Behavioural ecology and optimality p.I Flashcards
What does behavioural ecology look at?
- How animal had adapted to enviroment e.g. reproduction and patterns of desertion of caregivers
What are the consequences of ansigomany?
(2 marks)
- Females tend to be dsitributed in relation to resources
- Male reproductive success is limited to access of females
What is female and male distribution driven by?
Female distribution is driven by dispersal of food
Males is driven by dispersal of females
What is the distribution between certain factors that affect monogomay?
(2 marks)
- Disperesed food means dispersed females
- Therefore, dispersed males
- So one male can only protect ONE female - monogamy
How does the distribution of food result in polygamy?
- Food dispersed in more dense areas, get more females
- Aggregated: food ⇒ females ⇒ males
What factors affect female and male distribution?
(2 marks)
- Female: costs and benefits of grouping, predation risk, resource distribution
- Male: Female distribution, resource distribution
What is polygyny?
- Male animal has more than one female mate
- M + FFF
What is polyandry?
- Female animal has more than one male mate
- F + MMMM
What is polygynandry?
- Mating system where both male and females have multiple mating partners during mating season
What is promiscuity?
Mating system wehere there are no pair bonds - unstructured
What is the difference between female solitary in stable monogamous relationships and temporary monogamy/promiscuity?
Stable monogamous relationships are able to be defensible by males however the temporary ones don’t get that male defence
What is harem based polygyny?
Single male trying to defend a large group of females. But can sometimes have males compete against other males to achieve this dominant position
What is a multi-male harem?
Multiple males defending a group of females
What is a harem?
Animal group consisting of one or two males and a number of females and their offspring
What is lekking?
(3 marks)
Groups of males display on tiny-resource free territoties. But females won’t be defended as they do this.
Found in species with huge female home ranges
Rare behaviour
Why do males aggregate?
(3 marks)
- Signalling pooling; lots of displaying males together in same place may increase female attraction
- Males aggregating to avoid predation
- Females visit leks for ‘hotspots’ to compare other males
What are some of the criticisms of behavioural ecology?
(3 marks)
- Implies genetic determinism - behaviour is dynamic of outcome of genes w/ their environment
- Anthropormorphic language - animals responding to stimuli and many don’t mean to be ‘selfish’
- Only tells stories to fit observations