Mas Flashcards
Average weight of one amino acid
110 daltons
crystalized intelligence
ability to use skills, knowledge, experience. Doesn’t equate to memory, but does rely on accessing information from long-term memory. Would be found in implicit memory
Is the ability to acquire new declarative memory affected by age?
yes, the older you get the harder it is to acquire new declarative memory
social reproduction
reproducing the social inequality across generations
social capital
build-up of reliable, useful social networks
cultural capital
knowledge, behaviors, and skills that demonstrate cultural competence
front stage self
how we behave and act when we have an audience
backstage self
what we do when no one is looking
cultural transmission
process through which cultural elements, in the form of attitudes, values, and behavioral scripts, are passed onto individuals
culture lag
culture takes time to catch up to technological innovations
proximal stimulus
stimulation that actually occurs when sensory receptors are activated- neural activity. Light, heat, touch, sound, etc.
Distal stimulus
actual stimulus or real object in the world that is converted into proximal stimulus.
similarity gestalt principle
things that look alike are more likely to be grouped together
continuity gestalt principle
percieve connected objects and lines as uninterrupted
false memory
innacurate but expressed with extreme confidence
operationally define a variable
create a method in which the variable can be measured, studied, and delivered.
semantic memory
general world knowledge
proactive interference
can’t remember new stuff
retroactive interference
can’t remember old stuff
sensitive/critical period
identifies point in early development that can have significant influence on physiological or behavioral functioning later in life.
incentive theory
how factors OUTSIDE of the individual can motivate. Drive theory centers around factors inside the individual.
interconnected nature of social categorizations like race, class, and gender as they apply to individuals or groups. Create overlapping and interdependent system of discrimination and disadvantage.
looking glass self
our reflection of how we think we appear to others.
average weight of an amino acid
110 daltons
independent variable
varied by the researcher in order to determine effect.
What shows that short term and long term memory are separate systems?
Primacy and recency effect.
Demographic groups
defined by criteria such as education, nationality, religion, ethnicity.
Facial expressions are generally ________, while postures and gestures are not
universally recognized
unconditioned response
unlearned (and untaught) response that occurs naturally in reaction to unconditioned stimulus.
unconscious self-defense mechanism characterized by someone attributing their own problems to another person or object
encoding specificity effect
enhanced memory when testing takes place under the same conditions as learning.
the form of an existing response is gradually changed across successive trials toward a desired target behavior by reinforcing exact segments of behavior
binocular depth cues
visual information taken in by two eyes that enable a sense of depth perception
retinal disparity
each of our eyes see the world from a slightly different angle, allowing depth perception
diathesis stress model
explains a disorder as the result of an interaction between a pre-dispositional vulnerability and a stress caused by life experience.
variable ratio result
leads to tons of responses, no predictable pauses
social stigma
disapproval of a person or group based on perceived social differences
health disparity
preventable differences in the burden of disease, injury, violence, or opportunities for optimum health experienced by socially disadvantaged populations
ethnicity classifies by ______, race by ______
culture, physical characteristics
Reward system found in the
limbic system
Nucleus accumbens, hypothalamus amygdala, fornix
eyes adjusting, or changing an existing schema in order to fit new information
one object covers another so we percieve depth
test measures what it’s supposed to
tool produces stable and consistent results
negative priming
implicit memory effect in which prior exposure to a stimulus unfavorably influences response to the same stimulus. Causes a delay in response time. Marker example.
memory loss, poor judgment, loss of initiative, taking a long time to complete tastks, repeating questions, wandering, losing things
parallel processing.
what colors are the most absorbed?
the color complementary to the one you see
how to figure out complementary colors
visible light spectrum
390-700 nm (purple to red)
draw guanine and adanine
lower Kd means
higher affinity
phosphodiester linkeage
links nucleotides in DNA
RNA in cytosol
is broken down very quickly. Translated and then degraded.
signal sequence domains
leader sequence (located at N terminal)
How do all cells differ?
nuclear factors (transcription factors) that regulate which parts of the identical DNA will be expressed. Give rise to function
principle quantum number
measure of the approximate radial SIZE, not shape, of an electron cloud
synthesized from ssRNA