Lecture 5: Peripheral Olfaction Flashcards
What is taste/gustation?
strictly what happens through your taste buds
What is smell/olfaction?
what happens through your nose
What is flavour?
combination of taste, smell, somatosensation/mouth feel, and more that leads to the overall Gestalt of a particular food
What are the contributions of the taste system to flavour?
can distinguish if something is sweet and/or sour
(but can’t determine what the food is specifically)
What are the contributions of the smell system to flavour?
can distinguish what the food is
- evokes memories
- smell is critical to our perception of food, some things are much more identifiable with than without smell
What is a percept?
impression of an object obtained by use of the senses
What is the discriminative capacity?
breadth of different stimuli that system can tell apart
Describe the anatomy of the olfactory system.
- olfactory epithelium lined with olfactory sensory neurons
- olfactory sensory neurons project to olfactory bulb
How do odours enter the nose?
nose knows that odours are sensed in the nasal cavity
smells enter through nostril, then gets absorbed into mucus on membrane (epithelium) and makes contact with receptors to activate neurons
What happens when vertebrate odour receptors (GPCRs) are activated?
GPCRs are activated by binding of odour ligand
- activates Golf
- production of cAMP
- active Na+/Ca2+ cAMP-gated ion channel (cation channel) depolarizes the cell
- Ca2+-gated Cl- channel normally hyperpolarizes the membrane because negative ions are entering cells, however because of equilibrium potential of Cl- in cells, Cl- actually exits, causing depolarization
How have odorant receptors evolved?
quick evolution of multi-gene families – different species have dramatically different numbers of functional odorant receptors
Why might insect odorant receptors be ion channels instead of GPCRs like humans?
they use olfaction for more important things than humans do
What is the vertebrate odorant receptor expression pattern?
strictly one per cell
What is a glomerulus?
represents a functional unit for olfactory perception
What is the receptive field of olfactory receptor neurons?
the specific odour molecules that activate a neuron
What is NOT part of the receptive field?
portion of space that the neuron can detect odours from (how much a neuron gets activated depending on where the odour is)
What does it mean to be narrowly tuned?
relatively specific for a small number of stimuli
What does it mean to be broadly tuned?
respond to wide range of stimuli
Is there an odour map (chemotopy) in the mammalian brain (olfactory bulb)?
PROBLEM: odour molecules are notoriously difficult to parameterize
- if we group chemicals based on functional groups, we can see a little bit of rough chemotopy – ie. anterior glomeruli appear more sensitive to aldehydes, while posterior glomeruli appear more sensitive to thiazoles
HOWEVER: plotting response similarity between pairs of glomeruli vs. distance between them (to see if glomeruli with similar activities tend to be close together), there is no significant correlation
- if some property of odour space is mapped, glomeruli that respond to similar odours should be closer together than glomeruli that respond to different odours