which of the following protein is found in hair? (A) Histone (B) Keratin (C) Elastin (D) Actin.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Keratin is a fibrous structural protein found in hairs. It is insoluble in water and protects epithelial cells from damage or stress.
8.Ministry of Health and family welfare has launched the ‘Test and Treat Policy’ for ______ patients..
(A) Polio (B) HIV (C) Malaria (D) Cancer (B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Ministry of health and family welfare has launched ‘Test and Treat Policy’ for HIV. HIV cause the AIDS disease.
9.Which of the following protein is found in nails? (A) Histone (B) Keratin (C) Elastin (D) Actin.
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Keratin is a fibrous structural protein. It is present in epidermal layer and protect the layer from damage. Keratin are of two types; alpha and beta keratin. Alpha Keratin forms the nails, hooks, hair etc.
10.What are male gametes called as?
.(A) Zygote (B) Ova (C) Sperms (D) Embryo (C) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Male gametes are called as sperms. Gametes are formed by the process of gametogenesis where the chromosome number reduced to half and known as haploid cells.
11.Match the following. Mode of reproduction Organism 1. Fission A. Planaria 2. Regeneration B. Ameoba 3. Budding C. Hydra A B C (A) 1 2 3 (B) 1 2 3 (C) 1 2 3 (D) 1 2 3.
(A) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Asexual reproduction is a mode of reproduction in which only single parent is involve. Fission, regeneration and budding are types of asexual reproduction. Fission is the breaking of cell into two equal half.
12.What is the name of Government of India sponsored scheme to provide subsidized food to poorest of the poor families?.(A) SAMPADA (B) SAMADHAN (C) Antyodaya Anna Yojana (D) Deen Dayal Yojana
(C) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Antyodaya Anna Yojana is a government scheme to provide subsidized food to poorest of the poor family. It subidized foodgrain at 2 Rs./kg wheat and 3Rs./kg for rice. It was launched in December 2000.
13.What are female gametes called as?.(A) Zygote (B) Ova (C) Sperms (D) Embryo
(B) (SSC CPO 2017) Exp: Gametes are the reproductive cells present in an organisms. Female gametes are called as ova. Ova are the haploid cells formed by the process of oogenesis.
14.In unicellular organisms, all functions like digestion, respiration and reproduction are performed by a how many cell(s)?…(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp:Unicellular is a single celled organism All the melabolic activites like digestion, respiration and reproduction are performed by that single cell only.
15.In India, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act came into force in 1981, but was amended in …………. to include noise as an air pollutant.. (A) 1987 (B) 1997 (C) 2007 (D) 2017
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: In India, the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act came into force in 1981, but was amended in 1987 to include noise as an air pollutant.Central pollution control Board (CPCB) recommended noise standard as- A. Industrial area - 75dB B. Commercial area - 65 dB C. Residential area - 55dB D. Silence zone - 50dB
16.Who was the invertors of frozen foods?.(A) Alfred Nobel (B) Clarence Birdseye (C) Frank Whittle (D) Ives McGuffey
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Frozen foods was discovered by American entrepreneur Clarence Birdseye.
17.Which of the following are longest cells of human body? (A) Pancreatic cells (B) Epethelial cells (C) Nerve cells (D) Epidermal cells.
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Nerve cell is the longest cell of the human body. it is extend from cyton (cell body) to axon and then the nerve ending. Nerve cell helps in transmission of electrical signals,through the region of synapse.
18.Who pioneered diagnostic ultrasound?.(A)Alexander Fleming (B)Ian Donald (C)A. Laveran (D)Robert Koch
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Ian Donald discovered diagnostic ultrasound. ultrasound helps to view the internal body structure such as joints, vessels and internal org
19.Which of the following bacteria is responsible for the formation of curd? (A)Lycopodium (B) Yeast (C)Lacto-bacillus (D) Fungus.
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Conversion of milk in curd is assist by an anaerobic, facultative grampositve bacteria. Lactobacillus acidophilus is the most common types of probiotic and can be found in fermented foods, yogurt and supplements.
20.How does a Unicellular Organism reproduce?.
(A) Cell division (B) Cell reproduction (C) Cell synthesis (D) Fragmentation (A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Unicellular organisms reproduce through cell division. Unicelluar organism divides through cytokinesis and karyokinesis. Nucleus and cytoplasm divides into two equal halves
21.The male sex accessory ducts include vasa efferentia, epididymis, vas deferens and______..(A) Cervix (B) Rete Testis (C) Glands (D) Seminiferous Tubules
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Male sex acessory ducts include vase efferentia, epididymis, vas deferens and rete testies. Testies are the accessory ducts which has seminiferous tubules in them. Seminiferous tubules helps in sperm formation.
22.In male reproductive system, the testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch called __________..(A) Glands (B) Scrotum (C) Testicular Lobules (D) Seminiferous Tubules
(B) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: In male reproductive organ, the testes are situated outside the abdominal cavity within a pouch scrotum. Scrotum maintains the temperature of testes to 2°-2.5° lower than body temperature. This helps in formation of sperm.
23.A multicellular organism grows by ____________..(A) Cell addition (B) Cell explosion (C) Cell implosion (D) Cell division
(D) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: A multicellular organism grows by cell division. Cell Division is a process by which cell divide itself either by meiosis or mitosis process. Growth or somatic cell divide by the process of mitosis and germ cell or reproductive cell divide by the process of meiosis.
24.In females, the ovaries are located ______ on each side of the lower abdomen..(A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: The ovary is an ovum - producing reproductive organ, found in double pairs in the female. Each ovary is located on the lower side of abdomen.
25.In females, the uterus is __________..(A) Single (B) Double (C) Triple (D) Four
(A) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: The uterus is a major female hormone-responsive reproductive sex organ of hum Uterus is single in female. The function of the uterus is to recieve a fertilized ovum.
26.In each testes in a male reproductive system, there are …………. compartments called testicular lobules..(A) 150 (B) 200 (C) 250 (D) 300
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Testes are the part of male reproductive org There are 250 compartments called as testicular lobules or seminiferous tubules. These tubules are lined with germinal epithelial cells and develops the spermatozoa.
27.The__________ are the primary female sex organs that produce the female gamete (ovum) and several steroid hormones (ovarian hormones)..(A) Cervix (B) Uterus (C) Ovaries (D) Clitoris
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Ovaries are the primary female sex organs that produce ovum and hormons like estrogen and progesterone. There are 2 ovaries present on either side of abdomen consists of 80,000 eggs.
- What was invented by Zacharias Jansen?.(A) Jet Engine (B) Radium (C) Microscope (D) Electric Lamp
(C) (SSC CGL 2017) Exp: Microscope was invented by Zacharias Jansen. Microscope is an istrument used to view the small objects by naked eye. Other measure types of microscope are flourescence microscope, electron microscope and scanning electron microscope.