Oncogenes and Tumor-suppressors Flashcards
Which oncogenes are growth factors?
Which oncogenes are growth factor receptors?
c-kit, Her2-neu/C-ERBB2,RET
Which oncogenes are signal transducers?
Which oncogenes are nuclear regulators?
c-Myc, L-myc, N-myc
Which oncogenes are cell cycle regulators?
Which oncogenes are anti-apoptotic molecules?
What is the definition of an oncogene?
Gain of function increases cancer risk.
Do oncogenes require 1 or both alleles to be damaged for expression of disease?
What is PDGFB?
Oncogene: Growth factor. Overexpression causes autocrine loop.
What is the associated tumor w/ PDGFB?
What is c-kit and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Growth factor receptor.
Gene product: cytokine receptor (Stem cell growth factor receptor)
What is the mechanism of c-kit dysfunction?
Point mutation
What is the associated tumor w/ c-kit?
Gastrointestinal stromal tumor
What is Her2-neu/ERBB2 and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Growth factor receptor.
Gene product: Tyrosine kinase
What is the mechanism of Her2-neu/ERBB2 dysfunction?
What is the associated tumor w/ Her2-neu/ERBB2?
Breast, ovarian, gastric carcinomas
What is RET and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Growth factor receptor (neural)
Gene product: Tyrosine kinase
What is the mechanism of RET dysfunction?
Point mutation
What is the associated tumor w/ RET?
MEN2A and 2B, and sporadic medullary carcinoma of thryoid
What is ABL and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Signal transducer
Gene product: Tyrosine kinase
What is the mechanism of ABL dysfunction?
t(9,22) with BCR
What is the associated tumor w/ ABL?
CML and some types of ALL
What is BRAF and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Signal transducer
Gene product: serine/threonine kinase
What is the associated tumor w/ BRAF?
Melanoma, non-hodkin’s lymphoma
What is RAS and associated gene product?
Oncogene: signal transducer
Gene product: GTPase/GTP-binding protein - from cell membrane to nucleus
What is the mechanism of RAS dysfunction?
Point mutation
What is the associated tumor w/ RAS?
Colon cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer (70-80% of human tumors!). Melanoma and lymphoma as well.
What is c-Myc and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Nuclear Regulator
Gene product: Transcription factor
What is the mechanism of c-Myc dysfunction?
t(8,14); 14 = IgH (heavy chain) –> constituitively expressed
What is the associated tumor w/ cmyc?
Burkitt lymphoma
What is L-Myc and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Nuclear Regulator
Gene product: Transcription factor
What is the mechanism of L-Myc dysfunction?
What is the associated tumor w/ L-Myc?
Lung tumor (small cell)
What is N-Myc and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Nuclear Regulator
Gene product: Transcription factor
What is the mechanism of N-Myc dysfunction?
What is the associated tumor w/ N-Myc?
What is CCND1 and associated gene product?
Oncogene: Cell cycle regulator
Gene product: Cyclin (G1–> S phase)
What is the mechanism of CCND1 dysfunction?
t(11,14) involving IgH
What is the associated tumor w/ CCND1?
Mantle cell lymphoma
What is CDK4 and its gene product?
Oncogene: Cell cycle regulator
Gene product: Cyclin-dependent kinase
What is the mechanism of CDK4 dysfunction?
What is the associated tumor w/ CDK4?
What is APC and its gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene.
Gene product: Negative regular that controls beta-catenin concentrations and interacts w/ E-cadherin
What is the associated tumor w/ APC?
Colorectal cancer ( FAP )
What is BRCA1/2 and its gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: DNA repair protein
What is the associated tumor with BRCA1/2?
Breast and ovarian cancer
What is DCC and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: ?
What is the associated tumor w/ DCC?
Colon Cancer. (Deleted in Colon Cancer - DCC)
What is DPC4/SMAD4 and associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: ?
What is the associated tumor w/ DPC4/SMAD4?
Pancreatic cancer
What is MEN1 and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: Menin
What is the associated tumor w/ MEN1?
MEN1 syndrome
What is NF1 and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: Ras GTPase activating protein (neurofibromin)
What is the associated tumor w/ NF1?
Neurofibromatosis type 1
What is NF2 and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: Merlin (schwannomin) protein
What is the associated tumor w/ NF2?
Neurofibromatosis type 2
What is p16 and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: Cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A
What is the associated tumor w/ p16?
What is PTEN and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: PTEN protein acts as a phosphatase to dephosphorylate (PtdIns (3,4,5)P3 or PIP3); inhibts AKT signaling pathway
What is the associated tumor w/ PTEN?
Breast cancer, prostate cancer, endometrial
What is Rb and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Inhibits E2F; blocks G1 –> S phase
What is the associated tumor w/ Rb?
Retinoblastoma, osteosarcoma
What is TSC1 and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: Hamartin protein
What is the associated tumor w/ TSC1?
Tuberous sclerosis
What is TSC2 and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: Tuberin protein
What is the associated tumor w/ TSC2?
Tuberous sclerosis
What is VHL and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Inhibits hypoxia inducible factor 1a
What is the associated tumor w/ VHL?
von Hippel-Lindau disease, renal cell
What is WT1/WT2 and its associated gene product?
Tumor suppressor gene
Gene product: something to do w/ embryonic development and zinc fingers
What is the associated tumor w/ WT1?
Wilms Tumor (nephroblastoma)