OMA Flashcards
Actions for ECAM on an autoland
Level 1 - Continue
Level 2 complete ECAM by 1000ft otherwise go/around
Level 3 – Land if you consider this to be the safest course of action (Go-Around is normal action.)
At what level is the FMGC alternate cruise level planned?
Predictions based on cruise at FL220 if airway distance <200nm
FL310 if airway distance >200nm
WX/Temp as entered, CI=0, a/c weight at destination.
At what speed/level is the cruise level calculated on the OFP?
According to the CI and wind/weight
Can a Pax carry musical instruments on the a/c?
Yes, seat must be purchased for item if unable to be placed in overhead locker. Centre of Mass = 30cm above top of seat cushion. One small extra item of hand luggage allowed.
Can we carry deportees? Can you deny them?
Yes, escorted to a/c, SCCM to retain documents, Capt to be informed. Commander may refuse.
Category A, B, C airports, where to find them in the books, what’s the definition.
Part A – Aerodrome Categories
Category A – Non-complex can be treated as routine
Category B – Complexity requiring special briefing
(eg Audio Visual Brief or Airfield Brief in Airfield Briefing Supplement)
Category B Restricted – Complexity & threat levels requiring specified restrictions but not requiring an Bob B
aerodrome visit or special training.) Category C – Special crew qualification required (aerodrome visit or special training.)t. ?b. B
Define Code RED and AMBER bomb warnings and what would be our actions.
Bomb Threat
RED – Credible, specific threat requiring immediate action (Diversion / Disembarkation)
AMBER – On ground only, doubtful credibility, prudent to take precautionary measures (Search Cabin)
GREEN - Non credible – no action
OMA 10.7.2 contains advice as per when the threat is received e.g. on stand, taxi or airborne.
If a message discovered in flight, confirm cabin crew security check was completed.
Contact OCC for advice (if no contact, consider classifying as a green threat).
RED warning on stand: disembark all pax and crew with all hand baggage.
Give ‘security problem’ as reason. Avoid using slides if possible.
RED warning taxiing: advise airfield and pax of ‘security problem’. Request remote parking and immediate provision of steps. Advise of need to remove pax >200m upwind of a/c. Use slides if no stairs available (evac drill).
RED warning in flight: if climbing, level off and stop cabin climbing. Declare an emergency and divert immediately. Consult QRH. PA should indicate a threat to the airline not this flight, probably a hoax but must be taken seriously. Chance of a search is unlikely, since should be on ground within 15-20 mins.
Define FUEL and COMERCIAL alternates? + When will the commercial alt be planned as primary instead of the shorter fuel alt?
If a diversion is likely, load additional fuel to reach the commercial alternate
Likely if: CBs, close to minima, x-wind close to limits, FZRA/DZ & SN removal
Define the ‘approach ban’
The approach may not be continued below 1000ft aal if the reported RVR is below the applicable minimum.
After passing 1000ft, if RVR drops below the applicable minimum, the approach may be continued.
The approach may not be continued below 1000ft aal if the reported RVR is below the applicable minimum.
After passing 1000ft, if RVR drops below the applicable minimum, the approach may be continued.
A precautionary landing is one where under normal circumstances there will be no requirement for the Cabin Crew to evacuate the passengers after landing.
Forced landing or Ditching. If pre-planned cabin crew can prepare pax & the cabin.
Different question on fuel policies: Caution, EMGCY phases –what to do when.
If ‘may’ land below Final Reserve – PAN call
If ‘will’ land below Final Reserve – MAYDAY call
FCOM. How many chapters and what’s in them?
How many lights do you see on CAT2 / 3 approach?
CAT II. 3 consecutive lights. 1 lateral element (Because you may be required to land manually.)
CAT IIIA. 3 consecutive lights
CAT IIIB (No DH). No visual ref required for CAT IIIB (NO DH) operations
How does the SRS work? (Both the 1 & 2 Engine Cases)
SRS – will engage if: Takeoff case: V2 entered Slats extended a/c been on ground for > 30secs SRS maintains V2 + 10kts If OEI maintains highest of V2 or current speed (max V2 + 15kts) SRS limits pitch to +18º or +22.5ºif windshear
Go-around case: Maintains current speed or Vapp whichever is higher.
Limited to; VLS+25kts, or in OEI case VLS+15kts
Must have flap lever set to min Config 1 and TOGA selected on at least one thrust lever.
How is the fact that you have self-briefed for an airport recorded?
Commanders signature on the OFP
How many Cabin Crew are required to board?
One down i.e. 3 minimum but the SCCM has to be there – max 50 pax per crew member
Not during refueling where all 4 are needed. No reduction on 150 config A319 a/c
How much clearance within 5nm of track must be maintained from cruising altitude to an airport where a landing can be made with OEI?
How much vertical clearance is provided with a MORA when the obstacle is above 5000ft AMSL
If down route it looks like you’ll be short on fuel what options do you have?
Consider: Taxi fuel reduction, Trip fuel reduction – 4kg/nm
3% contingency (min 5 mins) using an ERA, Selecting no alternate if possible
Is there a temperature correction for MSA’s
Yes, use altitude correction table in this section
Is there a wind correction for MSA’s
No. But there is a correction for MOCA/MORA if operating within 20nm or 2,000ft above terrain
List the company manuals
Company Manuals
OMA – General & Basic
OMDF - Airbus Training : Flight Crew
CSPM – Cabin Safety & Procedures Manual
Airbus Manuals OMB – Aircraft Specific A320 FCOM MEL FCTM QRH CDL
Pilot incapacitation, what’s the exact definition in the book and what do you do if Pilot next to you doesn’t talk anymore
Any condition affecting the physical or mental health of a crew member during the performance of his duties which renders him incapable of performing those duties
1. Take control if not PF
2. If life threatening – “Senior Cabin Crew to the flight deck”,
If not life threatening – call via call bell.
3. Declare an emergency & proceed to nearest suitable airfield
SCCM will ask permission to move seat back, lock seatbelts and administer first aid.
Precautionary landing. What does the Cabin Crew do?
Prepare Cabin, mental note of ABP’s, no pax briefing, take seats & take up landing positions, complete a 30 second review, after landing remain seated and await further instructions.
RVSM – what are the requirements?
Airspace from FL290-FL410 2 ADR + 2 DMC 2 PFDs (for altimeters) 1 Autopilot 1 FWC (for altitude alerting) 1 transponder 1 FCU channel (for altitude target selection & mode engagement)
Take off minima for a non CAT3 qualified crew
150m(States on Jepp Plates “Approved Operators” next to the 125m T/O Minima)
TCAS, what is the maximum rate recommended when reaching altitude and as from when do you take it?
1500ft/min-2000ft before
Temperature corrections must be applied to:
DA and MDA (except VNAV with temp limit)
NPA to minimum altitudes after passing FAF
May be necessary to apply corrections to EO acceleration altitude
What is roughly the limit between ALT1 and ALT2 and ISIS
±200 ft on the primary altimeters before entering & whilst operating within RVSM airspace
In-flight check (FCOM.PRO-SUP-34 Flight Instrument Tolerances)
ADR 1 & 2 (on PFD) ISIS GND CHECK. 20 ft 100 ft FL300. 130 ft 390 ft FL390. 130 ft 445 ft Ground Check:PFD Alts should be within 25 feet of elevation.
What are the requirements for an alternate? When do we need 2?
What fuel is required if 2?
Alternate to be above planning minima, i.e. one level up (ETA ±1hr)
2 alternates required in destination is below minima, no wx available or landing performance is not assured if relying on a specific wind or runway state.
What is the difference between deploying the RAT on the EMER ELEC PWR panel and HYD panel?
HYD: RAT is deployed to pressurize the blue system (2500psi), emergency generator is not activated.
ELEC: RAT deployed and powers the emergency generator.
What is the minimum age for an unaccompanied minor?
14 years old. (NB ALO can exceptionally lower this age) (If in a group 1 adult 16+ per 10 minors<14)
What is the order of priority of the company manuals
- OFP Company NOTAMs & Crew Alerts
- OEBs
- Company Operations Manuals
What net flight path gradient must be achieved 1000ft above all obstacles within 5nm of intended track, with OEI
What powers the AC ESS BUS?
AC BUS1 or AC BUS2 via the ESS FEED PB (lights up white ALTN if AC BUS 2 powering), most of the fleet now have auto switching
When can we fly below CNR?
Landing Assured if in the judgement of the Flight Crew, it could be completed in the event of any forecast deterioration in the weather and plausible single failures of the ground and/or airborne facilities. E.g. CAT II/III to CAT I
When do we have to wear the full harness in flight?
Seat Belt signs ON, if the other pilot is absent and in turbulent conditions
When do we not need a destination alternate?
Flight <6hrs, two separate runways available (Two separate navaids)
Weather ETA ± 1 hour; >5,000m visibility, +2,000ft cloud ceiling, or circling MDA +500 feet, if greater.Carry 15 minutes addition fuel (IAW Alternate Fuel Planning Procedures.)
When does the PTU operate
Difference greater than 500 psi between systems
Where can we find info on Flight Time Limitations?
OMA Chapter 7
Where can we find info on Dangerous goods?
OMA & CSPM, chapter 9 in both manuals
Where can you find info on slush vs. wet runway?
EFB Runway Condition Determinator FCOM.PER-TOF-CTA Runway Contamination & QRH.CW.11. Contaminated Runway Ops
Which category of airport requires a self-brief
Which category of airport requires a visit as part of an operating crew or simulator training
Whose decision is discretion and how much can we do?
Ultimately The Commanders, take into account circumstances of crew, satisfied that flight can be made safely.
Max discretion = 2 hours extended to 3 hours on final sector of the day.
You’re down-route with no engineers available,
Which failures can you sign off & release as a captain?
Commander may perform limited tasks, CONTACT MOC!!!
Procedure is detailed in the MEL – Flight Crew Authorisation Procedure.
Examples include, CB reset, Tire inspection, No special tools should be required.
“For Info” Entry: e.g., Bird Strike inspection providing not hit within 1m of key area such as engine/radome, pitot heads, static ports…