AOR Flashcards
Minimum Turn procedure 180’ for turning pad?
- Apply brakes and stop, thrust idle
- Turn tiller max angle
- Release both brakes and apply opposite thrust (5-10kts)
- Reduce angle once nose gear through max width position
How long for Brakes to heat up after RTO and fuse plugs to melt?
15 mins
Max taxi speed after RTO and return to gate taxi time > 5km?
30 kts
3 takeoff Methods ?
- Normal Takeoff -
Brakes pressed, thrust. 20 TPR and then release brakes
Used for directional control on slippery runway
- Rolling takeoff
Don’t stop, set 20 TPR and commence roll
Best for crosswind (+20kts) / tailwind takeoff to protect engines but uses (100-150ft) extra RWY not good for directional control
Reduces takeoff time and good for pax comfort
- Static Takeoff :
set takeoff thrust with brakes on
Good for takeoff distance and directional control but noisy and discomfort for pax and increase chance of FOD ingestion
What is Go mindedness ?
Except when there is serious doubt the aircraft can fly safely it is safer to continue the takeoff than to reject close to V1. (Prevent high speed RTO’s)
Failures to consider RTO reject?
- Master warning (engine failure with thrust loss)
- Engine fire or max EGT with thrust loss ( may continue if no thrust loss)
- Flight control problem
- Engine severe damage / separation
RTO with Copilot as PF
Copilot to continue control and takeoff unless ReJect is called and then captain will take over control
Captain must have thrust levers after thrust set call
Captain to have feet on rudder pedals in case of RTO and to prevent auto brake disconnect chance and ready for manual braking if needed
Who calls failure on takeoff roll and Reject?
anyone calls failure and PIC decides whether to call reject or continue
If engine failure just call Engine failure not which side etc
How to Call V1
Start call V1 - 5kts and finish by V1 (must continue if failure at V1)
PM calls on RTO?
- Speed brakes up (NOT UP), REV normal (no REV L/R , Both)
- 60 kts and contact tower (after. 60kts cal)
Stowing of Reverse thrust levers?
After 60kts call begin to stow reverse by 30 kts once stopping assured (PIC can stow before also)
When to contact cabin during RTO?
Contact after brakes set prior to memory item to prevent uncommanded evacuation and then again after finish to calm pax and crew
Turning Pad width required Ice runway
Refer to AOR
Pivot 180’ Procedure (saves 11-17m than normal)
- Apply brakes stop A/C
- Turn tiller max angle
- Apply max brk to inside wheel brk
- Opposite Thrust used only
- Inspection of tires / runway required
Wake turbulence span?
1 wingspan H and 2 wingspan W
Strongest vortex configuration?
Large heavy aircraft slow in clean configuration (flaps and spoilers weaken the vortex
Wake turbulence lasts how long?
2-3 mins (wind and turbulence air can shorten duration
How much sink does wake turbulence descend?
400-500ft / min to 900ft below A/C (which is 10nm behind A/C)
Wake turbulence close to GND movement?
Down and then out above ground at 3 Kts
Most dangerous wake turbulence situation at airport (takeoff)
Light to no wind / downwind of aircraft that’s large and heavy (watch their rotation point) or side wind if close parallel runways.
Most dangerous wake turbulence for landing?
Quartering tailwind as wake turbulence may be around touchdown area still or light crosswind during close parallel runway ops
Wake turbulence recovery?
AP on leave on let recover and don’t use rudder (manual control if needed) avoid abrupt reversal of aileron and rudder inputs
Target SPd with A/the engaged
Vref + 5 up to Vref + 10 for manual landing in gusty winds (considering IAS loss in flare)
Target SPD with A/THR disconnected?
Vref + (1/2 wind + gust) up to Vref + 15
Wind is steady headwind component !
Gust is max gust - steady wind
1/2 wind component may be bled off at touchdown
Max wind considered only when steady wind is 15kts or greater and more than 10kts over steady wind
Gust is based on total wind (not HW)
Dont consider for TW or X-Wind
Reasons for Vref additive for manual A/THR landing?
Short landing prevention (1/2 HW added)
Wind reduces near the ground
Prevent tail strikes
Pitch / roll rate for pod strike
Negative pitch worsening angle (only 8’ roll rate)
Landing attitude = 1.5’ NUP and 13’ AOB
Tail strike contact angle takeoff
-8 = 9.5’ NUP
-9 = 9’ NUP
-10 = 8’ NUP
Pitch angle tail strike (main gear compressed)?
-8 = 9’ NUP
-9 = 7.5’ NUP
-10 = 6.5’ NUP
(Vref - 10 angle = tail contact)
-8/-9 is ok still
Takeoff tail strike prevention
Set and use correct takeoff data and speeds / trim
Rotate using correct procedure (2-3’ / second)
Landing tail strike prevention?
Stabilized APP
Avoid long flare
Deal with wind changes
Go around if not safe to land
Avoid rapid pitch especially GA
What is standard callout ?
Minimum required callouts relating to altitude, position or speed
deviation from flight path, speed, des rate
Info to make judgement on landing and NAV instrument / FMA / AP status
Objective of standard callouts?
Confirm information on altitude, SPD, position and system status
Enhance crew coordination, common recognition and fail safe function
PM must respond to confirm and affirms no crew incapacitation
When 1000 to level off call required ?
Any altitude up until FAF (non precision) or up to GS intercept alt
What is FAF on non precision APP chart when not listed?
Legs page - Fix with F__runway number ie FE30 or
first wpt when GS angle mentioned in legs page
No callout required for FAF if neither of these or for PAR APP
Altitude check on ILS purpose?
To confirm you not capture ghost beam on GS (ghost beam above normal beam and double the angle of normal path)
Altitude call out non precision APP
Within 10ft as to allow for -50ft/+100ft deviation requirements after passing FAF for IAN and VNAV
Do we callout Flare / Rollout armed?
No auto arms when Land 2 or 3 displayed
Deviation call for SPD
Only apply to +10kts or -5 from target SPd in the landing configuration
“Airspeed or Vref + ___”
Purpose of 10’000ft and 5000ft call?
Alert PF of 250kts SPd and 300kts / 2500ft min company limits
Deviation call “Altitude”?
Deviation 50ft from MDA on NPA
Actions when situations beyond scope of non-normal checklists?
- basic aerodynamics and system knowledge
- rudder to counter ailerons
- asymmetric thrust / thrust for pitch
- any force on controls ok
- captain judgement and basic flying of A/C
- fuel jettison to enhance performance
When to complete memory items?
After establishing A/C control and configuration
All checklists should be complete by FAF
Can you disconnect PFC (primary flight control system) ?
Yes but only if AC control is difficult- don’t engage again unless become worse to control
What items to consider for diversion landing ?
- weather
- time
- RwY length
- emergency services
- familiarity with airport
- medical / city facilities
What is MAP shift :
It occurs when the aircraft obtains “new” information on it’s position, and so it shifts the aircraft’s position to the new spot.
Where is Autoland / CaT 2/3 data sheet?
Each station control office / AJX operations office
Where is Autoland RWYS located?
Route manual JEPP company pages info
Requirements of CAT 1 runway?
GS 2.5-3.25’
Threshold crossing height appropriate
LOC runway aligned (no offset)
Ground surface almost flat from 80ft onwards
Can regular captain make evaluation of CaT 1 runway to be added / approved?
No - must be approved by chief pilot or training / checking
Why do autoland when not CAT 2?
Recency / practice of familiarity for actual operations help improve external observation and instrument monitoring
Points to consider for autoland
- ILS critical area protected or not (GS/LOC deviations)
- prepare manual takeover
- touchdown point varies (95% accuracy)
When could MAP shift occur?
- Due to differences in GPS coordinates
- unreliable Navaids (update by nav radio)
- position error IRU (update by IRU)
What speed / altitude / airspace is FMS holding based on?
FAA/ICAO standard (japan different) so must confirm the ALT / SPD / airspace limitations and enter before confirming Hold
Holding spds based on that altitude at the fix (if early descent must re enter or calculate)
What is holding turn radius based on?
FMS calculated maximum ground speed at time of passing fix
4 polices for establishing operational procedures
- fly First
- Aussie secured + reliable operation
- Achieve effective + efficient operation
- Promote standardised and uniform operation
6 concepts for establishing ANA operation concept
- Task sharing
- Crew coordination
3 crew communication - Monitor and cross check
- Work Load management
- Discipline
Forward control wheel input on takeoff roll until when?
80kts then natural
Target rotation rate / pitch?
2-2.5’ per second to V2+15 up to 25 (15’ NUP initially and follow FD)
Double check fuel loaded method and limits?
- EICAS fuel indication (0lbs to +5000lbs)
- Ramp total (fuel remaining + fuel loaded) - (-1000lbs to + 6000lbs)
Ramp total required?
Only long flights > 2000nm ie no HK, TSA, ICN or after diversion to DEsT < 2000nm
Stabilised App Criteria
By 1000ft: (500ft circling)
- attitude + position correct
- airspeed target -5/+10 and sink rate <1000ft / min
- engine thrust appropriate
- gear down, landing flap, LDG C/L complete
Exceptions to stabilised 1000ft call?
- ATC / chart SPD requirements
- 1000ft level off long way from airport
- Overlap ATC comms with landing C/L
“intensional” after 1000ft ____
Too low gear / flap procedure
- below 1000ft stabilised = GA
- above 1000ft (due temp RAD ALT due hill etc - can continue configure by min height of 1000ft)
VNAV SPD mode what alt constraints assured?
All at or above constraints
Normal / ALtN ALT MCP setting (VNAV)
Between Star and FAF (not after)
Normal - set nest lowest ALT just prior to each constraint (once assured)
ALTN - set highest of alt constraint chart on chart / ATC / FAF if closely spaced within 4nm of WPT (only in VNAV mode)
Can’t set FAF alt until inside IAF within 4nm of descent point
Wings should be level what alt circling APP
Bounced landing recovery ?
Heavy bounce = GA
Small bounce = establish LdG attitude again thrust if needed (manual extend spd brk)
What is clear ice
Clear formed on A/C flying through supercooled rain between 0 to -5’c or when AC skin temp below zero and raining
What is Rime Ice?
Form of A/C icing - when temps below -10’c small particles stick to A/C (white colour has bubbles)
Affect on icing to wing ?
- increase stall speed
- increases weight and drag
- control ability issues
- avoid flying slow and flaps down
3 types hydroplaning?
- dynamic (water > 3mm on RWY)
- viscous (thin film water acts as lubricant)
- rubber reversion (hot tyre and water vapour)
Hydroplaning speed / formula
9 x square root tyre pressure (PSI)
Procedure during hydroplaning?
Release brakes until tyre spins up again and then apply brakes again
Is hydroplaning possible GRV RWY?
No only heavy rain NON GRV
How is VMU related to VR
VMU (unstick speed) min speed AC will fly and is only 3-5kts below VR
Stall margin from stick shaker and AOB?
5kts margin from stick shaker to stall in 25’ AOB so keeping under 10’AOB no worries
Climb rate at stick shaker?
2000ft / min with Max thrust
Should you pitch down during windshear to gain speed?
No! Maintain ALT and then climb
Converting SPD to ALT?
10kts = 100-120ft
Why don’t select GA flap during Windshear?
Increase in SPD has negative affect on initial climb rate
danger of stall with lowering speed
Altitude loss initially
Why don’t retract gear during Windshear?
In case ground contact and has min affect on altitude loss
What conditions can optimum V1 and improved CLB be used in?
- All RWY conditions
- ATM used
- All combinations of thrust and flap settings
Used as standard for OPT in calculations
Minimum value of V1 limited by what?
VMCG lower limit and VR or Max brake entry speed at upper limit and within limit of takeoff field length
What is obstacle clearance height on takeoff?
What is clearway? And stop way ?
Clear way - area end of runway with no permanent obstacles / buildings / trees to hinder AC movement after V1 takeoff (included in TODA) not for ASDA
Stopway - area end of runway prepared surface wide as the runway to provide extra stopping distance in RTO (included in ASDA and also TODA)
What is LDA ?
From threshold (not including displacement) to end of runway
What is ToRA?
Takeoff run including displacement distance to end of runway
Can you use improved CLB if takeoff weight limited by field limit (with no improved CLB)
No and the takeoff speeds can’t be increased
Flap setting for GA vs balked landing
Balked - remain current flap until establishment in climb away from runway
GA - set GA flaps
Speed brakes auto deploy when:
- Even if lever down and GS > 85kts and either thrust lever TO range then idle range
When is TOGA not available?
<2ft RA for 3 secs or more and not available until above 5ft RA or after touchdown
Regaining directional control slippery LDG RWY?
Release brakes and REV to idle then straighten reapply brakes and REV
Engine cool down
5 mins recommended but not essential
Flight control test after landing
90 seconds but can be done via alternate shutdown procedure turn on C1 or C2 elec pump and L + R elec demand pump
Reason to block in with flaps extended
Cold weather (prevent damage), bird strike, failure,
APU ON - Turn on all Elec HYD demand pumps and flaps up (under instruction by engineer)
If external PWR - see procedure
Manual trim zero at what speed?
Auto set to zero at 30kts
What is LAM?
Landing Attitude Modifier
Increases pitch attitude to prevent nose gear first landing during high approach speed (decreases droop amount of spoilers)