OP 008: Cylinder Procedure Flashcards
What is the definition of a cylinder?
Any vessel containing a gas or liquid under pressure
Commercial gases can commonly be found, stored, and transported by road or rail in what four ways?
Compressed (non-liquified)
Refrigerated (cryogenic)
Non liquified gases are also known as compressed, pressurised, or permanent gases. Name some examples?
Four examples
What is the difference between non liquified and liquified gases?
Non liquified gases do not become liquid when they are compressed at normal temperatures - liquified gases do
What are the five types of cylinder construction?
Welded cylinders
Drawn steel cylinders
Aluminium cylinders
Composite cylinders
Composite cylinders (aluminium lined)
What risks do cylinders containing gases pose?
Six answers
Oxidising gases
Cryogenic gases
What are the three main reasons why cylinders fail in a fire?
Heating leading to loss of strength in the casing
The resin in composite cylinders breaks down, making the cylinder leaky
What is the debris spread distance, if a cylinder fails?
Up to 200m
A fireball can also possibly be produced
What does BLEVE stand for?
Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapour Explosion
Caused by an increase in pressure due to heat
The degree of danger (for a failing cylinder) depends on what two things?
Internal pressure before failure occurs
The vessel’s contents - flammable/toxic
What is the only commonly used dissolved gas?
What pre planning can be achieved to minimise any risk of injury from cylinders?
Gather information such as location of premises which may contain cylinders - ORD via MDT
What is the basic procedure for dealing with cylinders at an incident?
Eight answers
Identify if the cylinder is affected by the fire
Apply a cooling spray
Allow composite cylinders to burn off
Gather cylinder information
Withdraw crews
Make safe cylinder not affected by fire
Consider a 200m hazard zone
Consider evacuating the public
What is CAP?
Six answers
Cylinder assessment process
After stopping the application of water (after an hour):
Monitor the cylinder with a TIC and record the temperature
Observe for any violent steaming or rapid drying out of cylinder surface
Leave the cooling off for 15 minutes
Apply a momentary spray to the cylinder and observe for any violent steaming
Repeat the above process
What does it indicate, when a cylinder is alight at the valve group, from the point where the hoses connect?
That the valve is either open, or faulty - usually when a cylinder hose is damaged
The LFB and NHS are working together to identify domestic address in London where medical gases are stored. Where is this information available for firefighters?
On the ORD via the MDT