online consumer behaviour Flashcards
How can having a large number of choices be bad
Were low effort processors , our mind is a funnel (we can only process limited amount of info), this creates negative emotions like feeling overwhelmed
Theres also postpurchase not being happy like buyers remorse,
Choice and postchoice are the two main headings
Many choices in brick and mortar stores
Always many choices in stores but stores are becoming bigger
Globalization→ more brands offered to consumers, not just a local choice
Many more choices online
Cant look at every different product
Dont want no choices either
Having no choice is not good either, important for democracy and the economy
Effect on consumers
more attention to recommendations
More choice of known brands
More choice postponement
We will use shortcuts like recommendations
Offered by platforms all the time
Ex netflix: they show recommended shows due to your previous watches
they are 2 ways for which the recommendations are formed:
Collaborative filtering vs content based filtering
collaborative filtering focuses on user similarity to recommend items, content-based filtering recommends items exclusively according to item profile features.
Collaborative filtering relies on user interaction, while content-based focuses on item attributes.
Recommendations require data
Recommendations are better if many users post their ratings (i.e more data)
Platforms should incentivize posting of ratings
Star reviewer badge? Discount on monthly bill?
How do firms incentivize people to give ratings → give discounts, points
Recommendations from friends rather than strangers
Friends are likely to have similar taste
2) More choice of known brands
More choices more risk (of making the wrong choice)
To minimize risk can pick a sure thing, known brand, something you know is good quality
Unknown brand has disadvantages because consumer doesn’t know them→ more risk
You would think more choices have competition but from a consumers point of view, less competition bc they gravitate towards the brand they know
For movies: would be sequels
More visual attention to know brands on store shelves
More attention to recommendations
More choice of known brands
More postponement
Advantage for known brands in a world of too many choices
choice postpountment
Why choice postpointment ? More time and effort to assess many movies and mlre anticipated regret when assessing many movies
Counteractng choice postpoinment
As a marketer if you know you are operating in a world of many choices, you can think creatively how to counteract choice postponement ex: my list on netflix
Take the choice out of people’s hands, make the choice for them but still give consumer choice
Change the nature of the choice→ social choice
Can think of individual consumption or group consumption
Pre-selection: Offering tailored recommendations or making the choice for the consumer but giving them a chance to opt-out or tweak it (e.g., Netflix’s “My List”).
Group/social choice: Framing decisions as shared or group consumption (e.g., suggesting popular picks).
Simplifying options: Streamlining choices to reduce overwhelm while maintaining a sense of control for the consumer, making decisions easier and faster.
Many More Online Choices and control
Lower self control
More choices = more temptations
If we constantly exercise self control, may break down and buy something we dont need
benefits of more choices
Greater serendipity → stumbling upon something great while browsing
Can expand our preferences
Need this because real delight comes from having something unexpected so surprise consumers
Can be seen as recommendations , can be a free grift (positive surprise)
People get their news on social media
Info as news
Important type of info relevant to society
Platforms show news
18-29 get news from tik tok
Older people get news from twitter
A lot of news is actually fake (completely false info) or partisan news (half true, or omits relevant information)
This can be seen during election time, perhaps more common is partisan news→ suppresses certain information
Media sources have become more ideologically driven, more partisan than before