GL 001: Guideline Procedure Flashcards
Describe the LFB guidelines?
Length, features, identification
60m long
Snap hook at running end
150mm loop on the other end, which is permanently secured within the guideline bag
Sets of tabs attached to line in pairs at regular intervals to indicate the way out
Carried in a yellow duraskin bag
Identified by tallys - A and B
What does OSU stand for?
Operational Support Unit
What is the test frequency of guidelines?
Four answers
On acceptance
After use
Every 6 months
Annually by PEG
When must main guidelines be used?
Two answers
Where no other suitable means exist for tracing the way out of a risk area
To go into high expansion foam
What procedure must be implemented whenever guidelines are used?
Eight answers
Guidelines are to be only used on instruction of IC
Stage II entry control procedure
Only one main guideline is to be laid along a single route from an ECP
No more than two main guideline and four branch guidelines can be used from an ECP
Up to a maximum of four branch guidelines may be attached to guideline A or B
Branch guidelines must not be extended
Teams working on a guideline must be told if a branch guideline is being used it has been laid behind them
Guideline tallies are attached by the ECO
What are the two methods of being attached by a personal line to a guideline?
Method 1
The team leader hooks onto the guideline, all other members attach to the wearer in front of them
Method 2
All team members hook their personal lines to the guideline
What are the two methods of searching off a guideline?
Method 1
The team leader extends to the full 6m on the personal line. The other team members can then search the 6m space
Method 2
The team leader extends out on the short personal line, then other team members extend out, one attached to the other on short lines
Both ensure that no team member is more than 6m from the guideline
What should be done when leaving a guideline bag, to withdraw?
Tie an overhand knot to the D ring of the bag
Attach the karabiner to the guideline
Attach the bag to the tie off point
What should be done when picking up a guideline bag to extend it, after another has withdrawn from that area?
Attach the bag to the BA set
Remove the karabiner from the guideline
Untie the overhand knot
When withdrawing, when should tabs on the guideline be checked, to confirm the correct direction of exit?
Three answers
Returning to the guideline following a search using personal lines
Moving from a branch guideline onto the main guideline
Crossing a branch guideline on the way out
If a crew are on their way out of a building, and are feeling the tabs on the guidelines for direction, what would indicate they are exiting the building?
The longer tab would be first, followed by the shorter tab
What is distance between each set of tabs?
150mm in between each tab, within a set
Who attaches the tally to the guidelines, and where is it attached?
The ECO attaches the tally to D-ring next to the snap hook, at the running end
Where are guideline tallies stored?
In the ECB pouch
Where are branch guideline tallies stored?
Only on Fire Rescue Units (FRU) and Operational Support Units (OSU)
When are branch guidelines used?
When there is a need to search off the main guideline a distance greater than can be achieved with the full length of a personal line (6m)
Can main and branch guidelines be extended?
Main guidelines can be extended
(multiple guidelines forming one long line)
Branch guidelines can’t be extended
What should be done, when passing a branch guideline tally?
The team leader should get other team members to confirm the tally number, and directional tabs
Branch guideline tallies have holes missing, making it easier to know their number in the dark