Olfaction in Insects and Animals/ Smell n Taste 3 Flashcards
Where 2 lectures of wynand olfaction and smell and taste blended into one
What does ORN stand for?
Olfactory receptor neuron
What kind of cilia does each ORN contain and what are they bathed in?
Non-motile cilia bathed in mucus that covers the olfactory epithelium. They also contain receptors
What do the unmyelinated axons of the ORN become?
Primary olfactory nerve fibre that passes through the cribriform plate and first synapses in the olfactory bulb
What is an odorant?
Chemicals that can dissolve in the nasal mucus - gives an odour to something. May be water soluble or hydrophobic
How are odorants bound and how is stimulation stopped?
By odorant binding proteins and once neuron stimulated you have to remove the odorant to stop stimulation
Give an example of the metabolic proteins that odorant binding proteins help with the secretion of.
Cytochrome P450, dehydrogenases, oxidases, esterase’s
Explain the process of olfactory transduction.
6 marks
- Odorant binds to OBP which activates a receptor
- Receptor receives appropriate ligand and undergoes conformational change activating a G-protein
- Activated G-protein activates adenyl cyclase which makes cAMP, and cell depolarises
- cAMP acts on Ca2+ gated ion channels
- Channel opens allowing Ca2+ and Na+ to come into the cilia of a neurons causing depolarisation
- Ca2+ causes further depolarisation by acting on Ca2+ gated Cl- channels, Cl- leaves neuron causing further depolarisation
What happens when adenyl cyclase doesn’t function properly?
Have reduced cAMP an maybe develop complete anosmia
What can you use to possibly reduce the affects of anosmia/ restore some scent function?
Using phosphodiesterase inhibitors
What can be observed in fMRI when presented with different odours?
Different patterns of brain activity within the olfactory bulb
What are the five basic tastes?
Salt, Sour, Sweet, Bitter and, Umami
What particular amino acid is the umami taste associated with?
Glutamate and aspartate
How are taste buds arranged on the tongue?
In groups of 30-100 elongated neuroepithelial cells (not neurons). Embedded in papillae (not always)
What is at the apex of the taste bud and below its apex?
At apex is microvillar processes that protrude through small opening - taste pore
Below apex is taste cell joined by tight junctional complexes which prevent gaps between cells
What are the 2 theories to the specificity of taste?
Either have a specific taste bud detects one specific taste. Or have multiple taste receptors that line one taste bud
What do the taste cells do after a chemical comes through the pore?
Communicate/ innervate with neurons
How many members are there to the bitter receptor family and what cells are they expressed in?
50-80 members, expressed in cells that also express the G-protein involved in the cascade (alpha-gustducin)
What are the characteristics of sweet and umami receptors?
Made up of a combination of different subunits, coded for by gene family T1Rs
What receptors are ‘for’ umami taste?
T1R1+3 Amino acid receptor
What receptors are ‘for’ a sweet taste?
T1R2+3 - sweet receptor. T1R3 may be a sweetener receptor on its own
What other ‘tastes’ are there where their detection hasn’t fully been established as of yet?
Fat-CD36 this is an integral membrane protein on cell surface that binds fat.
Astringency - feelings of unripe fruit (bitterness, sour taste sort of)