Company Minima + CAT I / II / III Flashcards
CAT 1 definition ?
Minima not < 200ft DH
RVR not < 550m or 800m CMV
Cat 2 definition?
Minima below < 200ft but not < 100ft DH
RVR not < 300m
Cat 3 definition?
With AH
RVR < 300m but not below 50m
Cat 1,2,3 flight crew qualifications ?
Captain - qualified for Category (training / check sim)
Copilot - completed specified GS for each category
(CAT 3 - qualified via simulator)
***Capt and copilot require 1 autoland per year also for Cat 3.
Seating position allowed?
Left = PIC and PF
2 captains = can have right seat PIC but PM only
Runway length required?
115% or longer than landing field length (DRY)
Landing weight is at or below limit weight (WET)
Cat 2/3 only:
1 Eng INOP - LDG weight at or < 1 ENG INOP field limit weight
Maximum crosswind :
< 1200m RVR = 10kts
A/C Equipment required for CAT 1?
ILS receiver x 1
FD or AP with APP mode x 1
Marker receiver (only if required for that APP)
GLS + GPS receiver for GLS approach only
Cat 2 equipment required?
- LAND 2/3 or NO AUTOLAND EICAS message displayed > 1500ft RA
- 2 ILS, RA sources for PF/PM (no SGL Source RAD ALT / APPROACH EICAS msg)
- 2x PFD showing mode annunciations
- 2 x ND
- 2 x Radio minimums
- 2 x windshield wipers
- 2 x FWD window heat (no EICAS msg)
- 1 x AP DISC warning
- 1 marker receiver
- I x ILS receiver
Cat 3 equipment required?
- LAND 2/3 or NO AUTOLAND EICAS message displayed > 1500ft RA
- 2 ILS, RA sources for PF/PM (no SGL Source RAD ALT / APPROACH EICAS msg)
- 2x PFD showing mode annunciations
- 2 x ND
- 2 x Radio minimums
- 2 x windshield wipers
- 2 x FWD window heat (no EICAS msg)
- 1 x AP DISC warning
- 1 marker receiver
- I x ILS receiver
- 1 x A/THR
1 x A/THR DISC caution
1 x Auto BRK system - no anti skid EICAS msg
Amount of RVR readings required ?
CAT 1 = TDZ only (can use CMV instead)
CAT 2 = TDZ and Midpoint or End (End must be in operation USA)
CAT 3 = 3 RVR (midpoint not required if approved to use 2)
Do you need ALS lighting ?
CAT 1 = yes but can be no if RVR change
CAT 2 = required (all lights required)
CAT 3 = not required (all other lighting required
When to conduct missed approach at approach ban?
- RVR is < company minima for captain
- any RVR < 200m (CAT 1/2)
- midpoint or stop end RVR < value in OM (Cat 3 only)
What is approach ban ?
Rule to prohibit continuance of approach beyond specific point if WX is reported below company minima
- FAF or outer marker (Japan)
- 1000ft (other countries) or published in route manual
Enhances sureness of landing and reduces manoeuvre in low visibility
Cannot conduct approach if no chance of weather recovery
When to conduct missed approach (From FAF to DA / DH) ?
- any malfunction of required airborne or ground equipment required
+ CAT 2:
- NO AUTOLAND msg displayed > 1500ft
+ CAT 3:
- LAND 3 turns to LAND 2 > 1500ft
- landing cannot safely be made
Visual reference required for CAT 1?
Any of:
- Threshold
- RWY / TDZ markings
- ALS or RAI
- RL
Should not descend below 100ft using ALS or RAI unless red terminating Barrettes or Red side row barrettes or other visual reference also seen.
When to conduct Missed approach for Cat 2 at DH / below DH?
At DH:
- outside of tolerances ( LOC > 1/3 dot 2/3 expanded or GS > 1 dot)
Below DH:
Any failure occurs (can continue if safe autoland can be made)
Visual reference required for CAT 2?
One of:
- Cross bar
- TDZ barrettes
And 1 of:
- RL / CL
- At least 3 consecutive lights of ALS + (Crossbar / red terminating barrettes or red side row barrettes)
When do conduct missed approach at DH / below DH Cat 3?
At DH:
- outside of tolerances ( LOC > 1/3 dot 2/3 expanded or GS > 1 dot)
- target Speed > +10kts / -5kts
- sink rate > 1000ft/min
Below DH:
Any situation where safe landing cannot be made
If any failure occurs below not issue with autoland and rollout due to redundancy of systems
Indication if ILS signal loss?
- Master caution
- LOC / GS mode will show fail on PFD
- LOC / GS indicators disappear
Visual reference required for Cat 3?
DH / DA / AH reference to?
DA - altimeter elevation AMSL
DH / AH - height above threshold or TDZ
Company minima applied in 3 crew operations?
PIC - his minima applied and must be area / airport qualified
PIC leaves cockpit - other captain assumes PIC and his minima applied (can apply lower minima than PIC if qualified) as long as PIC not in cockpit (RHS)
Must also be seat qualified for that category (Ie capt trained RHS)
Company minima applied Training / check flight?
The trainee / person getting checked minima applies (even if checker > minima)
Circling Approach Procedures ?
Descent below MDA:
- consideration of WX, terrain and performance
- PIC discretion but normally turning base for constant descent to RWY
- maintain visual reference
- never descend early to remain visual
- if los of visual references/ unstable = GA
- stay within circling area
- can use VNAV PATH to the MDA (if stored in FMS)
Visual Reference requirements at minima ?
To establish A/C position (lateral):
- minimum 3 continuous lights of either ALS, CL, RL
To establish A/C position (roll):
- either cross bar, RTHL, TDZ required
Requirement to see front portion of threshold at 100ft
If visual references getting worse on descend consider MAP as they should be improving
Describe Parts of ALS ?
Red terminating barrettes = red lights end of ALS (30m before threshold)
Red Side Row barrettes = on both sides of the centre line lights of the ALS (from RWY end to cross bar for CAT 2/3 only)
Sequences Flashing Lights = part of ALS (may still available when ALS U/S)
RAI RWY alignment indicator = accompanies ALS (may still available when ALS U/S)
What is AGL?
Airfield Ground Lighting:
- indicates track guidance for visual manoeuvre (do not use as visual cue for descent below MDA)
- used to find ALS or RAI and located just before them
Can you takeoff without RWY threshold lights? (RTHL)
What is VDP / when used?
Visual Decent Point and used straight in non precision approach only
Maintain MDA until at VDP only when visual reference or descent can be made via VGSI / Papi
When to conduct MAP when on straight in non precision approach ?
- no visual reference at VDP / MAPP
- unstable / safe landing cannot be made
- out of tolerances for approach
What is unfamiliar / familiar minima ?
Familiar minima is applied when satisfies area / airport qualification for that airport otherwise unfamiliar minima applied
Familiar minima is lower limit of company minima ie CAT 1/2/3
Airport A/B (Ie Narita and regular airports used by AJX) is familiar minima
Airport C = special airports with similar conditions as Airport A/B so use familiar minima also - non precision approach = add 400m to RVR /CMV (inflight)
Airport D = very special airport not regularly (alternate minima or familiar minima applied
What is Basic 1 familiar minima?
Takeoff = higher of CAT 1 or 0ft/ 800m
Non precision approach = approach minima + 100ft / 800m VIS to max 600ft / 3200m
Precision approach. = higher of CAT 1 minima or 300ft / 1600m
Alternate minima = CAT 1 minima
Locations CAT 2/3 approved?
Cat 2 = japan, USA, China, HK, Macao, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore
Cat 3= japan and mainland China only
Minima for BARO VNAV vs VNAV ?
VNAV = add 50ft to MDA (avoids sink below MDA at level off)
BARO VNAV = minima on chart (no need to FD 50ft) as constant descent profile
*** can fly BARO VNAV if LNAV/VNAV minima stated on chart
VNAV + BARO VNAV = can use VNAV or IAN modes
What effect does low / high temperature have on BARO VNAV approach ?
- true altitude is lower than indicated with low temperature (Ie can get low)
- true altitude is higher than indicated with high temperature (ie can get high)
Monitor actual flight path vs planned
The temperature range listed on chart protects flight path from any low deviations (do not fly if outside range)
What is CMV and how to apply?
CMV = converted meteorological visibility
Only for straight in approach (not CAT 2/3) and when RVR not available
VIS on METAR / TAF cannot be converted to CMV in planning phase
Daytime CMV = from Sunrise to sunset
Nighttime CMV = from sunset to sunrise
Or PIC discretion
Is a PAR approach a precision approach and do you need training?
Yes and no training needed
What is APV approach?
APV = no precision approach with vertical guidance
If FAF no specified what do you use ?
- end of last procedure turn / base turn or inbound turn of racetrack procedure
- point of interception of last inbound track on approach
Difference between MDA and MDH?
Both for non precision approaches and circling only
MDA = reference to mean sea level
MDH = reference to RWY threshold elevation
Meaning of CIG?
Ceiling (CIG) :
Height above earth surface of lowest layer of cloud broken or > ie 5/8 below 20,000ft
What is fail operational ?
If a failure occurs can continue for a safe landing with the remaining redundant system’s operating (CAT 3 only )
How to convert RVR from M to ft and VIS m to SM?
Table in OM chapter 5
B787 approach category?
Cat D
Only 34R (Y/Z)
HND LVTO requirements and RWYs?
Only RWY 34R / 16L
Require - CL, HI end / edge
- wind speed and direction
- RVR or VIS
HND LVDP in operation?
RVR @/< 600m and Lgts and SEC pwr in operation
HND LVP (arrival) in operation?
CIG @/<200ft and or RVR @/<600m
LGTS and SEC PWR operational
Critical area protected
Reporting clear of ILS critical area?
Report clear when taxiway CL lights stop alternating between green and yellow to solid green
Difference between LNAV and BARO LNAV/VNAV app / when to use?
Can use either as long as on JEP minima chart.
LNAV - only takes into account protection for airspace (ie not constant descent path) so need to add 50ft to MDA
BARO LNAV/VNAV - considers vertical guidance of approach and protected airspace into a constant descent rate (ie same angle)
Data for BARO LNAV/VNAV function based on pressure altimeter so can be high / low based on QNH (ie reason for temp restrictions on chart)
Fly both in either LNAV / VNAV or IAN