Measuring and managing patient satisfcation clv Flashcards
What is the consequence of satisfaction/reduced satisfaction
talk to patients, maybe do a focus group, what are the elements of the service that come to mind
Quality of care→
how satisfied were you on quality of care on 10? Similar for other questions
Each respondent answered the questionnaire numerically (1-9) →
numerical input is very useful, depending on the numbers people answer with, you can do regression analysis (trying to predict something, the dependent variable with respect to other dependent variables)
Overall satisfaction and quality of care, (plotting)
if i plot these the data it should be an upward line because they affect eachother, then i put a line that best represents the scatter (regression line, line of best fit)
Bigger the beta
more important the driver is
What should the firm do
Focus on the most important attribute and the attributes on which they are not doing so well, importance and performance
Break down the drivers into sub drivers→ drill down analysis
- identify key attributes
- importance performance weight
- drill down analysis for sub drivers
- focus on weak performing sub drivers
Whichs strategic area should the firm focus on?
Focus on most important attribute, the beta coeffecieints show importance, now how is the hospital performing on the dirvers (average answer)
Ex: quality of care subdrivers:
thoroughness of examination, correctness of diagnosis by physician, clear explanation of your condition to you… etc
Can do extra analysis and maybe the drivers are different
sub analysis based on segmentation variables
benefits of satisfaction modelling
- comprehensive insights–> we can study many drivers and outcomes of staisfcation
- strategic focus–> what should we focus on for maximizing satisfaction
- detailed–> can apply to sub segments, repeat survey over time
4/ quantifiable–> objective décisions about staksfcation, not subjective - bench marking–> compare satisfaction scores across subunits of hospital, segments of patients, competitors
Camden sends dumb questions beware
Satisfaction modeling is a structured approach to understanding and measuring the factors that influence satisfaction within a given context, such as customer satisfaction, employee satisfaction, or patient satisfaction. The goal is to analyze the drivers of satisfaction (what makes people satisfied) and the outcomes of satisfaction (the effects of being satisfied), which helps organizations make data-driven decisions to improve satisfaction levels
consumer satisfaction
strategic impertaive for service organizations because satisfied customers are likely to repatronize and recommend the firm, buy more and more varied offerings from the organizaton and have lower reetetnion costs
Imrceased consumer sayisfction also helps an org to lower the cost of customer acquisition through positive word of mouth and recs to fam and friends
Focus on meausirng clinicial outcomes→
better they are, the better care patients are recieving → but may not fully capture the patients perspective
Focusing on measuring clinical outcomes—such as mortality rates, readmission rates, and recovery times—is a common way to assess the quality of care in healthcare organizations. These metrics are important because they offer an objective view of how effective the care is in terms of patient health. Better clinical outcomes generally indicate that patients are receiving high-quality medical attention
but may not capture the whole picture
Patient satisfaction associated with key outcomes:
Physicaans in the lowest satisgcation tertile exhibited more unsolicited complaints from patients and had a higher malpractice lawsuit
Higher hospital level patient satisfcation was associated with lower 30 day readmission rayes
Lower hospitalization rate
lower mortality
how is patient satisfaction measured
using structured surveys administered to patients after a healthcare visit to their primary care provider or emergenyc room
look at an overall level but also measure key antecenetes
These surveys aim to capture both an overall level of satisfaction and the key antecedents (factors that contribute to satisfaction).
rate on a numerical scale
To gain deeper insights into what drives overall satisfaction, surveys also focus on specific aspects of the patient’s experience. These are referred to as antecedents and help identify what areas influence satisfaction the most.
The antecedents of patient satisfcation are examined in two ways
structural perspective to examine patients, facilities, care providers
decompsitional approach to understand the various strategic areas and attribuytes that comprise a patients overall satisfcatopn → builds on the satisfaction prfoit chain framework
structural: This approach focuses on the broader elements within the healthcare system that affect patient satisfaction. I
decompositional: attributes that contribute to the overall satisfaction score. It is based on the satisfaction-profit chain framework, which links satisfaction to both its antecedents and downstream consequences. each strategic area, we identify attributes
Some orgs will measure patient staifaction but use the results incorrectly → using a benchmarking approach but leaves issues unaddressed like:
Rank ordering subunits based on high or low overall patient satosfcation scores does not provide insights into the specific areas that drive patient staifactio
Have to idnetify the impirtant and unumportant areas
Which specific attributes are the most important drivers
What are the keu strategic outcomes of patient satisfaction/ how is overall patient satisfcation associated with these outcomes
Is there a comprehensive a[pracoh to address these issue
Rank ordering only tells us which subunits have high or low satisfaction, but it does not explain why.
It’s important to distinguish between areas that have a major impact on patient satisfaction and those that don’t.
Benchmarking does not reveal how overall patient satisfaction is linked to important strategic outcomes
A customer focused approach to managing patient satisfaction
Satisfcation profit chain: comprehensive theory based approach to analyze the antecedents and consequences of customer satosfcation
Can be adapted into an PSSM→ links overall patient satisfcation to its antecdent strategic areas and attributes as well as to strategic consequences
A customer-focused approach to managing patient satisfaction leverages the Satisfaction-Profit Chain framework, a comprehensive theory designed to analyze the antecedents (drivers) and consequences of customer satisfaction. In the context of healthcare, this approach can be adapted into a Patient Satisfaction Strategy Map (PSSM), which connects overall patient satisfaction to its key components and the strategic outcomes that result from it
Using a patient satisfaction strategy map for strategic inisghts
systematic multi step process
Strategic question 1:
what strategic areas have the highest impiirtance weight in overall patient staifcation ? can be cualcukated using technqius like regression, partial least squares
They quantify the magnitude and direction of association between each strategic area and overall satisfcation
Next you have to determine the importance weight of each strategic area
Area with the highest association with overall patient satisfaction should be the most imprortant
Quality of care is the most strategic area bc it has the highest important weight
Next have to determine the performance level for each strategic area → higher average rating = higher performance
Patients rate each strategic area on an 11 point scale
Performance is highest on physician interaction
Next step: determine strategic priorities
Make an imprtance performance map
Easy to communicate and understand
Groups strategic areas based on high imprtance and high performance (stregnths )
High importance and low performance (weaknesses)
Lower imprtance and high performance (areas that should be reprioritized)
Low importance and low performance (areas that should be monitored for future ajdugemnts )
Quality of care= strength bc of high importance and high performance
Waiting room= minotired for duture ajdugents bc llow performance low importance
A major benefit to this approach is the narrowing of strategic focus
- identify strategic areas
- determine importance weights
- assess performance levels
- plot the importance performance map
within a specific strategic area, what attribites should be the focus of implementation and process improvement
Drill down analysis: done at the attrbute level within a specific strategic area. Link attribites with what your looking at
Only three out of ten attributes mentioned were associated with quality of care: explanation of condition, exam thoroughness and quality of advice
To effectively enhance patient satisfaction within a specific strategic area (e.g., Quality of Care), healthcare organizations should conduct a drill-down analysis. This involves examining individual attributes that contribute to the overall perception of that strategic area
Steo 2: attribute level importance performance analysis →
five point scale measures performance on attributes of quality of care. We should narrow the attributes based on an analysis of performance and importance
The importance weights are combined with the performance information to create an area specific importance performance chart
Y axi: performance of each attribute
X axis: relative importance of each attribute
Rather than work on all ten attributes, the importance performance chart enables a focus on three attributes with the highest importance weights
Explanation of condition has a high importance and high performance
If the interest is to improve the strategic area of quakty of care, may be done by focusing on improving explanation of condition. May train physicians more
Quality of advice and exam thoroughness have a mich lower importance weight and may not be the best levers for improving quality of care
Strategic question 3: what benefits accrue from overall patient satisfcation
Linekd to key outcmes for the org and patient
A patients likelihood to reccomend, switch and complain affect an orgs patient base and its financial health
These intentions should translate into behvaiurs that can help an org expand its current patient base, mantian kits customers and ensure that the patient base is commited to the org
Patient base here is sound → have high overall patient satisfaction and high likelhood to recommend
Patient satisfcation is associated with self reported:
health sattus, satisfaction with health status and quality of life
Measured on a five point scale
All three outcomes were slightly above average
Strategic insight 4: what structural factors affect patient satisfaction
Asscuated with patients age, purpose of visiti
Not associated with patients income or gender
Orgs can manage the different linkages if they understand the structural factors
Benefits of using a patient satisfcation strategy map
Comprehensive and integrated: allows us to simultaneously examine strategic areas, attrbites and outcomes
Narrows srtategic focus: can narrow down. We narrowed down tp quality of care. Then we narrowed our focus from ten attributes to three
Flexible and adaptive : can accommodate changes across org units , revise , create dif importance performance charts for dif pops, geographic segments
Quantifiable and measurable: each linkage is done carefully
Benchmarking: comparing to competitors, subunits, patient segmemts
Dynamic trend analysis: performance should be collected on a rolling basis over time. Monitor trends over time and then can asses changes
Financial and non financial p;anning: links to financial and non financial
Predictive ability: cost of each unit of improvement in overall patient satisfcation, impact of improved overall satisfaction on patient behaviours and outcomes. Hpw mich should be invested
Multiple data sources: surveys, clinical outcomes, employee satisfaction from surveys, revenue metrics, third party surveys. Provides a consistent evidence based approach to strategy which also improves organizational alignment and commitment to the pssm approach