Oncology Flashcards
lifetime risk of endometrial cancer
preferred initial investigation for ?endo ca
biopsy + TVUSS
most common gynae ca in north america
endometrial ca
endo ca staging: IA
tumor confined to the uterus, <50% myometrial invasion
endo ca staging: IB
tumor confined to uterus, >50% myometrial invasion
endo ca staging: II
cervical stromal invasion but not beyond uterus
endo ca staging: IIIA
tumor invades serosa or adnexa
endo ca staging: IIIB
vaginal and/or parametrical involvement
endo ca staging: IIIC
IIIC1 - pelvic node involvement
IIIC2 - para-aortic nodes and/or pelvic nodes
endo ca staging: IVA
tumor invasion bladder/ and or bowel mucosa
endo ca staging: IVB
distant mets including abdominal, and/or inguinal nodes
80% of all endometrial cancer
Type 1 - endometriod (hormone related)
premenopausal patients endo ca prevalence
- 2-5% will be under age 40
screening for HNPCC
annual endometrial biopsies beginning at age 30 -35, or 5-10 years before the youngest age at which a family member was dx with ca
% of endo ca that is hereditary
HNPCC risk of endometrial ca
10x higher than baseline rate
Risk factors for endo ca
- diabetes
- obesity/physical inactivity
- tamoxifen
- exposure to excess unopposed oestrogen
- Prior pelvic radiation
- estrogen producing ovarian tumors
physical activity: risk reduction in endo ca
concurrent endometrial ca in patients with atypical EH
indications for D&C
- non-diagnostic office biopsy in high risk pt
- benign bx and persistent bleeding
- insufficient material on bx + thickened ET
- office bx unobtainable
false positive and false negative rates for curettage
FP 25%, FN 10%
sensitivity & specificity ET <4mm
sensitivity 98%
specificity 36-68%
risk of cancer in ET <5mm
1% in postmenopausal woman
atypical endometrial cells on pap smear - risk of endo ca
up to 25% will have concurrent endo ca and require further diagnostic measures
pre-op investigation for endo ca
- CBC, Clotting, Electrolytes, Renal panel, LFTs
- Urinalysis
pre-op investigation for endo ca - CT may be helpful?
workup of papillary serous tumors,
or agressive types such as sarcoma
pre-op investigation for endo ca - MRI may be helpful?
in assessment of loco regional extension if clinically suspect.
also accurate in assessing extent of myometrial invasion and cervical invasion
(accuracy 91%)
incidence of endometrial hyperplasia
133/100 000 woman-years
peak ages for EH
EH with atypia subtypes
- atypical hyperplasia
- endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia
progression of EH without atypia to EC
EIN: concomitant EC
up to 60%
AUB in pre-menopausal women: which patterns associated with higher risk of EC
IMB 0.52%
(vs. HMB 0.11%)
indications for pipelle biopsy
- 40+ AUB
- Women not responding to medical rx
- younger women based on RFs
BMI cut off as RF for EH/EC
BMI 30
diagnostic sensitivity of pipelle device for EH and EC
81% EH
91% EC pre-MP,
99.6% EC PMB
blind approaches usually sample less than ___% of endometrial cavity
hyperplasia with atypia associated with which mutations
- microstatellite instability
- PAX2 inactivation
EH without atypia - risk of progression at 20y
EH without atypia - spontaneous regression rates
EH without atypia - regression with oral progestogens
EH without atypia - regression with LNG-IUS
EH without atypia - regression with Depo-Provera
92% at 6 months
treatment of choice for pts with EH without atypia
relapse rate of EH is higher in pts with BMI of ___
35 or greater - should extend follow-up
indications for surgical treatment of EH without atypia
- progression to atypical or carcinoma
- failure of regression at 12 months
- persistent AUB
- decline endometrial surveillance or medical rx
Initial management for EH without atypia
at least 6/12 of progestogens,
with biopsy every 3-6 months
Initial management for EH with atypia, or EIN
total hysterectomy with BSO
risk of EC (higher than stage) I for EH with atypia (ie when counselling for medical management/uterine preservation)
risk of coexisting ovarian cancer for EH with atypia
risk of death with uterine conversation/med management for EH with atypia
conservative treatment options for EH with atypia
- progestogens (PO or local)
- aromatase inhibitors
- GnRH agonists
Trial of 6 months is generally necessary - plateau at 12 months
Regression rates for EH with atypia
Recurrence rates for EH with atypia (medical rx)
endometrial surveillance for EH with atypia
every 3 months until at least 2 negative specimens obtained
after treatment cessation, every 6 months for 2 years and every year thereafter (until RFs corrected or surgical Rx completed)
fertility sparing options for EIN treatment
- oocyte or embryo cryopreservation prior to TLHBSO
- medical rx followed by ART
- hysterectomy with ovarian conservation and surrogate use
live birth rate associated with conservative management of EIN approximates?
Pregnancy is associated with a lower chance of disease recurrence
Surgical management for EH - who can keep their ovaries?
EH without atypia if <45yo
(but offer salpingectomy)
background risk/rate of EH if EH found in polyp
up to 52% of cases
risk of concurrent endometrial ca in patients found to have an atypical endometrial polyp
incidence of ovarian cancer
9-17/100 000
proportion of ovarian cancer that is hereditary
peak incidence of ovarian cancer
> 60y
lifetime risk of ovarian cancer
Stage 1A ovarian cancer
confined to ovaries:
1 tube or ovary affected
no tumor on ovarian or fallopian tube surface; no malignant cells in the ascites or peritoneal washings
Stage 1B ovarian cancer
confined to ovaries
2 tubes or ovaries
no tumor on ovarian or fallopian tube surface; no malignant cells in the ascites or peritoneal washings
Stage 1C1 ovarian cancer
Tumor limited to 1 or both ovaries or fallopian tubes, with:
Surgical spill
Stage 1C2 ovarian cancer
Tumor limited to 1 or both ovaries or fallopian tubes, with:
Capsule ruptured before surgery or tumor on ovarian or fallopian tube surface
Stage 1C3 ovarian cancer
Tumor limited to 1 or both ovaries or fallopian tubes, with:
Malignant cells in the ascites or peritoneal washings
Stage 1 ovarian cancer
Tumor confined to ovaries or fallopian tube(s)
Stage 2 ovarian cancer
Tumor involves 1 or both ovaries or fallopian tubes with pelvic extension (below pelvic brim) or peritoneal cancer
Stage 2A ovarian cancer
spread to gynae organs
Stage 2B ovarian cancer
extension to bladder or colon
stage 3 ovarian cancer
Tumor involves 1 or both ovaries or fallopian tubes, or peritoneal cancer, with cytologically or histologically confirmed spread to the peritoneum outside the pelvis and/or metastasis to the retroperitoneal lymph nodes