What is cloud storage?
Cloud computing is where data is saved on external servers instead of on the users hard drive.
What are the 2 benefits of cloud storage?
- Cost
- Avaliability
Why is cost a benefit of cloud storage?
You only pay for the storage that you use. You do not have to provide and maintain the hardware.
Why is availability a benefit of cloud storage?
Data can be available anywhere in the world where there is internet connection.
What are the 4 drawbacks of cloud storage?
- Reliability
- Software
- Security
- Potential low performance
Why is RELIABILITY a drawback of cloud storage?
It depends on how reliable the host is to access your data
Why is SOFTWARE a drawback of cloud storage?
The company may not be using the latest, fastest version
Why is POTENTIAL LOW PERFORMANCE a drawback of cloud storage?
The speed of accessing data might be slower than using installed software
Why is SECURITY a drawback of cloud storage?
You have no control over the files stored and you have to trust the company to keep them safe