One Last Ride Flashcards
units for farrad
heat of combustion
burning. The less heat it creates, the more stable
relationship between Kw, Ka, and KB
Kw= ka x kb
value of kw
peptide bond formation releases
acetyl group
carbonyl with methyl group
heme is made of ____ which is made of ____ whose structure is
porpyirin, pyrolle
relationship between resistivity and conductivity
resistivity = 1/conductivity
continuity equation
more likely than average to be moody, experience feelings of anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, and envy
emotional arousal/sympathetic stimulation and vision
leads to tunnel vision, peripheral details are lost
somatic symptom disorder
extreme focus on physical symptoms, such as pain or fatigue, that causes major emotional distress and problems functioning. Reaction to symptoms is not normal
panic disorder
sense of impending doom, rapid, pounding heart rate, sweating, trembling, shaking, shortness of breath
REM rebound
when a person is deprived of REM they will have earlier onset of REM and longer duration the next night
3 main components of socioeconomic status
occupation, income, education
internalizing disorder
keep problems to themselves
dichotic listening
presenting two different auditory messages, one to each ear
PET measures
activity of organs
records brain wave patterns (electrical activity)
social facilitation
when people perform better when others are watching (me running)
foot in the door
make small requests so they’ll be more likely to accept bigger ones
door in the face technique
making an outlandish request so a subsequent, milder request is accepted.
correlations require
statistical analysis and significance
tendency to seek out and agree with information that is consistent with ones own self concept
five factor personality model
OCEAN (openness, concientiousness, extraversion, agreableness, neuroticism)
regulation of mood (agression) and appetite. Provides feelings of satiety.
inhibitory neurotransmitter
hidden curriculum
lessons which are learned but not openly intended such as transmission of norms, values, and beliefs. Latent function of school
y linked traits
only affect males
recessive traits
two infected parents would have 100 infected kids
convergent evolution
independent evolution of similar features in species of different lineage, creates analagous structures to help survival in a similar environment
divergent evolution
same common ansestor, accumulate differences
bacteria and post transcriptional modifications
don’t do any
restriction enzymes bind to
imprinted gene
only one copy is expressed. The other is silenced (imprinted)
causes non-specific activation of T cells, used by bacteria and virus as defense mechanism
wavelength of closed closed open open
wavelength of closed open
y= 4L/n
which is more basic? Arg or LYs?
specific activity
enzyme units per mg total protein in solution
programmed cell death caused by capases.
Extrinsic- T lymphocytes activate capases
Intrinsic- Cyt C released from mitochondria activate capases
Formula for Ecell
Ecell=Ered reductant- Ered Oxidant
Hardy Weinburg equations
p + q =1
p^2 + 2pq + q^2 = 1
where does FA synthesis occur?
what enzyme catalyzes FA synthesis?
Fatty acid synthase
What is connected to fatty acid synthase?
Phosphopantethiene (binds next ACoA) and ACP
how are FA chains elongated?
using carbons from acetyl coa
what is the driving force of FA synthesis?
CO2 release which releases energy
what energy is required for FA synthesis?
What is the longest chain fatty acid synthase can make?
16 carbons (palmitate)
what does the carnitine shuttle do?
transfers long chain fatty acids across barrier of inner mitochondrial membrane to be oxidized.
substrates for gluconeogenisis
glycerol, lactate, amino acids (all except leu and lys)
makes glycogen bonds
glycogen synthase
destroys glycogen bonds
glycogen phosphorylase
breaks bonds using Pi
x axis in LB
1/ [S]
y axis in LB
IR alkane
IR alcohol
Z/E meaning
double bond substituent location
naturally occuring amino acids are
RCO2 is a
weak base
order of actions that are appropriate to a familiar situation
adaptive radiation
divergence of one species into multiple over time when sepparated into different environments
decreases blood calcium
parathyroid hormone
increases blood calcium