OM 1 Flashcards
Operations Manual Bulletin issued
- To Portable EFB
- Forest
- Paper Medium
General Duties
- assigned duties as PF and PM
- captain ensures adherence to checklist and SOPs
- follow decarbonisation procedures
- prohibition of anything that affect safety of flight
- communication with ATC, company, observe ATC instructions
Seat belt and shoulder harnesses required to be worn?
- Seat belt fastened at all times when in seat
- shoulder harness worn during during takeoff and landing or whenever captain orders to wear
Seat belt sign on (for PAX and CA)
- towing and pushback (Ca can conduct their duties)
- taxi (Ca can conduct their duties)
- takeoff and landing
- turbulence affecting safety
- captain deems necessary
seat belts on - What are CA duties?
- minimal safety measures
- sit down to designated seats ie available seats immediately
- if on for turbulence make safety PA to fasten seat belts and not to use lavatory
- after seat belts off if Purser seems not safe because of turbulence report to Capt
Crew Rest facility Usage ?
- curtain open for takeoff and landing
- seat belt sign on must fasten seat belts
- seat belts on while sleeping
- must be trained on how to use
Prior to flight - collection of information required
- Weather
- Information on aircraft (ie maintenance)
- Information on crew and PAX
- Cargo including DGs
- Any other info relevant to operational flight plan
- Enroute info and conflict zones
Reporting for Duty
- report by show uptime (1:30 mins) before departure
- report to scheduler if unfit or unable to fulfil duties
- mental, fatigue, physical check before show up (captain exchange words to confirm)
- alcohol check completed
Operational Flight Plan approval process ?
- ground personnel/ dispatcher provide operational flight plan (approved) to show captain (checks its consistent with ATS FLT PLN)
- captain shall approve after reviewing all information including weather and NOTAMs (consult dispatcher if needed)
- must be completed / approved by both and submitted to ATC no later than 30 mins before departure
- ground personnel report allowable cabin load and fuel load
- captain approves via IPOBS or writing / editing signing name on DRM
- approval only after show up (after alcohol check)
- approval required at offline airport (ie diversion) can be done via ACARS
Hand carry items
- Operational FLT PLN or DRM
- ATS FLT PLN copy
Confirmation of Aircraft Condition shipside ?
- maintenance condition
- journey + radio log ( including MEL / CDL log
- aircraft exterior check
- devices and equipment onboard
- security check
- documents to be carried
- once checked all items and accept - sign “checked by” journey log
Crew Briefing items?
- outline of flight (airports, route flown, weather Enroute)
- allocation of emergency equipment and their usage
- duty assignment of each crew member if emergency
- precautionary measures against hijack
- duty assignment if other than normal crew numbers
- type quantity of radio active materials
- extent of manoeuvre if check and training
- procedures if copilot manipulates controls
Must no complete until cabin crew completed alcohol check
Checks before PAX boarding ?
- PAX requiring special assistance ( WCHC etc)
- allow boarding once all preflight checks complete (inc security check)
Checking Weight + Balance data ?
- check using load system
- if load system N/A - completed by load controller or pilots
- captain and load controller both check the data
Checks prior to departure ?
- All PAX boarded correctly and seated (confirmation by CA)
- dangerous goods have been loaded in accordance with NOTOC
- All exterior doors closed and locked
- All obstacles removed except ones required for pushback / Eng start
Taxiing requirements?
- avoid jet blast buildings, ground equipment and persons
- be observant of all obstacles and ground equipment/ personnel
- avoid abrupt braking for safety and pax comfort
- keep safe distance from other aircraft
- ask for marshaller or wing walkers if concerned
When to request a runway inspection?
Whenever PIC deems runway unsuitable for takeoff due to snow or standing water
Cruising Speed different to flight plan. When to report?
Cruising speed > +/- 5% from planned - notify ATC (non radar only)
> M0.02 oceanic (notam)
Use of Oxygen Masks by crew members
O2 masks ready for immediate use operating > FL250
If 1 pilot leaves his seat > FL250 the other must don O2 mask
1 pilot shall wear O2 mask when operating > FL410
Not required during COVID
When do we monitor 121.5?
Shall monitor to the maximum extent possible except under unavoidable circumstances
Captain shall monitor weather Enroute for ?
Destination, destination alternate, Enroute alternate (s )
OM approach and landing captain criteria ?
1.Conduct approach briefing in accordance with AOM
2. Notify cabin crew Of arrival time
3. Comply with company minima requirements
4. Approach shall not continue < 1000ft unless satisfied RWY surface condition information and aircraft condition / performance ensures safe landing can be made
5. No RWY challenge be used unless within limitations (crosswind / tailwind)
(Can request RWY inspection if thinks RWY not suitable due snow or standing water)
6. Follow noise abatement procedures
7. Landing with touch down point and speed in mind with continuous rate of descent in VNAV (if possible)
When are you required to report braking action via AIR REP?
When RWY braking action was not as good as reported
Captain to adhere to what legal requirements on approach / LDG?
- Approach briefing (AOM)
- Inform cabin crew of arrival time
- Comply with company minima
- Don’t descend below 1000ft unless satisfied RWY surface condition and airplane performance condition suitable for safe landing
- RWY within limitations ( wind)
- Landing touchdown and speed suitable
- Instrument approach amd continuous descent via VNAV when available
- Comply with noise abatement
When to request RWY inspection?
Whenever captain is concerned about snow condition or standing water for landing (ie considered not suitable for safe landing)
Passenger disembarkation
Shall, Turn seatbelt sign off only after come to complete stop at the final parking position and no impediment to passengers in cabin to deplane
Notifications to maintenance post flight
Enter journey log any necessary matters regarding airplane condition
Anything abnormal - notify maintenance in person
Check contents journey log and sign
Captain debriefing
Notify ground personnel turbulence and weather information on route, items falling under captain report or air safety report (radio or telephone ok)
Pre flight security check
Exterior - no suspicious on / in aircraft
Cabin check (complete by flight crew if ferry)
Cockpit, crew rest
(Must check again if all crew leave cockpit )
Documents required by law (aircraft)
7 paper documents + 5 electronic (EFB)
- Registration Certificate
- Airworthiness Certificate
- Operating limitations
- Radio station license + Earth station license (satcom)
- Emergency documents
(Document holder)
- Journey Radio log (including MEL/CDL log)
1. AOM
2. Operations policy manual VOL 2
3. MEL CDL Manual
4. OM with OM bulletin
5. Route Manual
At least one copy required and available on at least one EFB at time of departure
If failure of EFB paper copy must be carried.
Documents required by other countries or ICAO (aircraft)
1 x paper and 6 x EFB
- AOC (paper in locked document file but also EFB for ramp checks)
EFB: (smart catalog - “AIRCRAFT DOCUMENTS”
1. Civil Aircraft Landing Permit (USAF airports)
2. Emergency response guide for DGs (US airports)
3. Foreign AOC for Vietnam (VIetnam only)
4. Insurance Certificate
5. Operations Specifications
6. Noise Documents (Smart catalog - AOM)
If failure EFB for ramp check can request from ground staff / operations
Paper documents required by the company?
Technical Document file (for operational convenience (can be missing but should be replaced at airport that is suitable to replace). Can refer to OM if info missing
Company EFB required apps / documents ?
Boeing OPT (can refer to AOM if needed or info from ground personnel as alternative)
Procedure for checking document certification holder?
Documents required and fuel carnet cards stored in locked (787code) by maintenance
Captain to check if seal is intact or broken before flight (report to maintenance)
Can depart if seal broken as long as required documents are properly checked to be onboard and in holder (if missing report to flight safety promotion)
Prevention of injuries from turbulence?
- Captain and crew should have same recognition of meaning of seat belt sign
- when SB signed turned on all pax and crew shall immediately sit down (after minimum safety check)
- no one shall leave their seat without captain permission
- brief if turbulence forecast or expected (time, duration, level)
- CA must make PA to ensure pax wearing seat belt and all sitting
- use inter phone to update CA during flight for mutual understanding
- captain to make announcement regarding turbulence (if forecast or expected)
- gather data at preflight briefing to establish areas of treat
- report to ground personnel after landing
Critical Phase ?
Block out to 5 mins after takeoff
10 minutes before landing to block in ( or when CA given 4 chimes )
Sterile cockpit rule?
- During critical phase
- except for emergency or safety concerns - minimal contact to flight deck
- SB sign on
- use of headsets until > transition or not in critical phase
- no seat change < 10,000ft
- keep non operational chat to minimal in flight deck
Company TCAS procedures?
- Always TA/RA unless engine fail and can’t manoeuvre if RA occurs
- TA = do not manoeuvre unless collision exists and visual (outside watch and confirm on TCAS display
- RA = respond immediately and follow it (unless doing so would jeopardise safety)
- notify ATC asap
- return to cleared level and file report after flight
*** stall warning, alerts and GPWS have precedence over RA
Procedure with flight without cabin crew preflight ?
Comply with AOM “clarification of cabin crew inspection items on flights without cabin attendants “
Captain must brief people in cabin about: (if pax not familiar with aircraft )
- no smoking
- use of seat belts and SB sign
- location O2 mask and life jacket and use
- baggage stowage
- emergency equipment and exits
- discuss communication methods for cabin secure, aircraft movement, medical, abnormal situations and emergency (can designate person to be in charge of cabin)
Inflight procedure with no cabin crew but pax in cabin ?
Notifications to people in cabin:
- 4 chimes 1 min before takeoff
- TOD time including landing
- 4 chime 10 mins before landing to ensure, galley secure, SB sign on and people seated.
- PA to information on turbulence
- designate duties if emergency
Observance of ATC instructions?
- follow ICAO standard phraseology and procedures (country specific )
- clear concise wording
- caution to similar call sign
- mutual confirmation of clearance recheck if uncertainty
Items to be reported to operations inflight via (radio or ACARS)
- emergency or distress or witness such event
- near collision
- unreliable navigation facility’s
- anything else warranted to report
Cabin Items to be reported to operations inflight via (radio or ACARS)
1 injury or possible injury from turbulence
2 infectious diseases
3 sudden illness (including from insects / animals)
4. Food poisoning or multiple people from meals onboard
5. Sound, smell, smoke to lead to pax anxiety or cabin emergency
6 finding restricted card on items
7. Request for police
8. Human trafficking (HT code only into japan)
CA fill out CA info sheet (CAIS) or Quarantine report sheet QRS
Can Someone (not pilot) take flight control seat ?
No but exemption in emergency if deemed necessary or maintenance personnel on ground.
Cabin ready signal need by?
Before entering active runway (unless backtracking or ATC approval to enter and line yo when not ready )
Chief purser will notify cockpit if delayed expected (taxi time know from briefing)
Notes for Jumpseat users (J/S) -( if not familiar)
- Use of seat belt and seat belt sign
- No smoking
- Emergency exits (and procedure Ie hatch, foot hold and harness
- Life jackets and emergency equipment
- O2 masks
- Hijacking procedures
Even if familiar:
- Inform must wear seat belt whole flight (harness takeoff landing and when required)
- Inform on any emergency situation
When to monitor 121.5?
All aircraft are required to have working ELT and monitor 121.5 unless in “unavoidable situations”
Monitor for contingency of ATC failure on primary comms
“Unavoidable situations” - carrying out comms on other channels, cockpit duties don’t permit simultaneous guarding of 2 channels or MEL etc on a comm.
Actions when pilot leaves cockpit ?
- brief about timing and try when low workload
- pass all duties to other pilot
- CA to enter cockpit (2 in flight deck)
- both pilots mutually confirm door switch and entry procedure
- O2 mask worn for remaining pilot at controls
- AP/ATHR on prioritize tasks
- visual identification from camera or door scope before after code / knock entry
- visually check door switch before operating
- CA can block / help open door
- back seated share info on flight
What is CRM?
Ensure safe and efficient operation using all available resources as a crew or team:
RADAR (decision making model)
TEM (threat error management)
Crew coordination
Verbal communication
What is RADAR?
RADAR (decision making model)
R - Recognize
A - Analyze
D - Develop + Decide
A - Action
R - Review
Prevention of RWY incursions + taxi route deviations?
- Brief taxi route including hotspots, low vis taxi (confirm NOTAM for closures etc)
- maintain situational awareness
- monitor ATC and clarify if uncertain
- confirm route same as CDU (ie SID/RWY change)
- use exterior lights
- confirm all visual indicators (taxiway markings / signs ND map guidance)
- low VIS only taxi avoid other tasks (do at holding point)
- confirm RWY cross clearance + stop bars out
- visually check RWY and approach path when cleared to enter (strobe on)
Basic Policy
Captain + dispatcher shall secure safety of operations and best effort for maximum efficiency (maintain schedule + pax comfort)
Any disagreement between CAPT / DISP - take safest option (if unsuitable don’t fly)
If mental, physical, fatigue of flight crew do not fly
Operational control Station / Operational station ?
Operational Control Station - Tokyo international (main operations station)
Operational station - other airports where scheduled flights operate
Company Clearance ?
Effective when captain and dispatcher approve the operational flight plan
(Joint responsibility)
Change of company Clearance? (6)
Can change after consulting each other but captain can ultimately decide inflight
- Destination
- Alternate Airport
- Required fuel on board
- Route
- Altitude (except when no extra fuel required)
- Flight rules
If change seriously affects flight following / fuel consumption should notify dispatcher when able.
Crosswind Calculation ?
Calculate with steady wind
When maximum wind exceeds above 10kts of average calculation:
Steady + (Maximum - Steady) / 2
*** comply with AOM limitations
How is Wind reported ? M/T?
Airport wind - magnetic
Non airport wind - true
Minimum fuel requirement preflight :
On ground (after fuel receipt - sign journey log) - confirm FOB approved in company clearance is loaded
- fuel total (minus PCF, Extra fuel, tankering)**
- can use part of PCF / extra fuel after sign journey log but FOB must be at or above amount required at Block out.
- can use part of contingency fuel as APU burn for unforeseen delays even if before block out.
Operational restrictions in significant WX Conditions?
Turbulence - cannot operate into known or forecast severe turbulence
LLWS - cannot takeoff / land when LLWS is expected and considered unavoidable
Icing - avoid icing as much as possible. cannot operate into known or forecast severe icing
No takeoff / landing when snow, frost, freezing rain affects airplane safety
*** must conduct visual inspection if concerned (return to spot if not confident safe operation
Thunderstorms- best effort to avoid thunderstorms. No takeoff / landing if severe thunderstorms known or forecast on intended route and considered unavoidable.
Can fly in Heavy Sand Storm or Heavy Dust storm?
- +SS or +DS reported on METAR / SPECI - avoid flying in these conditions
As large scale maintenance inspection required after landing
VFR operations allowed?
- No VFR at night
- no VFR > FL 200
- No VFR on top
Can you land at airport with no Light facilities?
Takeoff - should be 10 mins before sunset (max 20 mins after sunset with takeoff alternate and clear RWY)
Landing - cannot depart unless arrive 20 mins before sunset (flt planning)
- no landing after sunset (or outside airport operating hours)
Takeoff / landing - not before sunrise (unless 20 mins before RWY clear check)
Doesn’t apply for emergency
Can you operate in Class G airspace ?
No (unless emergency)
Can use in US military airspace in japan
Or special procedures in route manual for intended airspace
Fuel Weight calculations based on?
Taxi - RW
Burn off - CLB (TOW)
- Cruise (average weight in cruise or start / end of cruise)
- DES (TOD weight)
Contingency- holding ISA 1500ft (LW)
Alternate - same as burn off (but from DEST W / AOM power setting)
Reserve - LW at alternate holding 1500ft ISA (or LW DEST - no alternate)
Additional fuel (CP W)
PCF - holding ISA 1500ft LW DEST
Extra - holding ISA 1500ft LW DEST
What is PCF (Planned Contingency Fuel)?
Company decided standard amount for each route (based on statistical data from actual routes with increased fuel burn)
Standard amount for each route listed in route manual.
Based on holding rate at 1500ft ISA
What is Contingency Fuel?
fuel for correcting gap between planned and actual consumption concerning:
- wind changes
- temperature changes
- altitude
- performance and weight change
- Anti icing used
- extended delays such as delay before block out
What is additional fuel ?
- fuel used for ETOPs (critical fuel / point) ***
- most critical point along route (ETP)
- required for all flights except ETOPS???
When can PCF fuel be cancelled / removed ?
If PIC + DISP can both agree that the PCF is unnecessary for:
- Altitude restrictions on ATC route limits getting planned FLT level (ie weight limit to achieve FL)
- Altitude + payload buffer in domestic ops only
Takeoff Performance Operating Limitations AEO/ EO?
Cannot takeoff at weight greater that allows accelerate stop within available RWY DIST or to continue takeoff and clear all obstacles on path when critical engine fails during takeoff.
MSA for IFR?
- allows comms with ATC units (VHF coverage)
- MEA (Minimum en route altitude) not including take off / landing f
- (no MEA) = 2000ft above highest obstacle 5nm either side route
- MSA for each segment of airway published route manual
Takeoff minima
If WX conditions at departure are below LDG minima - suitable takeoff alternate required.
- within 1hr single engine cruise of departure (set distance)
If no takeoff alternate available- must use LDG minima
Treatment of CIG / RVR for deciding takeoff alternate
CIG even if below LDG minima - cba be treated as above I’d arriving aircraft has enough visual reference to make safe landing
VIS / RVR must be at or above LDG minima
Application of Crosswind (Takeoff / Landing)?
Takeoff - within limit at time of takeoff clearance
Landing - within limit at time of landing clearance
If at time of clearance above limit - must check again and confirm below by 500ft AFE
If LDG clearance issued <500ft must confirm wind data by 500ft
If reported above limit after clearance given / 500ft check - may continue If PiC judges safe to land.
Minimum fuel required inflight ?
land somewhere with 30 mins reserve fuel remaining
Inflight fuel checks ?
Verify flight time and fuel remaining at:
- TOC waypoint
- Waypoint spaced around 1hr intervals apart
- TOD waypoint
Compare actual vs planned fuel consumption for trends
If inflight fuel is less than planned ?
Make necessary adjustments to:
- altitude
- speed
- route
- destination/ alternate
To ensure remaining fuel is sufficient to complete flight.
TOD fuel check (briefing etc)
Must check WX at destination and alternate around TOD to ensure fuel sufficient for:
- Planned reserve plus alternate
- Planned reserve fuel if no alternate
Request air traffic delay expected if unexpected circumstances arise and fuel may be less than above
What is “Minimum Fuel”?
After committing to land at specific airport with any change to existing clearance will result in fuel remaining less than 30min of reserve fuel at landing.
- informs ATC must land at this airport
- not emergency situation but will be if any further delay caused
- pilots should not expect any form of priority
What is MAYDAY fuel ?
Must declare emergency “Mayday” when calculated fuel on landing is less than 30 mins of planned reserve fuel
How to approve change to company clearance?
3 ways :
- ACARS - dispatcher uplinks all or part of DRM, captain send approval notification
- Paper / electronic carriage (sign and take copy of DRM or approve via IPOBS and have downloaded copy)
- can print it via ACARS to have it or amend by hand
- Oral communication- info sent via Comms and confirmed by captain
Record of approval for company clearance ?
Company holds for 3 months :
1.iPOBs approved - kept in AIOS
2. Paper approved - filed
3. ACARS approved - kept in AIOS
4. Oral approved - duty log by operations
Oceanic airspace - capturing A/C position ?
Oceanic airspace when ATS units capture A/C position > 15 min intervals :
- Dispatcher shall obtain position info from ADS-B OUT
(Altitude, LAT/LONG, time) at intervals < 15 mins.
- PAX flights only!
Not required if avoidable to enter oceanic (but not planned)
ADS-B OUT required equipment?
- ATC Transponder x 1
- GPS x 1
- FMCF x 1
Who is allowed entry to cockpit other than crew :
- jCAB / Bureau of communications
- intl authority’s (equivalent)
- employee
- maintenance
- ground personnel
Inflight: (permission from PIC)
- DH crew / other airline crew If deemed essential
- employee
- doctor
- journalist, aviation incident investigator or photographer approved by company.
Seat with seat belt must be available in cockpit for each person
Must follow PIC orders
If Cockpit door cannot lock:
- follow any checklist / procedures
- explain to CA and check cabin condition
- LAND asap unless deemed safer to continue to destination considering everything
What is “Unruly Behavior” ?
- prohibited behavior by article 73-3 of “Civil aeronautics law of japan” which jeopardizes safety of aircraft, persons and property.
What is “behaviors subject to prohibition order” ?
Unruly behaviors defined in the MLIT ordinance article 164-16 at prohibited behaviors
What is “prohibition order” ?
captains order stated in 5, article 73-4 of the “civil aeronautics law of japan” which prohibits “behavior’s subject to prohibition order”
When can offload passengers?
Company has right to reject pax onboard who acts unruly or acted unruly according to “general conditions of carriage”
Decision made by airport manager
Captain has right to make necessary actions against unruly person and deplane them (from door close to door open)
Suspicious passenger reporting to captain
Ground personnel must notify captain of a suspicious person is allowed to board A/C
CA must notify captain of any suspicious person onboard
Countermeasures against unruly PAX inflight?
- flight crew must not become in contact with PAX.
- monitor cabin (info from CA)
Procedure after finding “unruly behavior”:
- CA to notify purser and explain to PAX to stop behavior (can try multiple times)
- Purser notify CAPT (immediately)
- Captain decision form purser issue warning letter to PAX
- Issue prohibition order to PAX from purser (multiple crew can do it)
(Must correspond to “behaviors subject to prohibition order” to issue)
- If behavior continues (Purser must notify and say your behavior goes against prohibition order
- Captain organize ANA employee / trustworthy PAX to supervise PAX
- CAPT Report to OMC
If behavior continues:
- Request police stby on arrival via OMC
- Consider restrain PAX and divert if threaten safety.
- OMC coordinates arrival and notify captain
- Captain notify ATC of details
Record of unruly behavior?
- purser keep record of PAX name, situation and third party testimonials
- if unruly PAX violated law or order must have a witness also
Refuse alcohol to what PAX?
- Heavily intoxicated
- criminals, prisoners and enforcement officials
- police carrying weapons
- any person CAPT / Purser seems not appropriate to consume (under age)
What are dangerous goods?
Those deemed to be explosive, flammable or prone to endanger lives or property specified in section 1 article 194 of “civil aeronautics regulations”
Dangerous goods cannot be transported unless they meet requirements of Section 2, article 194 of same regulations.
DG manuals with information?
- OM
- Airport Handling rules
- Handling procedures of Dangerous Goods
Carriage of fire arms and swords ?
- loaded in cargo only
- carried without bullets (except police)
- report it to captain
Carry on baggage ?
Limit weight and size
CA must inform PAX keep clear or exits and aisles to block exits in case of emergency
DG categories?
- Explosives
- Gases
- Flammable liquids
- Flammable solids
- Oxidizing substances
- Toxic / infectious substances
- Radioactive materials
- Corrosives
- Miscellaneous
- Weapons
Onboard items not included that are for operation:
- dry ice, alcohol, gas lighters, perfumes, batteries and 02 equipment
DGs can you carry battery’s for medical equipment?
Yes any (wet sealed) batteries used for medical use / maintain human life
Do you need a NOTOC for medical oxygen cylinders ?
Only USA NOTOC required.
Every other destination “Onboard medical oxygen information sheet” prepared by ground staff for Captain. (USA requires also)
Where is Dangerous goods list found?
Table 1 “goods permitted to be transported by aircraft” by IATA dangerous goods regulations
DGs - How much explosives can be loaded in 787?
250kg (550lbs) per cargo compartment
DGs - Maximum amount of radioactive materials loaded 787?
Maximum transport index - 32 units per aircraft or 8 units per 1 ULD / bulk compartment
Transport index calculated radiation dosage
DGs - maximum amount of dry ice carried 787?
- 8/9 = 600kg
- 10 = 700kg
Is Dry Ice added to weight / NOTOC from cabin / galley?
No - unless additional dry ice loaded for malfunction of galley air chiller (ie taking extra than normal)
Isolation of DG’s?
- Animals and dry ice (3M or as far as possible)
- anything in table 14 distance is 3M
- radioactive material / explosives must not be in same cargo room
Forms of NOTOC?
2 types
- Manual (deliver to captain) 2 copies 1 for ground personnel and original to PIC.
- PIC check proper shipping, quantity and loading position.
- Sign return copy to ground personnel
- ACARS NOTOC (printed and accepted via ACARS)
- electronic copy kept by company.
-PIC check proper shipping, quantity and loading position.
(C01, first page contents, last page loaded correctly and pages total)
NOTOC requirements after diversion ?
- PIC shall hand copy of NOTOC to next captain or (via ground personnel) or may leave in cockpit (notify ground personnel)
- next crew take with to destination or change of NOTOC if additional loaded.
Emergency landing (procedures with DG’s)?
- Notify ATC of DG’s
(proper shipper name, UN/ID, class / division, sub hazard, quantity and location) or just provide company phone number for them to enquire
- can notify only part PIC deems suitable
- no one enter cargo compartment until experts arrive
After landing:
- remain on windward side of A/C
- do not touch or breath in anything from DGs
- specific procedures for each DG in OM supplementary section
ERG - “Emergency Response Guide for aircraft incidents involving Dangerous Goods”
Category’s of Unruly Behavior?
Cat 1 - hijacking, violence/ damage to crew, pax or property (against law)
Cat 2 - opening door / emergency exits or equipment (including damage), smoking lavatory, interfering with crew duty, using electronic device, no seat belt worn, not following crew instructions for landing, baggage left hinder emergency
(Violation of aeronautics law)
Cat 3 - smoking in non smoking area, shouting, yelling
(Disturb we’ll bring it flight / pax)
PIC action for each Category of Unruly Behavior?
Cat 1:
- warning letter
- restrain pax (if required)
- police stby for arrival
Cat 2:
- prohibition order (telling to stop behavior)
- if not stopped “Prohibition order letter”
(Must issue prohibition order immediately for habitual or malicious act)
Cat 3:
- warning letter (verbal or physical letter in 12 languages)
- may not issue if makes situation worse
- prohibition order letter (12 languages)
Submit air safety report and attach prohibition order letter if issued.
- flow chart for every unruly behavior OM supplement section
No need report police (CAT 2/3) of pax calmed after issue warning / prohibition order unless PIC seems necessary
- CA submit “unruly behavior report (UR report) if pax calmed after issue.
Is warning letter and prohibition order letter on board aircraft / required ?
Yes onboard (cockpit) ? Not not actually required to depart. (Ie can go without)
Reporting of Unruly PAX to OMC / Police STBY?
Yes must do if issued warning letter / prohibition order letter or Otherwise PIC discretion :
Flight, behavior, pax info (name, seat number, sex, age, nationality) via ACARS
What PED’s (Personal Electronic Devices) can be used in Cabin?
Check OM supplement for table and info
- Applicable from Doors closed to landing
- If cannot be turned off - remove battery
- GTB / unload it on ground if restricted or place in Electromagnetic shield bag inflight) away from PAX
- If navigational equipment affected - CA find person advise turn off or notify PIC
What is Electromagnetic Shielding Bags?
Prevents electromagnetic waves emitted from PEDs from affecting flight safety
- use 2 bags if 2 onboard aircraft
- no need for GTB / remove off aircraft if 2 bags used
Handling of restricted carry on items ?
Before door close:
- notify PAX restricted and to hand over
- give ground staff and check in
After door close:
- notify PAX restricted and to hand over
- keep item in lockable compartment (or out of pax sight - notify PIC)
- contact OMC with info and they report to JCAB
- CA hand over to ground personnel on arrival
Are scissors / nail clippers / razors allowed onboard?
nail clippers - yes
Razors - yes
Cosmetic scissors - 4cm max
Round tip scissors- 6cm max
Can you carry screw driver / syringe onboard ?
Syringe - 1 allowed if doctor / nurse/ diabetic pax
Screw Driver - yes only if 15cm max length with shaft 6cm or less
Toolbox ok (as long as no other restricted items)
Procedure for PED / lithium battery fire / overheat ?
Overheat :
- Turn off device immediately
- Disconnect power / supply
- Monitor temperature
- Fire fighting (halon extinguisher, smoke hood and gloves) - slightly open bag not fully or flash fire possible
- Disconnect power / supply
- Flood with water to cool and then submerge in water
- Not use ice or cover as cab reignite
Emergency equipment in cabin?
- Flash light x 1
- First aid kit 1 per 100 pax
- Life vest all pax
- Emergency radio beacon x 2
- Life raft - all pax (>740km off shore)
- Emergency rations - 3 meals all pax
- Signal kit x 1
- Medical supplies and infections prevention equipment
Safety info to PAX before departure?
- video / voice in Japanese, English and language destination/departure
- safety card every seat
Who can sit in exit row?
Must not be:
- disabled or requires assistance
- under 15
- read or speak English / Japanese (or common language with crew)
- someone taking care of kids
- suspect / escort
- unruly pax
- does not consent to sitting there / may hinder emergency
Can you refuel / refuel pax on board/ boarding ?
No however can do if :
- pax comfort / or a schedule impeded by delay
- crew / GND persons ready if emergency
- 2 way comms with GND maintained
- comply with local country procedures
- no station manager PIC discretion
- airport has fire fighting services
- hydrant or refueling truck used
- everyone informed (GND staff, pilots, CA)
- 1 person monitor at L1 door
- All CAs onboard in position
- do not refuel same side as steps (if used)
- no maintenance on radio, electronics, operate radio (including receive message), start / stop APU/GPU
- Purser must notify CAPT doors ok (aero bridge connected and usable, other doors ready to evacuate)
- no obstacles blocking doors outside
- GND staff have fire extinguishers at boarding bridge ready
- refueling truck bonded and notify captain ready to start and when finished
- no lightning in area
- stop if any abnormal indications
- make PA refueling unfasten seat belts
- don’t use lavatory
- remain seated
- do not block exits
- no smoking
- do not use power outlets
Can paz remain onboard during transit stop / diversion ?
Yes - PA no smoking and uses of electronic devices
Measures in case of sick / pax injury / illness ?
- first aid and report to captain
- ask for doctor / nurse on board and follow advice
- contact medlink (denounces any liability)
- possible diversion based on medical advice
Death on board ?
- must be confirmed dead by doctor
- CA to record situation including time and first aid used
- contact OMC with details to inform destination
Measures taken for volcanic eruption avoidance?
Reported info:
- consider changing route / attitude to avoid affected area
- if seen report to ATC / OMC
FDR / CVR regulations?
FDR - must be continuous from takeoff roll until landing (MEL can apply)
CVR - must be continuous from start up until shutdown (datalink messages included)
Captain notify OMC if accident / incident and requires to keep CVR records
Cabin inter-phone signal numbers and procedure?
- Dial 11 (enroute information to CA)
- 4 star - cabin inter-phone check
- Dial 55 (emergency info) CA must come to cockpit immediately
- 4 chimes before takeoff (1 min to takeoff)
- 4 chimes before landing (10+ min before landing) begin cabin safety check and aware of critical phase begins
Signal and procedure to contact GND ?
- turn landing lights on/off 3 times = inter-phone U/S use hand signals
- turn landing lights on/off 3 times + then all lights (inc taxi/turnoff on) until receive response = emergency situation + inter-phone U/S (they check outside condition and hand signals)
- cockpit call SW from maintenance
- contact company radio to connect inter-phone
Signal from GND + procedures ?
2 x push of cockpit call = Interphone U/S (check hand signals)
4 x or more push of cockpit call = urgent info with inter-phone U/S (check hand signals)
Cockpit response = turn landing lights on once to acknowledge
Hand signal from GND indicating fire?
Right hand wand in a fanning motion while left hand points at area of fire
GND inter-phone U/S hand signal?
1 hand cover mouth and then cross hands over chest
Safety checks done by CAs inflight?
Before Takeoff - cabin (seatbelts, no smoking, hand luggage, seats upright)
Lavatory, crew rest, slide bar set.
Inflight when seat belt sign on - cabin only as above and lavatory’s
Before landing - same as before takeoff
(Seats not have to be upright for pax with medical condition)
What is a Qualified Escort (Attendant) for Pax needing assistance?
Helping pax who requires assistance and meets:
- > 12 years old
- can assist during emergency situation and not assisting anyone else
- we’ll informed about pax condition and situation
- seated adjust pax
(Seeing eye dog assisting BLND is treated as qualified escort)
What is an “Evacuation Escort” EE?
Someone who assists pax requiring assistance in an emergency situation.
- 15 years or older
- assist in emergency and onto assist the 1 person requiring assistance
- seated within 4 rows of accompanied pax
- seats not separated by galley / lavatory/ partition etc
How many WCHC allowed without attendants (EE)?
- 9/10 = 4
- 8 = 3
What is WCHC?
Wheelchair Cabin:
- pax who can’t walk, move from a seat to another seat or evacuate by themselves (needs assistance)
- Must not sit exit row
- Attendant in adjacent seat
- Board before pax and deplane after
- No limit to WCHC (can be adjusted)
What is WCHS?
Wheelchair Step:
- pax who can’t go up/down stairs
- Must not sit exit row
- Board before pax and deplane after
- No limit to WCHS
- Can use walking stick boarding / deplane but not in emergency
What is WCHR?
Wheelchair Ramp:
- pax who can walk, can go up/down stairs but need assistance to move in airport
- Must not sit exit row
- Board before pax and deplane after
- No limit to WCHC (can be adjusted)
- Can use walking stick boarding / deplane but not in emergency
What is MEDA?
Medical Case :
- Trashorras special assistance on board but is fit to travel.
- Use of O2 cylinder, incubator or other medical device approved by company
- Request submitted to ANA with medical certificate suitable for travel (approved by ANA disability desk) or day of departure by GND staff
- Attendant required (doctor / nurse / approved person) however not needed if certificate says ok to travel alone
- ANA can refuse to accept due to WX / enroute turbulence
- Do not assign exit row
- Board before pax / deplane after
- Company checks O2 cylinder for correct specifications
What is STCR?
Stretcher Passenger :
- pax who can’t hold sitting posture during flight
- should be accompanied by doctor / nurse or approved person
- Company must approve
- If MEDA also must meet MEDA requirements
- Shall not accompany infant
- Limited to 1 per flight
- Stretcher installment as per “airport handling rules” manual
- Board before / deplane after
What is DPNA?
Disabled PAX with intellectual / development Disability:
- needs assistance in emergency
- Requires attendant
- 1 attendant can escort up to two DPNA
- Shall not accompany infant or child
- No exit row seat
- Attendant adjacent seat to PAX
What is BLND?
Pax blind vision impairment:
- needs assistance in emergency
- Requires attendant
- 1 attendant can escort up to two BLND
- No exit row seat
- Attendant adjacent seat to PAX
- No limit to number
- Seeing eye dog treated as attendant
- Board before / deplane after
What is DEAF?
PAX with hearing disability
- No exit row seat
- 1 PAX per one hearing dog
What is BGCR?
PAX who need assistance at airport (not applicable to other code) ie baggage care etc
- No exit row seat
- No limit
- Board before / deplane after
What is EXMO?
PAX with baby expected within 28 days
- No exit row seat
- Within 15-28 days doctors (or obstetrician) medical certificate required to travel
- Require medical certificate and obstetrician must accompany pax
- Company may refuse if WX / turbulence expected
What is Infant (INFT)?
- over 7 days old but under 2 years old
- Must be accompanied by person > 12 years old
- Seated on lap or individual seat (SOC INF)
- 1 pax max 2 INF
- buy ticket
- Hold on lap during seat belt sign on
- Treated as INF for WB calculations
- Cannot use child’s seat
Approved child’s seat must meet specifications
- do not sit exit row
- Assigned to row to not to exceed number of O2 masks in that row (not for SOC INF)
- Maximum 10% limit of total pax capacity
What is CHLD / UMNR?
Child - over 2 but under 12
Unaccompanied Minor - over 5 but under 12
- children under 5 must be accompanied by pax over 12 in same cabin class
- Can you child seat
- No exit row seat
- Board before / deplane after
What is PRIS?
- Prisoner in police custody
- 1 Prisoner escorted by 3 officers
- Certificate presented to company
- Restraint via handcuffs (unless exceptional circumstances) and covered (no chains)
- Max 3 prisoners per flight (9 officers)
- No exit row
- Seat in between 2 officers or at window
- Board before / deplane after
- CAPT report time and position (LAT/LONG) entering international waters (12nm off coast) to officers via CA
What is ARMD?
Law enforcement officer carrying weapons for his duties
- Must declare weapons and present ID
- Can carry for escort PRIS or DEPA /DEPO
- US military police cannot be approved as ARMD - weapons must be checked in (max 5kg per pax)
What is DEPA / DEPU?
- DEPA = accompanied (escort) deportee
- DEPU = unaccompanied deportee
- No exit row
- Board same time but deplane after
- CA must supervise once onboard
- CA may keep their passport (at immigration request)
What is INAD?
Inadmissible PAX:
- refused entry to country
- No exit row
- Taken Becky to home country
- CA can keep passport (immigration request)
- Reason given to CAPT / Purser
- Can offload if unruly / suspicious behavior
Minimum cabin crew onboard aircraft on ground?
- 9/10 = 4
- 8 = 3
Applicable for long delays / diversions / change of crew
What are the infection prevention equipment?
- biohazard kit
- Infection prevention equipment by JCAB
Where is Cabin emergency equipment info ?
Cabin attendant manual or airport handling rules manual
Qualifications to become a captain?
- valid ATPL for aircraft type
- Qualified as captain according to “Civil Aeronautics Law Article 72”
- Current JCAB class 1 medical
- Radio license
- 3000hrs total or more
- Passed captains qualifications checks (proficiency / route / knowledge) by company
- Morally well balance proficiency to high standard approved by senior director
Qualifications to operate as captain?
- meet recent flight experience requirements (3 takeoff / landings 90 days) in “Civil Aeronautics law”
- Completed + passed CBTA training and check
- Be captain area / airport qualified
- As SIC / copilot completed CBTA course
- English language proficiency
What is the chain of command ?
- Captain
- Copilot (if multiple):
- qualified as captain for aircraft and area / airport
- Qualified as captain for aircraft
- Qualified as copilot
- Qualified as 2nd copilot
(If same qualifications- earliest assigned top)
Crew composition requirements ?
- Captain minimum 100 hrs PIC for aircraft type if not Copilot must have minimum 100hrs on type
- Only 1 pilot over 60 but under 65
- If over 60 (medical every 6 months)
Minimum cabin crew required?
-10 = 8
-9 = 8
-8 = 7
-8 can be 6 CA if 300 seats or less
(If more crew Purser will assign emergency exit for applicable CA and notify captain)
What to do if CA incapacitated?
If no replacement : (not applicable at NRT)
- Minimum required = 1 per 50 pax (not including INF or DH crew) rounded up.
- Reference to CA manual
- Arrangement for emergency exits as per AOM?
Flight Duty time / Period meaning?
- time between aircraft block out to block in (block time)
- Spans series of duties including flight duty, ground duty l, training and transport (excluding commuting) and finish when flight duty time ends.
- If no flight then not considered to be a Flight duty period
What is WOCL?
Window of circadian Low
Maximum sleep 0200-0559am
Limitations on flight duty time?
2 crew / 2 sectors or less:
- sign on 00:00 - 0459 = 9hrs
- Sign on 0500 - 1659 = 10hrs
- Sign on 1700 - 2359 = 9hrs
Based on departure location local time if under 48hrs (not acclimatized)
3 crew:
Maximum 15 hours (1 pilot must not work more than 8hrs consecutive)
Limitation on Flight duty Period?
2 crew / 2 sectors or less:
- sign on 00:00 - 0459 = 11hrs
- Sign on 0500 - 0559 = 12hrs
- Sign on 0600 - 1359 = 13hrs
- Sign on 1400 - 1559 = 12hrs
- Sign on 1600 - 2359 = 11hrs
Based on departure location local time if under 48hrs (not acclimatized)
If sign on time changed it is amended however if crew already on way to work must starts at original time
3 crew / 2 sectors or less:
16 hours (crew rest business class seat)
17 hours (crew rest bunk)
Maximum hours week / month / year?
7 days = 60hrs duty
28 days = 100 flight hours
= 190 duty hours
365 days = 1000hrs
Minimum rest period?
- 10hours or
- 12hours if 2hrs WOCL in duty) or
- 14hours if 2hrs or more of WOCL in duty
36hr rest (2 local nights 22:00-0800) in 7 days
Standby Duty limitations?
- 14hrs at home / hotel
- Not included in duty time (unless not home / hotel then it’s included) ie at airport stby
- Max stby + duty time combined 16hrs or 4hrs added to FDP limit (whichever less)
Extension of Flight Duty Period?
Before sign on:
- can be extended by 1 hour by adding either 2hrs or more rest time before and after duty or 4hrs rest after flight duty.
Max 2 sectors if more than 2hrs of WOCL included.
Extension through breaks inside FDP:
- can be extended up to 50% of break
Break requirements:
- 3 hours or more
- Break on ground and not in aircraft
- If break exceeds 6hrs or includes WOCL proper facility available
After sign on: (before takeoff)
FDT = no extension
FDP = up to 2hrs
After takeoff:
- extend up to time required to land at suitable airport
Report to JCAB if exceeded > 1 hr
What is Captain Area / Airport Qualification?
must be qualified to act as PIC for specific route:
- Knowledge (terrain, MSA, WX, emergency, ATC, airport and facilities and procedures)
- Experience
- Training and checked
What is Basic 1 captain?
- basic 1 WX minima value is applicable
What is CAT 1 Captain?
value of CAT 1 WX minima is applicable and not CAT 2/3 qualified
- passed check for CAT 1
- Minimum 20 sectors of CAT 1 operations as PF (upgrade training included)
What is CAT 2 Captain?
value of CAT 2 WX minima is applicable and not CAT 3 qualified
- passed check for CAT 2
- Minimum 40 sectors on type as CAPT or 100hrs or more on type as CAPT
What is CAT 3 Captain?
value of CAT 3 WX minima is applicable
- passed check for CAT 3
- Minimum 40 sectors as captain or
- 100 hours on type as captain
Captain Authority + Responsibility?
- Full + final authority on decisions and actions for safety of flight
- Full responsibility for all persons, cargo onboard and aircraft
- Surprise all other crew and their duties
- Must be area / airport qualified
- On flight deck takeoff / landing
- If leaving flight deck give instructions what to expect while not there
- Responsible for GD and Journey / Radio log
Captain Duties pre flight:
- Mutually check mental / physical / fatigue of all crew
- Complete alcohol check for all crew
- check NOTAMs and WX to all airways / airports concerned
- Check WB, pax numbers and performance
- Check safe loading of fuel, oil, lubricants (type / quantity)
- Check aircraft serviceable and sign resulted forms
- Check installation of documents and tools
- Check and approve operational flight plan
- Crew briefing
- Confirm hand carry items
- Confirm safety instructions to PaX by CA complete
Captain duties inflight?
- follow rules and procedures (state)
- If copilot manipulates flight controls following rules
- Direct / supervise all crew duty
- Revise company clearance if required
- Maintain safety of crew and pax / aircraft
Requirement for Biohazard kit + Doctors kit before departure?
before departure leaving japan:
- biohazard kit sealed
- Doctors kit locked (in English / Japanese)
CA reports to CAPT loaded correctly
Who can use Doctors kit / procedures ?
Only doctors allowed:
- confirm qualifications of doctor
- CA fill out “USE oF doctors kit / rescusition kit” with what used and signature from doctor report to CAPT
Captain duties post flight ?
- sign journey / radio log
- Submit any reports
- Direct / supervise any crew until passed immigration/ quarantine (CIQ)
- Debriefing
- Notify maintenance of any issues
- Complete alcohol check
Manipulation of flight controls by copilot?
captain must be:
- LAC (QC) from CBTA training
- 300hours PIC (or 50hrs if experience other types PIC)
Copilot must be:
- qualified as copilot or captain
- WX > familiar minima for Basic 1 Captain
- Crosswind < 1/2 maximum value of aircraft
- RWY condition DRY or WET
- No system malfunction (flight controls or performance)
- RWY length < 2500m(-10)/ 2400m -9/ 2300m -8 = DRY no restrictions or 350,000lbs wet (340 -8)
- mutual confirmation of captain and copilot qualifications
- Confirm copilot experience, recency (flight experience record) verbally by copilot
- Make clear call of transfer of control
- Briefing (including RTO / emergency
- Captain takeover if beyond limits / unsafe
- <300ft takeover without reason if manipulation not satisfactory
Use of First Aid Kit and procedures?
- JCAB requires first aid kit and certain items for departure
- no legal requirement to carry or depart without certain items in kit (if not required by JCAB)
Use of medication / vaccination?
- no flight within 24HRS of vaccination
- Comply with JCAB / company rules and regulations regarding medication
Restrictions on alcohol consumption?
- no duty under influence
- Comply with alcohol checks with observer
- No consumption within 12hrs of duty
- No drinking inflight or in uniform
- Own alcohol detector calibrated
Check without observer if diversion to airport not normally used or video call 3rd party from device
Use of Medlink + procedures?
- contact via Satcom (phone in Satcom / route manual) or via HF, telephone
- In Japanese possible
- Medlink can give advise for: diversion, ambulance on arrival, medial treatment and hospital info
- Can conference call to cabin to CA or doctor
- Doctor can enter cockpit if approved by captain
- CA fill out medical sheet and send / pilots via ACARS (include “priority ambulance request” if needed) only domestic airport
- Medlink can organise ambulance otherwise ATC / OMC
Qualifications to perform Captain duties?
- Class 1 medical
- radio license
- Japan ATPL and aircraft rating
- passed air law and qualified (article 72)
- > 3000 hours
- passed captain proficiency / route check and oral exams
Can operate as PIC or copilot (once RHS training)
Qualifications to perform Captain duties?
- Class 1 medical
- radio license
- Japan ATPL and aircraft rating
- passed air law and qualified (article 72)
- > 3000 hours
- passed captain proficiency / route check and oral exams
Can operate as PIC or copilot (once RHS training)
Captain qualifications for duty ?
- flight recency
- area / airport qualified
- passed CBTA checks
- level 6 English
Chain of command (copilot)
- Captain area / airport qualified
2, captain A/C qualified - Copilot qualified
- 2nd copilot qualified
Captain restriction with < 100hrs on type PIC?
Copilot must have more than 100hrs as copilot or captain
Age restriction on flying and occupying seat ?
- max age 65 and other pilot must be less than 60.
Minimum number CA for each flight -8/910?
- 8 = 7 (6 with 300 seats or less)
-9 = 8
-10 = 8
Exception of cabin crew compositions ( CA illness etc ?)
If no replacement available can continue if: (N/A for Narita)
- 1 CA for 50 PAX (not applying INF, DH crew) round up
- captain to confirm emergency position of CA for handling exits
Flight Duty Time meaning?
Block out to Block in time
Flight Duty Period meaning ?
Sign on to sign off time (must include flight time) and also transportation time (not commuting)
What is WOCL?
(Window of circadian low) maximum sleep time 0200-0559
Max 2 pilot flight duty time ?
10hrs or 9 hours if sign on after 5 pm or before 5 am (2sectors max) see table
Max flight duty Period time ?
Sign on :
0000-0459 ~ 11hrs
0500-0559 ~12hrs
0600-1359 ~ 13hrs
1400- 1559 - 12hrs
1600-2359 - 11hrs
Can extended only if FDP has not commenced and crew not on way to airport
Acclimated zone for FDP consideration?
Not to be used if 2 or less time zone change (if more check table)
3 pilots max FDT / FDP?
FDT = 15hrs
FDP = 17hrs or 15 hrs ( business class seat with curtain and not proper crew rest)
Max 7 day, 28 day , 365 day FDT / FDP limits ?
60hrs FDP in 7 days
100hrs Flight time 28 days and 190hrs duty
1000hrs flight time 365 days
Minimum rest time between duty :
10hrs unless WOCL then add. 2hrs or 4hrs if more than. 2hrs in WOCL
Rest required in. 7 day period :
- 36 hours consecutive off
- including. 2 local nights
Extension of FDT / FDP with unforeseen circumstances (already signed on )
2hrs extension (2 pilots) or 3 hrs (3pilots)
Can extend flight time / duty time after takeoff to enable a safe landing
Captain Area / Airport qualification?
Knowledge (airport and Enroute including ATC, approach, terrain, airspace, EMERG)
Training and check
CAT 1 Captain Qualifications?
Passed Cat 1 check
New captain - passed JCAB check and done 20 PF CAT 1 approaches (training included)
Cat 2 captain qualifications?
Passed Cat 2 check
100hrs of PIC on type or 40 legs
Cat 3 captain qualifications?
- passed Cat 3 check
- 100 hrs on type or 40 legs
Manipulation of flight controls by copilot?
Captain requirements :
- 300 hours on type
- passed QC training
Or if copilot is a captain = passed captain check
Copilot requirements:
- minima at / above familiar BASIC 1 CAPT minima
- max crosswind half of CAPT for that RWY condition
- no system malfunction or MEL affecting takeoff or LDG PERF
- RWY length restriction 2500m of less (wet WT limit of 350k LBS -10, 2400m 350k lbs -9 or 2300m 340k lbs -8)
Procedures for allowing copilot to manipulate controls ?
- confirm weather and requirements (A/C status and RWY limits)
- recent copilot experience verbal confirmation
- take over control below 300ft without giving instructions if copilot inputs unsatisfactory
Alcohol before duty ?
Cannot Drink within 12hrs of duty
Max 2 units (4 drinks ) in system by 12 hours before duty to ensure none at sign on.
Can’t consume inflight in uniform or at a bar in uniform
Alcohol procedures ?
- pre check before coming to work (if not 0 call company go sick )
- departure check
- arrival check
- turnaround of more than 2hrs another check
- Company records keep for 1 year
- without observer when 3rd party via camera at offline airports and diversions