Oncology Flashcards
the cell cycle
G0 - cell is at rest
G1 - cell enters cell cycle, prepare for DNA replication, proto-oncogenes are activated
S - synthesis of structure and move to opposite poles; nuclear membranes develop around the separate sets of 23 pairs
G2 - cells prepare to divide
M - mitosis is completed and 2 daughter cells are created
cancer cells
No checkpoints - no DNA errors recognized, no apoptosis
disregard growth inhibitors of neighboring cells
they accumulate on top, around, and beside each other, crowding out, taking over normal cells and may break free and travel elsewhere
why does tumor development become easier as we age
strength of immune system decreases
a cancer cell that looks and functions like a normal cell
indicates total cellular disorganization, abnormal cell appearance, & cell dysfunction
cancer cells break all these characteristics of normal cells
Contact inhibition Cohesiveness - "I'm out of here" Communication - little to none Proliferation control Proliferation rate "Self" HLA antigens
TNM system of staging cancer
T - tumor size, location, involvement
N - lymph node involvement
M - metastasis
Tumor size & location
T0 - no evidence of primary tumor
TIS - tumor in situ
T1-4 - progressive increase in size or involvement
Spread to nodes
N0 - no spread to regional lymph nodes
N1 - spread to closest or small number of regional lymph nodes
N2 - spread to most distant or numerous regional lymph nodes
M0 - none
M1 - Yes
four stages of carcinogenesis
initiation - alteration of genes that arise spontaneously
promotion - actively proliferating cells accumulate → reversible
progression - cells undergo further mutation → tend to be more invasive w/ metastatic potential
tumor suppression genes
these are the brakes
if these become inactivated, cells proliferate because there are no brakes
these are mutated proto-oncogenes
gas pedal
growth signal on permanently, gas pedal is stuck
p53 gene
tumor suppression gene in cells that controls cellular apoptosis (natural death of cells with damaged DNA)
help the mutated gene proliferate
- diet (high fat)
- tobacco
- hormones (long-term exposure to estrogen)
viral induced cancer
MOA- always involve the activation of growth-promoting pathways or inhibition of tumor suppressors in infected cells
cancer cells secrete ________________, a substance that gives them the capability to develop new blood vessels (angiogenesis)
vascular endothelial growth factor
cancer spread
seeding - tumor erodes & sheds into body cavities
implantation - direct expansion of tumor into adjoining tissue
metastasis - lymphatic & vascular
Common secondary site
liver bc the way the blood flows
lung cancer metastasizes to
bone - pain
brain - change in balance
colon cancer metastasizes to
liver - develop bleeding problems; ↑ liver enzymes
breast cancer metastasizes to
lung - coughing, hemoptysis
prostate cancer metastasizes to
vertebrae - back pain
melanoma metastasizes to
lung cancer
leading cause of cancer-related deaths (men & women) 70% present with advanced, or mets early diagnosis key to treatment most often > 65 yo blacks more often affected