What is smell/olfaction?
what happens through your nose
What is flavour?
combination of taste, smell, somatosensation/mouth feel, and more that leads to the overall Gestalt of a particular food
What is retrograde olfaction?
smell through nasopharyngeal pathway
What is discriminative capacity?
breadth of different stimuli that system can tell apart
Odorant Receptors: Evolution of multi-gene families
evolve quickly – different species have dramatically different numbers of functional odorant receptors
Model for Odour Processing Between Mitral Cells and Piriform Cortex
very similar to PN > KC connections, but with more inhibition
Briefly describe an experiment you would do to examine how odours are represented in the
cortical amygdala.
load the cortical amygdala with a calcium sensitive dye, and measure calcium signals in cells while exposing the mouse to different odours