APGO UWise Questions Flashcards
In addition to not getting stronger, Braxton-Hicks contraction are also ______________.
irregular; true labor presents with regular contractions
When would you not swab a pregnant woman for GBS?
If she has had a prior pregnancy in which the child developed sepsis from GBS, then you treat with penicillin during labor (with the assumption that she still has it unless she was treated).
The nitrazine test can indicate _____________.
leakage of amniotic fluid (if that is unclear from the history and physical)
You might want to recheck the FHR if _______________.
one method shows it to be the same as the mother’s
If a significant amount of blood comes out after inserting an intrauterine pressure catheter, then what should you do?
Bleeding with an IUPC could indicate placental abruption. In this case, remove the IUPC and check the FHR. If it’s reassuring (i.e., doesn’t show late decelerations), reinsert the IUPC.
List the symptoms of magnesium toxicity.
- Respiratory depression
- Muscle weakness
- Loss of DTRs
How do you treat magnesium toxicity?
Calcium gluconate
Chronic hypertension, prior cases of preeclampsia, diabetes, and ______________ all increase risk of preeclampsia.
multifetal gestation
What are some indications for early delivery in preeclampsia?
- Inability to control HTN on two meds
- Platelets less than 100,000
- Non-reassuring FHTs
- LFTs more than two times normal
Fetal anemia presents with what FHR pattern?
- Sinusoidal rhythm
- Tachycardia
For patients with preeclampsia in the severe BP range, what diastolic BP should you aim for?
In type 1 diabetics, _____________ is the most common complication.
fetal growth restriction
For patients with a strong predisposition to GD (like FMH and obesity), begin screening with GTT at _________________.
the first visit
Which disorder has the highest rate of mortality in pregnancy?
Pulmonary hypertension
IUPCs can help determine if _____________.
contractions are adequate; for instance, if a woman seems to be having strong contractions every four minutes but her cervical exam is unchanged after several hours, then her contractions might be inadequate