OnlineMedEd: Obstetrics - "Post Partum Hemorrhage" Flashcards
Test questions will guide you to the cause of the postpartum hemorrhage by telling you the feel of the uterus on abdominal palpation. Go through the four possibilities.
- Absent: uterine inversion (when the uterus contracts so hard that it turns itself inside out)
- Boggy: uterine atony
- Firm: retained placenta
- Normal: vaginal laceration
How is uterine inversion treated?
- First, use tocolytics to stop contractions
- Second, put it back in place manually
- Third, use tonics to get the uterus to contract back down
How is uterine atony treated?
- First, massage
* Second, oxytocin, Methergine, Hemabate
Retained placenta is treated by ____________.
D&C and (if that fails) hysterectomy
Unexplained vaginal bleeds are treated much like _______________.
GI bleeds; because you can’t put pressure on either, you need to start two large bore IVs, administer fluids and blood, and then surgically find the laceration and fix it
If you cannot find and correct the cause of the vaginal hemorrhage, the last resort options are _____________.
uterine artery ligation/embolization or total abdominal hysterectomy
Uterine atony is when the uterine muscles fail to contract down. What things increase the risk of this happening?
- Prolonged labor (the uterus gets tired)
- Oxytocin (when you stop it, the uterus loses its input)
- Use of tocolytics (makes sense, right?(
_______________ can raise the risk of uterine inversion.
Tonics and traction
Retained placenta is diagnosed by _______________.
examining the placenta: if there are blood vessels that extend to the edge of the placenta, then there are likely pieces still inside the uterus that are causing hemorrhage