On test Flashcards
What does the RESPECTFUL model stand for?
Religion/spirituality Economic/social class Sexual orientation and gender identity/gender expression Personal style/education Ethnic/racial identity Chronical/lifespan status and challenges Trauma/crisis Family background and history Unique physical characteristics Location of residence/language differences
Danso Chart: (6)
ASASCH Cultural awareness Cultural sensitivity Cultural appropriateness Cultural safety Cultural competence Cultural humility
What is Cultural awareness
Someone’s cultural awareness is their understanding of the differences between themselves and people from other countries or other backgrounds
What is Cultural sensitivity
- Ability to embrace cultural differences
Acknowledge that someone’s group membership does not determine individual behaviours
What is Cultural appropriateness
- ensure services reflect local traditions and suit cultural context
Acknowledge minorities historical experiences of oppression
What is Cultural safety
- Clients feel comfortable in environment
- Treat people with dignity and respect
- Validate and include indigenous epistemologies in working relationships
- Empower clients by including them
Embrace differences
What is Cultural competence
Develop one’s awareness of cultural values/beliefs/biases
What is Cultural humility 3
- Understand self and other
- Recognize ones cultural misconceptions
- Challenge power differentials in working relationships and organizations
Develop an attitude of not knowing and learn from the client
Cultural Humility 3 Principles to follow:
- Committing one’s self to an ONGOING process of compassionate SELF AWARENESS and INQUIRY, supported by a community of trusted and cognitively diverse COLLEGUES
- Being OPEN AND TEACHABLE, striving to see cultures as our clients see them, rather than as we have come to know or define them
- Continually considering the SOCIAL SYSTEMS.- and their attendant assignations of POWER AND PRIVILEGE - that have helped SHAPE REALITY as both we and our clients experience it.
What are the 4 attending behaviours?
Visual/eye contact
Vocal qualities
Verbal tracking
Body language
The iceberg of what you see from the client: (4)
- Behaviours (tip of iceberg) - observation / attending / explore coping skills
- Thoughts - paraphrasing
- Emotions/feelings - reflecting
- Meaning - belief / values
What are the three types of empathetic feedback?
What is positive feedback?
Helps clients discover their strengths, assets, capacities and resources
When might it be necessary to give negative feedback?
- When client is unwilling to hear corrective feedback
In cases of abusive behaviour, negative feedback including the negative consequences the client’s actions can bring
When/how to use corrective feedback?
- Balance of negative feedback and positive suggests for the future
Focus on behaviours that may be hurting the client or hindering their growth