Obs: Labour/Delivery Flashcards
EMCS or ELCS abx prophylaxis
Cefazolin 1-2g IV single stat dose, 15-60 min pre skin incision
EMCS or ELCS abx prophylaxis if pen allergic
Clindamycin 600mg IV, or
Erythromycin 500mg
OASIS: abx prophylaxis
Cefotetan or Cefoxitin 1g IV
two factors influencing duration of first stage
mat age >35
and BMI >=30
rate of adequate progress for low risk nullip
> =0.5cm/h
single most important factor in labour management
diagnosis of ACTIVE phase of labour
regular, painful uterine contractions resulting in progressive cervical effacement and dilation
> 90% of women with NVD progressed at what rate?
> =1cm/hr after 5cm
maternal factors affecting labour
- power (contractions + effort)
- passage (bony structure + soft tissue)
- psyche (pain + anxiety)
Fetal factors affecting labour
1) position
2) attitude
3) size
4) abnormalities
how to calculate MVU
sum of pressure above baseline multiplied by # of contractions
features of good contractions
- 50-60mmHG above baseline
or - > =200 MVU
every 5y delay in mat age after 35, increases duration of labour by
mechanism/interaction of excessive pain on contractions
pain increases catecholamines, which reduced uterine contractility, which can increase anxiety, which further increases catecholamines
key points for management of active first stage
1) partogram
2) ambulation, position changes
3) choice to E/D
4) continuous labour support
5) ARM
6) analgesia
analgesia options for first stage of albour
2) water immersion
3) sterile water injections
4) entonox
5) opioids
6) local blocks
7) epidural
effect of TENS in labour
reduced pain reporting but no difference in pain scores
effect of water immersion in labour
significant reduced use of regional, and reduced duration of first stage
effect of sterile water injections in labour
reduced pain and CS rate but minimal evidence;
not effective for low back pain
preferred opioids for labour analgesia
morphine and fentanyl
lidocaine dose
4-5mg/kg (max 300)
or 7mg/kg with epinephrine (max 500)
bupivicaine dose
2.5mg/kg (max 175)
or 3mg/kg with epinephrine (max 225)
epidural increases risks of
- hypotension
- motor blockade
- pyrexia
- urinary retention
- prolonged second stage
- oxytocin administation
- C/S fetal distress
Dystocia diagnosis first stage
no change/2h
dystocia diagnosis second stage
> =1h active pushing without descent
preferred position for second stage
upright»_space; recumbent
delayed pushing for up to
maximum of 2h
second stage assessment
(When and what)
hourly reassessment of progress in descent and rotation
valsalva decreases second stage by