What is online software and backups?
Traditional software is installed onto a computer whereas online software is accessed over the internet through a web browser.
Advantages of standalone software?
-As it is installed onto the hard drive, it can be used when there is no internet access
-It runs faster than online software with a poor internet connection
What is online software?
Online software is accessed through a web browser and is available anywhere that has a internet connection
Benefits of a online software?
-updated automatically (on the server rather than on the client)
-Backed up automatically
-can be used on different devices (computer, tablet, smartphone)
-can be used on different operating systems (windows, mac, etc.)
What are online backups?
Backing up a file online means saving them to external servers
Benefits of online backups?
-if the users computer fails, the files are served on servers elsewhere and would still be safe
-Cloud storage is often backed up so there is double security
What is backing up and restore?
If you are backing up a file it is important to make sure that you can RESTORE these files if the original file is deleted or corrupted